
Tertius Game profile

EE Patron

Jun 15th 2024, 0:23:19

This set is probably the most explosive it's been in a while? Missiles, GS, AB across half the server? Wild.

SuperFly Game profile


Jun 15th 2024, 16:02:02

Hmm sounds like a good time. Who hasn’t been hit yet so that I can hit him? I don’t wanna hit someone else who has been hit and then get deleted lol

Tertius Game profile

EE Patron

Aug 29th 2024, 13:48:31

Quiet this set, but now some moves at the top in the final 2 days between the top 2 (well, at the time). Old grudges? A summer fling? A special operation? A ploy to buy up oil for a friend?

Attack Time Attacker Defender Losses
EM Aug 29, 12:29 3rd Special Forces Group (#14) Happiest Time of the Year (#13) 299,664 MU
EM Aug 29, 12:29 3rd Special Forces Group (#14) Happiest Time of the Year (#13) 296,666 MU
EM Aug 29, 12:29 3rd Special Forces Group (#14) Happiest Time of the Year (#13) 293,700 MU
EM Aug 29, 12:29 3rd Special Forces Group (#14) Happiest Time of the Year (#13) 290,763 MU
NM Aug 29, 12:31 3rd Special Forces Group (#14) Happiest Time of the Year (#13) 507 A
NM Aug 29, 12:31 3rd Special Forces Group (#14) Happiest Time of the Year (#13) 482 A
CM Aug 29, 12:31 3rd Special Forces Group (#14) Happiest Time of the Year (#13) 356 B
23,219 C
CM Aug 29, 12:31 3rd Special Forces Group (#14) Happiest Time of the Year (#13) 342 B
20,201 C
CM Aug 29, 12:31 3rd Special Forces Group (#14) Happiest Time of the Year (#13) 328 B
17,575 C
CM Aug 29, 12:31 3rd Special Forces Group (#14) Happiest Time of the Year (#13) 315 B
15,290 C
CM Aug 29, 12:32 3rd Special Forces Group (#14) Happiest Time of the Year (#13) 302 B
13,302 C
CM Aug 29, 12:32 3rd Special Forces Group (#14) Happiest Time of the Year (#13) 291 B
11,573 C
CM Aug 29, 12:32 3rd Special Forces Group (#14) Happiest Time of the Year (#13) 279 B
10,069 C
CM Aug 29, 12:32 3rd Special Forces Group (#14) Happiest Time of the Year (#13) 268 B
8760 C
CM Aug 29, 12:32 3rd Special Forces Group (#14) Happiest Time of the Year (#13) 257 B
7621 C
CM Aug 29, 12:32 3rd Special Forces Group (#14) Happiest Time of the Year (#13) 247 B
6630 C
CM Aug 29, 12:32 3rd Special Forces Group (#14) Happiest Time of the Year (#13) 236 B
5768 C
PS Aug 29, 13:14 Happiest Time of the Year (#13) 3rd Special Forces Group (#14) 555 A
NM Aug 29, 13:14 Happiest Time of the Year (#13) 3rd Special Forces Group (#14) 497 A
EM Aug 29, 13:15 Happiest Time of the Year (#13) 3rd Special Forces Group (#14) 186,134 MU
EM Aug 29, 13:15 Happiest Time of the Year (#13) 3rd Special Forces Group (#14) 184,272 MU

For context: There are currently 15 countries in game A the Tournament server.

Rank Country Land Networth Special
1 Happiest Time of the Year (#13) 9977 $24,795,085 HG
2 Star Wars (#5) 17,012 $22,326,701 RG
3 3rd Special Forces Group (#14) 9445 $21,357,232 HG
4 Scorched Earth (#4) 15,959 $21,024,838 RG
5 Aggression (#11) 16,514 $19,700,808 CG

NitelL Game profile


Aug 29th 2024, 15:31:20

Unprovoked? One is a new name, so hard to see it being an old grudge unless it's from a few sets ago (so the new name has time to fight in game A, then start a new name to climb into A).

Or perhaps felt the contention for top spot was too close, so felt could take out the key rival!

VicRattlehead Game profile


Aug 29th 2024, 19:03:52

I know who one of those people is, and they definitely told me they were playing for the win and not a war. Oh well, maybe I won't finish last.

AndrewMose Game profile


Oct 28th 2024, 21:21:14

the first couple of weeks of this set were slow, but the past 10 days have been crazy.

NitelL Game profile


Oct 28th 2024, 21:34:33

Definitely. I thought I had this in the bag, but unfortunately no longer. Land of Little People seems to have managed to avoid all the fights, so that's our most likely victor it seems!

Tertius Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 29th 2024, 15:10:00

I don't mind fireworks when they're meaningful - llaar changed the dynamic, but ultimately was very reasonable.

I've gotten into wars a number of times where a double tap (or outright farming) led to a war, where both players respected the other: metaphorically shook hands and said good fight, leaving each other alone for the foreseeable future. Captain Obvious comes to mind as a great one of the past, Turd Ferguson this set around (I could've swore he had been an easy target who went inactive when tmac was around, but he showed up and let me know that was not the case these days).

I have zero respect or interest in those who make war countries and then just blindside people - or who realize they can't net and won't win, so they attack the top player out of spite. I had a longer run than I expected for this country name (started the set before the holidays last year!) given all the wars where I squeaked into the top half to stay in A (including apparently beating Cath 1:1 in war multiple sets as he kept starting problems, surprise he was 3rd Special Forces Group above) so I figured someone would come after me, but I think I'll duck out for a while.

We'll see if 2025 brings in any new fun (or more realistically, gets rid of some of the irrational griefers).

Edited By: Tertius on Oct 29th 2024, 15:50:44

NitelL Game profile


Oct 29th 2024, 15:22:45

Yea, the absolute worst are the cross-server suiciders. You hit them on one server, they can't do anything about it, so they suicide you on another (with a country built to suicide).

Oh well.

Cathankins Game profile


Oct 29th 2024, 16:32:14

Lol better be ready to fight for that top 5 spot because I am. I think you arrogant netters have had far too much easy wins and should expect some competition. I’m not surprised you are crying now that the pressure is on.

Tertius Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 29th 2024, 16:53:58

lol, I'm sure the 100 AB's and missiles you sent are really setting you up for the top spot after you had already been fighting Ping all set (and I with Turd).

Plus, even when you tried to get top spot, you couldn't get it, which is why you attacked me out of the blue as 3rd Special Forces Group, and even with the FS, you didn't stay in A and I did. What competition? When should I expect it?

Cathankins Game profile


Oct 29th 2024, 17:04:03

Check my profile. I’ve taken first place on every single server including this one. Take your crying on. You have a big mouth for someone with such little fight in them. I did in fact knock ping out of my way and then I hit you. I’m close to passing you both because of that move. I don’t care if I take first. Better get that defense up boys when you see that tyrant coming.

Cathankins Game profile


Oct 29th 2024, 17:06:15

I didn’t war ping. I hit him with 50 missiles and it pretty much crippled his country and I passed him as a result of that. Then I hit you a few day later. Seems to work pretty well.

Tertius Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 29th 2024, 18:57:57

I know your profile pretty well Cath, have you forgotten that we used to be teammates until you started suiciding me everywhere because... SuperFly somehow?

Your only win in team is because we wanted to challenge ourselves with a team push, and we got you to 200M+ (you're welcome!).

Your highest NW in alliance was when you were in Evo when tmac and I taught you the ropes.

You got a single win in Express by playing every week and finding a set where Nite and Skol weren't trying. Kudos for your tenacity.

You have a single win in Primary where you've made a slightly def-heavy casher a legitimate, smart play to stay out of wars.

Your best 3 in tourny is rank 20, putting you at the bottom of the top 10 of currently active players.

You're the one who loves the stats, and like to wield it against people on the forums that you deem beneath you, but it's a joke - like your skills at forum debates or your performance in evenly matched wars.

Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 29th 2024, 19:19:44

Ouch, that is a roast lol! It is probably unfair to call that a roast as it is all 100% accurate.
- Premium Patron Member

Cathankins Game profile


Oct 29th 2024, 23:30:57

Loud mouth tert can’t do anything with his country totally destroyed so has resorted to whining about how many first place finishes I have lol classic

now im nothing Game profile


Oct 30th 2024, 1:27:05

Raise a little hell, raise a little hell, raise a little hell
Raise a little hell, raise a little hell, raise a little hell
Raise a little hell, raise a little hell, raise a little hell
Raise a little hell, raise a little hell, raise a little hell
less defined as days go by. Fading away well you might say I am losing the focus. Kinda drifting into the abstract in terms of how I see myself

SuperFly Game profile


Oct 30th 2024, 6:32:02

Thanks Tertius you da man. dont get sucked into the black hole and dont mention ma name bruh. I am innocent and do not partake in any of this drama!

Cathankins Game profile


Oct 30th 2024, 11:07:56

Originally posted by SuperFly:
Thanks Tertius you da man. dont get sucked into the black hole and dont mention ma name bruh. I am innocent and do not partake in any of this drama!

We’ve been through this, I’m fine with you guys having free speech. I have never ever asked for you to be censored or banned. The issue is you all get triggered and can’t handle the banter and then demand I be banned if I respond so there’s no point in interacting with you people when we already know the outcome. as soon as I start saying hilarious stuff that you all will cry about it.

Maybe it would be easier for you guys to quit mentioning me? For your emotions I mean. Let’s keep in mind I have to tip toe around your emotions so these interactions are unpleasant for me.

You guys always want to play and then cry when the fun starts haha pick a side and make up your mind

Coalie Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 30th 2024, 12:33:22

Originally posted by Tertius:
I know your profile pretty well Cath, have you forgotten that we used to be teammates until you started suiciding me everywhere because... SuperFly somehow?

Your only win in team is because we wanted to challenge ourselves with a team push, and we got you to 200M+ (you're welcome!).

Your highest NW in alliance was when you were in Evo when tmac and I taught you the ropes.

You got a single win in Express by playing every week and finding a set where Nite and Skol weren't trying. Kudos for your tenacity.

You have a single win in Primary where you've made a slightly def-heavy casher a legitimate, smart play to stay out of wars.

Your best 3 in tourny is rank 20, putting you at the bottom of the top 10 of currently active players.

You're the one who loves the stats, and like to wield it against people on the forums that you deem beneath you, but it's a joke - like your skills at forum debates or your performance in evenly matched wars.

Damn you cut deep with your words
Coalie, MBA B.Acc
Mercenaries for Hire
Deputy Commander

Cathankins Game profile


Oct 30th 2024, 12:37:57

I guess this is where my entire beta male orbiter club starts showing up and seething and then cries and demands I be banned. Let’s just skip all the time wasting and get to the crying already.

Coalie Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 30th 2024, 12:56:39

Originally posted by Requiem:
Ouch, that is a roast lol! It is probably unfair to call that a roast as it is all 100% accurate.

I would consider tiert’s post as borderline bullying at this point LOL

Edited By: Coalie on Oct 30th 2024, 13:06:26
Coalie, MBA B.Acc
Mercenaries for Hire
Deputy Commander

Tertius Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 30th 2024, 13:06:56

Honestly, the banter doesn't bother me. And I don't typically whine about the game - many of us have played it long enough that we know it's just the way it goes sometimes. Not like how you came on the forums after LaF blindsided you and you cried and cried about how it wasn't fair and how they must be cheating with the admins. It's funny how you now enjoy doing that to others.

The problem is that you're outright crazy. You keep moving the goal posts and try to claim moral victory, even when you lose repeatedly, across servers, even in 1v1's with me when you attack me out of the blue. And so there's no handshake at the end, no gg hf, no respect gained or earned, it's just a waste of time and then it happens again. It's not productive and it's not fun.

So keep up the smack talk - I don't mind, and you haven't said anything worthy of a ban - so no worries. But ideally, you'd follow through on all of your previous talk about how this game is no fun, and you'd just leave the rest of us to enjoy it without you.

Cathankins Game profile


Oct 30th 2024, 13:50:24

Thank you Karen. That was very deep.

Cathankins Game profile


Oct 30th 2024, 14:10:08

And tert, if you really want an explanation for why I play this way. When I advocated for us all playing as gentleman and treating each other with kindness I kicked a hornets nest and it was very clear from my perspective that the bullies did not like that a light was being shined on this behavior.

Almost the entire community including the mods made it very clear that I needed to suck it up and accept that this is a war game and that’s part of it.

I have now done exactly as you all asked. If we are playing as a pack of wolves I can do that. I assume you thought I wasn’t capable of that as well, maybe there is a lesson to be learned there in being careful what you ask for and not taking kindness for weakness. You never know when someone is a wolf in sheep’s clothing. That was a miscalculation on you guys part. It is what it is.

I’m past the point of these karen type arguments and moral brow beating. I’ve made it clear I have nothing else to say to any of you. I don’t care at this point.

So let’s play. I’m done talking. The faster you quit mentioning me, the faster I quit popping up.

Next time you advocate for being surrounded by wolves maybe make sure that you are actually ready for that. I actually was. So here we are.

Tertius Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 30th 2024, 14:34:14

Not mentioning you doesn't change anything because you actively keep coming after me, specifically, even though we were once long time allies and you make big talk about loyalty.

