
Spoonman Game profile


Jul 23rd 2014, 2:06:07

Munch... Munch... Munch...

ericownsyou5 Game profile


Jul 23rd 2014, 3:41:24

Pretty classless to be honest.

SpeedWood Game profile


Jul 23rd 2014, 3:54:43

if you can't keep your land at that nw, you don't deserve it.

and if you are pactless, you leave yourself open to it.

Spoonman Game profile


Jul 23rd 2014, 4:11:16

Same thing the way around right? If you get grabbed and i grow beyond retal of anybody, you don't have the right to say "Classless" since you don't deserve land that you can't take back?

Spoonman Game profile


Jul 23rd 2014, 4:12:06

Guide me SpeedWood coz i'm new to this game...

flgatorboy89 Game profile


Jul 23rd 2014, 4:39:39


<jon> off to bed fluffbeater :p
<mrford> i dont beat fluffs
<mrford> i eat them
<mrford> gosh
<jon> well, fluffeater
<Kat> oookay....

locket Game profile


Jul 23rd 2014, 4:47:31

Yah topfeeding from a clan who would fluff about being farmed by techers is lame

flgatorboy89 Game profile


Jul 23rd 2014, 5:03:14

Spoonman which alliance are you with?

<jon> off to bed fluffbeater :p
<mrford> i dont beat fluffs
<mrford> i eat them
<mrford> gosh
<jon> well, fluffeater
<Kat> oookay....

Boltar Game profile


Jul 23rd 2014, 5:39:05

saw this coming.. they do it all the time..

tellarion Game profile


Jul 23rd 2014, 7:17:04

Even while at war and with a pact too..

iScode Game profile


Jul 23rd 2014, 7:58:15

whose at war?
God of War


iScode Game profile


Jul 23rd 2014, 8:07:41

Originally posted by locket:
Yah topfeeding from a clan who would fluff about being farmed by techers is lame

No its not.
God of War


mdevol Game profile


Jul 23rd 2014, 8:38:00

Originally posted by iScode:
whose at war?

he was referring to the topfeed of EVO while RAGE was at war with MD and SoL

I assume EVO and RAGE are pacted, and that still didn't stop RAGE from topfeeding EVO, while at war.

That is a reflection of leadership, if nothing else.

Surely what a man does when he is caught off his guard is the best evidence as to what sort of man he is. - C.S. Lewis

iScode Game profile


Jul 23rd 2014, 8:47:29

Originally posted by mdevol:
Originally posted by iScode:
whose at war?

he was referring to the topfeed of EVO while RAGE was at war with MD and SoL

I assume EVO and RAGE are pacted, and that still didn't stop RAGE from topfeeding EVO, while at war.

That is a reflection of leadership, if nothing else.

By your argument then MD has VERY POOR leadership letting one of there members suicide multiple alliances including your own. Yet I see that didnt stop you from working with them. Stop being hypocritical.

You know as well as I do that one members actions is not a reflection of leadership. Its how leadership react to that single members actions that is a reflection of leadership...

However if this is what this thread is about, why the hell are they coming to fluff on AT 8 days after the grab? I mean really? THAT is a reflection of an alliances leadership.
God of War


Boltar Game profile


Jul 23rd 2014, 10:50:57

hmm havent seen that kind of spinning since dagga was in his prime scode ;)

bstrong86 Game profile


Jul 23rd 2014, 10:51:36

Doesnt ever matter the size of your D(thats what she said), breaking is too easy with a PS.

Mix in a war prepped country, with, who i am guessing has wep tech and full relations. Doubt many people at tthe moment could defend there land.

It is classless. Witnessed it first hand myself, early this set. War prepped, but now not warring, is a bad combination.
The Death Knights


iScode Game profile


Jul 23rd 2014, 11:00:41

Originally posted by Boltar:
hmm havent seen that kind of spinning since dagga was in his prime scode ;)

Im not defending the actions of the member who hit evo. I am just saying what mdevol said about one members actions being a reflection of leadership is completely inaccurate and hypocritical because if that was the case then my actions were a reflection of MD's leadership as at the time I was a member in their alliance.

Thats not spinning, thats just stating a fact.
God of War


iScode Game profile


Jul 23rd 2014, 11:03:08

and if that is the case, then why would SOL (who mdevol is a one of the main leaders of) still working closely with MD?

Why would mdevol advocate working with such a poorly run alliance who obviously have poor leadership (according to mdevol, im not saying they do, he is saying they do.)
God of War


bstrong86 Game profile


Jul 23rd 2014, 11:11:37

The difference is you hid under an assumed identity and planned to suicide.
The Death Knights


iScode Game profile


Jul 23rd 2014, 11:29:19

no your wrong, there is no difference.

The point im trying to make is one members actions do not reflect the leadership as a whole. It is how the alliance handles that members actions with the alliance that was affected that reflects the leadership.
God of War


timmie Game profile


Jul 23rd 2014, 11:45:38

Iscode you are right in that the actions of one member should not reflect directly on leadership. But leadership need to take responsibility for each members actions, which md did.

But get one thing straight, you were never in MD. You deceived md and were posing as somebody else, whilst planning on causing as much damage to them as possible.. Anyways the argument about if you cant defend your land you don't deserve it is the biggest bs. You have top feeding and bottom feeding either way someone in a larger tag running all jetter, a ps and off allies can top or bottom feed anyone.

for smaller tags the only real way to protect your land has nothing to do with defense. Pact out and don't get too landfat..

Boltar Game profile


Jul 23rd 2014, 11:54:42

point i was making about the spinning was this.. regardless of in war or out of war.. tag is pacted yes or no? if yes. then they shouldnt have touched evo. and reflection of leadership or not. it sums up how they feel about future relations and what seems to be inevitable next set in a server war.. why not hurt a couple of evo's finishes.. the war seems to be coming to evo 1 way or another.. be it cause tella has been speaking his mind too much.. and surely sof and any LaF jackoff in charge or with power dont like it. so its coming. rage is just the tool in which to start the fight or reason to fight later

Colonel Chaos Game profile


Jul 23rd 2014, 11:59:01

Originally posted by iScode:

You know as well as I do that one members actions is not a reflection of leadership. Its how leadership react to that single members actions that is a reflection of leadership...


Well said iScode. MD leadership in that instance gained a lot of respect... and I'm sure I'm not alone in saying that. It was beautifully handled. Likewise, it seems RAGE allowed Evo to take the land back... although I am not familiar with relations prior nor what terms were requested for the hit.

No flaming or any 'buts'... just well said iScode. I thought with all the negative fluff here, someone should point out when you make a good statement :)
Colonel Chaos
SOL FR Commander -> #solfr
ICQ: 37772272
Skype: colonel.chaos
“Tact is the knack of making a point without making an enemy.”
― Isaac Newton

juice Game profile


Jul 23rd 2014, 12:47:33

Originally posted by Colonel Chaos:
Originally posted by iScode:

You know as well as I do that one members actions is not a reflection of leadership. Its how leadership react to that single members actions that is a reflection of leadership...


Well said iScode. MD leadership in that instance gained a lot of respect... and I'm sure I'm not alone in saying that. It was beautifully handled. Likewise, it seems RAGE allowed Evo to take the land back... although I am not familiar with relations prior nor what terms were requested for the hit.

No flaming or any 'buts'... just well said iScode. I thought with all the negative fluff here, someone should point out when you make a good statement :)

I agree with both of these guys.

Someone is just butthurt and wants to try to point out everything that may seem negative about what Rage does. Go rest your hurt bum and stop fluffing about thing you don't know. Rage talked to Evo and gave them what they wanted for the action.

NOTE: This is NOT an official Rage leader post.

tellarion Game profile


Jul 23rd 2014, 13:05:15

Scode, you honestly have no idea what youre talking about, and you are not makin the salient points you seem to think you are making. You should probably gracefully exit this thread, although i doubt you will.

Spoonman is not in evo. This thread is bot about evo.

tellarion Game profile


Jul 23rd 2014, 13:06:32

Also, why does my autocorrect just tandomly turn off? Apple really fluff the ed with their ios update last time. This new autocorrect is a joke...

juice Game profile


Jul 23rd 2014, 13:17:35

Originally posted by tellarion:
Also, why does my autocorrect just tandomly turn off? Apple really fluff the ed with their ios update last time. This new autocorrect is a joke...

Samsung Galaxy S5

The next big thing is already here


BLUEEE Game profile


Jul 23rd 2014, 13:56:38

iscode your a stupid tool.

Trife Game profile


Jul 23rd 2014, 14:19:22

I am shocked rage would do such a thing




Jul 23rd 2014, 14:44:15

"By your argument then MD has VERY POOR leadership letting one of there members suicide multiple alliances including your own. Yet I see that didnt stop you from working with them. Stop being hypocritical."

Wasnt that YOU that did that? And it was not a "member", it was YOU having member status under an assumed name. But then we should have known what you would do from the moment you joined, right? lol


AT never ceases to entertainment on my breaks.

Ragnarok's Green Eyed Lady

juice Game profile


Jul 23rd 2014, 15:02:46

it really doesn't matter what nick a person goes by...if MD allowed someone to tag up under their tag, then it is an MD country.

With that said, I still agree that it is not MDs leaders at fault for an MD country going off the rails. It would only be MDs leaders fault if they didn't respond in any favorable way to those actions. If MDs leaders responded well, then MD has good leaders.

I often wonder if a new member to our clan is just a spy from another clan. It's hard to know for sure. We don't want to turn away new members, but we also don't want to allow someone to join if they are a spy, or someone who might screw up our image (I know, some of you think our image is already screwed...pfft, whatever.)

The point is, clan leadership should not be held responsible for a members actions if that member acted without the leaders permission. The clan leadership must make ammends in some way to show that the clan, as a whole, is not to blame.

In this specific case, where Rage supposedly topfed, Rage leaders did make ammends, and thus, it is not Rage as a whole who should be blamed for this topfeed, but the one sole member alone.

With all that said, if you cannot defend your land, take a single retal and learn from your own mistake. If being topfed really scares you, find a way that it will never happen again (ex. don't be landfat, get more defense, pact out, start a war every set this happens to show you won't take being topfed, talk to the admin to make being topfed harder, etc.)

I don't landgrab much anymore because their are too many pussies whining about these type of things. I absolutely will never accept L:L if I ever do landgrab. I promise, in or out of a clan, if someone thinks I'll accept L:L on my country after a grab I made, I'll go to war with the person taking the retals. You may decide to kill me, but I'll die knowing that at least one country will be screwed by my hands, because I personally think L:L is a fluff way to ensure you never get grabbed. Take your hits, take your retals and move on.

Again, I am not speaking on behalf of any clan. Just for myself. If I ever have to speak for a clan, my views may change, as I'll then have to think about more than just myself.

Also, due to my views, I'll say again, I don't landgrab much. This helps to prevent problems for my clan leaders.

SpeedWood Game profile


Jul 23rd 2014, 15:15:14

if you were to spy that Pinoob country, i think 90% of countries not pacted would want to grab...

/flame on

BLUEEE Game profile


Jul 23rd 2014, 15:19:53

I'm sorry nitro I didn't realize I was in college again and writing an essay. Did you know Siegmund Freud determined that being overly obsessed with grammar is a sign mental immaturity.

juice Game profile


Jul 23rd 2014, 15:40:32

Originally posted by BLUEEE:
I'm sorry nitro I didn't realize I was in college again and writing an essay. Did you know Siegmund Freud determined that being overly obsessed with grammar is a sign mental immaturity.

Did you know Sigmund Freud determined that being overly obsessed with grammar is a sign of mental immaturity?

jjterrico Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 23rd 2014, 15:43:48

Originally posted by Nitro:
Today in English 101:

Your - This is your lunch, right?

You're - You are a tool for not knowing the difference between "your" and "you're".

Lol +1

Home Turf Game profile


Jul 23rd 2014, 16:30:12

Kill em all! Let God sort em out!

Nekked Game profile


Jul 23rd 2014, 18:25:04


mdevol Game profile


Jul 23rd 2014, 18:55:49

If this was 1 member, and was an isolated indecent, then, yes, you would be right Scode.

It is not.

218 topfed MONSTERS (with #6 following up the next day for another 800 land)
171 topfed DK
221 topfed EVO
443 5-tapped TPA
and now, what this thread is about
303 topfed TPA

The point stands that is not isolated and just 1 person. and it has been spread out all reset. If it was just one, it would be different.

What happened last reset with MD was isolated, and 1 person who suicided. Hardly the same.

Surely what a man does when he is caught off his guard is the best evidence as to what sort of man he is. - C.S. Lewis

robyn Game profile


Jul 23rd 2014, 20:30:21

So let me get this straight mdevol, all your members in SOL are puppets and you control the strings.

Stating that leadership is responsible for everything a member does is just ridiculous. So were supposed to know exactly what everyone is thinking and stop them before they make a move?

This entire thread is pointless and stupid. RAGE worked with EVO, and now we are working with Pinoy. We do not alienate other alliance whether they are allies or not.

DK was granted a DNH after the grab in question, and Pinoy was put on DNH as well. I dont see what all of you guys get out of the stupid flaming and insulting others.


iScode Game profile


Jul 23rd 2014, 20:44:51

Originally posted by tellarion:
Scode, you honestly have no idea what youre talking about, and you are not makin the salient points you seem to think you are making. You should probably gracefully exit this thread, although i doubt you will.

Spoonman is not in evo. This thread is bot about evo.

So the whole basis of my argument on this thread is that one members actions should not reflect the leadership. Do you disagree with that statement.

Are you trying to say that any action by any of your members reflects your leadership and your whole alliance? If so your more retarded than I thought (FYI I prefer your my way, but thanks anyway nitro :).

And yes I know this thread is not about evo and spoonman is not in evo. hence my reply to you 'whose at war' because the grabs this thread are refering to didnt happen when rage was at war, or did you just make that up in your own little mind?

God of War


timmie Game profile


Jul 23rd 2014, 20:46:01

Iscode you are right in that the actions of one member should not reflect directly on leadership. But leadership need to take responsibility for each members actions, which md did.

But get one thing straight, you were never in MD. You deceived md and were posing as somebody else, whilst planning on causing as much damage to them as possible.. Anyways the argument about if you cant defend your land you don't deserve it is the biggest bs. You have top feeding and bottom feeding either way someone in a larger tag running all jetter, a ps and off allies can top or bottom feed anyone.

for smaller tags the only real way to protect your land has nothing to do with defense. Pact out and don't get too landfat..

iScode Game profile


Jul 23rd 2014, 20:53:08

Originally posted by Boltar:
point i was making about the spinning was this.. regardless of in war or out of war.. tag is pacted yes or no? if yes. then they shouldnt have touched evo. and reflection of leadership or not. it sums up how they feel about future relations and what seems to be inevitable next set in a server war.. why not hurt a couple of evo's finishes.. the war seems to be coming to evo 1 way or another.. be it cause tella has been speaking his mind too much.. and surely sof and any LaF jackoff in charge or with power dont like it. so its coming. rage is just the tool in which to start the fight or reason to fight later

So wait you took my point and then tried to make another point by saying I was spinning, dude, seriously, just stop, if you are going to say I am spinning then focus on the point I am making, my point is that one members actions does not reflect leadership, yet yourself, Tella, bstrong, Ruth all seem to disagree with it, the only one who gets the ONLY point I was making is CC.

And look all four of those people are or were leaders at some stage, you would think they understand things happen which is out of leaders control, I mean hell if you all disagree with the point im making then really it all Ruths fault of what I did to MD, she recruited me, she got me to apply, so it must be all her fault right!!!

No, the blame for that lies squarely on my shoulders (but its ok, according to Aresnal I did little to no damage anyway so I dont feel to bad lol).
God of War


iScode Game profile


Jul 23rd 2014, 20:54:10

Originally posted by BLUEEE:
iscode your a stupid tool.

I still love you buddy, and I know you love me to deep down, its those dirt MD lying bastards who are messing with your head, I dont blame you, I blame them

PS, I prefer your over you're too :)

We gotta catch up on gmail sometime ;)
God of War


Riddler Game profile


Jul 23rd 2014, 21:36:39

Originally posted by BLUEEE:
iscode your a stupid tool.

