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There's some old timer's on it, The majority of the remainder of the list is old timers...
I'm just really weak from 2003-2009, for example I know TIE had a dominant run then, and I don't know who that leader was.
of people I can think of from 2009 onward, Son Goku/Xyle/Makinso are the only ones that are worth consideration.
Everyone else (including me) doesn't really come close.
Pre 2003 I"m good:) But I do appreciate any names being brought up,
2003-2009 Is the era I know least of.
i checked my mails
Early 2000 = JackET.
JackET cleaned the mess that Croaker left behind.
Croaker declared Eternal war against RD and a few days later he went inactive, JackET was leading the fight against RD. RD kept killing TIE, JackET had meetings with RD leaders and JackET and other TIE leaders accepted RD's terms.
JackET apologized to RD in public (so that TIE and his members can still play normal :P).
Croaker gets active around the moment TIE surrenders and starts to be a cry baby..
mid 2000
JackET stepped down and made Sir Mao the new pres of TIE, Sir Mao makes Ant as Second in Command, Peki was Sec of War and later VP of War Dept. Early 2008 Sir Mao vanished. He lived 40 km from me but no phone no mail reply's and empty house (still bugs me after 11 years. Later in 2008 i got hearth problems and ended in the hospital and Peki was left alone. Later when i returned Peki told me that there are leadership problems in TIE so i returned and Peki left (busy in rl). Shortly later again i had hearth problems and again was brought to the hospital. So i made someone Pres.
i left earth till Mr. Silver contacted me.