Game Profile for ERTYUIPOP on the Alliance Server
Best Finish: Twenty-seventhLeaderboard RankingsLeaderboard | Score | Rank |
Networth | $1,628,758,698 | #246 | Land | 954,979 | #109 | Top 100 | 20 | #82 | Top 10 | Unranked | N/A | Best 3 | $141,400,305 | #376 | Attack Success | 91.2% | #1046 | Kills | 82 | #45 | Deaths | 51 | #59 | Pop Killed | 5,480,154 | #189 | Attacks | 17,171 | #131 | Missiles | 1879 | #80 | Defends | 15,153 | #91 |
Countries on this server
Round | Rank | Country | Land | Networth | Special | Clan |
90 |
50 |
IfUgotNOmoneyHONEYweGOTurDISEASE (#466) |
62,622 | $98,252,075 |
I |
Mercs |
89 |
391 |
SeepFromLaceRosesForAnUnbornFace (#637) |
8124 | $7,383,725 |
M |
Mercs |
89 |
MoreThanPleasureINiceCOLDflame (#554) |
7128 | $7,832,345 |
I |
Mercs |
89 |
PumpedWithFluidInsideYourBrain (#111) |
17,070 | $8,898,805 |
I |
Mercs |
88 |
108 |
PEeledandDEaltEMpireWHIPPED (#570) |
4158 | $21,199,111 |
I |
Mercs |
88 |
PEeledandDEaltEMpireTAGKILLED (#563) |
2160 | $1,322,930 |
M |
Mercs |
88 |
PEeledandDEaltEMpireSMAHEDED (#554) |
3202 | $1,381,225 |
T |
Mercs |
88 |
PEeledandDEaltEMpireDOOMED (#549) |
3627 | $2,730,834 |
I |
Mercs |
88 |
PEeledandDEaltEMpireCRUSHED (#547) |
3158 | $3,954,839 |
M |
Mercs |
88 |
BlastOfSilenceExplodesInMyHead (#112) |
12,154 | $15,823,596 |
I |
Mercs |
87 |
52 |
JUSTkillTHEpainORnumbMYbrain (#493) |
27,992 | $79,971,037 |
I |
Mercs |
86 |
53 |
EmptyEyesEnslavedTheCreations (#472) |
34,766 | $73,835,968 |
I |
Mercs |
85 |
85 |
TorturedSoulRippingSkinIntoAshes (#199) |
52,659 | $26,554,968 |
I |
Mercs |
84 |
80 |
ThisWorldIsAboutToBleachYourSkin (#189) |
47,247 | $77,513,217 |
I |
mercs |
83 |
47 |
TheWarheadsWillAllRustInPeace (#79) |
88,155 | $149,278,772 |
I |
Mercs |
82 |
40 |
TObeginWHIPPINGdanceOFtheDEAD (#30) |
100,225 | $163,215,931 |
I |
Mercs |
81 |
31 |
GeneralsGatheredInTheirMasses (#161) |
67,424 | $111,706,213 |
I |
Elders |
80 |
358 |
GrandmotherScreamingOfTheWall (#854) |
2337 | $1,295,530 |
I |
Mercs |
80 |
IFiHADmyWAYidHAVEallOFthenSHOT (#769) |
1011 | $2,282,671 |
I |
Mercs |
80 |
AsTheWarMachineKeepTurning (#691) |
1822 | $1,121,722 |
I |
Mercs |
80 |
WeGetItUpYouGoDownInFlames (#629) |
1900 | $1,222,234 |
I |
Mercs |
80 |
AWaveOfHatredComesLikeTheFlood (#540) |
1695 | $759,968 |
I |
Mercs |
80 |
WelcomeToTheBellyOfTheBeast (#128) |
5662 | $1,205,287 |
I |
Mercs |
79 |
38 |
ScreamingSoulSentOutToDie (#57) |
25,133 | $33,935,016 |
I |
Mercs |
78 |
363 |
AndGoodFunWithAHandgun (#462) |
2326 | $381,703 |
T |
Mercs |
78 |
351 |
YouRadiateColdShaftsOfBrokenGlas (#453) |
2374 | $1,204,518 |
F |
Mercs |
78 |
WithYourHeadDownInThePigBin (#438) |
5736 | $1,620,343 |
F |
Mercs |
78 |
UrNearlyALaughButUrReallyACry (#435) |
3565 | $2,968,811 |
F |
Mercs |
78 |
YoureHotSmokeInAHotPan (#400) |
13,860 | $11,925,977 |
T |
Mercs |
78 |
FallUntoUrKnees4DPhantomLord (#36) |
49,360 | $16,574,357 |
I |
Mercs |
77 |
49 |
PaintHerNameOnAOneWayStreet (#153) |
80,116 | $82,165,007 |
I |
Mercs |
76 |
66 |
TellMeWhyIHadToBeAPowerslave (#74) |
47,589 | $87,703,353 |
I |
Mercs |
75 |
187 |
SymptomOfTheUniverse (#410) |
13,628 | $9,390,451 |
T |
75 |
BuriedInOblivionStolenFrmTheMind (#64) |
53,874 | $30,385,450 |
C |
74 |
63 |
PenetratingThroughTheVoidOfLife (#9) |
37,372 | $47,653,631 |
I |
Mercs |
73 |
222 |
NowLeaveThatPlaceMayhemAndFear (#425) |
6060 | $8,833,622 |
T |
Mercs |
73 |
AVictimOfVenomousFaith (#71) |
43,121 | $27,290,699 |
I |
Mercs |
72 |
184 |
GreasyFingersSmearingShabbyCloth (#423) |
13,988 | $11,276,657 |
T |
Mercs |
72 |
NoMoreWarPigsHaveThePower (#21) |
54,912 | $35,685,423 |
I |
Mercs |
71 |
266 |
HelmOfHeavenlyEnlightenment (#413) |
3667 | $8,072,789 |
R |
Mercs |
71 |
LyfPreordainedHumanityMaintained (#214) |
41,235 | $34,772,634 |
I |
Mercs |
70 |
179 |
EmbryonicDeathEmbeddedInUrBrain (#429) |
11,304 | $10,240,512 |
T |
Mercs |
70 |
GeneticBlendsWithUncertainEnds (#32) |
46,856 | $33,100,086 |
I |
Mercs |
69 |
117 |
TheWallWasTooHighAsYouCanSee (#549) |
6502 | $13,947,287 |
T |
Mercs |
69 |
AndTheWormStayedIntoHisBrain (#60) |
32,064 | $26,665,368 |
I |
Mercs |
Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Special Codes
G=GDI-Member |