Game Profile for calvin74 on the Express Server

OverallExpressAllianceTeamPrimaryFree For AllTournamentCooperation

Best Finish: 101st

Leaderboard Rankings

Top 100UnrankedN/A
Top 10UnrankedN/A
Best 3$1,067,621#3617
Attack SuccessUnrankedN/A

Countries on this server

245 131 Yoda Humping Artichokes (#152) 1858$167,113 M
203 169 John Birch (#111) 100$4717 M
202 101 I AM SPARTACUS (#84) 6388$2,643,230 T
190 150 Galaxy (#163) 1129$97,707 M
181 137 Die Number 13 (#169) 1989$392,521 T
79 184 Artichokes Are Delicious (#168) 100$4717 M

Players in Green are under protection or on vacation.
Players in Red have been destroyed.
Players in Purple have been deleted for rules violations.
Special Codes
M=Monarchy D=Democracy R=Republic H=Theocracy C=Communism I=Dictatorship T=Tyranny F=Fascism