Game Profile for Cougar on the Alliance Server

OverallExpressAllianceTeamPrimaryFree For AllTournamentCooperation

Best Finish: 164th

Leaderboard Rankings

Top 100UnrankedN/A
Top 10UnrankedN/A
Best 3$41,600,619#1293
Attack Success92.87%#885
Pop Killed3,163,419#339

Countries on this server

39 405 arrowproject DOT net (#414) 736$52,539 M Arrow
27 Oh This again (#593) 12,031$2,387,813 R SoF
23 656 shoot me first (#131) 620$50,040 M SoF
22 236 Oh God This Again (#670) 13,128$10,091,678 T SoF
21 586 I Suppose I Should (#1309) 4380$324,300 M SoF
21 EVE is way more fun than this (#1107) 6722$1,422,210 T SoF
21 Leo and Baxter r ninja kitties (#68) 19,513$6,957,895 I SoF
20 549 Moral Victory for MD (#1448) 6088$1,204,236 T SoF
20 Less than 70 hours OOP (#1361) 10,878$1,565,915 T SoF
20 My Weekly Restart (#1288) 7148$1,013,466 T SoF
20 Im going back to sleep (#1196) 9186$961,659 T SoF
20 Nazars Outpost XXXIV (#1070) 7760$1,161,090 T SoF
20 Nazars Outpost XXXIII (#931) 7069$1,094,550 T SoF
20 Kill MDs Reunion Set (#49) 8644$1,914,260 T SoF
19 282 Once More Unto the Breach (#1140) 39,341$20,118,522 T SoF
19 MD kills people on xmas (#919) 5109$600,449 T SoF
19 Enthusiastic About Bacon (#400) 10,261$2,428,507 F SoF
18 343 Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (#2) 20,099$19,046,879 T SoF
17 431 Asche Zu Asche (#348) 16,142$16,843,165 I SOFxWAR
16 249 Once More Unto The Breach (#1402) 16,659$12,546,631 T SoF
16 I work 730 to 330 EST (#1209) 5535$828,408 T SoF
16 Meh (#985) 6067$907,056 T SoF
16 Ich Tu Dir Weh (#149) 6054$1,380,254 T SoF
15 164 Asche Zu Asche (#86) 26,958$56,267,681 F SoF
14 323 Du Hasst Mich (#1031) 34,556$16,236,776 T xSOFx
14 Till Lindemann (#627) 18,273$6,741,060 I xSOFx
13 377 Hoo Phlung De Phuu (#724) 22,011$25,201,633 F SoF
13 Come Out And Play (#22) 3371$465,188 T  
12 272 Here I Go Again (#941) 20,191$13,413,511 T SoF
12 Come Out And Play (#58) 8327$1,233,051 I SoF
11 416 Come Out And Play (#477) 20,861$28,522,002 I SOF
10 365 Here I Go Again (#104) 7531$19,458,166 T SOF
9 297 Here I Go Again (#742) 25,463$40,012,173 I SOF
1 939 Cougar (#804) 100$4717 M  

Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism