
HH Game profile

EE Patron

Jun 22nd 2023, 18:18:02

Clan GDI is awesome! :)

Getafix Game profile

EE Patron

Jun 22nd 2023, 18:43:02

My Earth Empires Premium credits run out in 10 days. I won't be buying any more with this bullfluff clan GDI in place to let LaF cheaters get free protection from war, and seeing the game turned into a crappy version of farmville. I'll keep an eye on the game waiting for QZ to realize he's been duped by Gerdler, and wait until he removes this feature that completely ruins the game. And I'll remember Mr. Gainsborough's threat to drive SoL off the server.

HH Game profile

EE Patron

Jun 23rd 2023, 9:36:35

Originally posted by Getafix:
My Earth Empires Premium credits run out in 10 days. I won't be buying any more with this bullfluff clan GDI in place to let LaF cheaters get free protection from war, and seeing the game turned into a crappy version of farmville. I'll keep an eye on the game waiting for QZ to realize he's been duped by Gerdler, and wait until he removes this feature that completely ruins the game. And I'll remember Mr. Gainsborough's threat to drive SoL off the server.

I disagree, Clan Gdi is great. You know deep down you think so too.

Rick Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 7th 2023, 22:57:35

I thought if I declare war, I can attack. I cannot declare war, or attack. What the fluff is the point of this?

Can someone explain how I can attack a clan in GDI?

major Game profile


Jul 7th 2023, 23:25:51

It's a cover to enable a clan to build at will, and drop clan gdi, and FS.

Rick Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 7th 2023, 23:26:47

Originally posted by major:
It's a cover to enable a clan to build at will, and drop clan gdi, and FS.

It says if I declare war I can attack. But I can't even declare war.... what am I missing?


Jul 7th 2023, 23:55:54

Originally posted by Rick:
Originally posted by major:
It's a cover to enable a clan to build at will, and drop clan gdi, and FS.

It says if I declare war I can attack. But I can't even declare war.... what am I missing?

You can't. Either this is how it was intended, or it's a bug. No reason to have any other units besides jets if you are in clan gdi.

Rick Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 8th 2023, 0:02:27

[quote poster=ツ; 51946; 1015764]
Originally posted by Rick:
Originally posted by major:
It's a cover to enable a clan to build at will, and drop clan gdi, and FS.

It says if I declare war I can attack. But I can't even declare war.... what am I missing?

You can't. Either this is how it was intended, or it's a bug. No reason to have any other units besides jets if you are in clan gdi. [/quote]

Wow, OK. Thanks for the heads up. Is there a server that allows you to attack other people?


Jul 8th 2023, 0:05:54

FFA, teams, primary, express, and tournament.

major Game profile


Jul 8th 2023, 0:12:32

Originally posted by major:
It's a cover to enable a clan to build at will, and drop clan gdi, and FS.

I was just wanted to repeat it. The time -limit after dropping CLAN GDI before attacking should be in the rules.

Real Man


Jul 8th 2023, 2:59:53

lol so EE is literally PVE now hahahaha

Steeps Game profile


Jul 8th 2023, 3:04:55

Pretty much, once you're in ClanGDI you can run a defenseless country and continue to farm bots with no downsides or cost.

SuperFly Game profile


Jul 8th 2023, 3:59:48

[quote poster=ツ; 51946; 1015766]FFA, teams, primary, express, and tournament. [/quote]

If you attack humans in express they try to force sanctions on you.

If you do it in tournament same thing.

If you do it in primary same thing.

If you randomly kill tags in teams they all cry and call for spirit of the server rules.

Never played FFA so not sure but I am certain it’s the same crap of don’t touch me. I am only here to farm bots…

I personally hope that the admins change the game description as it’s very deceiving as PvP is not encouraged here lol

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 8th 2023, 4:14:02

I'm still kinda standing by the fact that war decs are affected as an actual error and not intended. Qz hasn't confirmed or denied that, but there's clearly a war dec mechanic listed in the changeset that isn't possible to do.

If this is working actually the way it's intended, it's not only insanely flawed, but should also kill the player base. Pretty wild.

If it is intended this way, it's at least a wild choice. Idk...

SuperFly Game profile


Jul 8th 2023, 6:48:18

Originally posted by DerrickICN:

If this is working actually the way it's intended, it's not only insanely flawed, but should also kill the player base. Pretty wild.

If it is intended this way, it's at least a wild choice. Idk...

This did kill the player base lol. how many players quit on the coalition side this set? I know of 5 mercs players who hung up their hats but as long as it ain’t laf players quitting who gives a flufffffffff right?

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 8th 2023, 16:53:56

I mean, I wouldn't say Clan GDI made me hang it up, but for sure it seemed like a boring set and I didn't wanna play it. I guess those sorta mean the same thing.

If this mechanic was working with respect to all aspects of the game tho, I really don't think I'd mind it. Right now it's a pretty brutal implementation tho haha.

Idk. I've always been here for the people anyways. Game has kinda always been trash. It's whatever.

braden Game profile


Jul 8th 2023, 18:26:37

We spend six minutes a day on turns and 12 hours hitting refresh hoping one of the 47 players posted something on the forums

BlackHole Game profile


Jul 9th 2023, 13:49:42

Originally posted by braden:
We spend six minutes a day on turns and 12 hours hitting refresh hoping one of the 47 players posted something on the forums

Yet we complain when people post on the forums a lot, or post something to long to read.
Originally posted by SuperFly:
Originally posted by DerrickICN:

If this is working actually the way it's intended, it's not only insanely flawed, but should also kill the player base. Pretty wild.

If it is intended this way, it's at least a wild choice. Idk...

This did kill the player base lol. how many players quit on the coalition side this set? I know of 5 mercs players who hung up their hats but as long as it ain’t laf players quitting who gives a flufffffffff right?


Rick Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 9th 2023, 23:21:16

The new meta is espionage. Get your SPAL up, and go HAM.

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 10th 2023, 0:36:00

Originally posted by Rick:
The new meta is espionage. Get your SPAL up, and go HAM.

Yeahhhhhhh. Or war clans joining it and disengaging when the war starts. Both are absolutely terrible metas. It's ehm.....yeah. What you said.

Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 10th 2023, 3:32:53

The game has fallen so far from the original that it is no longer a game I feel like playing. It is a shame all of the absolute greats of this game had to buy other forms of defense and compete against real players vs. farming bots that do not attack back; however, their leaderboard scores will be buried by lower-quality players of the bot era. If anything, can we get a stats board for pre-bot-era players? It isn't fair to them.

It is strange to see a country with 0 spies, 0 troops, 0 turrets, 0 tanks, and 2b cash on hand. This is the new meta because Qz changed the code to make it so. It's partly his game, so it is his right to do.

After some time, I feel the result will be fewer players and more bots. Time will tell. If you enjoy bot farming pve type of gameplay, then this is excellent.

I am also a bit confused; 1a was always touted as the war server – which server is our war server now? It seems they are all single-player!
- Premium Patron Member

SuperFly Game profile


Jul 10th 2023, 3:40:32

There is no war server anymore cuz this is not a war game.

I literally fought everyone / farmed everyone that I could in express this weekend. I did the same actions this weekend that I did last year which just about got me sanctioned by slagpit and Gerdler.

As of right now express will be turned into my war server. If you don’t like it petition that that the game owner institute bot farming gdi and add another 300 bots….

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 10th 2023, 4:03:59

Not to hang my hat on a moot point, but the war declaration part of the changeset quite literally isn't possible. Are we 100% sure this is working properly? Whether or not it gets fixed is another story. This is really how this was intended?

Turtle Crawler Game profile


Jul 10th 2023, 16:28:35

Originally posted by Requiem:
The game has fallen so far from the original that it is no longer a game I feel like playing. It is a shame all of the absolute greats of this game had to buy other forms of defense and compete against real players vs. farming bots that do not attack back; however, their leaderboard scores will be buried by lower-quality players of the bot era. If anything, can we get a stats board for pre-bot-era players? It isn't fair to them.

It is strange to see a country with 0 spies, 0 troops, 0 turrets, 0 tanks, and 2b cash on hand. This is the new meta because Qz changed the code to make it so. It's partly his game, so it is his right to do.

