Game Profile for Bossbishh92 on the Express Server

OverallExpressAllianceTeamPrimaryFree For AllTournamentCooperation

Best Finish: Eleventh

Leaderboard Rankings

Top 10019#580
Top 10UnrankedN/A
Best 3$14,492,694#654
Attack Success86.95%#876

Countries on this server

790 90 Death Row (#87) 370$25,200 TG
788 89 Not My Problem (#83) 3510$337,754 TG
787 92 Try again (#96) 120$6564 MG
787 69 Laugh now Cry later (#89) 14,732$5,437,184 IG
786 68 ShouldaThoughtTwice (#84) 15,894$6,554,929 FG
785 76 MamaShouldaSwallowedU (#85) 6607$3,743,980 TG
784 73 Filthy Animalzz (#92) 11,755$6,355,589 TG
783 71 Gram Rotisserie Style (#80) 17,992$7,796,447 FG
782 73 GlammyGam SloppyToppy (#84) 12,773$8,463,333 TG
781 73 Grammy Gummy (#86) 20,428$7,076,198 TG
780 32 Granny gumma get yoU (#11) 23,242$15,138,841 HG
779 11 Granny Wet Fart (#74) 24,204$19,876,808 HG
778 77 Certified FrEaK 7dw (#47) 14,180$4,382,024 FG
777 76 mofugga (#73) 21,156$4,166,756 HG
776 77 KISSMYAXE (#87) 20,423$4,806,409 HG
775 78 HawkTuah (#85) 15,518$4,758,333 HG
774 83 UnconditionalUnconscious (#16) 26,289$7,864,857 FG
773 84 FckaroundFindout (#46) 14,586$3,327,578 HG
772 99 FckaroundFindout (#106) 5055$534,730 HG

Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism