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There is some talk around of reducing the power of spies, but I think that would be a mistake. We should not reduce the power of spies just to make things safer for Netters. The extreme risk of playing EE is one of its main attractions. If there was no risk, and everything was safer, there would be nobody playing at all.
Anyone that says the suggestions re: spal is about making things safer for netters is listening to people (Neil) that have not even attempted to understand the proposed changes to the formulas. The proposed changes will not make things safer for netters. If a war country hits netters with the changes, the netter will be hit just as hard as they are now. One proposed formula is spies*acres^(-1/2).
Here are a few iterations of this proposed formula vs SPAL: (@ 10000 "spy power)
Spies Acres Spy power (Proposed) SPAL (current) MU Spy w/ new formula
316,228 1,000 10,000 316 0.031622777
1,000,000 10,000 10,000 100 0.01
1,414,214 20,000 10,000 71 0.007071068
1,732,051 30,000 10,000 58 0.005773503
2,000,000 40,000 10,000 50 0.005
2,236,068 50,000 10,000 45 0.004472136
2,449,490 60,000 10,000 41 0.004082483
2,645,751 70,000 10,000 38 0.003779645
2,828,427 80,000 10,000 35 0.003535534
3,000,000 90,000 10,000 33 0.003333333
3,162,278 100,000 10,000 32 0.003162278
3,316,625 110,000 10,000 30 0.003015113
3,464,102 120,000 10,000 29 0.002886751
3,605,551 130,000 10,000 28 0.002773501
3,741,657 140,000 10,000 27 0.002672612
3,872,983 150,000 10,000 26 0.002581989
4,000,000 160,000 10,000 25 0.0025
4,123,106 170,000 10,000 24 0.002425356
4,242,641 180,000 10,000 24 0.002357023
4,358,899 190,000 10,000 23 0.002294157
4,472,136 200,000 10,000 22 0.002236068
You'll notice that for a "netting" country at 200k acres to achieve the same spy power as a 100 spal, 10k acre, trash war country, it will cost them almost 3.5 mill in expenses per turn - and that is with 10x more spies than a netter currently holds. Not unfair at all.
There has been talk about reducing power of things like CD's. Considering most netters run 0 troops, or close thereto, that is not something that hurts netters - it just changes the dynamic of war countries a little bit.