After some time, I feel the result will be fewer players and more bots. Time will tell. If you enjoy bot farming pve type of gameplay, then this is excellent.

I am also a bit confused; 1a was always touted as the war server – which server is our war server now? It seems they are all single-player!

The meta hasn't changed in years, and in terms of netters running low/no defence - that has been the meta from the very beginning (except for theo techer midfeeding, which people seem to recall as quite distructive too, and only for a small part of the reset). You simply can't win while being inefficient. Actually.. you can't even grab, because of humanitarians. Again, it has always been this way, which is why actual wars were faught over suppressing suisiders, letting people net, since netgainers have ALWAYS been horribly vulnerable to suisiders. Netgaining in days of old was just a question of a) who built a good country and b) got lucky. It's a much better game when (b) is reduced or removed.

Shweezy Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 10th 2023, 16:45:49

Or when you and hanlong and co. dont cheat :')
Catch me on ir c

Turtle Crawler Game profile


Jul 10th 2023, 16:59:03

Originally posted by Shweezy:
Or when you and hanlong and co. dont cheat :')

Yes, I'm refering to individual performance (unaided, not cheating etc). Normally it was thought to be proper that individual performance determined the #1 spot, but alliance aid was acceptable to try and claim the rest of the spots.

Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 10th 2023, 17:09:30

The meta was not all jetter like that that is false.

It isn’t even a conversation comparing the two especially w clan gdi.
- Premium Patron Member

Turtle Crawler Game profile


Jul 10th 2023, 17:53:54

Originally posted by Requiem:
The meta was not all jetter like that that is false.

It isn’t even a conversation comparing the two especially w clan gdi.

Yes it was, before this reset for the past several years it has been all jetter bot farming. (I know, I won two resets doing it). Before that I wasn't playing, but I think it was zero turret land trading. Back in the old days it was holding token turrets, as you were just farming newbs, then holding millions only in the case of midfeeding.

All clan GDI does is a) limit griefing b) forced wars (there are no longer any legitimate reasons for war remaining in the game, if you want to create one then go midfeed another alliance, like in the old days. There are plenty of targets. This is what clan GDI actually protects against).

Edited By: Turtle Crawler on Jul 10th 2023, 18:21:43
See Original Post

Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 10th 2023, 22:56:48

Originally posted by Turtle Crawler:
Yes it was, before this reset for the past several years it has been all jetter bot farming.

The context of my OP is pre-bot-era not current bot-era gameplay. Maybe I wasn't clear enough.

If you want to continue on the current trajectory then bots must retal otherwise this is just a bot farming sim. If you were to ever farm real players they would attempt to retal in some form. This isn't natural and really makes the game just a grind.

The game has devolved too much IMO. Even jumping is lame with oil destocks in the last 5 min of the round, not to mention buying coins to get 100% building costs to eliminate deconstruction costs!

No sweat off my back but my opinion is that it is no longer a game worth playing.
- Premium Patron Member

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Jul 10th 2023, 23:14:00

Bot retals would be nice to have implemented, but it doesnt really solve an issue and it could be done so so wrong if set up the wrong way.

You need to get to a point where farming bots require some defences but they retal in a predictable way and they can can be outplayed with some skill and/or effort. If they just stock 2 weeks and level you with ABs because your country was the one that got the highest score from a random generator you've achieved nothing but remove skill and add luck.

If bot retals are in play the humanitarians likely need to be tweaked in order to allow for decent defensive unit NW on large countries.

Turtle Crawler Game profile


Jul 11th 2023, 0:00:14

Bot retals does almost nothing except 1) make bots even easier to break because they have jets and b) set the coresponding MMRs for defence. It would have zero impact.

mrford Game profile


Jul 11th 2023, 0:52:30

*Doesn't carry defense

*States bot retals would create MMRs

*Claims zero no impact

fluff I love this game and the tards that still play it.
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

Graves Game profile


Jul 11th 2023, 10:38:49

+1 on adding spy ops into clan GDI. This is my first proper set on alliance and I just got half my buildings destroyed. It's really demotivating and just turns the game into a race to cripple first.

War is a big aspect of the game, but it isn't the main aspect. That's why the final rankings are networth and not kills. Clans and countries should have a way of fairly attacking and defending themselves. I do wonder if clan GDI should be less strict on the no attacking at all, and pool military/spies instead - a bit like a massive defensive pact. Like a single attack is a simple country v country, but successive attacks bring in a higher and higher % of the total clan military.

BlackHole Game profile


Jul 11th 2023, 11:14:32

All BS aside, the reality of this game and the problems with it are as follows:

In a game with thousands of people, wars are wars. Politics play an important role, and it's a lot of fun. Alliances change, new blood comes and goes, and it keeps the game fresh, fun, and exciting.

In a game with 47 people, wars are not wars anymore. They are simply two sides being fluffs to each other for eternity. And whichever side happens to have more people (yes, people is the metric here, not skill) wins. And not only do they win, they make the game unplayable and unfun for everyone else.

Clan GDI, I assume, was meant to address this. But Clan GDI also takes away a big portion of the game. You can see that half the players here just want to attack the other half, since they are the bigger/stronger half and it's fun to gang up on others. I don't disagree, I wish I would have been on the larger numbers side in a war, it would probably have been a riot.

But the game we have today isn't conducive to any of that being healthy in any way.

There are two real solutions.

1. Grow the player base.
2. Realize you're all playing a game that is deeply flawed and will never really be anything close to what it was or could be, due to the player size.

As someone who got back into browser games over the last 7 months, and has now experienced different games to compare this to, I can easily say that other games do not have these problems. Astro Empires has an extremely healthy war component to it's game. And even being on the losing side of a war doesn't mean that all hope is lost and there is no point in playing. There are mechanics that exist that make it so that you are able to rebuild and contribute in meaningful ways, even after getting your fleet destroyed or bases occupied.

The game doesn't allow scripts or bots or any of the tools that EE uses. So the game doesn't become setup IRC on your phone and wait for alerts to come in at 3 in the morning. Attacking enemies is more involved than waiting for the warchat leader to pick a target and watching a countdown in IRC, then hitting a button 30 times as fast as you can. And the player base isn't so small that you know your enemies first and last name, the name of their pets, and what they do for a living.

In other words, its way healthier than this community.

All of that said, I like EE. I think EE is a fun game. But the size of the player base isn't conducive to the game being played the way it used to be played. So either the game changes, or the player base changes. Or the game dies even quicker, which at this point, might be a good thing.


Jul 11th 2023, 11:28:35

Originally posted by Graves:
+1 on adding spy ops into clan GDI. This is my first proper set on alliance and I just got half my buildings destroyed. It's really demotivating and just turns the game into a race to cripple first.

War is a big aspect of the game, but it isn't the main aspect. That's why the final rankings are networth and not kills. Clans and countries should have a way of fairly attacking and defending themselves. I do wonder if clan GDI should be less strict on the no attacking at all, and pool military/spies instead - a bit like a massive defensive pact. Like a single attack is a simple country v country, but successive attacks bring in a higher and higher % of the total clan military.

You could say war is part of the final ranking. Kill your opponent and you most likely finish a higher networth than them.

Tc- I played in laf I'm two different eras and we had mmrs during both. I don't know where you are getting this all jetter meta from.

mdevol Game profile


Jul 11th 2023, 14:58:11

After the implementation of clanGDI there was literally only 1 way this warring side could possibly impact the game without being forced to net. LaF didn't have to carry any defense, just have SOME spies. They chose the path of 0 spies to maximize potential nw finish. A few had 25-30k spies on 70k land. But that was it. We were forced to adapt on the fly. Why should you not also be forced to adapt to the changing game rather than just being able to freely net with 0 defense and 0 spies.

Our war room was literally taken out of the game overnight without advanced warning. So we found a way and adapted to the new game.

Surely what a man does when he is caught off his guard is the best evidence as to what sort of man he is. - C.S. Lewis

mrford Game profile


Jul 11th 2023, 16:30:26

Did this scrub really call out Astro Empires as an alternative?

Was he not around when EE went and played AE? And how that ended? Not toxic?

Atleast he is funny.
Swagger of a Chupacabra

[21:37:01] <&KILLERfluffY> when I was doing FA stuff for sof the person who gave me the longest angry rant was Mr Ford

BlackHole Game profile


Jul 11th 2023, 17:20:09

Originally posted by mrford:
Did this scrub really call out Astro Empires as an alternative?

Was he not around when EE went and played AE? And how that ended? Not toxic?

Atleast he is funny.

Are you asking rhetorical questions, or do you not know how to read? I've been here for 6 months. So no, I wasn't around in 2004 when EE played AE. You can stop re-living events from 20 years ago any day you want.

mdevol Game profile


Jul 11th 2023, 17:46:29

Ford, I think BlackHole would have been fun to have in the same clan as Donny and bsnake.

He's just very new to the game.
Surely what a man does when he is caught off his guard is the best evidence as to what sort of man he is. - C.S. Lewis

farmer Game profile


Jul 11th 2023, 18:04:06

Originally posted by BlackHole:
All BS aside, the reality of this game and the problems with it are as follows:

for someone that has only been around this game for a few months you seem to have a good grasp on what is wrong and how to fix this game. Having played this game from it's early days, I think the first time i played it did not even have tags for the clans, if i am remembering right. In some ways that was fun as you did not really know how many members a clan had so you might grab some easy land and find yourself dead in a matter of minutes. Yes i long for the glory days of earth but we seem stuck with what we have.

In a game with thousands of people, wars are wars. Politics play an important role, and it's a lot of fun. Alliances change, new blood comes and goes, and it keeps the game fresh, fun, and exciting.

In a game with 47 people, wars are not wars anymore. They are simply two sides being fluffs to each other for eternity. And whichever side happens to have more people (yes, people is the metric here, not skill) wins. And not only do they win, they make the game unplayable and unfun for everyone else.

Clan GDI, I assume, was meant to address this. But Clan GDI also takes away a big portion of the game. You can see that half the players here just want to attack the other half, since they are the bigger/stronger half and it's fun to gang up on others. I don't disagree, I wish I would have been on the larger numbers side in a war, it would probably have been a riot.

But the game we have today isn't conducive to any of that being healthy in any way.

There are two real solutions.

1. Grow the player base.
2. Realize you're all playing a game that is deeply flawed and will never really be anything close to what it was or could be, due to the player size.

As someone who got back into browser games over the last 7 months, and has now experienced different games to compare this to, I can easily say that other games do not have these problems. Astro Empires has an extremely healthy war component to it's game. And even being on the losing side of a war doesn't mean that all hope is lost and there is no point in playing. There are mechanics that exist that make it so that you are able to rebuild and contribute in meaningful ways, even after getting your fleet destroyed or bases occupied.

The game doesn't allow scripts or bots or any of the tools that EE uses. So the game doesn't become setup IRC on your phone and wait for alerts to come in at 3 in the morning. Attacking enemies is more involved than waiting for the warchat leader to pick a target and watching a countdown in IRC, then hitting a button 30 times as fast as you can. And the player base isn't so small that you know your enemies first and last name, the name of their pets, and what they do for a living.

In other words, its way healthier than this community.

All of that said, I like EE. I think EE is a fun game. But the size of the player base isn't conducive to the game being played the way it used to be played. So either the game changes, or the player base changes. Or the game dies even quicker, which at this point, might be a good thing.

Doug Game profile


Jul 11th 2023, 18:44:48

Pith isn’t someone’s forte

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 11th 2023, 21:25:51

I remain unconvinced that the mechanic is even working properly. No one will be along to confirm shortly....

Regardless of what the community needs, what made E2025 special as a BBS and later as a browser game was being the first ever game with a dynamic public market. It sold itself as a war game, but what seperated it from other bulletin board games was how the market functioned as a natural balancing force for strategies, and set to set predictions could be wildly off due to market forces. The market drove players to the top of the scores, and set the tone for wars.

Then bots were introduced. While on team server or Primary where bots do not exist, a C/I can still win. But's unlikely one even scratches the top 20. In fact, it's often unlikely that less than 8 of the top 10 will be FFOs. While the intention of the bots was in part to balance the market (as well as provide infinite free land), it should have never been. But now, the market is all but standard. Super predictable. And in that, only certain strats that require 300k acres of farming to win are viable. RIP MBR, RIP C/I, RIP TTR as a net strat. But it doesn't matter there is no strategy parity and that C/I is nonviable. There will always be cheap military on the market thanks to bots.

Then bots were introduced to tell you which bot to hit for prime efficiency. Another step of having to think removed.

And then, last but not least, politics have been removed. And that's where we are today.

Idk guys. I'm never going to think that who can be committed enough to make a bazillion bot hits, reduce their bcost to 0 and oil destock most efficiently is a fun game. Literally team server has more intrigue than that. Netting under these conditions might hold my interest for one super committed FFO set where I place high. But I would maybe do that one time ever and call myself good. It wouldn't hold my attention long term like team's market and strategy parity has.

It's just extremely boring and predictable now. I'm not even playing the server atm, but I would be willing to bet my house that I could guess the price of every single market good within 1% or so. And I could guess the whole top ten just based on land and government. It's just sorta lame.

Being able to with some certainty, predict the winner of the set a month before the end of a set because we are 100% sure what the market will do and 100% sure no one will get hit is silly. How you netters stay motivated for that is honestly beyond me. I love netting other servers but this one is just unbelievably predictable now. What's the point of playing the game for the next month when we already know who's gonna win?

Edited By: DerrickICN on Jul 11th 2023, 21:35:13
See Original Post

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 11th 2023, 21:38:21

Even just getting the bots off the market to increase parity among strategies would be dope. But no. We're actually increasing the bots right now so FFO is even easier and military is even cheaper despite no players even selling military. The market is ruined, the politics are ruined. RIP parity. Have fun with your giant ass FFOs. May the guy we all think is gonna win, win. Woohoo!

braden Game profile


Jul 11th 2023, 23:12:09

So I should switch from republic?

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 12th 2023, 0:37:31

Eh. Rep casher usually gets the other 2 top ten spots. Just be really good.

You won't win with the 2nd best strat, but you can finish fringe t10 with it.

Rick Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 12th 2023, 0:46:25

The espionage meta continues. C/I producing mass spies is life changing.

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 12th 2023, 0:57:55

Originally posted by Rick:
The espionage meta continues. C/I producing mass spies is life changing.

Ehhhh.... For the first coupke weeks yes, but as the set presses on, C/I becomes non-viable at high acreage due to expenses. It won't win, period. But then again, anything not a 300k+ FFO has essentially an outside chance at being borderline t10. If the espionage meta on techer bots to get 50th place is what you're playing for, you and I are not the same. Sounds boring af to play that or the one strat that wins.

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 12th 2023, 1:07:00

Honestly, do people find the "who can make the biggest FFO with no risk of getting hit and no player market influence or strategy parity" meta fun?

I've seen many arguments for LaF sucking. Just as many for wardogs being able to kiss off. I personally like both sides and the thing that concerns me most is the game that I play being fun.

So to TC or Gerdy or gains or whoever...LaF people:

Is the reality of this server being so simple and so much just who makes the beefyest FFO actually interesting and fun? It seems like a horribly boring meta...

Even if the market played a little different set to set, I'd find it waaaaay more fun sounding than just making thousands of bot hits and oil destocking where the most active bot hitter that pays for premium and knows how to hybrid destock wins...

Edited By: DerrickICN on Jul 12th 2023, 1:10:46
See Original Post

Rick Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 12th 2023, 1:12:15

Originally posted by DerrickICN:
Originally posted by Rick:
The espionage meta continues. C/I producing mass spies is life changing.

Ehhhh.... For the first coupke weeks yes, but as the set presses on, C/I becomes non-viable at high acreage due to expenses. It won't win, period. But then again, anything not a 300k+ FFO has essentially an outside chance at being borderline t10. If the espionage meta on techer bots to get 50th place is what you're playing for, you and I are not the same. Sounds boring af to play that or the one strat that wins.

I'm just trying to wage war in the only way I can in this game.

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Jul 12th 2023, 1:19:26

Yeah. Honestly that sounds more interesting and adaptive finding things to overcome than the current netting meta. Hats off for trying to find a way to make the game fun.😒🤷‍♂️