
Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

Dec 18th 2023, 15:54:20

Originally posted by BlackHole:
Who did I blame for my actions? I'm confused and not following now...

You want to blame Symba (and Darkness) for your failure in the game when your actions directly contributed to the outcome. I mean no offense by that, but from my point of view, that is what's happening here.

You are free to have your opinion, and I won't argue otherwise.
- Premium Patron Member

Doug Game profile


Dec 18th 2023, 15:58:44

I have a neural party willing to pay for and host it at no cost to players. Gains you know where to find me.

Cc: QZ

BlackHole Game profile


Dec 18th 2023, 16:03:33

Originally posted by Requiem:
Originally posted by BlackHole:
Who did I blame for my actions? I'm confused and not following now...

You want to blame Symba (and Darkness) for your failure in the game when your actions directly contributed to the outcome. I mean no offense by that, but from my point of view, that is what's happening here.

You are free to have your opinion, and I won't argue otherwise.

When did I blame them?

I'm not blaming anyone for any failures. And what failures? I'm really confused where you're getting this from.

Symba and Darkness just don't get along with me. That's not a failure. They don't like me, I don't like them. That extends to SoF/SoL mostly, too.

The Resistance not existing anymore is because I ended it. You can ask Milk, if you don't believe me. I got aggravated with everything and told everyone I was done. I don't consider what we did a failure. I taught a bunch of new players how to play the game. We were a big part in the war on alliance where we beat Mercs/SoF/SoL. I successfully lead a bunch of warchats on Team and Alliance, and had a lot of fun learning how to do that.

And then it ended because... well 10 v 25 isn't fun, really. And when a game isn't fun, you stop playing it.

If you want to say my actions contributed to Darkness disliking me, I guess that's fine. Yea, they dislike me cause I talked fluff and fought them over and over. I don't regret that one bit. It was their choice to fight 25v10 instead of 10v10 round after round though, not mine.

Cathankins Game profile


Dec 18th 2023, 16:03:58

^^^launches investigation against Lafs extortion and hosts the servers on fed nsa servers

Cathankins Game profile


Dec 18th 2023, 16:04:28

Dang you black hole your diary messed up my joke

BlackHole Game profile


Dec 18th 2023, 16:05:59

Originally posted by Cathankins:
Dang you black hole your diary messed up my joke

fluff bro. My diary messes up a lot of stuff. Sorry man!

Doug Game profile


Dec 18th 2023, 16:09:31

I do believe we were talking about eestats. Prime has your soapbox cleaned and prepared. Fuxxking use it. Enough already.

Back to eestats. Gains if you’d like someone to take it, I think we can accommodate you. And allow players to continue to use it.

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Dec 18th 2023, 18:01:39

/me eats popcorn

Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

Snoopdawg Game profile


Dec 18th 2023, 20:20:59

Gains used to be a likeable guy until he started hanging with certain people and became a Social Chameleon.When you spend time with specific people. Each person may bring something out in you, whether you realize it's happening or not.

Lord Milk Game profile


Dec 18th 2023, 23:53:23

Originally posted by BlackHole:
Resist is not lights.

Not even close, my friend.

Lights consists of Milk, Smokey, Taco, and then other players who have been in the community. To my knowledge those are the only 3 resist members that are playing in lights today.

Players that have quit the game to my knowledge, that were in Resist..

Ted Rampon, Not Today, Graves, Bobby, Albino, Monkey, SND, Solar Flare, St. Albans, Mr President. And myself, of course.

Captain Control was also playing with us at one time, and went over to Mercs. Not sure if he's still playing.

Maybe a few of thoes guys are still playing with Lights though? I think most of them aren't playing anymore, as far as I know.

Dude seriously what are you talking about first off the resistance died when YOU abandoned us secondly almost everyplayer you listed has been playing with me ever since I recruited most of these guys Not you other than the 4 resist mems that were there before me Ted either quit or passed away Not today and graves have been with me from the beginning Bobby was my friend that went to prison, Albino was my old neighbors kid that played for like a week Monkey is one of my best friends and an old coworker, SND is my Brother St. albans I recruited from primary And President is Zachelvania so the only one who really got chased off team server was you the rest of us have been here in the trenches since what Feb? You say you miss your boys but we tried multiple times to get you to play with us and you refused My point Is I RECRUITED EVERYONE all you did was send us to alliance to suicide for LAF which was fine I did my part and thats not the issue My issue is you acting woe is me when you never recruited a single person after I joined I only came to resist because Cathankins told me I should check it out. Now more recently you talk about derailing threads when you yourself was just derailing my petition thread just back in October. Ive said it before and Ill say it again Your a Troll and thats the real reason your still on here You like the attention and the Drama that follows it, You like to stir the POT but as far as Loyalty and Friendship you dont know a damn thing about it!
“Light must come from inside. You cannot ask the darkness to leave; you must turn on the light.”


Dec 18th 2023, 23:56:07

Drops mic

Snoopdawg Game profile


Dec 19th 2023, 0:38:43

my my my..... all you did was send us to alliance to suicide for LAF

nuf said

SuperFly Game profile


Dec 19th 2023, 0:48:36

Originally posted by Lord Milk:
Originally posted by BlackHole:
Resist is not lights.

Not even close, my friend.

Lights consists of Milk, Smokey, Taco, and then other players who have been in the community. To my knowledge those are the only 3 resist members that are playing in lights today.

Players that have quit the game to my knowledge, that were in Resist..

Ted Rampon, Not Today, Graves, Bobby, Albino, Monkey, SND, Solar Flare, St. Albans, Mr President. And myself, of course.

Captain Control was also playing with us at one time, and went over to Mercs. Not sure if he's still playing.

Maybe a few of thoes guys are still playing with Lights though? I think most of them aren't playing anymore, as far as I know.

Dude seriously what are you talking about first off the resistance died when YOU abandoned us secondly almost everyplayer you listed has been playing with me ever since I recruited most of these guys Not you other than the 4 resist mems that were there before me Ted either quit or passed away Not today and graves have been with me from the beginning Bobby was my friend that went to prison, Albino was my old neighbors kid that played for like a week Monkey is one of my best friends and an old coworker, SND is my Brother St. albans I recruited from primary And President is Zachelvania so the only one who really got chased off team server was you the rest of us have been here in the trenches since what Feb? You say you miss your boys but we tried multiple times to get you to play with us and you refused My point Is I RECRUITED EVERYONE all you did was send us to alliance to suicide for LAF which was fine I did my part and thats not the issue My issue is you acting woe is me when you never recruited a single person after I joined I only came to resist because Cathankins told me I should check it out. Now more recently you talk about derailing threads when you yourself was just derailing my petition thread just back in October. Ive said it before and Ill say it again Your a Troll and thats the real reason your still on here You like the attention and the Drama that follows it, You like to stir the POT but as far as Loyalty and Friendship you dont know a damn thing about it!

Damn Pastor Milk has spoken and he has preached. Black Hole dude you have been smitten down by the Pastor and there is no way you are going to talk your way out of this one....

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Dec 19th 2023, 1:15:02

Now BlackHole can't get his own story straight SMH...
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Dec 19th 2023, 1:44:04

Dang. Bout to take Milk up on being a homie. Nothing that dude has ever said has done anything but gain tons of respect from me. I’ll be on IRC again this set, Milk. I think we’re most aligned in the current meta so I think I’m most down to be a member with you.

You know, assuming LaF is taking tools away and being crybaby fluffes about the changes not going their way, instead of persevering the way people like me have had to for actual fluffing years. If they wanna be rational I suppose I’ll be killing them for being rude as fluff to people, but if they actually want to kill the game to prove a point, I suppose I’ll start paying again and prove they were always toxic.

Hey req, didn’t you have something similar to eestats basically set up already? I didn’t hate it. I think now would be the time to drive some traffic to your site and put some ads on it. I can teach you google ads and whatnot to monetize what these morons have been sleeping on. You have a built out essential website to the game atm that people would easily pay you bills even if it’s only a PPC campaign. People who lose money here were idiots to begin with.

Edited By: DerrickICN on Dec 19th 2023, 1:55:07
See Original Post

Coalie Game profile

EE Patron

Dec 19th 2023, 1:50:49


We all just watched milkman conduct a public castration.
Coalie, MBA B.Acc
Mercenaries for Hire
Deputy Commander

major Game profile


Dec 19th 2023, 1:55:36

Originally posted by Lord Milk:
Originally posted by BlackHole:
Resist is not lights.

