Aug 3rd 2019, 21:01:19
Contrary to popular belief, Elders is a rotating crew of about 8 core members, and around 30 currently active players who like to war some, but not all, of the time. Some of my best friends in this game only play in Elders tag twice a year, but net in allied tags the rest of the time. Others take sets off entirely for things such as vacations or busy work months.
We've decided that not only is this an inefficient method to keep our family together, but also that the server needs a tag to net in, protected by the elders flagship and its other affiliates.
Thus......TKS (aka GNV) went from idea, to planning, to now facing its launch on the 1a server.
It will operate autonomously to elders, and sign its own pacts, but be policed by the elders tag to insure largely clean netting sets. Mercs will continue to operate as a kill for hire tag. The flagship Elders tag will continue to find some wars, and will not consider pacting any tag that refuses to pact our netting affiliate.
If you wish to apply to Mercs, Elders, or TKS you will need to use our main site and all meetings of the tags will still be conducted thru the elders main channel and #elderswar.
Looking forward to getting some fresh blood in the family and having the currently existing family stay together a little better. Please contact myself for pacts with elders, Red X for pacts with TKS, and rasp for pacts with mercs. Thanks!