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Well we could have used your crusade of defending the righteous back when bots were killing IX and LaF for years. Anyone who still plays from that era, knows what can really destroy the game.
Prior to that with the OG colors, I always thought RD brought a dynamic to the game that made it fun and interesting. Sure they cheated. Sure they were in all of the alliances at once. Sure they manipulated everyone. But I actually had fun playing the game then.
I was defending the righteous back then! Though not for IX and LaF since they were running the same amount of bots.
RD and the cheaters killed the game, its as simple as that, they are the sole reason for the toxic environment that was created and which is all we are left with. As someone who never cheated I didn't have fun hiding in alliances and being chased by RD everywhere you go just for publicly speaking out against them and refusing to be quiet.