


Sep 11th 2010, 0:22:11

Looks like your about to be tag killed. Well, i would say it was a good war but seeing how you outnumbered SOL by 20 countries (give or take) and still are about to be tag killed. Well, no one would call that an outstanding performance. Maybe next set you will do better but i doubt it. Great job SOL. The only thing this war is lacking from you is getting the last 2 LAFers and i know you will within the next day or so. Great JOB.

PS- Pang, this thread doesn't call for any trash talking or excuses from you so please stay out of it.

SolidSnake Game profile


Sep 11th 2010, 0:23:28

who the fluff are you and what made you so stupid

kemo Game profile


Sep 11th 2010, 0:24:33

rofl tellin the main laf representative to stay out of a thread concerning his home
all praised to ra

Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

Sep 11th 2010, 0:30:41

Originally posted by SolidSnake:
who the fluff are you and what made you so stupid

Lead paint.
- Premium Patron Member

Vic Rattlehead Game profile


Sep 11th 2010, 0:39:30

SS, you talk way too much fluff for having just got your ass kicked.

Then again you always talk too much fluff, so what's new?
yahoo chat:

available 24/7

H4xOr WaNgEr Game profile

Forum Moderator

Sep 11th 2010, 1:23:46

Here I thought that I was the main LaF representative.

Pang Game profile

Game Development

Sep 11th 2010, 1:31:39

what the hell?

you're unbanned now? :p

I'm still wondering why you tried to pass off an ICN'ers quote as LaF policy from that last thread where you got banned, btw

do you really feel the need to troll LaF constantly? :p
maki needs to put a better leash on some of his SoL flamers, or at least stop complaining when we respond to the flames :p

you can say the real reason you don't want me on the thread as well. The reason is because I debunk the stupidity you try to present as fact.

I'd prefer to keep all of our interactions in-game, but you keep making these threads....

Edited By: Pang on Sep 11th 2010, 1:53:47
See Original Post
Earth Empires Staff
pangaea [at] earthempires [dot] com

Boxcar - Earth Empires Clan & Alliance Hosting

H4xOr WaNgEr Game profile

Forum Moderator

Sep 11th 2010, 1:49:55

besides, who is making excuses?

I am on record right at the start of the war stating that the chances of LaF winning were very low.



Sep 11th 2010, 2:22:54

H4xOr WaNgEr, if you could only read my post again, you would see that Pang was the person mentioned as making excuses. Thats why i asked him not to post.
However, as everyone can now see, the problem with LAF is their leadership. As you have all just witnessed two of LAF's leaders just proved they don't understand basic reading comprehension. To them I say- post only after you have graduated high school in my threads- i beg of you.



Sep 11th 2010, 2:25:17

SolidSnake- keep your trap shut or i will stomp you. Oh wait, your country was already killed. I guess i will have to come up with a different way to threaten you.

Pang Game profile

Game Development

Sep 11th 2010, 2:29:08

You mistake posting statements of fact, like "we weren't prepared for a war at that point" as excuses, when it's just facts about things that happened :p
No one in LaF, including myself, has been trying to shirk responsibility for the way the war is going.... :p

no one is blaming this on the weather, economy or anything else like that. Those would be excuses.... discussing the conditions that lead up to war is just political posturing -- much like you are ATTEMPTING to do by creating yet another pointless thread to try and kick LaF while they are down.

my initial question still stands though, as you've ignored it about 4 times now:
I'm still wondering why you tried to pass off an ICN'ers quote as LaF policy from that last thread where you got banned, btw

you're just a bad troll, and you keep digging yourself into a hole making dumb statements.

we should just let this thread die since it's not going to help anyone, just waste all of our time :p

Edited By: Pang on Sep 11th 2010, 4:52:19
See Original Post
Earth Empires Staff
pangaea [at] earthempires [dot] com

Boxcar - Earth Empires Clan & Alliance Hosting

Pang Game profile

Game Development

Sep 11th 2010, 2:29:26

Originally posted by PimpThang:
SolidSnake- keep your trap shut or i will stomp you. Oh wait, your country was already killed. I guess i will have to come up with a different way to threaten you.

you could wish death on him?
oh wait...

question still stands btw
are you that clueless that you don't even know who you're attempting to troll?
Earth Empires Staff
pangaea [at] earthempires [dot] com

Boxcar - Earth Empires Clan & Alliance Hosting

torment Game profile


Sep 11th 2010, 2:32:08

Originally posted by Pang:
Originally posted by PimpThang:
SolidSnake- keep your trap shut or i will stomp you. Oh wait, your country was already killed. I guess i will have to come up with a different way to threaten you.

you could wish death on him?
oh wait...

question still stands btw
are you that clueless that you don't even know who you're attempting to troll?

