Game Profile for Lord Slayer on the Express Server

OverallExpressAllianceTeamPrimaryFree For AllTournamentCooperation

Best Finish: Seventh

Leaderboard Rankings

Top 10011#927
Top 102#361
Best 3$13,434,765#746
Attack Success93.06%#461

Countries on this server

525 47 NoN Lust WoG (#44) 3883$540,905 T
524 10 i Will fOrGet to play (#235) 14,173$12,383,557 RG
517 Slayerville (#112) 100$4717 M
515 43 Here I go Again (#117) 21,460$6,370,452 T
514 120 WIll Robinson (#122) 100$4717 M
510 45 Lets Have Fun today (#103) 17,898$6,381,126 C
509 79 Slayerville (#13) 7920$3,195,116 I
508 106 Moon Walker (#127) 8542$2,078,440 T
508 This Bot Retals Please Try (#104) 10,060$1,022,839 T
507 7 GoW TSUL NoN Backwords (#31) 22,713$17,143,296 C
506 48 NoN Lust WoG (#111) 12,926$6,165,075 T
505 40 Taldore (#98) 17,311$6,663,148 T
504 102 Fyord and Jester tie the Not (#70) 4689$1,291,162 I
503 19 Slayerville (#17) 12,360$10,777,442 H
502 109 Slayerville (#111) 7048$1,253,699 C
501 113 Slayerville (#124) 3974$383,110 F
104 129 Fatty goes to hell (#106) 4265$366,244 F
82 96 SF should pact me its LS (#103) 6997$2,650,295 TG
3 56 Slayerville (#70) 6049$1,755,591 C
2 179 Slayerville (#290) 1795$548,169 H

Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism