
grimjoww Game profile


Oct 4th 2012, 7:11:09

true i agree with locket on this one

archaic Game profile


Oct 4th 2012, 14:10:47

Originally posted by Mr. Titanium:

Good netters don't fluff up, they are able to make good decisions every time, or when they do "fluff up" they are able to do other things well and compensate for their mistakes.
It's laughable that people use the "fluff up" excuse.

followed by:

Originally posted by Mr. Titanium:

2 sets ago i finish about 285 mil . . . and still finished with $2-3 bil at home.

ummm . . . hmmmm, so leaving 20+ mil NW on the table is not a "fluff" up huh?
Cheating Mod Hall of Shame: Dark Morbid, Turtle Crawler, Sov

Mr. Titanium Game profile


Oct 4th 2012, 14:26:20

I do say things like this to get a rise out of people, but they are all completely true.

Archaic, 2-3 bil is more like 8-13 mil NW not 20. And I left the cash in my country by choice. I had the private market available if I wanted to spend the cash.

Can I please get some competition? I jumped early this set because I thought I needed to thinking I was behind, not so I would win by a good 60-80mil.

Seriously, next set maybe 2-3 people put up 250mil? Pretty much everyone netted this set, or maybe I should say tried to net this set.

archaic Game profile


Oct 4th 2012, 14:27:39

Cheating Mod Hall of Shame: Dark Morbid, Turtle Crawler, Sov

CandyMan Game profile


Oct 4th 2012, 14:52:37


Rockman Game profile


Oct 4th 2012, 14:53:48

Originally posted by Mr. Titanium:
I do say things like this to get a rise out of people, but they are all completely true.

Archaic, 2-3 bil is more like 8-13 mil NW not 20. And I left the cash in my country by choice. I had the private market available if I wanted to spend the cash.

Can I please get some competition? I jumped early this set because I thought I needed to thinking I was behind, not so I would win by a good 60-80mil.

Seriously, next set maybe 2-3 people put up 250mil? Pretty much everyone netted this set, or maybe I should say tried to net this set.

Qzjul nerfed bottomfeeding majorly, while leaving landtrading powerful, because he wanted to weaken LaF's netting. If you want more competition, tell qzjul to stop fluffing the game up out of spite.

These stonewalling changes are totally horrible, those need to be repealed as well. Although they really have almost no effect on netters.

Zahc Game profile


Oct 4th 2012, 14:54:05

Omg tits soooo good at netting! Way better than anyone else!

Easy to net when u have no dignity. Even tho its an alliance server just because u get help from ur alliance mates doesnt mean everyone else does. For all the help u get you dont even finish that well. Should take some lessons from llaar. When he did it atleast it was impressive
llort orp s`fos

highrock Game profile


Oct 4th 2012, 15:14:52

Oh please. You've never even played a set without taking free land. Good players don't need to do that.

If you gave me the same free land, I'd hand your ass on a platter. I could outnet you blindfolded.

There are a few great netters who play/played the game. Me, hanlong, bakku, diez, etc. Until you prove you can do it without hitting your own clanmates, you don't belong in that category.

The sad thing is you probably could have won this set without the free land and established yourself as an elite netter, but you chose not to go down that route.

This is what a top netter's profile looks like: no free land, no FA, no tech leeches

Edited By: highrock on Oct 4th 2012, 15:19:30
See Original Post
formerly Viola MD

phx Game profile


Oct 4th 2012, 15:19:59

just looking at his news makes me lol

Xinhuan Game profile


Oct 4th 2012, 15:27:21

I finished 311m on my 1st set back... (last October). It's been war for the next consecutive 5 resets until this one.

Ikkaku Game profile


Oct 4th 2012, 15:37:01

quit bragging Tits... the real rank 1 should be the Lafer ..

highrock Game profile


Oct 4th 2012, 15:57:42

Yes I forgot Xin and SS and others in the elite netters category.
formerly Viola MD

CandyMan Game profile


Oct 4th 2012, 17:20:47

lol wut highrock was that pos Thomas Bayes country last set?

highrock Game profile


Oct 4th 2012, 17:28:33

Originally posted by CandyMan:
lol wut highrock was that pos Thomas Bayes country last set?

Were you one of the ones that farmed me? I just wanted to try to see what it was like to play untagged...
formerly Viola MD

NukEvil Game profile


Oct 4th 2012, 17:28:48

Originally posted by Mr. Titanium:
I am easily the best netter in the game.

But here is what makes the other country not even close... He "fluffed up"

Good netters don't fluff up, they are able to make good decisions every time, or when they do "fluff up" they are able to do other things well and compensate for their mistakes.

It's laughable that people use the "fluff up" excuse.

If we were to rank players on a scale of 1 to 10 and I'm the 10, the next best player would be about a 7.5. I'm heads and shoulders(and knees and toes) above the second best player on this server.

Bring the hate, haters.

Originally posted by smlandau84:
Am I supposed to know who highrock is?

Just to let everyone know, these two posters are the same person. I'm sure some of you remember the times he was deleted in Express.
I am a troll. Everything I say must be assumed to be said solely to provoke an exaggerated reaction to the current topic. I fully intend to bring absolutely no substance to any discussion, ongoing or otherwise. Conversing with me is pointless.

BigBen Game profile


Oct 4th 2012, 17:53:42

These top 10 numbers are extremely low, way lower than I thought they would be. If we hadn't been tag killed there would have been 3 PDM'ers competing with you Tit.

CandyMan Game profile


Oct 4th 2012, 18:09:56

lol BigBen. When PDM has 3 t10 potentials, that's how you know the game got broken:P



Oct 4th 2012, 18:25:16

Originally posted by CandyMan:
lol BigBen. When PDM has 3 t10 potentials, that's how you know the game got broken:P

ouch man, that hurts...

locket Game profile


Oct 4th 2012, 18:33:47

Originally posted by NukEvil:
Originally posted by Mr. Titanium:
I am easily the best netter in the game.

But here is what makes the other country not even close... He "fluffed up"

Good netters don't fluff up, they are able to make good decisions every time, or when they do "fluff up" they are able to do other things well and compensate for their mistakes.

It's laughable that people use the "fluff up" excuse.

If we were to rank players on a scale of 1 to 10 and I'm the 10, the next best player would be about a 7.5. I'm heads and shoulders(and knees and toes) above the second best player on this server.

Bring the hate, haters.

Originally posted by smlandau84:
Am I supposed to know who highrock is?

Just to let everyone know, these two posters are the same person. I'm sure some of you remember the times he was deleted in Express.

lmfao... pathetic.

Mr. Titanium Game profile


Oct 4th 2012, 23:53:52

Originally posted by highrock:
Oh please. You've never even played a set without taking free land. Good players don't need to do that.

If you gave me the same free land, I'd hand your ass on a platter. I could outnet you blindfolded.

There are a few great netters who play/played the game. Me, hanlong, bakku, diez, etc. Until you prove you can do it without hitting your own clanmates, you don't belong in that category.

The sad thing is you probably could have won this set without the free land and established yourself as an elite netter, but you chose not to go down that route.

This is what a top netter's profile looks like: no free land, no FA, no tech leeches

highrock, you couldn't beat me any set regardless of how you played.

Kepp crying baby :)

Son Goku Game profile


Oct 5th 2012, 0:03:09

Originally posted by Son Goku:

What did I win!?

locket Game profile


Oct 5th 2012, 0:04:52

Originally posted by Son Goku:
Originally posted by Son Goku:

What did I win!?

You have to lead the biggest clan next set. Congrats! Lots of FA work for you!

Chewi Game profile


Oct 5th 2012, 0:06:02

Originally posted by Son Goku:
Originally posted by Son Goku:

What did I win!?

A lifetime supply of chipotle!

grimjoww Game profile


Oct 5th 2012, 0:06:40

nice SG lol