Game Profile for BrainWave on the Alliance Server

OverallExpressAllianceTeamPrimaryFree For AllTournamentCooperation

Best Finish: Twenty-second

Leaderboard Rankings

Top 10011#207
Top 10UnrankedN/A
Best 3$137,802,567#398
Attack Success96.18%#386
Pop Killed3,776,546#295

Countries on this server

43 362 RIP Carrie Fisher (#409) 100$4717 M  
42 Still the Dragonborn (#285) 14,765$6,205,699 D RR
41 40 Idiots Supporting Idiots Service (#145) 23,325$100,630,561 H RR
40 71 Holy rusted metal Batman (#123) 23,805$96,248,463 H RR
39 315 Things happen for no reason (#621) 5745$2,494,188 M  
39 Las Vegas here i come (#169) 15,569$6,993,259 T RR
38 136 Useless Old People (#439) 19,151$43,665,743 H RR
38 Cake or Death (#48) 13,254$2,745,921 F RR
37 215 Cake or Death (#655) 4945$6,001,616 T VIRAL
37 More Cake Please (#625) 4739$3,110,062 T VIRAL
37 Baa Baa Black Sheep (#459) 10,946$4,670,887 T VIRAL
37 Nuclear Powered Super Sheep (#116) 16,559$5,193,805 F VIRAL
36 55 Rival Gone Viral (#204) 13,049$89,055,850 H RIVAL
35 112 The Boondock Saints (#128) 23,102$80,814,341 H RIVAL
34 22 I Stepped On A Weird Ant Today (#101) 28,941$155,285,598 H RIVAL
33 22 Aliexpress Shopping Addict (#88) 26,003$134,180,553 H RIVAL
32 132 The Boondock Saints (#168) 10,917$72,474,779 H RIVAL
31 159 Happy Xmas and Merry New Years (#170) 19,409$53,074,867 F RIVAL
30 48 Insert Scary Pumpkin Story Here (#131) 25,955$118,778,933 H RIVAL
29 27 Krakatoa Volcano Eruption 1883 (#6) 24,461$103,321,272 H RIVAL
28 34 Hulk Smash Thor (#24) 29,348$118,013,277 H RIVAL
27 284 No Morals left to Decay (#687) 18,585$27,787,177 I RIVAL
27 Game of Harry Potters Twilight (#181) 4314$809,754 R RIVAL
26 58 Germanys outfits are FAAABULOUS (#227) 26,862$123,941,550 D Rival
25 390 Another Rival Victory (#1030) 6975$5,365,613 I RIVAL
25 Use a Sudowoodo as a Xmas tree (#281) 6615$3,596,068 I RIVAL
24 169 InEarthYoureGuiltyByAssociation (#932) 18,654$34,533,770 H RIVAL
24 Scarry Undead Zombie Ghost Sheep (#170) 5619$2,313,999 T RIVAL
23 506 Rival won another war (#1310) 5321$1,052,293 F RIVAL
23 336 Godbot says it was Incompetence (#171) 12,668$8,236,915 T RIVAL
22 263 DKs with a silent IC (#1283) 10,062$6,234,622 H RIVAL
22 Malcolm Reynolds a god among men (#190) 13,188$5,128,256 C RIVAL
21 78 But we are out of cake (#214) 20,710$90,780,339 F RIVAL
20 285 Imgur is for cats not for sheep (#207) 25,049$59,028,272 F RIVAL
19 442 More time for IMGUR (#1211) 5602$2,720,859 H RIVAL
19 Tropical Splash Smoothie (#220) 17,315$13,327,623 I RIVAL
18 301 I Love POM Wonderful (#224) 19,939$25,350,417 I RIVAL
17 271 Agateophobia Fear Of Insanity (#2) 17,811$51,970,805 H RIVAL
16 357 Beyond the Gates of Hell (#1769) 5483$2,302,383 H RIVAL
16 My Battle Sheep Are Coming (#1270) 6698$1,304,941 H RIVAL
16 Traumatophobia Fear of War (#218) 8046$2,297,958 F RIVAL
15 83 Nomatophobia Fear of names (#237) 23,371$87,831,320 D RIVAL
14 128 Dragonborns Gone Wild (#230) 23,529$90,411,660 R Rival
13 255 Black Sheep Among Dragonborn (#261) 17,800$50,251,525 R Rival
12 126 Rival Plus PG Equals Scarry (#38) 22,758$44,857,746 T Rival
11 267 BrainWaves on rampage (#550) 30,091$59,134,346 T Rival
10 226 The BrainWave Saints (#203) 27,809$52,334,946 RG Rival

Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism