Sep 11th 2010, 22:36:05
Originally posted by PimpThang:
Looks like your about to be tag killed. Well, i would say it was a good war but seeing how you outnumbered SOL by 20 countries (give or take) and still are about to be tag killed. Well, no one would call that an outstanding performance. Maybe next set you will do better but i doubt it. Great job SOL. The only thing this war is lacking from you is getting the last 2 LAFers and i know you will within the next day or so. Great JOB.
PS- Pang, this thread doesn't call for any trash talking or excuses from you so please stay out of it.
PS- Pang, this thread doesn't call for any trash talking or excuses from you so please stay out of it.
Well in that first quote you say you doubt we will do better. What part of that is simply expecting an answer from someone? Thats called throwing an insult at laf and thus in other words TROLLING.
I find it funny you have ignored all the laffers who did post here and simply say you got trolling. If you want someone to be polite to you then dont act like you are 2.
"Pang you cant reply to this since you are smarter than me and when you reply im going to claim victory because I got you to reply!"
That is about what I get from your post. You throw a couple of compliments at sol and a couple jabs at laf, but really this whole post is designed to do your best to annoy pang, and yet when he replies with much more intelligent replies than yours you simply ignore him and say "eat poop".
Well put troll. Laffers have given a few opinions and most of them seem to be in line with Pangs.
Not that you ACTUALLY care BUT... we were hit with a war earlier than our countries allowed in regards to us putting up the same amount of effort. At the start of the war laf outnumbered sol by a much smaller amount and they managed to get 8-10 of our top techers or countries in the FS. That put us at a big production advantage. Combine that with disapointing performances from certain people and the war hasnt gone perfect. It is not however over yet and until us and Sol decide it is then perhaps you can hold onto this amazing wisdom of yours that you seem so eager to show to the world
I do admit however that you are clearly a harvard level prof in disguise as the level of language you use is above a normal human's standards.
~The lovable Ursine.