Top Clans - Team

Next Reset 162nd round: Oct 21, 2023 - Nov 21, 2023 Prev Reset
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Top 14 (out of 14) clans ranked by average networth
NameTagMembersTotal WorthAvg WorthGDI
Veteran Players Explorimg Team VPeT 5 $291,800,747 $58,360,149
Order of the Dragon Dragon 5 $286,710,022 $57,342,004
False Flag One FF1 3 $84,951,838 $28,317,279
Weedy netgaining alliance weedylar 1 $27,596,011 $27,596,011
Bad Ass Forces United Bad4U 3 $73,203,768 $24,401,256
Pandora Last Vikings panlv 1 $19,752,959 $19,752,959
Alpha Special Forces Alpha 3 $39,093,791 $13,031,264
Darkness smashers Letsmash 5 $45,743,438 $9,148,688
Freedom Fredoom 1 $8,634,480 $8,634,480
FREEDOM freedom 4 $21,076,855 $5,269,214
Shadow hunters SmashBro 5 $21,856,928 $4,371,386
LIGHTS LIGHTS 5 $5,773,791 $1,154,758
Lumens Lumens 3 $2,181,084 $727,028
The Light LIGHT 5 $3,034,879 $606,976

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