Game Profile for BiBiGoN on the Team Server

OverallExpressAllianceTeamPrimaryFree For AllTournamentCooperation

Best Finish: Third

Leaderboard Rankings

Top 10029#104
Top 107#60
Best 3$49,498,440#111
Attack Success89.63%#297
Pop Killed970,706#252

Countries on this server

81 25 BiBiGoN (#33) 12,535$16,354,975 C INDIGO
80 17 BiBiGoN (#46) 12,735$33,605,507 D INDIGO
79 69 BiBiGoN5 (#116) 4882$459,930 TG INDIGO
79 BiBiGoN4 (#115) 1534$242,506 TG INDIGO
79 BiBiGoN3 (#105) 2128$686,302 F INDIGO
79 BiBiGoN2 (#98) 5260$1,461,960 TG INDIGO
79 BiBiGoN (#35) 5840$2,713,744 D INDIGO
78 70 BiBiGoN3 (#123) 1756$710,351 M INDIGO
78 BiBiGoN2 (#100) 4113$1,071,095 FG INDIGO
78 BiBiGoN (#30) 3585$1,045,899 C INDIGO
77 61 BiBiGoN3 (#102) 4454$736,404 IG INDIGO
77 BiBiGoN2 (#94) 3655$1,843,781 CG INDIGO
77 BiBiGoN (#31) 13,831$5,606,530 C INDIGO
76 61 BiBiGoN7 (#128) 2222$390,573 F INDIGO
76 56 BiBiGoN6 (#111) 4946$1,102,361 FG INDIGO
76 BiBiGoN5 (#105) 3517$695,546 FG INDIGO
76 BiBiGoN4 (#97) 5333$417,228 FG INDIGO
76 BiBiGoN3 (#95) 4223$308,865 F INDIGO
76 BiBiGoN2 (#92) 2903$386,737 C INDIGO
76 BiBiGoN (#31) 4038$651,909 C INDIGO
75 52 BiBiGoN2 (#122) 3608$2,238,242 I INDIGO
75 BiBiGoN (#36) 10,910$8,306,147 T INDIGO
74 68 BiBiGoN3 (#131) 5761$1,222,516 M INDIGO
74 BiBiGoN2 (#115) 7871$2,822,195 T INDIGO
74 BiBiGoN (#31) 17,695$11,003,977 D INDIGO
73 6 BiBiGoN (#32) 21,498$44,596,249 D INDIGO
72 9 BiBiGoN (#33) 19,915$43,953,848 D INDIGO
71 8 BiBiGoN (#36) 20,143$39,861,136 D INDIGO
70 18 BiBiGoN (#39) 11,507$31,719,336 DG E2N
69 3 BiBiGoN (#54) 23,195$58,576,645 D Top10
68 16 BiBiGoN (#41) 16,429$28,029,116 C Top10
67 17 BiBiGoN (#43) 13,168$28,199,953 DG Top10
66 20 BiBiGoN (#26) 20,435$22,645,081 CG Top10
65 9 BiBiGoN (#36) 14,317$35,476,173 DG Top10
64 48 BiBiGoN2 (#152) 2271$2,011,105 M xBaDx
64 24 BiBiGoN (#29) 10,017$7,339,658 T xBaDx
63 10 BiBiGoN (#24) 8328$33,085,611 D xBaDx
62 7 BiBiGoN (#5) 12,697$32,747,465 D xBaDx
61 50 BiBiGoN2 (#100) 5357$2,501,544 T pinoy2
61 BiBiGoN (#73) 5401$7,810,338 D pinoy2
57 76 BiBiGoN3 (#116) 2295$212,596 T  
57 BiBiGoN2 (#102) 5138$427,757 T  
57 BiBiGoN (#25) 3928$431,231 TG  
56 61 BiBiGoN (#39) 4502$3,112,209 FG  
55 38 BiBiGoN (#62) 11,729$11,705,784 D Triforce
54 22 BiBiGoN (#40) 10,471$30,111,000 D Pin00bs
53 11 BiBiGoN (#47) 17,706$45,322,426 D ChAoSSeX
52 25 BiBiGoN (#32) 16,002$24,134,746 D ChAoSSeX
51 84 BiBiGoN (#152) 7738$1,347,359 DG  

Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism