
Pain Game profile


Feb 23rd 2012, 20:01:00

Originally posted by locket:
Originally posted by Chaoswind:
I beg to differ

Zip (sorry that I am not playing FFA atm)

My first set in FFA i was Landgrabbing Land Traders and god is easy to disrupt a trader, the only reason Landtraders grow to 300M networth now is because hardly anyone does Landgrabs in FFA to untaggeds or other clans, everyone is too busy warring or landtrading.

Land Grabbing IS stronger than trading all you need to do is pick the best targets and you will always come ahead in each grab, traders get big fast, but they are ridiculously weak.

My best average set in FFA is 205M networth, and all my grabbing techers did 40% better than the best of my landtraders (then again I was lazy and at least 4 countries of mine ended with 140M networth)

Netters in FFA in general are less skilled/put less time into individual countries than alliance players. If they put the same time they'd finish even higher. Trust me when i say that if Laf or Evo did this on the scale that PDM/RD are doing it they would destroy the rest of the server worse than before.

prove it.

Originally posted by anoniem:
Pain: this has nothing to do with what alliance a person is from.

I think landtrading is a good way of recreating the land lost due to suiciders/kamikaze members etc, other than that i wouldn't really participate., not because it's wrong, but because i dont want to play the game that way.

apparently you missed my point.

Edited By: Pain on Feb 23rd 2012, 20:06:23
See Original Post
Your mother is a nice woman

Pain Game profile


Feb 23rd 2012, 20:04:58

Originally posted by Detmer:
Originally posted by Havoc:
land bots land bots!

I agree that NPCs with varying levels of AI would be a great improvement. I think that filling the server out to 4000 countries every round would be great. If this game ever gets back above that number, awesome, no NPCs. If it doesn't, there will be land to grab, buffering for newbies to not get run-off immediately, etc.

by varying levels of AI you mean some of them are smart enough to destroy a netters country who farmed them at some point in the set like most other suiciders would right? adding bots is a great idea if they can be programmed like that. otherwise youll have people who already camp the small amount of untags on a much larger scale, so not instead of them gaining 600 acres a day they will be able to gain 2500 acres a day with zero risk and no additional cost. if you think land trading is unfair, that is 10 times more unfair.
Your mother is a nice woman

jabberwocky Game profile


Feb 23rd 2012, 20:07:37

a single person can have up to 16 countries in FFA, and can use a majority of them as farms for the larger countries. I think there's a lot of dynamics that won't translate to alliance, unless players are willing to act as farms for the rest of their tag.

If this:, is the only sanctioned way to grab then i think there's a problem with this game.

Edited By: jabberwocky on Feb 23rd 2012, 20:18:54
See Original Post

Detmer Game profile


Feb 23rd 2012, 21:57:52

Originally posted by Pain:
Originally posted by Detmer:
Originally posted by Havoc:
land bots land bots!

I agree that NPCs with varying levels of AI would be a great improvement. I think that filling the server out to 4000 countries every round would be great. If this game ever gets back above that number, awesome, no NPCs. If it doesn't, there will be land to grab, buffering for newbies to not get run-off immediately, etc.

by varying levels of AI you mean some of them are smart enough to destroy a netters country who farmed them at some point in the set like most other suiciders would right? adding bots is a great idea if they can be programmed like that. otherwise youll have people who already camp the small amount of untags on a much larger scale, so not instead of them gaining 600 acres a day they will be able to gain 2500 acres a day with zero risk and no additional cost. if you think land trading is unfair, that is 10 times more unfair.

Yes, by varying AI levels I meant there should be some that will run rainbows and others real strats, some that will never retal and some that will retal heavily for somewhat minor transgressions (never a FFR for a single grab, but maybe a missile for a grab or an AB run for several hits).

locket Game profile


Feb 23rd 2012, 22:12:56

Originally posted by Pain:
Originally posted by locket:
Originally posted by Chaoswind:
I beg to differ

Zip (sorry that I am not playing FFA atm)

My first set in FFA i was Landgrabbing Land Traders and god is easy to disrupt a trader, the only reason Landtraders grow to 300M networth now is because hardly anyone does Landgrabs in FFA to untaggeds or other clans, everyone is too busy warring or landtrading.

Land Grabbing IS stronger than trading all you need to do is pick the best targets and you will always come ahead in each grab, traders get big fast, but they are ridiculously weak.

My best average set in FFA is 205M networth, and all my grabbing techers did 40% better than the best of my landtraders (then again I was lazy and at least 4 countries of mine ended with 140M networth)

Netters in FFA in general are less skilled/put less time into individual countries than alliance players. If they put the same time they'd finish even higher. Trust me when i say that if Laf or Evo did this on the scale that PDM/RD are doing it they would destroy the rest of the server worse than before.

prove it.

Originally posted by anoniem:
Pain: this has nothing to do with what alliance a person is from.

I think landtrading is a good way of recreating the land lost due to suiciders/kamikaze members etc, other than that i wouldn't really participate., not because it's wrong, but because i dont want to play the game that way.

apparently you missed my point.

Prove what? All of those points are pretty obvious to me.

Pain Game profile


Feb 24th 2012, 1:03:42

im sorry i should have been more clear on what i meant.

Originally posted by locket:

NTrust me when i say that if Laf or Evo did this on the scale that PDM/RD are doing it they would destroy the rest of the server worse than before.

prove it :)
Your mother is a nice woman

bertz Game profile


Feb 24th 2012, 2:55:43

locket, play FFA to prove them :D

play in TKO :D

locket Game profile


Feb 24th 2012, 6:36:58

Originally posted by bertz:
locket, play FFA to prove them :D

play in TKO :D

I already did my one set there :P it was too time consuming.. maybe because I had techers but meh. I got 4th or 5th after messing up a fair bit. Can't say I'm willing go try again anytime soon :P

And Pain, too many people in Laf would have hernia's if we did :P

bertz Game profile


Feb 24th 2012, 9:03:09

playing 16 is so time consuming

Warster Game profile


Feb 24th 2012, 9:42:50

no its not, 30 minutes max
FFA- TKO Leader
Alliance- Monsters

ICQ 28629332

locket Game profile


Feb 24th 2012, 9:43:35

Originally posted by Warster:
no its not, 30 minutes max

Depends on strats/how much time you plan to put in/how experienced you are at speed playing ;)

echlori Game profile


Feb 24th 2012, 11:51:14

Originally posted by jfotouhi:

If this:, is the only sanctioned way to grab then i think there's a problem with this game.

I don't get you.

grimjoww Game profile


Feb 28th 2012, 19:07:53

hmm landd

anoniem Game profile


Feb 28th 2012, 21:05:37

lol it's quite funny how almost everyone here fluffed when we did this in Sky Elitez, then got mehul to take away ghost acres.

this could have been the norm about 7+years ago :P

Pontius Pirate

EE Patron

Feb 28th 2012, 22:47:43

Originally posted by Detmer:
Originally posted by Pain:
Originally posted by Detmer:
Originally posted by Havoc:
land bots land bots!

I agree that NPCs with varying levels of AI would be a great improvement. I think that filling the server out to 4000 countries every round would be great. If this game ever gets back above that number, awesome, no NPCs. If it doesn't, there will be land to grab, buffering for newbies to not get run-off immediately, etc.

by varying levels of AI you mean some of them are smart enough to destroy a netters country who farmed them at some point in the set like most other suiciders would right? adding bots is a great idea if they can be programmed like that. otherwise youll have people who already camp the small amount of untags on a much larger scale, so not instead of them gaining 600 acres a day they will be able to gain 2500 acres a day with zero risk and no additional cost. if you think land trading is unfair, that is 10 times more unfair.

Yes, by varying AI levels I meant there should be some that will run rainbows and others real strats, some that will never retal and some that will retal heavily for somewhat minor transgressions (never a FFR for a single grab, but maybe a missile for a grab or an AB run for several hits).
Given that your landtrading can generate you 6k acres in 2 hits at this stage with no risk, I don't really see the argument that these bots should be retalling countries that grab them. Even then the playing field is not even.

Edited By: Pontius Pirate on Feb 29th 2012, 3:33:55
See Original Post
Originally posted by Cerberus:

This guy is destroying the U.S. Dollars position as the preferred exchange for international trade. The Chinese Ruan is going to replace it soon, then the U.S. will not have control of the IMF

Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

Feb 28th 2012, 23:07:21

Yeah PP whether or not they attack back doesn't matter to me because most of the little guy who get farmed now rarely get a chance to attack back. When you can hit people 1/12 your NW makes it hard for the little guy to retal.
- Premium Patron Member



Feb 29th 2012, 14:58:28

Originally posted by anoniem:
what i want to know is - if people are going to land-trade so obviously, why dont they just landtrade within their own alliance?

what's the point landtrading back and forth with someone in a different alliance? i mean it's not like it's fooling anyone.

His problem is that he doesn't have any friends. No one in other alliances would trade with him. He hits them and they farm/kill him. Now, a survey, who feels sorry for him? That is what i thought.



Feb 29th 2012, 14:58:40

Originally posted by anoniem:
what i want to know is - if people are going to land-trade so obviously, why dont they just landtrade within their own alliance?

what's the point landtrading back and forth with someone in a different alliance? i mean it's not like it's fooling anyone.

His problem is that he doesn't have any friends. No one in other alliances would trade with him. He hits them and they farm/kill him. Now, a survey, who feels sorry for him? That is what i thought.

anoniem Game profile


Feb 29th 2012, 15:08:00

Originally posted by PimpThang:
Originally posted by anoniem:
what i want to know is - if people are going to land-trade so obviously, why dont they just landtrade within their own alliance?

what's the point landtrading back and forth with someone in a different alliance? i mean it's not like it's fooling anyone.

His problem is that he doesn't have any friends. No one in other alliances would trade with him. He hits them and they farm/kill him. Now, a survey, who feels sorry for him? That is what i thought.

then i'd just landtrade within my own alliance...

Mr. Iris Game profile


Feb 29th 2012, 15:14:02

I'll trade with you!
Originally posted by archaic:
see many colors
fluttering in the spring winds
Iris blooms again

grimjoww Game profile


Feb 29th 2012, 16:17:13

is it a skill?

cruddy Game profile


Mar 4th 2012, 17:34:00

er, so what is the consensus on landtrading?

Ivan Game profile


Mar 4th 2012, 17:40:28

do it and get fluffed?

TAN Game profile


Mar 4th 2012, 18:30:54

By who?

hanlong Game profile


Mar 4th 2012, 19:06:48

i think i have to agree with evo/anoniem on this one ;P

Don Hanlong
Don of La Famiglia

grimjoww Game profile


Mar 4th 2012, 19:20:49

looks like the top ten is gonna be dominated by landtraders from RD,etc ;)

Detmer Game profile


Mar 4th 2012, 19:25:45

So is anyone who attacks and is retalled a landtrader? Wasn't the purpose of ghost acres to make it so people would start attacking each other again?

Reckless Game profile


Mar 4th 2012, 19:27:19

Doesn't Evo FA members into the top 10?

Detmer Game profile


Mar 4th 2012, 19:29:44

Originally posted by Reckless:
Doesn't Evo FA members into the top 10?

No, no alliances really do that anymore. In a server where tag-protection is everything, people like to pretend they are self-made men and did it all on their own.

Reckless Game profile


Mar 4th 2012, 19:40:37

I like this Detmer fella



Mar 4th 2012, 20:02:00

What I would actually find quite interesting is what would happen if all cross alliance grabs/attacks were banned for a set. See what clan really is the best at land trading.

ABOYNE (vb.) To beat an expert at a game of skill by playing so appallingly bad that none of his clever tactics or strategies are of any use to him.

locket Game profile


Mar 4th 2012, 21:04:34

Originally posted by Wharfed:
What I would actually find quite interesting is what would happen if all cross alliance grabs/attacks were banned for a set. See what clan really is the best at land trading.

Could you really guess it would be anyone other than Laf or Evo?

Marshal Game profile


Mar 4th 2012, 21:21:48

Originally posted by locket:

Could you really guess it would be anyone other than Laf or Evo?

those 2 have best netting strats but alliance which has most members might beat those 2 if biggest alliance isn't laf or evo.
Patience: Yep, I'm with ELK and Marshal.

ELKronos: Patty is more hairy.

Gallery: K at least I am to my expectations now.

LadyGrizz boobies is fine

NOW3P: Morwen is a much harsher mistress than boredom....



Mar 4th 2012, 21:36:54

I could guess that the majority would still be Laf and Evo, but I think there would be plenty of others that have had a go at land trading already that will do quite well.

ABOYNE (vb.) To beat an expert at a game of skill by playing so appallingly bad that none of his clever tactics or strategies are of any use to him.

locket Game profile


Mar 4th 2012, 21:45:30

Originally posted by Marshal:
Originally posted by locket:

Could you really guess it would be anyone other than Laf or Evo?

those 2 have best netting strats but alliance which has most members might beat those 2 if biggest alliance isn't laf or evo.

Are you talking tnw? ANW is where it is at :P

Marshal Game profile


Mar 4th 2012, 22:37:25

Originally posted by locket:

Are you talking tnw? ANW is where it is at :P

tnw and anw, it really depends how good netters that biggest tag has (if it isn't laf or evo), anw will be close.
Patience: Yep, I'm with ELK and Marshal.

ELKronos: Patty is more hairy.

Gallery: K at least I am to my expectations now.

LadyGrizz boobies is fine

NOW3P: Morwen is a much harsher mistress than boredom....



Mar 4th 2012, 22:51:02

I expect there to be more people against land trading in Laf than Evo, and certainly the rest of the clans.

ABOYNE (vb.) To beat an expert at a game of skill by playing so appallingly bad that none of his clever tactics or strategies are of any use to him.

Reckless Game profile


Mar 4th 2012, 22:53:39

Trading land is nothing different than FAing members to top 10, 20, 100.



Mar 4th 2012, 22:53:56

Therefore, if it were a 1 off set, I would expect to see a lot of clans in full on land trading strats while Laf and Evo remain with more All-X.

ABOYNE (vb.) To beat an expert at a game of skill by playing so appallingly bad that none of his clever tactics or strategies are of any use to him.

locket Game profile


Mar 5th 2012, 0:32:33

Originally posted by Wharfed:
Therefore, if it were a 1 off set, I would expect to see a lot of clans in full on land trading strats while Laf and Evo remain with more All-X.

lol well there are still untaggeds but if you are doing a hypothetical situation you may as well pretend everyone does the trading :P

bertz Game profile


Mar 5th 2012, 6:20:43

Originally posted by Reckless:
Trading land is nothing different than FAing members to top 10, 20, 100.

it's quite different actually. FAing members would mean that the rest would be not on the top and would go down.
On landtrading, it could be that all those countries would go on the top.

To stop those trading lands, they should not be given L:L pacts

chem20 Game profile


Mar 5th 2012, 6:30:17

Having NPCs would be great in my opinion.

hanlong Game profile


Mar 5th 2012, 8:39:39

Don Hanlong
Don of La Famiglia

SirSepher Game profile


Mar 5th 2012, 12:26:45

So, what is the server to do then for viable land? The grabbing untagged thing constantly? Create FA nightmares from people making landgrabs then outrunning the retals by buying up stock and causing the rest of the alliance grief by paying the reps out of their pockets? (PS: PDM, [TAN rings to mind as a major contributor here], has had to do this on more than one occasion... it royally sucks but it happens!)

So what everyone who is against land trading is saying is that they should open their alliance up to "Will Retal" status in everyone's database and let all their core netters become targets for everyone? Grabbing pacts are becoming popular in this regard as they offer a set amount of countries up for "grabs" in exchange for the protection of those who really do just want to hit the explore button every day. Each alliance is out to suit and tailor to their members' wants and needs. I've done land trading and have been quite successful at it. I've done aggressive attacks and retal trading and have done quite well at it as well! To me, with ghost acres involved, it really doesn't matter if someone's trading or straight up attacking every fat netter you have in your tag. The benefit of trading within a structured environment outside of your alliance is that you tend to build relations with those you are trading with and therefore, building a stronger bond between the two alliances in question. This all said... I would add that it should be on the fair side that people land trading opt into these grabbing pacts as well to add a bit of "risk" to their playing and not totally rely on "trading" as their means of gaining acres... Really, these are members who aggressively want to gain land and should be grouped in the "aggressor" category.

Alright, this is approaching the tl;dr category... Enough beer, time for sleep!
-Sir Sepher
Old Fogey learning to play again
For the glory of Camelot



Mar 5th 2012, 14:34:01

I think someone said that as long as the retal policies are respected during trading nothing wrong is being made, and I agree, however, if you can't even respect your own rules when trading, then you can't be granted with L:L policies.

archaic Game profile


Mar 5th 2012, 15:04:39

Here is a thought, grab the land traders.

They *we, cough-cough* tend to run pretty low defense and as an added bonus the tags that land trade tend to have pretty fair retal policies. If you see a couple of fat land traders from PDM and (RD, EVO, Sanct, Monsters, etc.) that look like yummy targets, just pop one of them. Thats how the Earth community has always sorted things out - with jets. When we have to start carrying enough defense to fend you off while we land trade . . . viola! Land trading becomes a lot less palatable.

Of course if you do it enough - we'll probably kill you for it - but hey, striking a balance between the fine line of war and netting is what the games always been about.

Here's the thing, PDM has actively grabbed with RD, EVO, and Sanct this set - all of these are alliances that we have had historically bad relationships with that we now call friends. You guys could learn from this. I was once very critical of anon, but now I do routine FA with him 3-4 times a week and there is no way I could ever be ugly or rude with him now that I have developed a relationship with him.

What kind of relationships are you guys developing with your bottom feeding targets?
Cheating Mod Hall of Shame: Dark Morbid, Turtle Crawler, Sov

Detmer Game profile


Mar 5th 2012, 15:06:08

Originally posted by archaic:
Here is a thought, grab the land traders.

They *we, cough-cough* tend to run pretty low defense and as an added bonus the tags that land trade tend to have pretty fair retal policies. If you see a couple of fat land traders from PDM and (RD, EVO, Sanct, Monsters, etc.) that look like yummy targets, just pop one of them. Thats how the Earth community has always sorted things out - with jets. When we have to start carrying enough defense to fend you off while we land trade . . . viola! Land trading becomes a lot less palatable.

Of course if you do it enough - we'll probably kill you for it - but hey, striking a balance between the fine line of war and netting is what the games always been about.

Here's the thing, PDM has actively grabbed with RD, EVO, and Sanct this set - all of these are alliances that we have had historically bad relationships with that we now call friends. You guys could learn from this. I was once very critical of anon, but now I do routine FA with him 3-4 times a week and there is no way I could ever be ugly or rude with him now that I have developed a relationship with him.

What kind of relationships are you guys developing with your bottom feeding targets?

Why would anyone be unhappy about being grabbed as a land trader (unless they are being grabbed by a fluffty country, or maybe a different strat)? The whole point is to grab and retal. That is why ghost acres were introduced... to make it worthwhile to grab and be retalled...

Sir Balin Game profile


Mar 5th 2012, 15:17:22

I am a land trader and I respect non-land traders' right to attack me.

I do get annoyed when the attacker is a different strat, just because we both have to pay extra for those acres. Better target selection would yield better results.

bertz Game profile


Mar 5th 2012, 15:34:02

omg archaic and anon on a relationship! j/k

What if the attacker is untagged and SS all low defense countries and delete? That would be pretty annoying for land traders.

archaic Game profile


Mar 5th 2012, 15:38:19

yeah, but thats pretty annoying for everybody

Detmer - the unhappiness would result from the likelyhood that:

A - like Balin said, they would be a different strat
B - they would likely have a higher break that would force you to buy up heavily to retal
C - they might try to outrun the retal

But yes, a big part of my trying to encourage outsiders to grab land traders is so I can retal them.
Cheating Mod Hall of Shame: Dark Morbid, Turtle Crawler, Sov