Not even close, my friend.

Lights consists of Milk, Smokey, Taco, and then other players who have been in the community. To my knowledge those are the only 3 resist members that are playing in lights today.

Players that have quit the game to my knowledge, that were in Resist..

This is hard for me, but....
+5 for Milk.

Ted Rampon, Not Today, Graves, Bobby, Albino, Monkey, SND, Solar Flare, St. Albans, Mr President. And myself, of course.

Captain Control was also playing with us at one time, and went over to Mercs. Not sure if he's still playing.

Maybe a few of thoes guys are still playing with Lights though? I think most of them aren't playing anymore, as far as I know.

Dude seriously what are you talking about first off the resistance died when YOU abandoned us secondly almost everyplayer you listed has been playing with me ever since I recruited most of these guys Not you other than the 4 resist mems that were there before me Ted either quit or passed away Not today and graves have been with me from the beginning Bobby was my friend that went to prison, Albino was my old neighbors kid that played for like a week Monkey is one of my best friends and an old coworker, SND is my Brother St. albans I recruited from primary And President is Zachelvania so the only one who really got chased off team server was you the rest of us have been here in the trenches since what Feb? You say you miss your boys but we tried multiple times to get you to play with us and you refused My point Is I RECRUITED EVERYONE all you did was send us to alliance to suicide for LAF which was fine I did my part and thats not the issue My issue is you acting woe is me when you never recruited a single person after I joined I only came to resist because Cathankins told me I should check it out. Now more recently you talk about derailing threads when you yourself was just derailing my petition thread just back in October. Ive said it before and Ill say it again Your a Troll and thats the real reason your still on here You like the attention and the Drama that follows it, You like to stir the POT but as far as Loyalty and Friendship you dont know a damn thing about it!

too drunk.

+5 for Milk on this one.

Edited By: major on Dec 19th 2023, 1:58:47. Reason: drunk
See Original Post

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Dec 19th 2023, 1:56:31

Hey req. I’ll give you a hundred dollars and teach you google ads if you post your grabbing tool publicly.

Doug Game profile


Dec 19th 2023, 1:57:22

Snoopdawg Game profile


Dec 19th 2023, 2:08:44

Milk just made a Lot of friends

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Dec 19th 2023, 2:11:37

Originally posted by Snoopdawg:
Milk just made a Lot of friends

Yeah I’ll be honest. I might be trying to join that tag. That looks like the kind of fluff I get behind lol.

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Dec 19th 2023, 2:50:23

BlackHole was nothing but a pawn for LaF.
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

Doug Game profile


Dec 19th 2023, 2:54:14

Originally posted by DerrickICN:
Originally posted by Snoopdawg:
Milk just made a Lot of friends

Yeah I’ll be honest. I might be trying to join that tag. That looks like the kind of fluff I get behind lol.

You’re joining pdm or the team tag? lol cross server things confuse me. <—- blonde twink

Syko_Killa Game profile


Dec 19th 2023, 3:32:48

Originally posted by DerrickICN:

You know, assuming LaF is taking tools away and being crybaby fluffes about the changes not going their way, instead of persevering the way people like me have had to for actual fluffing years. If they wanna be rational I suppose I’ll be killing them for being rude as fluff to people, but if they actually want to kill the game to prove a point, I suppose I’ll start paying again and prove they were always toxic.
I seem to remember when you didn't play for a couple years straight? Guess that was you just persevering?
Do as I say, not as I do.

Doug Game profile


Dec 19th 2023, 6:15:01

Originally posted by Syko_Killa:
Originally posted by DerrickICN:

You know, assuming LaF is taking tools away and being crybaby fluffes about the changes not going their way, instead of persevering the way people like me have had to for actual fluffing years. If they wanna be rational I suppose I’ll be killing them for being rude as fluff to people, but if they actually want to kill the game to prove a point, I suppose I’ll start paying again and prove they were always toxic.
I seem to remember when you didn't play for a couple years straight? Guess that was you just persevering?

He was doing his Mormon trip through the Midwest looking all cute in that outfit… sweating in the summer wih those tight black pants and white shirt… wait… what were we talking about!?!?

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Dec 19th 2023, 11:31:43

I imagine juggling several wives to be remarkably similar to managing several bars in that you’d have almost no time to play EE lol.

My only form of protest re:clanGDI was to stop paying for Premium which I’d maintained despite the fact that I didn’t play because I’d always been willing to donate to the game. I never quit playing because I was butthurt or something.

That said if I was running a not for profit site of tools, I probably would have been a petty fluff and shut it down too if I were gains. Just being honest. But I feel like most people here have always known I’m a trifling emo kid, and I would definitely deserve the handful of comments calling me a crybaby petty fluff. You gotta own it, you know? Haha

Cathankins Game profile


Dec 19th 2023, 11:37:54

In case anyone isn’t aware you can check the counties histories here by clicking on them, the other servers are on their as well.

Syko_Killa Game profile


Dec 19th 2023, 12:27:08

Originally posted by DerrickICN:
I imagine juggling several wives to be remarkably similar to managing several bars in that you’d have almost no time to play EE lol.

My only form of protest re:clanGDI was to stop paying for Premium which I’d maintained despite the fact that I didn’t play because I’d always been willing to donate to the game. I never quit playing because I was butthurt or something.

That said if I was running a not for profit site of tools, I probably would have been a petty fluff and shut it down too if I were gains. Just being honest. But I feel like most people here have always known I’m a trifling emo kid, and I would definitely deserve the handful of comments calling me a crybaby petty fluff. You gotta own it, you know? Haha
You were pouting about something. Crying in the form of writing a paperback novel is what you do best on these forums. Writing how you detest the name LaF, how bad it must be for you that you give that alliance so much headspace and attention. That's the only reason you came back was to help other like minded fools drive away players for wearing a tagname that still gives you nightmares
Do as I say, not as I do.

galleri Game profile

Game Moderator
Primary, Express, Tourney, & FFA

Dec 19th 2023, 12:35:31

Originally posted by SuperFly:
Originally posted by Requiem:
As for EEstats, I am not sure why everyone feels entitled to it. Gains is under no obligation to provide it.

I will say that Bore did transfer it to someone he believed would keep it going. If that is not the case, maybe it should be transferred again to someone who will keep it up for the community.

Devs that play EE and make stuff for people at their own cost and time do not owe anyone anything, though.

@qz – is the type of site that should prob be managed by EE staff, as it is something many people in the community use to play the game. The game itself does need better support, but again, that takes dev time. This might be a situation where you need to pause your ClanGDI work to get something in place for smaller clans/solo players who might quit over this.

if it’s expensive (which it is after once again reading Bore / galleries thread from September) why should Gains shoulder the burden on his own especially when you maniacs have made it your mission to chase him out the game? He has given and he has now taken away!

However give the tool up to one of the many millionaires that this game has and maybe they can graciously host it.

That guy who plays as bitcoin in express is allegedly worth 800 million and all he does is play express lol


<cloud-rasp> It’s real bad
<cloud-rasp> DDOSing my DESTOCK

Kahuna: Ya you just wrote the fkn equation, not helping me at all. Lol n I hated algebra.


Dec 19th 2023, 13:02:29

Derrick dont let that fobbit pog talk to you that way.

Syko_Killa Game profile


Dec 19th 2023, 13:11:58

[quote poster=ツ; 52269; 1025699]Derrick dont let that fobbit pog talk to you that way. [/quote] If you knew me, you would know that I have over 100 combat mission on record. But I find that everyone plays a crucial role. Fobbits did gate and tower guard.
Do as I say, not as I do.


Dec 19th 2023, 13:50:16

We did that in our first 4 months of the 15 month deployment.
Yeah derrick. Don't let him talk down to you.

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Dec 19th 2023, 15:21:41

The only combat missions I ever seem to have is with drunk crazies.

He’s mostly right tho, other than the pouting part. I’m not ever sad when I get to kill LaF and smack talk rivals. I do write paperback novels about how LaF sucks and are dumb tho. Then LaF people respond and say I suck and am dumb, and we pretty much have coexisted that way for 25 years. Doesn’t even matter at this point how or when it started, just that it has always kind of been that way I guess. The reason I came back tho is someone asked me to and I said “sure sounds like fun,” because I had time for a few weeks during the summer.

