Game Profile for i81u812 on the Alliance Server

OverallExpressAllianceTeamPrimaryFree For AllTournamentCooperation

Best Finish: 125th

Leaderboard Rankings

Top 100UnrankedN/A
Top 10UnrankedN/A
Best 3$49,536,910#1184
Attack SuccessUnrankedN/A
Pop Killed568,641#1116

Countries on this server

69 406 unRAGEful (#364) 100$4717 M  
51 477 I81u812 (#267) 120$5617 M  
36 435 RudestNettingMachineThisSideOfJo (#505) 100$4717 M RAGE
31 388 wellwellwell (#482) 2258$324,272 T  
31 Idontknowwhatimdoingbutilikeit (#393) 9033$1,312,888 C RAGE
30 223 The Russian Warlord (#19) 20,889$55,822,520 H RAGE
29 391 i8 is back again again (#1639) 3121$434,590 T RAGE
29 364 i8 is back again (#1586) 3618$522,501 T RAGE
29 I eat sht like you for breakfast (#1530) 2738$416,952 T RAGE
29 Beer Assistant (#1424) 3444$427,405 T RAGE
29 Were still winning (#1290) 2239$358,253 T RAGE
29 Once A great nation now a KFC (#1161) 2245$204,048 T RAGE
29 Play it again sam (#831) 1873$366,242 C RAGE
29 Im too drunk to taste this chick (#643) 3575$771,628 C RAGE
29 Deliberate Alcoholism (#301) 10,134$1,604,903 C RAGE
28 238 KunteKente (#524) 12,075$20,336,715 T RAGE
24 649 TBoneBaconSteak (#557) 100$4717 M RAGE
23 200 LetTheFarceBeWithYou (#138) 20,435$49,649,993 R RAGE
22 125 AutoEroticArtichokingMyself (#137) 12,596$43,138,218 DG MD
21 287 i81u812 (#1232) 15,087$14,402,041 M xMDx
15 830 i81u812 (#1294) 100$4717 M  
7 659 aWARd Winning Strategy (#788) 140$12,641 T RAGE
7 i81u812 (#2) 14,537$2,164,258 T RAGE
6 209 Chrispy (#598) 16,137$27,254,382 T RAGE
4 633 i81u812 (#1103) 140$6517 M RAGEnELY
4 i81 is back again ELYnRAGE FTW (#726) 4601$1,274,888 T RAGEnELY
4 acutELY enRAGEd (#234) 388$638,536 RG RAGEnELY
3 373 i81u812 (#730) 18,837$12,086,121 R Rage
2 791 i81u812 (#747) 100$4717 M RAGE
1 932 i81u812 (#716) 100$4717 M RAGE

Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism