
locket Game profile


Mar 27th 2012, 19:53:20

Originally posted by Alin:
Lmao @ how a game with tanks troops nuclear missles was turned into Sim-City fluff!

This made my daY!!!

Is this like when the riots or godzilla happen? :P

Xinhuan Game profile


Mar 27th 2012, 20:01:33

The 50% clause is irrelevant. The broken clause was "Alliances in the coalition will not sign UNAPS or DP's with "warring clans" unless they provide UNAP/DP to all in the coalition".

Alin Game profile


Mar 27th 2012, 20:13:12

Originally posted by locket:
Originally posted by Alin:
Lmao @ how a game with tanks troops nuclear missles was turned into Sim-City fluff!

This made my daY!!!

Is this like when the riots or godzilla happen? :P

I am pretty much sure that Mehul tought at a wargame when designing earth!
Than he fluffed it with ignorance!

Coke and similar brands sell so fast because they have in turn people purchase them because they have seen a celebrity or notable individual use such product and ultimately becomes a situation tantamount to a herd of buffaloes running in unison.

If people knew what they want, and wanted, politicians would be out of business before tomorrow morning.

Wannabe politicians screwd up this game - and now they fight on this board. This is to clasic ...

Anyway that netting pact made my day! Funny ... to funny!

anoniem Game profile


Mar 27th 2012, 20:19:41

EVO signed 0 peace treaties with any alliances, because EVO were never at war with any alliances.

EVO had a breakable pact with SOL, if SOL FSed any of EVOs allies.

So, Xinhuan you are wrong on multiple accounts.

Thanks though.

hanlong Game profile


Mar 27th 2012, 20:27:17

Originally posted by anoniem:
EVO signed 0 peace treaties with any alliances, because EVO were never at war with any alliances.

EVO had a breakable pact with SOL, if SOL FSed any of EVOs allies.

So, Xinhuan you are wrong on multiple accounts.

Thanks though.
Don Hanlong
Don of La Famiglia

anoniem Game profile


Mar 27th 2012, 20:30:04

Hanlong: Are you denying EVO had a breakable pact with SOL? EVO didn't create this bad blood.

I signed a breakable pact with SOL and told Makinso specifically that if SOL FSed the likes of LCN, LaF etc. then Evo would immediately void the pact and FS SoL in your defence; however it was Evo that was FSed.

There's no denying it, but ofc you can palm it off with banal jpegs :)


Ivan Game profile


Mar 27th 2012, 20:30:30

Im not going to get into the whole argument about the first laf vs evo war thing because personally that pact was so badly formulated because both tags wanted it that way

however in the attempted gangbang that followed EVO did break a UNAP to hit sof along with sol/tie so EVO calling LaF pact breakers is kind of funny

my 2 cents

Survival of the Fittest

hanlong Game profile


Mar 27th 2012, 20:31:26

Originally posted by anoniem:
Hanlong: Are you denying EVO had a breakable pact with SOL? EVO didn't create this bad blood.

I signed a breakable pact with SOL and told Makinso specifically that if SOL FSed the likes of LCN, LaF etc. then Evo would immediately void the pact and FS SoL in your defence; however it was Evo that was FSed.

There's no denying it, but ofc you can palm it off with banal jpegs :)

you pacted SOL against the pact, thus the pact was voided.
Don Hanlong
Don of La Famiglia

anoniem Game profile


Mar 27th 2012, 20:49:08

there was confusion in the evo/sof pact.

i told chevs evo would stop hits immediately if he wanted. nothing was said.

anything else ivan? i seem to remember a NaturalS tag under your watch *cough*

hanlong Game profile


Mar 27th 2012, 20:51:22

see the problem anoniem?

you have too long of a memory and you keep on beating on the dead horse.

so back to my original question.

when can we all move the fluff on so we aren't going circles again?

you even mentioned that we should stop going in circles earlier, can we move on then? :P
Don Hanlong
Don of La Famiglia

Trife Game profile


Mar 27th 2012, 20:52:05

my jpegs aren't banal, this whole line of conversation is



plz stop doing this



trifeys poor brain

Makinso Game profile


Mar 27th 2012, 20:54:04


Read what I say instead of trying to spin my words mate...
Let me clear some things. If SOL/Evo/MD wanted to GB LaF this set. We could have. We decided not to and all go our own way. (I'm still unsure how you have interpreted that as my stance being I have never tried in the past?)

I never said gangbang is bad in my entire post nor have I pointed fingers at anyone apart from or for 2 things.

1) I said take accountability for the losses gangbanging, warring in general or forcing tags to net against their will causes on either end instead of trying to justify the damage it does. Understand and accept the vicious circle of this game and act accordingly. Like us you've gangbanged take accountability for your actions like we have. I'm not saying anything along the lines of your post.

2) I said LaF losing MD as a core ally says something about LaFs behavior as a tag in some way or another. Only MD/MDs leaders know for 100% why they made this decision. I also said I'm very sure it was not a decision they made easily or with a smile as there was nothing for them to gain on it apart from a ton of risks.

You're constantly trying to divert from what myself or other Evo/SOL leaders are saying and trying to spin it into Makinso/KJ or SOL + allies are bad. For what reasons I'm still unsure.

hanlong Game profile


Mar 27th 2012, 20:56:59

SOL/EVO Full Defensive Pact
We agree to come to the defense of each other if requested to, within 48 hours, unless relations with the target are, uNAP, LDP, or FDP.
All hits are dealt with on a case by case basis and discussed by FRs.
During war before hits are retalled, FR's will discuss.
Both alliances assume 72 hours responsibility for countries that detag from their tag.
If a SoL country tag jumps into an alliance that you are at war with, SoL will kill it. If a country from your tag jumps into an alliance SoL is at war with, you will kill it.
24 hours notice of any tag change, or addition, notification must be via ICQ, or email, and have a response back confirming.
Neither alliance will FA an alliance the other is at war with. If this happens, FR's will discuss a course of action.
Clause 1a SOL and Evolution will both avoid aggressions towards each others DPs. If aggression in the form of a first strike does occur from SOL on an Evo DP then Evo have the option to void this pact with a 24 hours notice.
Clause 1b: This pact lasts from the 1st of August 2011 untill the first august set in 2012 (depending on the start date of that particular set).
Clause 1C: clause 1a will be rediscussed every set until both parties feel a true form of trust is established between The Sons of Liberty and Evolution. If both parties don't come to a unanimous decision on a change within the pact, then the pact will remain the same.

Signed anoniem/Makinso

want to lie more anoniem? this is exactly why our pact was voided. you actively signed a FDP against OUR coalition terms.
Don Hanlong
Don of La Famiglia

hanlong Game profile


Mar 27th 2012, 20:59:31

there was no opt clause i see for LCN/Omega/etc. of that sort.

still want to say more lies? :P
Don Hanlong
Don of La Famiglia

anoniem Game profile


Mar 27th 2012, 21:00:05

Lie about what? What are you trying to get out? The problem with you is that you never say what you mean.

Clause 1a SOL and Evolution will both avoid aggressions towards each others DPs. If aggression in the form of a first strike does occur from SOL on an Evo DP then Evo have the option to void this pact with a 24 hours notice.

anoniem Game profile


Mar 27th 2012, 21:01:49

LCN/Omega are and were EVOs DPs - clause 1A would have voided the pact if SOL fsed one of them.

Have you been smoking some of that solidsnake reefa?

hanlong Game profile


Mar 27th 2012, 21:03:47

note that we FSed you after this pact was signed.

to tertius: do you see why Evo was FSed now?

i'm setting the record straight here.

1) evo signed this "anti-blindsiding coalition" and then turn to SOL and sign a FDP against the pact terms. they thought they were clever and no one would find out.

2) we THEN FSed them because they voided our pacts.

3) they (sol/evo) tried to GB us and our allies.

4) laf hit sol because of the past trangressions. sof does the same to evo.

5) they pretend to sign peace and instead tried to "surprise" us by having an "ace card" in MD.

can we stop the bullfluff?
Don Hanlong
Don of La Famiglia

hanlong Game profile


Mar 27th 2012, 21:04:31

Originally posted by anoniem:
LCN/Omega are and were EVOs DPs - clause 1A would have voided the pact if SOL fsed one of them.

Have you been smoking some of that solidsnake reefa?

you might be right about having a void clause for LCN/Omega since you were FDPed to them. but you weren't FDPed to us, hence you voided OUR pact. that was the whole thing you were lying about just a few posts up. about how you could've voided the SOL pact if SOL hits LaF..

you could've signed us to a FDP also to cover for yourself so our pact won't be voided, but instead you asked me that reset for a uNAP remember? you, anoniem, took the initiative, not us.

think of what you were arguing about and piece the facts together buddy.
Don Hanlong
Don of La Famiglia

anoniem Game profile


Mar 27th 2012, 21:06:45

SolidSnake posted in your war dec that we were FOPS.

lol, get your stories right and then come back to me.

Trife Game profile


Mar 27th 2012, 21:06:46

im telling the mods that laf/evo are spamming AT with stuff thats already been posted a million times

you are both going to be in very big trouble

Alin Game profile


Mar 27th 2012, 21:07:33

"If aggression in the form of a first strike does occur from SOL on an Evo DP then Evo have the option to void this pact with a 24 hours notice."

I am not into this political fluff ... but are you blind hanlong ? (since you brought this on the board). I will refree for calling you otherwise than "blind" but the other option starts with "S"

Makinso Game profile


Mar 27th 2012, 21:08:00

LoL @ Trife

hanlong Game profile


Mar 27th 2012, 21:13:46

your offer to us (which i did not accept):

From: anoniem
To: hanlong
Subject: renew uNAP
Date: Oct 3rd, 11:29
Message Body:
I'm not asking to be friends. just whether u want to renew the uNAP or not :P

your term with SOL:

Clause 1a SOL and Evolution will both avoid aggressions towards each others DPs. If aggression in the form of a first strike does occur from SOL on an Evo DP then Evo have the option to void this pact with a 24 hours notice.

our pact:

Alliances in the coalition will not sign UNAPS or DP's with "warring clans" unless they provide UNAP/DP to all in the coalition; warring clans may be those commonnly known as "warring clans" or those listed before the set & pacting begin; if an additional alliance becomes a problem they may be listed for futher inclusion in the "warring clans/aggressors".

SOL refused to uNAP LaF that reset.

do we still want to beat the same fluffing dead horse?

it was all on you.

you could've done any of these to avoid being hit by LaF

1) offered a FDP to LaF instead of a uNAP
2) not signed SOL to a FDP triggering

you thought it was cute to isolate LaF against SOL so it would be our turn in EE to take it up the ass from SOL (just like what they did to Evo/Sanct/LCN/LaF one after another).

i thought we had a clear understanding that we need to do something about stopping this cycle (the whole SOL FDPing one netgainers to hit the other netgainers freely) and you agreed to sign up for it by signing that Anti-Blindside pact. and right after on the august reset you decided to FDP SOL for a whole fluffing year. just that the august reset SOL agreed to uNAP us, so we couldn't have voided your pact.

but like clockwork, the very following reset SOL refused to uNAP us. you also refused to FDP us (to allow the void clause to SOL to trigger and you to defend hence keeping our pact intact). and by that + your FDP with SOL, you broke our pact. you had total control to do one of those two things if you didn't want to void our pact (not pact SOL and/or offer LaF a FDP) and you did neither.

i mean i didn't i need to spell this out this clearly for you, but seriously u know exactly what happened, and you know very well yourself LaF was justified in voiding our pact and yet you still keep on beating on when i asked you to stop.

i dont give a fluff about solidsnake's story. i know exactly what went on, and so do you. stop playing ignorant.
Don Hanlong
Don of La Famiglia

anoniem Game profile


Mar 27th 2012, 21:16:59

From: hanlong
To: anoniem
Subject: RE: renew uNAP
Date: Oct 3rd, 16:02
Message Body:
? not sure what you are referring to. our old pact stands unless explicitly cancelled. unless you want to sign two pacts for one reset? not sure how that works

----------------------- Original Message -----------------------
I'm not asking to be friends. just whether u want to renew the uNAP or not :P


Did you specifically cancel the pact with any evo heads? No.

*spin spin spin*

Oh and BTW if you didn't renew the pact then it would part of your plan to FS evo, though of course your message above says differently.

Which is it - our auto-renewing pact was fine or you wanted to FS evo? I thought it was all SolidSnake.. or are you finally outting yourself as the weasel i always knew you were?

hanlong Game profile


Mar 27th 2012, 21:18:52

i did not cancel the pact with any evo heads.

i did not renew the uNAP because i thought our pact was fine. i didn't realize at that time you were FDPed to SOL. i told you i wasn't terribly active that time.

ss did however and he had a reason too because you VOIDED it by FDPing SOL for a year without leaving a opt clause to defend LaF, breaking our pact.

god, how much clearer do we have to spell this out for you?
Don Hanlong
Don of La Famiglia

anoniem Game profile


Mar 27th 2012, 21:19:47

whom did he specifically cancel the pact with? diez?

where in the convo with diez did he SPECIFICALLY void the pact? plz post here.. im eager to see how you dodge the question.

Trife Game profile


Mar 27th 2012, 21:22:37

Originally posted by Trife:
im telling the mods that laf/evo are spamming AT with stuff thats already been posted a million times

you are both going to be in very big trouble

VERY BIG TROUBLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

hanlong Game profile


Mar 27th 2012, 21:24:13

ss cancelled the pact on AT as part of the war dec that reset.
Don Hanlong
Don of La Famiglia

Tertius Game profile

EE Patron

Mar 27th 2012, 21:29:16

Hey Hanlong, I'm actually pretty curious about that pact. I was a leader in Evo during the beginning of that august set (but left midway through for real-life issues) and I don't recall ever seeing that pact posted on our site. As far as I'm aware, we had a NAP with SoL that qz made? This is the first time I've ever seen this FDP (privately or on AT), but August is when LaF also had a pact with SoL, but that comes back to the fluffy coalition terms and whether they were the same or not would need to be communicated between LaF and Evo.

Obviously I can't speak for any pacts that were not posted, but I'm more curious if that was just back dated because I know that Evo did become FDPs with SoL after the initial FS of LaF because obviously they were going to need it after the blindside, but that would have been October. Can you give more info on where you got it and when it happened (chat logs or time stamps etc)?

Makinso Game profile


Mar 27th 2012, 21:30:51

Originally posted by Makinso:
lol @ all this rubbish.

If we wanted to gangbang LaF. It would've happened simple as that. More pacts then ever were signed, SOL MD and Evo alone would make up for 200 countries alone(without any other allies involved) Our with LaF pact has many abuse able loopholes which would allow us to perform a gangbang. We decided differently and organized our b-day party with a fun upfront war for all returnees. All 3 tags agreed to go our own way.

The fact that LaF lost MD as a core ally in their charades of the past 2 years says something. It either says something about the way LaF has worked with it's core ally(s), or how their core ally(s) look upon their actions of the past. (It's not like there was anything to gain for MD by leaving LaF it was all risks nothing else).

Oh and when it comes to acquiring logs through questionable methods btw, LaFfers have some balls to talk trash about others. Those of your leaders are just as questionable.

I will not say SOL lives by the bible of E2025/EE holiness but we do show accountability for our actions. Yes I am saying out loud it is highly possible players left over the wars we've fought. But being obnoxious about it and saying it ain't so or that your actions are different is just flat out silly.

Wars cause leave people to leave, so does forcing netting sets upon those that do not want to net. Believe and accept it. Or remain blind for what has always been a vicious circle for this game.

The only way to counter this is to bring fresh member influxes(can read this for a tag or the game btw). That way players lost are replaced by fresh blood and you can keep stability and best case scenario you could've even get some growth going.

Makinso Game profile


Mar 27th 2012, 21:31:00

Originally posted by Makinso:

Read what I say instead of trying to spin my words mate...
Let me clear some things. If SOL/Evo/MD wanted to GB LaF this set. We could have. We decided not to and all go our own way. (I'm still unsure how you have interpreted that as my stance being I have never tried in the past?)

I never said gangbang is bad in my entire post nor have I pointed fingers at anyone apart from or for 2 things.

1) I said take accountability for the losses gangbanging, warring in general or forcing tags to net against their will causes on either end instead of trying to justify the damage it does. Understand and accept the vicious circle of this game and act accordingly. Like us you've gangbanged take accountability for your actions like we have. I'm not saying anything along the lines of your post.

2) I said LaF losing MD as a core ally says something about LaFs behavior as a tag in some way or another. Only MD/MDs leaders know for 100% why they made this decision. I also said I'm very sure it was not a decision they made easily or with a smile as there was nothing for them to gain on it apart from a ton of risks.

You're constantly trying to divert from what myself or other Evo/SOL leaders are saying and trying to spin it into Makinso/KJ or SOL + allies are bad. For what reasons I'm still unsure.

Trife Game profile


Mar 27th 2012, 21:31:34

Originally posted by Trife:
Originally posted by Trife:
im telling the mods that laf/evo are spamming AT with stuff thats already been posted a million times

you are both going to be in very big trouble

VERY BIG TROUBLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


anoniem Game profile


Mar 27th 2012, 21:32:02

where was the list of warring alliances? i dont remember evo getting a memo. i dont even see in the pact where it says "if a pact is signed with a warring alliance then this pact is immediately voided"

there was NO war for evo to enter into, unless you wanna post ss's chat with diez where ss lies to diez and says SOL/RAGE/RIVAL are gonna gangbang LAF. when rival and laf are DPs.


Makinso Game profile


Mar 27th 2012, 21:32:31

Originally posted by Trife:
Originally posted by Trife:
Originally posted by Trife:
im telling the mods that laf/evo are spamming AT with stuff thats already been posted a million times

you are both going to be in very big trouble

VERY BIG TROUBLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I believe the mobster is saying you are all in big trouble.

hanlong Game profile


Mar 27th 2012, 21:34:50

i can dig up the AT post, but Ivan also wrote on that thread that reset (where you guys said you LaF can't war Evo and how LaF broke a pact etc. etc. etc.)... that ivan had a confirmation from Praetor that SOL/Evo was FDPed.

and you knew very well that FDPing SOL without LaF getting at least an uNAP voids our pact.

and SS declared war on you for it, which is fine.

what's not fine was the lying and the year long "pact breaking" campaign that you tried to shove it down everyone's throats that NukEvil complained no one listened to, because of reasons which the neutral alliances already told you about

1) you called them all dumb fluffs and retards for not listening to you
2) you also were lying in the first place because LaF never broke any pact, you set it up on purpose so LaF would void it.

there's chat logs of makinso and kj wanting this to happen. this was like a half a year in the making before the august 2011 reset. we just haven't even gotten there yet.
Don Hanlong
Don of La Famiglia

anoniem Game profile


Mar 27th 2012, 21:35:16

Tertius: Qzjul signed a pact with Makinso for the following reset, which I realised went against our anti-gangbang pact. So I spoke to Makinso about repairing Evo/SoL relations from years ago, and changed the pact to a DP, while adding in that clause.

I also have logs when I signed that pact - telling Makinso that he couldn't hit alliances such as lcn, sanct and laf.

but ive posted enough proof for one night about the merry-go-round that is hanlong/ss's reasoning.

hanlong Game profile


Mar 27th 2012, 21:36:26

Originally posted by anoniem:
where was the list of warring alliances? i dont remember evo getting a memo. i dont even see in the pact where it says "if a pact is signed with a warring alliance then this pact is immediately voided"

there was NO war for evo to enter into, unless you wanna post ss's chat with diez where ss lies to diez and says SOL/RAGE/RIVAL are gonna gangbang LAF. when rival and laf are DPs.


SOL was actually the only alliance SPECIFICALLY listed by both qzjul and me as part of the pact getting signed. i alreayd posted this log earlier when we were arguing about his in the first time, do you really want it posted again? god you have such a short memory
Don Hanlong
Don of La Famiglia

anoniem Game profile


Mar 27th 2012, 21:40:20

so what about the fact that evo could void the sol pact if sol fsed laf?

that's the FUNDAMENTAL question, but you've dodged it.

Trife Game profile


Mar 27th 2012, 21:41:12

hay guise

plz b sure 2 sign mah petitieon

anoniem Game profile


Mar 27th 2012, 21:46:24

Originally posted by Makinso:
Originally posted by Makinso:
lol @ all this rubbish.

If we wanted to gangbang LaF. It would've happened simple as that. More pacts then ever were signed, SOL MD and Evo alone would make up for 200 countries alone(without any other allies involved) Our with LaF pact has many abuse able loopholes which would allow us to perform a gangbang. We decided differently and organized our b-day party with a fun upfront war for all returnees. All 3 tags agreed to go our own way.

The fact that LaF lost MD as a core ally in their charades of the past 2 years says something. It either says something about the way LaF has worked with it's core ally(s), or how their core ally(s) look upon their actions of the past. (It's not like there was anything to gain for MD by leaving LaF it was all risks nothing else).

Oh and when it comes to acquiring logs through questionable methods btw, LaFfers have some balls to talk trash about others. Those of your leaders are just as questionable.

I will not say SOL lives by the bible of E2025/EE holiness but we do show accountability for our actions. Yes I am saying out loud it is highly possible players left over the wars we've fought. But being obnoxious about it and saying it ain't so or that your actions are different is just flat out silly.

Wars cause leave people to leave, so does forcing netting sets upon those that do not want to net. Believe and accept it. Or remain blind for what has always been a vicious circle for this game.

The only way to counter this is to bring fresh member influxes(can read this for a tag or the game btw). That way players lost are replaced by fresh blood and you can keep stability and best case scenario you could've even get some growth going.

anoniem Game profile


Mar 27th 2012, 21:46:35

Originally posted by Makinso:
Originally posted by Makinso:

Read what I say instead of trying to spin my words mate...
Let me clear some things. If SOL/Evo/MD wanted to GB LaF this set. We could have. We decided not to and all go our own way. (I'm still unsure how you have interpreted that as my stance being I have never tried in the past?)

I never said gangbang is bad in my entire post nor have I pointed fingers at anyone apart from or for 2 things.

1) I said take accountability for the losses gangbanging, warring in general or forcing tags to net against their will causes on either end instead of trying to justify the damage it does. Understand and accept the vicious circle of this game and act accordingly. Like us you've gangbanged take accountability for your actions like we have. I'm not saying anything along the lines of your post.

2) I said LaF losing MD as a core ally says something about LaFs behavior as a tag in some way or another. Only MD/MDs leaders know for 100% why they made this decision. I also said I'm very sure it was not a decision they made easily or with a smile as there was nothing for them to gain on it apart from a ton of risks.

You're constantly trying to divert from what myself or other Evo/SOL leaders are saying and trying to spin it into Makinso/KJ or SOL + allies are bad. For what reasons I'm still unsure.


Alin Game profile


Mar 27th 2012, 21:46:46

Epic earth political fail! ...

hanlong Game profile


Mar 27th 2012, 21:46:51

How? We arent ur fdp. What you tell makinso behind the scenes doesn't change the fact that the way the pacts are worded that you can't break it for a non fdp
Don Hanlong
Don of La Famiglia

Jiman Game profile


Mar 27th 2012, 21:48:02

Moral Victory is ours once again!


anoniem Game profile


Mar 27th 2012, 21:48:50

The thing is you actually thought EVO had a UNAP with SOL when you FSed us... lol, so basically you were FSing based on what info? On what grounds?

I guess it's a lot harder to hack chat logs when they aren't on earthempires server.

Trife Game profile


Mar 27th 2012, 21:49:59

Alin Game profile


Mar 27th 2012, 21:51:45

Thx Trife for all the fun! I am having a blast atm!

Tertius Game profile

EE Patron

Mar 27th 2012, 21:52:25

Originally posted by hanlong:
How? We arent ur fdp. What you tell makinso behind the scenes doesn't change the fact that the way the pacts are worded that you can't break it for a non fdp

To be fair, isn't that exactly what you're doing with saying you and qz discussed that SoL specifically was defined as an enemy/warring alliance not to pact? It wasn't specifically stated SoL in the coalition pact, and it wasn't specifically stated LaF in the SoL pact.

Makinso Game profile


Mar 27th 2012, 21:52:52

Moral Victory is Ours once again!

anoniem Game profile


Mar 27th 2012, 21:53:13

Originally posted by Tertius:
Originally posted by hanlong:
How? We arent ur fdp. What you tell makinso behind the scenes doesn't change the fact that the way the pacts are worded that you can't break it for a non fdp

To be fair, isn't that exactly what you're doing with saying you and qz discussed that SoL specifically was defined as an enemy/warring alliance not to pact? It wasn't specifically stated SoL in the coalition pact, and it wasn't specifically stated LaF in the SoL pact.

We have a winner!!!