LaF sucks and got reckd, then I got busy at work again.


Edited By: DerrickICN on Dec 19th 2023, 15:33:24
See Original Post

Syko_Killa Game profile


Dec 19th 2023, 16:31:24

Originally posted by Doug:
Originally posted by Syko_Killa:
Originally posted by DerrickICN:

You know, assuming LaF is taking tools away and being crybaby fluffes about the changes not going their way, instead of persevering the way people like me have had to for actual fluffing years. If they wanna be rational I suppose I’ll be killing them for being rude as fluff to people, but if they actually want to kill the game to prove a point, I suppose I’ll start paying again and prove they were always toxic.
I seem to remember when you didn't play for a couple years straight? Guess that was you just persevering?

He was doing his Mormon trip through the Midwest looking all cute in that outfit… sweating in the summer wih those tight black pants and white shirt… wait… what were we talking about!?!?
You know what they say, all the best cowboys have daddy issues.
Do as I say, not as I do.

Coalie Game profile

EE Patron

Dec 19th 2023, 23:22:26

Originally posted by Snoopdawg:
my my my..... all you did was send us to alliance to suicide for LAF

nuf said

Fraboi99 was comparatively at fault for this one.
Coalie, MBA B.Acc
Mercenaries for Hire
Deputy Commander

major Game profile


Dec 20th 2023, 0:44:22

Blackhole, it's only a game bud. figure that out and then you can have some fun.

Pastor Milk is wearing blackholes nuts on his necklace.

SuperFly Game profile


Dec 20th 2023, 7:14:11

Guys you all better send a search party for black hole. Looks like pastor milk murdered him as he has not posted since Dec 18th 2023, 16:05:59

Suicidal Game profile


Dec 20th 2023, 16:16:09

Originally posted by Lord Milk:
Originally posted by BlackHole:
Resist is not lights.

Not even close, my friend.

Lights consists of Milk, Smokey, Taco, and then other players who have been in the community. To my knowledge those are the only 3 resist members that are playing in lights today.

Players that have quit the game to my knowledge, that were in Resist..

Ted Rampon, Not Today, Graves, Bobby, Albino, Monkey, SND, Solar Flare, St. Albans, Mr President. And myself, of course.

Captain Control was also playing with us at one time, and went over to Mercs. Not sure if he's still playing.

Maybe a few of thoes guys are still playing with Lights though? I think most of them aren't playing anymore, as far as I know.

Dude seriously what are you talking about first off the resistance died when YOU abandoned us secondly almost everyplayer you listed has been playing with me ever since I recruited most of these guys Not you other than the 4 resist mems that were there before me Ted either quit or passed away Not today and graves have been with me from the beginning Bobby was my friend that went to prison, Albino was my old neighbors kid that played for like a week Monkey is one of my best friends and an old coworker, SND is my Brother St. albans I recruited from primary And President is Zachelvania so the only one who really got chased off team server was you the rest of us have been here in the trenches since what Feb? You say you miss your boys but we tried multiple times to get you to play with us and you refused My point Is I RECRUITED EVERYONE all you did was send us to alliance to suicide for LAF which was fine I did my part and thats not the issue My issue is you acting woe is me when you never recruited a single person after I joined I only came to resist because Cathankins told me I should check it out. Now more recently you talk about derailing threads when you yourself was just derailing my petition thread just back in October. Ive said it before and Ill say it again Your a Troll and thats the real reason your still on here You like the attention and the Drama that follows it, You like to stir the POT but as far as Loyalty and Friendship you dont know a damn thing about it!

^^ In a Secret Ballot, Voted best post in all of AT for 2023^^

Congrats Milk!!

now im nothing Game profile


Dec 21st 2023, 13:41:41

Originally posted by DeLpHiNuS:
Is eestats gonna come back soon?

Originally posted by now im nothing:
Does not appear that way, I know someone reached out to borg originally to take it over when he was shutting it down, he gave warning on the site but I thought it was odd he did not offer it up OR it will be fluff down vs will be shutting down message, maybe I just think different. Now it seems, there are some politics involved as no one was offered to take it over or any warning even it would be shutting down. I see the financial aspects, also at play but feel that is not the true issues or any of the above options may have been played - notice and or offering someone else to pay or even organizing a fundraiser etc. Clearly there is a higher motive than anything financial.
less defined as days go by. Fading away well you might say I am losing the focus. Kinda drifting into the abstract in terms of how I see myself

SuperFly Game profile


Dec 21st 2023, 14:14:03

Calling Black Hole. Are you alive to provide a rebuttal to Milks character assassination or was Milk the one to finally shut you down and disable you for good?

I just genuinely intrigued by what your response will be to this as is most of the community….

Rick Game profile

EE Patron

Dec 21st 2023, 14:54:44

Also willing to help with hosting costs if needed.

Snoopdawg Game profile


Dec 21st 2023, 15:13:01

someone needs to get up with Bore and tell him what is going on and that Doug has someone to host it.

galleri Game profile

Game Moderator
Primary, Express, Tourney, & FFA

Dec 21st 2023, 17:25:29

Originally posted by Snoopdawg:
someone needs to get up with Bore and tell him what is going on and that Doug has someone to host it.

Bore longed sold it. Once sold, the ownership is transferred.
He was shutting it off otherwise. From me doing some back reading.... It looks like Gains reached out and offered to buy and host it. Or maybe just host it.
I am not sure what you maybe looking for from Bore at this point?
Are you wanting to Bore to come give out a spanking?

Edited By: galleri on Dec 21st 2023, 17:27:58

<cloud-rasp> It’s real bad
<cloud-rasp> DDOSing my DESTOCK

Kahuna: Ya you just wrote the fkn equation, not helping me at all. Lol n I hated algebra.

Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

Dec 21st 2023, 17:35:35

Maybe Bore has a copy of the source code?

It doesn't appear that the eestats server has been turned off, as it is just refusing connections, which may mean he is still paying for the server. However, I cannot be sure, but that would negate his previous complaint about the $15 per month running cost.

Qz could confirm this if the Eestats API is still hitting earth for data.
- Premium Patron Member

SuperFly Game profile


Dec 21st 2023, 17:35:55

Maybe Bore kept a back up copy that someone else can bring online under a new name of course.

Can’t have Gains sue the new host for copy right infringement or something lol

Snoopdawg Game profile


Dec 21st 2023, 18:07:46

Originally posted by galleri:
Originally posted by Snoopdawg:
someone needs to get up with Bore and tell him what is going on and that Doug has someone to host it.

Bore longed sold it. Once sold, the ownership is transferred.
He was shutting it off otherwise. From me doing some back reading.... It looks like Gains reached out and offered to buy and host it. Or maybe just host it.
I am not sure what you maybe looking for from Bore at this point?
Are you wanting to Bore to come give out a spanking?

nah i don't think a spanking would help you this late in life

Snoopdawg Game profile


Dec 21st 2023, 21:04:44

What a shame I can remember when i couldn't find anyone with something bad to say about gains,now I can't find anyone with something good to say.MY how times have changed... so sad

Syko_Killa Game profile


Dec 22nd 2023, 10:31:57

Originally posted by Snoopdawg:
What a shame I can remember when i couldn't find anyone with something bad to say about gains,now I can't find anyone with something good to say.MY how times have changed... so sad
That's because you never new Gains as well as you think.
Do as I say, not as I do.

SuperFly Game profile


Dec 22nd 2023, 14:28:05

Originally posted by Syko_Killa:
Originally posted by Snoopdawg:
What a shame I can remember when i couldn't find anyone with something bad to say about gains,now I can't find anyone with something good to say.MY how times have changed... so sad
That's because you never new Gains as well as you think.

Are you saying that he was a bad guy this entire time?

Coalie Game profile

EE Patron

Dec 22nd 2023, 17:36:12

Originally posted by Snoopdawg:
What a shame I can remember when i couldn't find anyone with something bad to say about gains,now I can't find anyone with something good to say.MY how times have changed... so sad

That’s what happens when bad company like fratboi99 and turdcrawler corrupts good character.
Coalie, MBA B.Acc
Mercenaries for Hire
Deputy Commander