Originally posted by Detmer:
It is stupid to artificially tell a country than has the power to regain all of its land that it can not. No one has a right to take their land and then tell that individual who has the power to take it back that they do not have the right to do so.
You're right, that country has the right to regain all of its land back, with 1 hit. If they can't get it all back, then they should have played it better. Get similar NW, Mil Strat etc. If I grab PDM for 2500 Acres and your guy retals and only gets 1800 Acres, then he retals again and gets another 1600 Acres, thats 3400 Acres. So I lose out big time. That's really going to encourage landgrabbing on this dying server...
You can't control who decides to hit you, only how many times you hit them back. It is stupid to hit someone who can hit you back. Politics should not handcuff a superior country.
Originally posted by Detmer:
The 1:1 vs L:L aspect of the PDM retal policy *IS* perfect. If anyone doesn't agree with that they simply do not understand it.
How is it perfect? The aggressor can run a Tyr with Max Mil Strat and LG someone with similar NW and gain nothing, because the defender can half-ass it and just hit a 2nd time if needed to take more than the L:L.
If you want your land back, do it in 1 retal. If you can't, then you better increase your defense so nobody tries. It's a very simple concept that this server still doesn't understand. D-E-F-E-N-S-E.
(Detmer, I'm not targeting you, just this policy in general, which I think others are attempting to enforce).
In 100% honesty I have not read what you wrote beyond like five words. As per my original statement you do not understand it.