The basic reading comprehension dude lacks basic reading comprehension! who woudathought?

H4xOr WaNgEr Game profile

Forum Moderator

Sep 11th 2010, 13:56:26

Pang isn't a "leader" in LaF, a fact that has been stated multiple times over. So if anyone has problems with basic comprehension, it is you people for continuing to believe that he is.



Sep 11th 2010, 13:57:53

no i have not reading comprehension problems. I have read that before- i just don't trust you people and am certain you are all liars when you say that.

H4xOr WaNgEr Game profile

Forum Moderator

Sep 11th 2010, 14:03:51

well you are certainly wrong.

H4xOr WaNgEr Game profile

Forum Moderator

Sep 11th 2010, 14:05:13

also, there is a difference between "excuse" and "reason" that you are obviously having issues distinguishing between.

Detmer Game profile


Sep 11th 2010, 14:05:43

I pretty much always take anything I have regarding LaF to Pang. He always tells me to talk to H4. If it isn't true it is an elaborate operation to conceal his authority...



Sep 11th 2010, 14:08:39

An excuse explains your shortcomings. A reason explains why you win or are strong. I understand perfectly well.

Ozzite Game profile


Sep 11th 2010, 14:18:01

Man, threads like this make me want to start a country and *help* LaF

/me vomits

but not nearly enough to actually do it :-P
Ah, mercury. Sweetest of the transition metals.

H4xOr WaNgEr Game profile

Forum Moderator

Sep 11th 2010, 14:29:26

obviously you don't, because your definitions are incorrect.

Pang Game profile

Game Development

Sep 11th 2010, 15:18:06

Yes, too much has been made about me being a LaF leader when I actually haven't been one in a while.

Like Detmer said, if you want anything official from LaF, I send you to h4, Para or Gains. That doesn't sound like something a LaF leader would do :p

Also, I'm still waiting for the explanation as to why you tried to pass off an ICN'ers quote as LaF policy from that thread where you got banned

I'm taking your ignoring of it (again) to mean that you don't even know who you're attempting to flame :p
Were those the 'excuses' you speak of? :p
Earth Empires Staff
pangaea [at] earthempires [dot] com

Boxcar - Earth Empires Clan & Alliance Hosting

kemo Game profile


Sep 11th 2010, 16:45:41

para wants my body. i can tell from his love letters
all praised to ra



Sep 11th 2010, 17:14:02

Pang i asked you nicely not to post on this board. Seems you cant keep your trap out with me being nice so how about you shut the fluff up and keep out of it? I'm trying to have a discussion with the real LAFers out there. I don't need your trolling- its a distraction.

Wanger- at least you havn't made excuses- i can respect that from you. What i would like to know is what plans do you have for next set- as far as improvements for LAF and as far as policies? Cause it was poor policies that got you into this mess was it not? Please elaborate and educate us all. I know i can count on an intelligent response from you.

SolidSnake Game profile


Sep 11th 2010, 17:24:43

Originally posted by PimpThang:
SolidSnake- keep your trap shut or i will stomp you. Oh wait, your country was already killed. I guess i will have to come up with a different way to threaten you.

you will stomp me? really? uh ok fred.

torment Game profile


Sep 11th 2010, 17:45:19

Originally posted by PimpThang:

What i would like to know is what plans do you have for next set- as far as improvements for LAF and as far as policies? Cause it was poor policies that got you into this mess was it not? Please elaborate and educate us all. I know i can count on an intelligent response from you.

How long have you played this game. I was under the impression that pretty much everyone was a vet. Clearly I was wrong.

Why dont we start with what sol intends to do next set first. Who you plan to war, when you plan to war and why.

No one. not laf, not one has any obligation to make public any sort of that stuff here. Stop being an idiot.

Pang Game profile

Game Development

Sep 11th 2010, 17:46:49

Originally posted by PimpThang:
Pang i asked you nicely not to post on this board. Seems you cant keep your trap out with me being nice so how about you shut the fluff up and keep out of it? I'm trying to have a discussion with the real LAFers out there. I don't need your trolling- its a distraction.

First, you can't tell anyone not to post on a public thread.
When you start a thread trashing my alliance, you'll expect LaFfers to come out defending the alliance. You said you want a conversation with LaFfers -- I'm a LaFfer, so hello :p But this is not a "conversation with LaFfers" it's a trolling thread done with the goal of drawing negative attention towards LaF.

If you don't want me to poke holes in your arguments and draw attention to your lack of trolling prowess, stop trolling LaF -- and through them, me.

It's a simple equation -> no thread from you trashing LaF, no posting from me towards you :p
Earth Empires Staff
pangaea [at] earthempires [dot] com

Boxcar - Earth Empires Clan & Alliance Hosting

Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

Sep 11th 2010, 17:51:12

Just wondering but when was the last time LaF lost a war?

Not flaming just wondering how long it's been.
- Premium Patron Member

torment Game profile


Sep 11th 2010, 17:57:54

from memory ( ive been playing on-off for the past 5 years) that was the set in EC when sol, ix & sof pretty much hit everyone in the whole server.

Pang Game profile

Game Development

Sep 11th 2010, 18:00:58

ya, torment nailed it

we had also won 2 other wars earlier that set though! :p
and were still big enough that IX needed SoL to help them kill us

and I still finished top 20 :p
So I'd consider it a successful set, overall! :p

Edited By: Pang on Sep 11th 2010, 18:03:44
See Original Post
Earth Empires Staff
pangaea [at] earthempires [dot] com

Boxcar - Earth Empires Clan & Alliance Hosting

Chewi Game profile


Sep 11th 2010, 18:01:44

What alliance in PimpThang in?

Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

Sep 11th 2010, 19:07:21

I remember that set: I was in IX :p

I wouldn't count it as a LaF loss. I also remember SoL fluffing us over! Fitting end for IX. We ended in a total server war going out in a blaze.
- Premium Patron Member

NukEvil Game profile


Sep 11th 2010, 19:22:54

I also remember that set. LaF blindsided us and gave us a reach around, then we went on to smash TIE soon after. SoF wouldn't stop grabbing us, so after we were done with TIE, we FSed SoF and that m0m0 tag that broke off from SoF, and pretty much annulled any advantage SoF had over the other alliances they were at war with. Ended that set with a double crown.
I am a troll. Everything I say must be assumed to be said solely to provoke an exaggerated reaction to the current topic. I fully intend to bring absolutely no substance to any discussion, ongoing or otherwise. Conversing with me is pointless.

locket Game profile


Sep 11th 2010, 19:29:28

It isnt over yet and Having only 10ish of your own countries still alive isnt a stomping ;) plus I suppose you should learn to count since only at this point have we ever been 20ish members over you ;)

Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

Sep 11th 2010, 19:44:27

Well Locket lets be honest SoL doesn't net gain, do they even know how?

So no matter how you cut it LaF is the loser in this. Just own it.
- Premium Patron Member



Sep 11th 2010, 19:53:43

When 45? warprep'ed countries, FSes 60? non prepped countries, this is what happens.

Most of SOL were techers that was ready to fight, while most of LaF were farmers/cashers who were just getting into growing.

Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

Sep 11th 2010, 19:57:08

Jelly I think I've made it abundantly clear that is LaF's fault that they were not war preped, and takes nothing away from SoL. That is no reason or justification. Quit making accuses and just own the fact that you lost.
- Premium Patron Member



Sep 11th 2010, 19:58:14

Chewi, I am not in any clan. I play turney and express sometimes. I keep track of things in Alliance and have been watching this war between SOL and LAF. Thats why i was asking LAF's view on this war. Seems all i get is trolling though. And legitimate questions go unanswered.



Sep 11th 2010, 20:18:16

It's LaF's fault they got backstabbed, ok!

Pang Game profile

Game Development

Sep 11th 2010, 20:25:21

PimpThang, stop lying -- we know you play for an Alliance clan. I've already talked to your alliance leaders about you after you were banned, to get them to try to get you to calm down. I guess it worked somewhat, since you're at least trying to attack LaF rather than me :p
Although you did specifically attack me in your first post... after flaming my alliance... then tried to tell me I couldn't respond to it... hmm.

You did not "ask for LaF's view" you just attacked LaF, then complained when we presented our views...
For someone to say "all i got is trolling" when you started numerous threads trolling LaF, it's beyond stupid. Like I said, you should just stop posting on this thread, because you're making yourself look even stupider by continuing on with this "oh, I'm the victim... all I wanted was answers!!!" attitude :p

But, my question still stands -- which isn't trolling, it's a legitimate question that "remains unanswered": why did you try to pass off a post by an ICN'er to represent LaF's views and policy? If you're going to attempt to flame LaF, expect to get attacked back by LaFfers. I'm attacking you on the issues you presented to try and smear LaF. You won't respond to them.

Don't make these type of threads and you won't see LaFfers gooing out of their way to poke holes in the things you say :p

Edited By: Pang on Sep 11th 2010, 20:36:30
See Original Post
Earth Empires Staff
pangaea [at] earthempires [dot] com

Boxcar - Earth Empires Clan & Alliance Hosting



Sep 11th 2010, 20:37:55

Eat poop Pang. Thats about as plain as i can say it. This was never a flaming thread. It was and is still only intended to get other LAF members perspective on this war and their future. I don't know what your talking about as far as the question about icn goes. So you can stop your crying- no one pays attention to you. Im not in any clan and no one controls me but me. AGAIN- eat poop Pang. Stay off this thread. Its not for trolls.

Other LAF members feel free to answer any questions.



Sep 11th 2010, 20:39:34

What LaF members' perspective and view on the future is their business, I don't see EVO members coming out and plan their landfarms on AT.



Sep 11th 2010, 20:41:42

hey, since when has it been a crime to ask an honest question. If they dont want to talk they can keep their mouth shut.

Pang Game profile

Game Development

Sep 11th 2010, 20:53:12

dude, answer my fluffing question then, if you're going to complain about people not answering questions:

why did you try to pass off a post by an ICN'er to represent LaF's views and policy?

this thread was created by a troll for the express purpose of trolling. I am merely poking holes in your credibility as a troll. Your responses saying "no one cares what you have to say" is obviously false, because you care enough to tell me to "eat poop" :p

Look at the topic of this post, look at the content in the first post, there aren't even any questions posed in the first post. it's just attacks on LaF. That's not opening a debate, it's just starting a flame thread.

You're crying about LaF "not answering your questions" but you won't answer mine? Mine is much more relevant for AT....

Like I said before, you should just let this thread die and not make any new ones of this nature. It benefits no one, least of all, you :p

Edited By: Pang on Sep 11th 2010, 21:36:03
See Original Post
Earth Empires Staff
pangaea [at] earthempires [dot] com

Boxcar - Earth Empires Clan & Alliance Hosting



Sep 11th 2010, 21:48:38

As i said above- i dont know what your talking about. Get some quotes or something. I dont keep track of every word i say or anyone else. Seems you follow every letter i utter. Its a shame you cant comprehend what the letters mean.

locket Game profile


Sep 11th 2010, 22:36:05

Originally posted by PimpThang:
Looks like your about to be tag killed. Well, i would say it was a good war but seeing how you outnumbered SOL by 20 countries (give or take) and still are about to be tag killed. Well, no one would call that an outstanding performance. Maybe next set you will do better but i doubt it. Great job SOL. The only thing this war is lacking from you is getting the last 2 LAFers and i know you will within the next day or so. Great JOB.

PS- Pang, this thread doesn't call for any trash talking or excuses from you so please stay out of it.

Well in that first quote you say you doubt we will do better. What part of that is simply expecting an answer from someone? Thats called throwing an insult at laf and thus in other words TROLLING.

I find it funny you have ignored all the laffers who did post here and simply say you got trolling. If you want someone to be polite to you then dont act like you are 2.
"Pang you cant reply to this since you are smarter than me and when you reply im going to claim victory because I got you to reply!"

That is about what I get from your post. You throw a couple of compliments at sol and a couple jabs at laf, but really this whole post is designed to do your best to annoy pang, and yet when he replies with much more intelligent replies than yours you simply ignore him and say "eat poop".

Well put troll. Laffers have given a few opinions and most of them seem to be in line with Pangs.

Not that you ACTUALLY care BUT... we were hit with a war earlier than our countries allowed in regards to us putting up the same amount of effort. At the start of the war laf outnumbered sol by a much smaller amount and they managed to get 8-10 of our top techers or countries in the FS. That put us at a big production disadvantage. Combine that with disapointing performances from certain people and the war hasnt gone perfect. It is not however over yet and until us and Sol decide it is then perhaps you can hold onto this amazing wisdom of yours that you seem so eager to show to the world

I do admit however that you are clearly a harvard level prof in disguise as the level of language you use is above a normal human's standards.

~The lovable Ursine.

Edited By: locket on Sep 11th 2010, 22:45:39
See Original Post

Dark TwizTid


Sep 12th 2010, 0:12:30

someone can ask someone else to not post? sweet :)

ponderer Game profile


Sep 12th 2010, 0:20:50

Originally posted by Dark TwizTid:
someone can ask someone else to not post? sweet :)


Originally posted by PimpThang:

this thread doesn't call for any trash talking or excuses from you so please stay out of it.

KriSatZ Game profile


Sep 12th 2010, 1:00:10

Pretty sure this set has ignited a hunger in alot of the top LaF'ers, atleast from what I have seen on the inside.

So the joke is on those people like you who post these threads.
Success is in the mind. You must believe you are the best and then make sure that you are.

LaFamiglia - zKriSatZwpn - LaFamiglia

dagga Game profile


Sep 12th 2010, 1:18:25

Possibly the best war performance since this new incarnation of the game.. and ballsiest.
signatures are stupid.
Months since LaF netgained: 22