YOU'RE a stupid tool...just sayin

Riddler Game profile


Jul 23rd 2014, 21:41:09

you know what I like most about this post?
The fact that Rage is noticed again. whether you love us or hate us we are here to stay.

and the flaming can go away now...we have some old old old school members that played back when there was no such thing as a topfeed, and some new players as well, who haven't quite got the hang of checking the embassy, either way RAGE leadership has come to an agreement with all of those other leaders and have worked out the issue.

galleri Game profile

Game Moderator
Primary, Express, Tourney, & FFA

Jul 23rd 2014, 21:45:38

Oh ffs...another one of these threads

Kahuna: Ya you just wrote the fkn equation, not helping me at all. Lol n I hated algebra.

Spoonman Game profile


Jul 23rd 2014, 22:03:41

Being top fed once while Rage is at war can be considered fair. But twice, can it be considered a trend already in Rage? TRENDING! Weee... I didnt mind the land lost coz im getting it back. My point is, if top feeding is ok when you cant defend the land, then the other way around should also be acceptable. That you dont deserve the land if someone hits, grows out of range, and you cant retal back

galleri Game profile

Game Moderator
Primary, Express, Tourney, & FFA

Jul 23rd 2014, 22:07:04

Originally posted by Riddler:
you know what I like most about this post?
The fact that Rage is noticed again. whether you love us or hate us we are here to stay.

and the flaming can go away now...we have some old old old school members that played back when there was no such thing as a topfeed, and some new players as well, who haven't quite got the hang of checking the embassy, either way RAGE leadership has come to an agreement with all of those other leaders and have worked out the issue.

I liked it better when you and blade were Vengeance. :P

Kahuna: Ya you just wrote the fkn equation, not helping me at all. Lol n I hated algebra.

maverickmd Game profile


Jul 23rd 2014, 22:37:10

Originally posted by iScode:
Originally posted by mdevol:
Originally posted by iScode:
whose at war?

he was referring to the topfeed of EVO while RAGE was at war with MD and SoL

I assume EVO and RAGE are pacted, and that still didn't stop RAGE from topfeeding EVO, while at war.

That is a reflection of leadership, if nothing else.

By your argument then MD has VERY POOR leadership letting one of there members suicide multiple alliances including your own. Yet I see that didnt stop you from working with them. Stop being hypocritical.

You know as well as I do that one members actions is not a reflection of leadership. Its how leadership react to that single members actions that is a reflection of leadership...

However if this is what this thread is about, why the hell are they coming to fluff on AT 8 days after the grab? I mean really? THAT is a reflection of an alliances leadership.

MD's leadership rallied the entire alliance and paid extremely favorable reps for all of the "member" damage done by the suicide. Including honoring 200% land to land plus extra for any pacted allies that were hit.

I dont think these situations are comparable in any context.



Jul 23rd 2014, 23:48:27

Originally posted by maverickmd:
Originally posted by iScode:
Originally posted by mdevol:
Originally posted by iScode:
whose at war?

he was referring to the topfeed of EVO while RAGE was at war with MD and SoL

I assume EVO and RAGE are pacted, and that still didn't stop RAGE from topfeeding EVO, while at war.

That is a reflection of leadership, if nothing else.

and the fact that it was that guy which did it. Self fulfilling prophecy or some fluff.
By your argument then MD has VERY POOR leadership letting one of there members suicide multiple alliances including your own. Yet I see that didnt stop you from working with them. Stop being hypocritical.

You know as well as I do that one members actions is not a reflection of leadership. Its how leadership react to that single members actions that is a reflection of leadership...

However if this is what this thread is about, why the hell are they coming to fluff on AT 8 days after the grab? I mean really? THAT is a reflection of an alliances leadership.

MD's leadership rallied the entire alliance and paid extremely favorable reps for all of the "member" damage done by the suicide. Including honoring 200% land to land plus extra for any pacted allies that were hit.

I dont think these situations are comparable in any context.