
KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Nov 18th 2019, 16:46:46

/me grabs the popcorn
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!



Nov 18th 2019, 17:45:57

Originally posted by breeze:

Your retal time is up.

Ok now we're getting somewhere. Is that the logic the community supports? Suiciding an entire tag for no reason and then saying "retal if you want, JK ur time is up lol ekekek"

If thats the case maybe i should create a fluff spam tag and see how consistently the community applies this logic.

Originally posted by breeze:

For one iMag is not a spam tag or run with spam logic. Two I doubt you had a t10 finish.

i was #431, take of that what you will but i doubt at your level of (insert any other word than one you used) you can do any math whatsoever.

as for the rest of this post, I've already spoken to requiem directly. I don't ahve a problem with his actions, as i said i had 0 def 0 spies and was min maxing for t10.

I DO however have a problem with the lack of consistency this community has with regards to suiciders.


trumpoz or player x,y,z that the mods/laf don't like suicides
community: fluff you trumpoz and player x,y,z you scum!

game developer suicides
community: ALL suiciders are a problem, requiem was just frustrated can you even blame him? + total silence from all the regular soyboy outrage specialists

Edited By: galleri on Nov 18th 2019, 18:44:39. Reason: Sorry, not a fan of that term
SOF Head Of Poop
2019-04-03 21:40:26 PS the stinky deyicks (#599) Beryl Houston (#360) LaF 30638A (43783A)
En4cer: Chevs... u would have beaten me by more than 100m



Nov 18th 2019, 17:49:02

Originally posted by breeze:
Originally posted by Chevs:
“Asking as a game mod”

“You can pm me”

Why didn’t you think to PM me instead of making a spectacle on AT.

You’re hilarious, you obviously know it’s true and are just mad because it’s a pretty bad look that a game dev is doing this.

I don’t owe you anything, everyone knows who it is, and anyone pretending to be ignorant of it on this thread (especially you) is either being disingenuous or is just retarded

How about this mind your own business. None of this concerns you.

also do you stand by this? or do you want to walk it back?
SOF Head Of Poop
2019-04-03 21:40:26 PS the stinky deyicks (#599) Beryl Houston (#360) LaF 30638A (43783A)
En4cer: Chevs... u would have beaten me by more than 100m

enshula Game profile

EE Patron

Nov 18th 2019, 19:07:27

well someone just playing set after set to suicide over past grudges is a bit worse than someone who suicides presumably out of frustration even if it was misplaced at least it was about something that happened this set, people probably arnt as worried about req doing it over and over again

not that either is good, but at least if we kept things about things actually happening relatively recently perhaps things would feel more meaningful

tfm0m0 Game profile


Nov 18th 2019, 19:10:34

keeping things happening recently? what is more recent than req suiciding?

breeze has some of the dumbest posts I've ever read on EE and that's saying something. If this "concerns" a single group that is PS/chevs

I'm still waiting for the glorious developer to speak up

enshula Game profile

EE Patron

Nov 18th 2019, 19:17:14

tmomo thats what i said, that req was over recent stuff
though there could be an argument some of it was still over old stuff sort of

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Nov 18th 2019, 20:49:51

You know, looking back on Req's history it stands to reason he was going to get drunk and suicide one night. He been trying to net since like 2017 and people keep messing with him.

Elders has had PS in our crosshairs for most of its existence. Out of a plainly large amount of respect that i have for both Servant and ZPS, we've never acted, but frankly that's the only reason we've never hit the house that protected a half dozen players on our flufflist.

Whether it was osloos attempting to infiltrate elders to suicide laf from it. Whether it was purposefu1 and kelton suiciding elders a set before joining PS. Whether it was hitting evo and demanding both reps and killing their countries being viewed as too much by us, PS has been on the doorstep of getting hit by us almost continuously. The fact that they haven't is a testament to the fact that I do especially like certain members.

I'm not going to sit here and condone the actions of a suicider. Thats a lame ass way to play and does nothing for anyone. That said, req has had in the ballpark of 4 sets ruined by people in the last 2 years that were part of the LCN reunion, and at times, members of PS. And considering he's been hit netting in every set for a couple years now, one can understand his frustration.

I think PS should be grateful for the fact that the community kept its pants on when kelts and pp1 were allowed to join. And that connection doesn't just evaporate overnight.

I don't support Req's actions at all, but plainly i completely understand the source of his frustration, and might have acted similar after a few drinks. Just saying.

Edited By: DerrickICN on Nov 18th 2019, 20:52:16
See Original Post



Nov 18th 2019, 21:08:31

Originally posted by DerrickICN:
You know, looking back on Req's history it stands to reason he was going to get drunk and suicide one night. He been trying to net since like 2017 and people keep messing with him.

Elders has had PS in our crosshairs for most of its existence. Out of a plainly large amount of respect that i have for both Servant and ZPS, we've never acted, but frankly that's the only reason we've never hit the house that protected a half dozen players on our flufflist.

Whether it was osloos attempting to infiltrate elders to suicide laf from it. Whether it was purposefu1 and kelton suiciding elders a set before joining PS. Whether it was hitting evo and demanding both reps and killing their countries being viewed as too much by us, PS has been on the doorstep of getting hit by us almost continuously. The fact that they haven't is a testament to the fact that I do especially like certain members.

I'm not going to sit here and condone the actions of a suicider. Thats a lame ass way to play and does nothing for anyone. That said, req has had in the ballpark of 4 sets ruined by people in the last 2 years that were part of the LCN reunion, and at times, members of PS. And considering he's been hit netting in every set for a couple years now, one can understand his frustration.

I think PS should be grateful for the fact that the community kept its pants on when kelts and pp1 were allowed to join. And that connection doesn't just evaporate overnight.

I don't support Req's actions at all, but plainly i completely understand the source of his frustration, and might have acted similar after a few drinks. Just saying.

ok Derrick i'll play. I've had my set ruined two sets in a row. How many people do i get to suicide next set?

edit: i will make sure i have a beer first so that its ok don't worry

edit2: wtf does trumpoz have to do with PS? he hasnt been in PS for over a year to my knowledge. Does that mean i get to suicide laf because req played there 2 sets ago?

Just trying to confirm your logic

Edited By: Chevs on Nov 18th 2019, 21:15:17
See Original Post
SOF Head Of Poop
2019-04-03 21:40:26 PS the stinky deyicks (#599) Beryl Houston (#360) LaF 30638A (43783A)
En4cer: Chevs... u would have beaten me by more than 100m

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Nov 18th 2019, 21:14:10

I'm not at all saying it's ok. I'm just saying i understand the mental process.

If you have your set ruined by ppl with connections to imag about 3 more times, lets see how you react...

Not supporting just considering the narrative and saying i understand the mental process. It's amazing to me that something like this hasn't come up for PS already.



Nov 18th 2019, 21:16:26

Originally posted by DerrickICN:
I'm not at all saying it's ok. I'm just saying i understand the mental process.

If you have your set ruined by ppl with connections to imag about 3 more times, lets see how you react...

Not supporting just considering the narrative and saying i understand the mental process. It's amazing to me that something like this hasn't come up for PS already.

i think tehres a misconception on who is even in PS this set, its certainly not any of the names you or gerd or requiem have thrown at me
SOF Head Of Poop
2019-04-03 21:40:26 PS the stinky deyicks (#599) Beryl Houston (#360) LaF 30638A (43783A)
En4cer: Chevs... u would have beaten me by more than 100m

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Nov 18th 2019, 21:21:07

Yeah, ive brought that up in passing. And certainly i think the main crew that ran with trumpoz for spooge was like skywise in pdm and ugo in monsters. Not even highkey PS guys.

But shedding your connection to old BS is notoriously difficult. Just ask LaF.

I don't know all 8 but i do know about 5 and none have suicided me before. If pp1 and kelts and namineff are still there then well...........

trumpoz Game profile


Nov 18th 2019, 21:24:21

I love a good conspiracy theory.

You guys are giving me way to much credit. Imag have done fluffty stuff in the past, the countries I hit were on my scores list and under-defended. If it was Requim or any former LaF member then it is a complete co-incidence.

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Nov 18th 2019, 21:27:29

Hmm. I mean that seems unlikely looking at the news and forums.

It looks like you hit only laf with your original but then included requiem specifically with your restart (and aside from that only hit your original target) after he was outspoken about what an idiot and a griefer you are. If that is a coincidence, it's not one you need a tin foil hat for. It looks intentional.

I would quicker believe you are lying rn than telling truths.

Edited By: DerrickICN on Nov 18th 2019, 21:35:10
See Original Post

trumpoz Game profile


Nov 18th 2019, 21:43:56

Originally posted by DerrickICN:
Hmm. I mean that seems unlikely looking at the news and forums.

It looks like you hit only laf with your original but then included requiem specifically with your restart (and aside from that only hit your original target) after he was outspoken about what an idiot and a griefer you are. If that is a coincidence, it's not one you need a tin foil hat for. It looks intentional.

I would quicker believe you are lying rn than telling truths.

Again too much credit there Derrick. Finding out who Requ is, where he played previously, where he plays now requires talking top people and getting information. Do you honestly think after my involvement in Spooge then my personal beef with LaF people would give up that sort of information?

ironxxx Game profile

EE Patron

Nov 18th 2019, 21:46:43

There is aome serious hypocrisy on display in this thread and none of it has to do with requiem.

If you play in the fire, eventually you will be burned.

Mr Gainsboro Game profile

EE Patron

Nov 18th 2019, 22:09:36

Originally posted by Chevs:
Originally posted by DerrickICN:
I'm not at all saying it's ok. I'm just saying i understand the mental process.

If you have your set ruined by ppl with connections to imag about 3 more times, lets see how you react...

Not supporting just considering the narrative and saying i understand the mental process. It's amazing to me that something like this hasn't come up for PS already.

i think tehres a misconception on who is even in PS this set, its certainly not any of the names you or gerd or requiem have thrown at me

Well you told me the spooge and ex-lcn dudes would be suiciding laf next set cause PS got hit by a ex-laffer this set.
How can you not say they are related to PS then?
Don of LaF



Nov 18th 2019, 22:18:52

Originally posted by ironxxx:
There is aome serious hypocrisy on display in this thread and none of it has to do with requiem.

If you play in the fire, eventually you will be burned.

i agree. as i said above, i've spoken to requiem privately and have no beef with him, and wouldnt betray his trust by posting logs.

its all these suicider apologists that irk me just because it was a game dev or their friend. If you want to move the community forward you can't selectively apply your rules.

Originally posted by Mr Gainsboro:
Originally posted by Chevs:
Originally posted by DerrickICN:
I'm not at all saying it's ok. I'm just saying i understand the mental process.

If you have your set ruined by ppl with connections to imag about 3 more times, lets see how you react...

Not supporting just considering the narrative and saying i understand the mental process. It's amazing to me that something like this hasn't come up for PS already.

i think tehres a misconception on who is even in PS this set, its certainly not any of the names you or gerd or requiem have thrown at me

Well you told me the spooge and ex-lcn dudes would be suiciding laf next set cause PS got hit by a ex-laffer this set.
How can you not say they are related to PS then?

i don't even know who spoog and ex-lcn are...ive been back for only a few sets. i know skywise is in PS right now and hes a hilarious dude in the chat and is a good guy. i have no knowledge of what went on over a year ago.
SOF Head Of Poop
2019-04-03 21:40:26 PS the stinky deyicks (#599) Beryl Houston (#360) LaF 30638A (43783A)
En4cer: Chevs... u would have beaten me by more than 100m

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Nov 18th 2019, 22:21:47

Yeah. I don't think there is not a connection. I just think its more like....distant than most think.

If guys like namineff (whom im sure you remember infiltrating LaF, suiciding laf from inside, then joining ps the following set) are still there the connection does indeed run quite a lot deeper.

But i think PS LEADERSHIP cut ties with trumpoz a while ago. They know he's just a griefer and they don't like what he's doing at all. I just have my doubts that that's a pervasive feeling amongst members....



Nov 18th 2019, 22:23:26

Originally posted by DerrickICN:
Yeah. I don't think there is not a connection. I just think its more like....distant than most think.

If guys like namineff (whom im sure you remember infiltrating LaF, suiciding laf from inside, then joining ps the following set) are still there the connection does indeed run quite a lot deeper.

But i think PS LEADERSHIP cut ties with trumpoz a while ago. They know he's just a griefer and they don't like what he's doing at all. I just have my doubts that that's a pervasive feeling amongst members....

bottom line.. PS got suicided for no reason.

now ur fluffing victim blaming and being a hypocrite.

is your position now that suiciding is SOMETIMES JUSTIFIED? please clarify?
SOF Head Of Poop
2019-04-03 21:40:26 PS the stinky deyicks (#599) Beryl Houston (#360) LaF 30638A (43783A)
En4cer: Chevs... u would have beaten me by more than 100m

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Nov 18th 2019, 22:23:53

Skywise is a riot. I tend to agree. He fluffed stones over pretty hard and suicided laf with spooge, but otherwise i always enjoyed talking to him and he generally plays the right way and has since the spooge sets.

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Nov 18th 2019, 22:26:08

Originally posted by Chevs:
Originally posted by DerrickICN:
Yeah. I don't think there is not a connection. I just think its more like....distant than most think.

If guys like namineff (whom im sure you remember infiltrating LaF, suiciding laf from inside, then joining ps the following set) are still there the connection does indeed run quite a lot deeper.

But i think PS LEADERSHIP cut ties with trumpoz a while ago. They know he's just a griefer and they don't like what he's doing at all. I just have my doubts that that's a pervasive feeling amongst members....

bottom line.. PS got suicided for no reason.

now ur fluffing victim blaming and being a hypocrite.

is your position now that suiciding is SOMETIMES JUSTIFIED? please clarify?
lol I'm still not saying it's justified. Haven't said that one time, and every time i comment on it i say i don't condone suiciding and think its a trash way to play. I'm merely understanding history and playing connect the dots.

Original Skywise L Game profile


Nov 18th 2019, 22:41:38

Originally posted by Gerdler:
You have publicly claimed responsibility for all that I have ever condemned you for. Like the LCN suicides and your exploits in express.

Also, over a year ago

Original Skywise L Game profile


Nov 18th 2019, 23:01:17

Originally posted by enshula:
well someone just playing set after set to suicide over past grudges is a bit worse than someone who suicides presumably out of frustration even if it was misplaced at least it was about something that happened this set, people probably arnt as worried about req doing it over and over again

not that either is good, but at least if we kept things about things actually happening relatively recently perhaps things would feel more meaningful

Whatever. I did it ONCE as a member of a hidden alliance in the Alliance Server, admitted it, because it was fun as Hell, and I don't care who knows of my envolvement, but in that admittance, Gerdler and at least 2 to 3 others consistently keep it going through comments either on AT or in forum conversations...even private messages. ASK ME. I'll be glad to tell you that what ALL of you called suiciding was something much more and downplayed. And I would LOVE TO DO it again. It was Mad fun! But solo is suicidal and not my cup of tea. I also know how it feels, because yes, I can play well, and I've been consistently screwed over, every since coming back and admitting my involvement in Spooge. Seems I should have cried more often and louder, but I truly realize it's a game... played however anyone wants, proven time and time ago. And some have more power from the word get go while some just play outstanding, and some voth. And 1 player Can do a lot of damage to you fluff ass players not playing a war game with any kind of defense (*cough Trumpoz) all. I too like netting, but come on. It's the whole friggin' community that needs to change, not the devs or the mods.... the mods have to listen to all the cries, sorry for that, but also, it's fun to read when ANYONE gets butthurt... when I have been, it just doesn't Happen much anymore ( I vent to a close few)...I understand my power here, and my weakness's... know yours and Own it.

trumpoz Game profile


Nov 18th 2019, 23:02:34

Originally posted by DerrickICN:

But i think PS LEADERSHIP cut ties with trumpoz a while ago. They know he's just a griefer and they don't like what he's doing at all. I just have my doubts that that's a pervasive feeling amongst members....

I've kept my distance from PS as it would have probably had them all killed. If Z/Serv consciously did the same then that is fair enough.

It's unlikely Nami joined PS following the spooge set. He ran a few ABs on LaF and went on holiday whilst a number of people were looking for antics ingame. Me I was untagged/solo tag and got killed by SoL as they killed all untagged/solo tagged human players that set.

Original Skywise L Game profile


Nov 18th 2019, 23:02:41

Btw...a lot of the continuance happens from being mouthy here ans ingame messages, so politic better asswipes.

Original Skywise L Game profile


Nov 18th 2019, 23:05:45

I love 'ol Trumpoz btw, but he is no part of PS...I am though.

Original Skywise L Game profile


Nov 18th 2019, 23:07:09

*misses Trumpoz and his sense of humor...From now dedunct LCN and Spooge.... and Stones were nice guys too actually

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Nov 18th 2019, 23:18:59

Originally posted by trumpoz:
Originally posted by DerrickICN:

But i think PS LEADERSHIP cut ties with trumpoz a while ago. They know he's just a griefer and they don't like what he's doing at all. I just have my doubts that that's a pervasive feeling amongst members....

I've kept my distance from PS as it would have probably had them all killed. If Z/Serv consciously did the same then that is fair enough.

It's unlikely Nami joined PS following the spooge set. He ran a few ABs on LaF and went on holiday whilst a number of people were looking for antics ingame. Me I was untagged/solo tag and got killed by SoL as they killed all untagged/solo tagged human players that set.
It definitely would have killed them all. I mentioned you and namineff specifically as players who are griefer types only and i was shocked laf accepted namineff given my warnings. You're both too trash to war for real and too trash to make a decent net set. Your only goal is to ruin the sets of other players and as a wardog on this server, you make us all look like assholes. In that way and probably that way only Gerdy is correct. The devs probably should address pieces of fluff like you. I stand by that. Req wouldnt have rage quit were it not for your douchebag behavior.

My main point here is PS should blame trumpoz for pushing req over the edge. He's a general non-suicider and trumpoz is 100% responsible for pushing him to his breaking point.

If you've ever met req, he's a great fluffing guy and a high key asset to this game and its super unfortunate he was pushed into rage quitting by a piece of fluff like you.

Edited By: DerrickICN on Nov 18th 2019, 23:23:06
See Original Post

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Nov 18th 2019, 23:23:30

What is being missed every time that you say LaF has no defence is that every LaFer that got sucided and indeed near every LaFer that ever got suicided had much more defence than Chevs, who constantly keep berating LaF for not having enough defence.

My 5 million turrets when trumpoz suicided me is 5 million more than when Chevs got hit. Stop bringing up low defence as a reason we are targeted. We are generally far more defended than our netting competition.

Edited By: Gerdler on Nov 18th 2019, 23:47:51

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Nov 18th 2019, 23:32:57

Originally posted by Original Skywise L:
*misses Trumpoz and his sense of humor...From now dedunct LCN and Spooge.... and Stones were nice guys too actually
I think youll find 90% of this community knows each other very well and looks out for each other.

Boltar sof owes me $50 because i helped him get his CNA back. He got a job again this passed week, a fact I'm very happy to have assisted in. I hope he stays on his feet for life. He is not a clanny.

Taker stones and i got hot dogs when i was in florida for spring ball. He's a really cool guy.

Bru's wife has me on speed dial as well because she liked talking to me when he had his bouts with illness.

I met Vicvixvi's wifer after he passed away when she got in a wreck. Id have been remiss not to help out.

The more people you know here, skywise, i think the less you'll want any of us to have a bad day at your expense. It's a very small very close community. Please do not endorse an asshole who ran an asset out. Whether you're close to him or not, he's driving a machete between me and some of my best friends in the world. Consider that.

Edited By: DerrickICN on Nov 18th 2019, 23:35:34
See Original Post

Original Skywise L Game profile


Nov 18th 2019, 23:42:57

So you are upset with Trumps. Be upset with Trumps. Stop dragging PS and other individual by name (Gerdler), into something we did not do or have any control over.
Trumpoz did not detag from PS to suicide.
#15 was coaxed into causing PS Greif.

trumpoz Game profile


Nov 19th 2019, 0:02:02

seems like everyone wants to blame an alliance or someone else as opposed to an individual who made a decision on how to act.

Me - I'm an asshole.

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Nov 19th 2019, 0:03:05

Originally posted by Gerdler:
What is being missed every time that you say LaF has no defence is that every LaFer that got sucided and indeed near every LaFer that ever got suicided had much more defence than Chevs, who constantly keep berating LaF for not having enough defence.

My 5 million turrets when trumpoz suicided me is 5 million more than when Chevs got hit. Stop bringing up low defence as a reason we are targeted. We are generally far more defended than our netting competition.

That's why I find it rich that he's running his mouth calling everyone else hypocritical...oh the irony....

/me eats popcorn
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Nov 19th 2019, 0:03:39

It's not the first time he ran a player out of this game i will miss a lot. It's just the first time I've seen him do it without you, sky. And PS should be mad at Trumps for forcing an asset to the community out. The lack of remorse for that is an extremely bad look to us here in elders.

We should all be upset req hit his breaking point and left this community. Its far more of an impact than the handful of hours you spent building your countries this set.

I only hope req knows we will miss him dearly.

Edited By: DerrickICN on Nov 19th 2019, 0:05:46
See Original Post

Original Skywise L Game profile


Nov 19th 2019, 0:09:05

One last thing, I only want to cause what your calling a bad day at my expense to those that ooze arrogance and don't use the humor that should be afforded in a game where we attack each other. I know carrying no def and hitting bots means a much greater chance of winning (Express and Alliance), but taking in to account that this is just a game, I play on work breaks on my phone, and who knows what others are doing, or how their days have went. We ALL have our own stuff. I enjoy both hitting humans and getting hit myself (not always, but each set is played by feel as anyone can change it for you, also depends on govt/strat that set, even the market can change my 'feels').. see my tourney game currently.... zero fluffs given... posted same, came off gloating and arrogant, and got exaxtly what I asked for... hits with ingame messages... and I'm not so bored now.

Let the forums be funny. Let them be conversational, not confrontational. In- game message less rudeness. Stop acting like when you get hit, your game is ruined. Enforce the policy you like, Ebert did. But have some realization of this being a game.... and everyone gets to play however they want if not cheating or cursing someone out, or being threatening. Trying to impose your will on how to play, even if its smart and/or better for the overall community will get backlash. As this is a game, respond accordingly.

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Nov 19th 2019, 0:12:33

Trumps is absolutely not doing that tho. He's exploiting a piss poor game mechanic to run players out of the game. Guys with 7m+ defense were hit by him. It isn't about that.

He isnt playing to win. He isn't playing for a good war. He's only playing to ruin other people's experience. That's fluffty man. When ebert is enforcing something he's doing it to position himself to win, not run players out. And there enlies the big difference. If you're doing it to win a war or a net set, do you. But griefing for the sake of ruining other people is lame.

Edited By: DerrickICN on Nov 19th 2019, 0:16:57
See Original Post

breeze Game profile


Nov 19th 2019, 0:46:39

Originally posted by Chevs:
Originally posted by breeze:

Your retal time is up.

Ok now we're getting somewhere. Is that the logic the community supports? Suiciding an entire tag for no reason and then saying "retal if you want, JK ur time is up lol ekekek"

If thats the case maybe i should create a fluff spam tag and see how consistently the community applies this logic.

Originally posted by breeze:

For one iMag is not a spam tag or run with spam logic. Two I doubt you had a t10 finish.

i was #431, take of that what you will but i doubt at your level of (insert any other word than one you used) you can do any math whatsoever.

as for the rest of this post, I've already spoken to requiem directly. I don't ahve a problem with his actions, as i said i had 0 def 0 spies and was min maxing for t10.

I DO however have a problem with the lack of consistency this community has with regards to suiciders.


trumpoz or player x,y,z that the mods/laf don't like suicides
community: fluff you trumpoz and player x,y,z you scum!

game developer suicides
community: ALL suiciders are a problem, requiem was just frustrated can you even blame him? + total silence from all the regular soyboy outrage specialists

I don't care what number you are. You have no idea what my math skills are. My math skills say I wont work again and I retired many years ago at the age of 55.

UgolinoII Game profile

EE Patron

Nov 19th 2019, 1:06:00

Originally posted by DerrickICN:
He's a general non-suicider...

~40 sets in LCN having never set a foot wrong counts for fluff I guess :)

You (and others) simultaneously play down spooge as just another suicide, and yet it it continues to be a popular theme in discussions. Still most of you don’t even know of it’s legacy. Nor of the effort that was put into it. All those wasted Easter eggs *sigh*. Here’s a little one - “Firebase Gloria” Anyone seen that old film? Anyone seen the name of the squadron in it? Ebert should know. Now go check country names ;) literally a tribute lol. But no, ugo bad man. Must kill ugo repeatedly without provocation to make him “pay” unga bunga.

If you could all get over yourselves for a second you might see it in a different light. It’s fluffty being suicided, I know, but this was not some fluffty low effort suicide. We worked to build potential t10 countries in order to do what we did. We coordinated a team of insiders, we navigated the politics of the set to avoid being compromised. Then we did not single anyone out and we attacked the entire server and in doing so gave you all a common enemy. It was an event and you can downplay it all you want but look at the drama it has created :) I’m not trying to say what we did was good or noble or honourable it was none of those things. It was villainous and deceitful. You all enjoyed every minute of tearing down an “alliance” that gave you good reason to fight, not the same old go around.

People wanna hold a grudge, claim we singled out their alliance, claim we are just dirty suiciders? w/e that sounds like a you problem. Ironically the only thing keeping me here after two resets just spinning wheels is the prospect of a netting environment where fluffty suiciders can’t screw you.

What happened since then is not lcn and neither is it spooge. A few keep trying to paint it that way but in reality what you see is a bunch of individuals that lost their alliance trying to make their way. Monsters were very cool to look past it and take me in. With hindsight I feel sad that they were amongst the targets (I was one if worst grabbers of them) but at the time I had a part to play. It’s strange how it’s turned out because they made me feel super welcome and I am absolutely over the moon to be a part of the clan.

So, ignoring all that went before and what has happened since is people’s prerogative, but it seems pretty unsophisticated to me.

Still, that’s always been the Earth way right ;)

Edited By: UgolinoII on Nov 19th 2019, 1:08:49

breeze Game profile


Nov 19th 2019, 1:15:17

Originally posted by trumpoz:
seems like everyone wants to blame an alliance or someone else as opposed to an individual who made a decision on how to act.

Me - I'm an asshole.

You are correct. I had no knowledge of these attacks until I looked at the news. I then asked why they were sent. I was told why and with the respect I have for this member I wasn't going to pursue it unless I heard from PS. So then came the bashing of an iMag member and called a spam tag and truth be known iMag never suicides on anyone. So bashing wont get anyone anywhere with me except a smart ass response.

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Nov 19th 2019, 1:23:13

Indeed it has. And i made reference to your being in monsters but I'll take it one step further as monsters is unapologetically my most respected ally and I've lost count of the kills we've done together.

What you did in spooge was a coordinated suicide. It was high key definitely suiciding but coordinated amongst allies with a common goal. There was never winning netting or winning a war for you but it didnt seem as effortless as this. For sure. I think at this point you know i have respect for both you and skywise. I'd be lying if i didnt say i talked to cyref about you, but if you wanna give credit where its due, hear this.

Osloos tried and failed to infiltrate elders under the nick xozo. I called him out and killed him before the rest of you even started hitting.

I then contacted laf and outed namineff. Laf said "listen man. I know you're probably right, but he seems like a decent guy and we will take the risk to see if he actually wants to play well. He seems like he wants to learn." They were wrong to try to make a new friend in this small community. They should have listened to me and killed the rat.

I knew skywise was in stones but i also knew what a fluffin gentleman he was from team server. I told stones to be wary of him, but that i also liked him. I had a flicker of faith that once he met some of the nicest guys in the game, he'd have a change of heart.

The fact is you fooled no one. Everyone knew who you were but decided to give you a chance anyways. And you just flat out broke people's trust on that. So now when a guy like trumpoz runs a player who many of us love out of the game, it surely does come back on you. We all see the potential for you to turn your backs on friends again to support an asshole you supported before.

Edited By: DerrickICN on Nov 19th 2019, 1:26:19
See Original Post

Primeval Game profile

Game Moderator
Mod Boss

Nov 19th 2019, 1:34:55

First, I'll say I really don't fully know what happened here. I don't often look at Alliance server news and I didn't in this instance.

Mod hat on:

I'm leaving this thread open only because there is a large (although controversial) topic that I think can continue to be discussed here. However...

I will not have game mods, admins, developers bashed, especially without any proof that you are willing to publicize. Even if you could/would prove that a game developer chose to "suicide" someone, I still don't care to see them critized because they are in such a position. If they aren't breaking the rules or similar, keep the two things separate. For instance, many players will call me fair and just, and probably just as many others will say I play like a fluff. You are entitled to that opinion and you are welcome to state that in public. What you are not welcome to do is bash mods/admins/devs for being in those roles for how they choose to moderate the game or intertwine those two roles. I am both a player (and clan leader) and a moderator (and mod boss) and I do my best to keep those separate - should you feel those two things contradict each other you are welcome to tell me your feelings in private and you are always more than welcome to go over my head straight to the admins. You all are welcome to do the same thing with the moderators that I kinda-sorta oversee. If you feel a mod/dev should play the game as a player a certain way due to their volunteer position in this game, thats your opinion. You are welcome to message me or other admins (or even that person directly) privately to express that opinion. It will not be aired here.

Also, I did not check if the person in question was Requiem. There is no rule broken here so there is no need for me to poke around and see if there is any truth to the accusation since there is no action for me to take. I am pretty sure Requiem does not have any live in-game priviledges of any kind, nor does he have access to any game moderator tools. The titles given to the recent devs is because they graciously chose to donate their time and knowledge to making coding changes to the game, which I applaud. I continue to disagree with a large chunk of the recent clan GDI discussion, but that does not take away from my appreciation for someone to step up and help the overwhelmed admins improve the game. Further, Requiem and I very likely have opposite views on a few key recent topics/proposed changes. In fact, I think his views and interpretation of a few things are flat out wrong and misguided. But none of those things take away from the fact that he has offered his time for free to help, and he has my respect for doing that...for whatever that might be worth to him.

Mod hat off:

Suiciders are fluff but it happens...same as fluff. Should that be what happened, then feel free to continue to comment on how much you think that player is a fluff. This person did not break any rules so I dont see how his position matters. I am sorry that someone got pwnd ingame, it sucks. I can't really comment why it happened or if the suicider was justified. Personally, I care very little about Alliance server politics because I think the majority of the unofficial policies here suck sweaty balls and I find the players generally whiny and self-entitled. But if you are going to accuse someone of suiciding and carry on for pages calling someone scum then you should at least sack up and prove it. If a player chose to screw with you either move on or make him regret it. Just talking about it is a little boring in my opinion.

Edited By: Primeval on Nov 19th 2019, 1:39:04

osloos Game profile


Nov 19th 2019, 1:34:56

Xozo was my alt for years. And you didn't kill me before anything started ;) its cute you think about me enough to reimagine how things went tho <3

osloos Game profile


Nov 19th 2019, 1:41:57

Originally posted by Primeval:
If a player chose to screw with you either move on or make him regret it. Just talking about it is a little boring in my opinion.

I kinda like you

Original Skywise L Game profile


Nov 19th 2019, 1:42:42

Originally posted by Mr Gainsboro:
Originally posted by Chevs:
Originally posted by DerrickICN:
I'm not at all saying it's ok. I'm just saying i understand the mental process.

If you have your set ruined by ppl with connections to imag about 3 more times, lets see how you react...

Not supporting just considering the narrative and saying i understand the mental process. It's amazing to me that something like this hasn't come up for PS already.

i think tehres a misconception on who is even in PS this set, its certainly not any of the names you or gerd or requiem have thrown at me

Well you told me the spooge and ex-lcn dudes would be suiciding laf next set cause PS got hit by a ex-laffer this set.
How can you not say they are related to PS then?

News to me. Fellow Spoogers.... you guys leaving me out of the fun?

Get a grip. SPOOGE was a well coordinated set. Not likely to happen again. It was done as an alliance in the Alliance server... doesn't matter how it was done, that's the truth. All above board without multies. (Heard those cries too) Would have been best with higher membership and hidden netters to show all of you how well we can play since so many constantly quote that it was done because we couldn't net with 'the best' and were soooo jealous. We should have FAed our best netter right after the first wave, and with all of your attentions on the 'suiciders' the Netter would have already been a top tenner with plenty of defenses and plenty of stock and turns to further jump if necessary. Wouldn't matter if you traced the FA chain.

Calm down. Nothing is planned for next set. Actually so bored instead of quitting with suicidal tendencies, considering just blowing stocks on a jump and calling it quits for a needed rest.... but don't get excited, it's no rage quit, and regardless of how toxic this game is, I'll still be back. Just considering a break.

Told ya to just ask. Stop the hypocrisy.



Nov 19th 2019, 1:43:56

Originally posted by Gerdler:

My 5 million turrets when trumpoz suicided me is 5 million more than when Chevs got hit.

Hahaha busted ! I lol’d this was 10/10 banter. I wonder if breeze can do difficult math and figure out why this is funny

Key difference however is I’ve stated many times I’m not even mad at req, I’m mad at the hypocrisy of the community.
SOF Head Of Poop
2019-04-03 21:40:26 PS the stinky deyicks (#599) Beryl Houston (#360) LaF 30638A (43783A)
En4cer: Chevs... u would have beaten me by more than 100m

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Nov 19th 2019, 1:51:56

The hypocrisy of what? Still associating players like you and many other griefers who've gone thru PS in the last year?

The pot is calling the kettle black while also calling it a hypocrite. It's astonishing. I just understand my dude fluffing up some known suiciders who get to have free net sets before he left. Sue me.

The irony is all the people who are anti-suicider here have suicided in the last year. That's the hypocrisy third parties like me see.

Meanwhile req was clean the whole time until one of your boys pushed him over the edge. And by your boys i don't just mean because some of your tag would go to bat for this dumbass. I mean also that he plays like you too.

Edited By: DerrickICN on Nov 19th 2019, 2:00:16
See Original Post

Warster Game profile


Nov 19th 2019, 1:57:33

All I will say about ugo is that we gave a set of rules and requirements to join, he met them and hasn't done a thing wrong since he joined. He made things right with us and we all moved forward.
FFA- TKO Leader
Alliance- Monsters

ICQ 28629332



Nov 19th 2019, 2:04:18

Originally posted by DerrickICN:
The hypocrisy of what? Still associating players like you and many other griefers who've gone thru PS in the last year?

The pot is calling the kettle black while also calling it a hypocrite. It's astonishing. I just understand my dude fluffing up some known suiciders who get to have free net sets before he left. Sue me.

The irony is all the people who are anti-suicider here have suicided in the last year. That's the hypocrisy third parties like me see.

Meanwhile req was clean the whole time until one of your boys pushed him over the edge. And by your boys i don't just mean because some of your tag would go to bat for this dumbass. I mean also that he plays like you too.

Just so we’re clear on your logic

You are mad at a non PS player for running req out of the game

And mad at PS for requiem running likely 4 players from the game (yes they plan on quitting)

Do you see anything wrong with that?

Maybe it’s rhetoric like this that started spooge in the first place ? Or is your delusion, arrogance and lack of awareness that bad?
SOF Head Of Poop
2019-04-03 21:40:26 PS the stinky deyicks (#599) Beryl Houston (#360) LaF 30638A (43783A)
En4cer: Chevs... u would have beaten me by more than 100m

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Nov 19th 2019, 2:07:31

If req saw this post he'd be ashamed that i of all ppl called him classless. I'm very consistent about that fact. Suiciding is scummy af. That's not something people can say about you or a number of your tag mates. You've consistently made cases for this behavior to be accepted.

And now karma.

Original Skywise L Game profile


Nov 19th 2019, 2:09:59

Originally posted by Warster:
All I will say about ugo is that we gave a set of rules and requirements to join, he met them and hasn't done a thing wrong since he joined. He made things right with us and we all moved forward.

I've Been good too... even took my 6 mth forum ban like a soldier. And it wad bogus at best. You guys are my choice alliance. UGO is a very smart and humorous guy. Loyal too.