
guochel Game profile


Mar 3rd 2024, 0:32:41

i'm not too sure if it means anything to talk about my strategy, but here goes:

usually, i am an explorer farmer. i batch explore first, then start buying tech until it no longer benefits me to buy tech (payoff does not overcome cost of tech), and then i keep exploring in increments after my 2-3rd batch explore. i don't buy spies, i don't buy tanks or troops, i don't attack, i just keep exploring and building farms and stockpiling my bushels until the end when i sell all my bushels on private market for 35/bushel. with this strategy, i am able to get around 27-28 million NW by set end.

but i noticed that some people (swamp guardians) are able to reach 38-40 million using other strategies. i've been trying to figure out how they do that, and so i think it's because they implement a research/teching phase at the very beginning which is far more cost efficient than buying tech incrementally using the market, and so that is what i will do this round

i will batch explore to 3700 acres (convert everything to research labs), then i will tech for 200 turns, hopefully reaching max agriculture tech, and then i will raze my research labs into farms and i will play like normal. hopefully, with this strategy, i will be able to reach 35 million NW by set end

wish me luck!

also, if you think there's a different way to reach 35 million NW as a farmer, or if i am wrong, then please tell me!

AndrewMose Game profile


Mar 3rd 2024, 0:39:08

I've never gone farmer on this server. I'm not sure if it is possible to all explore farm past 35M in most markets. I wasn't going to play this set, but maybe I'll give this a shot.

Also I don't tech start, unless I am going full techer.

guochel Game profile


Mar 3rd 2024, 0:46:57

wow, swamp guardians himself! if you don't tech start, how did you get 38 million NW using commy/indy? the best i ever got with commy/indy is probably 28 million NW

NitelL Game profile


Mar 3rd 2024, 4:45:42

It's usually some version of storing max turns, and buying as much tech as you can as early as possible.

The general problem with tourney is the tech market is empty early on, so if you don't be patient and store turns, you'll use a lot of these early turns with no tech. These tech advantages compound throughout the set, i.e. if you have 1% more tech at turn 100, you can buy another 1% more tech at turn 101 with your additional production etc. Also means you have 1% more production over the next 1800 turns, and both of these dynamics add up.

Tech starts are never worth it on tourney afaik - maybe possible if you do a super short one and start grabbing (the latter is also possibly a death sentence on this server haha).

guochel Game profile


Mar 3rd 2024, 13:37:05

Originally posted by NitelL:
It's usually some version of storing max turns, and buying as much tech as you can as early as possible.

The general problem with tourney is the tech market is empty early on, so if you don't be patient and store turns, you'll use a lot of these early turns with no tech. These tech advantages compound throughout the set, i.e. if you have 1% more tech at turn 100, you can buy another 1% more tech at turn 101 with your additional production etc. Also means you have 1% more production over the next 1800 turns, and both of these dynamics add up.

i always buy my tech as early as possible

Originally posted by NitelL:

Tech starts are never worth it on tourney afaik - maybe possible if you do a super short one and start grabbing (the latter is also possibly a death sentence on this server haha).

damn, tech starts don't work on this server, huh? oh well, i will try it anyway this one time

guochel Game profile


Mar 4th 2024, 23:41:11

i'm going commy/indy this time, since swamp guardians says he's going farmer. can't have two big farmers, that would flood the market and make it impossible to make money for either of us

NitelL Game profile


Mar 5th 2024, 7:54:40

I see a lot of Rs this set, so these cashers need to be fed!

guochel Game profile


Mar 5th 2024, 19:41:18

but there are no communists either in game a, b, or c => high demand for military units ;)

Aturan Game profile

EE Patron

Mar 5th 2024, 20:21:45

My strategy this round is to farm guochel.


guochel Game profile


Mar 5th 2024, 20:59:10

oh no, please don't hurt me, i'm a virgin ;)

guochel Game profile


Mar 13th 2024, 0:48:16


so basically, i am deep in my first and final teching/researching phase (i just spent 200-250 turns teching to 150k industrials, 50k business, and 50k residentials). i am about to switch to commy/indy. i have 3950 acres and i am about to raze all my labs (3694 to be exact) to industrial complexes. after that, i will batch explore to ~7500 after loading up on turns from the bonuses.

analysis of this approach to getting tech (teching instead of buying from market):
i don't think it's a bad approach. Because while i am teching at 3950 acres, i am getting about 1200 tech points per turn. assuming that i could have sold this tech on the market, each tech point is 3500$ each. this translates to roughly 1150$/acre while teching/researching. This is a whopping difference compared to say... buying tech from the market as a farmer. if i were to buy tech from the market as a farmer with say 0 agricultural tech, i would be making around 200 dollars/acre from my 3694 acres of farms. same with commy/indy, i think.

so i would be getting much less tech if i were to buy it all from the market (with each tech point around 3500$ each at this stage of the round) as a farmer or an industrialist. The only bad thing about using teching/researching phase instead of just buying it all from the market as a farmer or industrialist is that while i'm teching, i'm not exploring. i just spent 250 turns teching, which could have been used to explore myself to around 8000 acres by now. 4000-5000 additional bonus acres as a farmer means that i would be making around relatively 500-600 dollars/acre as a 3950 acre farmer with 0 agricultural tech.

Edited By: guochel on Mar 13th 2024, 0:52:48
See Original Post

Tertius Game profile

EE Patron

Mar 13th 2024, 3:04:23

You also have to spend turns and cash to rebuild - that's the big factor in doing a tech start.

guochel Game profile


Mar 13th 2024, 16:24:32

oh yes, absolutely!

guochel Game profile


Mar 20th 2024, 4:53:21

none of my turrets are selling. no one is buying turrets today, damn it
two days ago, turrets were being sold off nonstop that the market didn't have any turrets to sell. today, nobody buys turrets
at least the jets are selling off

guochel Game profile


Mar 22nd 2024, 1:46:12

it's completely gone to fluff. none of my turrets will sell even if i put the at the lowest price
this set is ruined. i knew i should have never gone communist