If you want to be the new Ektar, that's fine, but then don't get sad when we mock you for being bad at it. That's what this thread was really about - the third post has news from in game, when we didn't know who the player was (surprise, it's you!) that was later mentioned "definitely told [Vic] they were playing for the win and not a war" but when you couldn't even get the top spot as a netter when you were actively trying, you decided to take out the person who was going to win (me!)... but then here we are months later, and you have a new name, and I don't, because even though you attacked me out of the blue and I was in full netting mode, I knocked you out of game A while I got to keep playing.

Oh and then several months before that, you blindsided multiple people saying that you were looking for me - and guess what, I knocked you out of game A that time and stayed. There was a whole thread on how people wanted you banned because you were toxic, but it's not against the rules to be a jerk:

Originally posted by Cathankins:
Originally posted by Slagpit:
I think the original intention behind no "express style" GDI in tournament was that players who want to remain in game A need to keep a good reputation due to the unchanging country names. If they acquire a bad reputation then other players will punish them. There isn't any rule against acting like a jerk in tournament and there isn't any rule against other players punishing them for it.

I don't know what is considered to be normal on tournament, but I can see why other players would be weary about a country doing quad taps. Maybe #6 started doing ABs because he didn't want to be quad tapped himself. Maybe #6 thinks he can win a war with #7 and come out ahead. Maybe #6 is a Pepsi fan. It doesn't really matter as long as players aren't coordinating with each other to gain a significant advantage or to bully and harass other players.

No I’m number 6, no one did anything. I was just in a warpath. Honestly I thought the techer was tert lol

So I guess the moral is stop losing so much if you want us to stop talking about you.

Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 30th 2024, 19:59:59

Please don't ever destroy me this badly on the forums Tert I would have to delete my account out of embarrassment.

I am truly shocked Cath hasn't already deleted his account and ran away to play Candy Crush after he got decimated by Tert on the forums.
- Premium Patron Member

Cathankins Game profile


Oct 31st 2024, 0:59:36

Originally posted by Requiem:
Please don't ever destroy me this badly on the forums Tert I would have to delete my account out of embarrassment.

I am truly shocked Cath hasn't already deleted his account and ran away to play Candy Crush after he got decimated by Tert on the forums.

1 Land of Little People (#5) 7108 $26,858,354 DG
2 Aggression (#2) 15,201 $24,216,300 RG
3 Arthos (#8) 23,146 $23,383,217 FG
4 UgolinoII (#13) 10,017 $15,838,929 HG
5 p h i l t r e (#1) 12,081 $14,370,292 HG
6 Corinthian (#3) 8325 $12,780,080 HG
7 Coke Zero (#17) 15,636 $8,586,289 CG
8 Ping (#6) 8854 $8,502,213 HG
9 Osama Bin Laden (#7) 5644 $8,383,384 TG
10 NewNationPewpewpew (#4) 7931 $7,514,798 TG

Wow one of us finished top ten. Imagine that.

You would think with all of this big talk that two countries could stop me. Haha.

How typical. Less talk and more action

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 31st 2024, 1:25:30

Top 5 under $15m....... $7m to get in top 10...Weak round
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

Tertius Game profile

EE Patron

Oct 31st 2024, 1:30:49

I told you I was out, I sold a bunch of military to save a spot for someone more deserving, but I'll admit I made a mistake if it rounds and #9 gets to stay in A with only 17 players. My end of set status below that I had plenty of cash to jump to 7th from my PM.

The Status of the Communism of Happiest Time of the Year (#16)

The Basics
Turns Left 14
Turns Taken 2046
Turns Stored 3
Rank 11
Networth $7,448,639
Land 4839
Money $396,129,437
Population 67,375
At War No
GDI Member Yes

Land Distribution
Enterprise Zones 0
Residences 0
Industrial Complexes 4072
Military Bases 0
Research Labs 0
Farms 17
Oil Rigs 16
Construction Sites 65
Unused Lands 669

Cathankins Game profile


Oct 31st 2024, 1:54:53

The seven stages of grief include:


SuperFly Game profile


Nov 1st 2024, 21:45:11

Damn let Tertius cook! He roasted Cath to well done AF!

Cathankins Game profile


Nov 2nd 2024, 0:27:34

Totally normal non seething energy here guys ^^^

Cathankins Game profile


Nov 2nd 2024, 0:34:26

Originally posted by Tertius:
I know your profile pretty well Cath, have you forgotten that we used to be teammates until you started suiciding me everywhere because... SuperFly somehow?

Your only win in team is because we wanted to challenge ourselves with a team push, and we got you to 200M+ (you're welcome!).

Your highest NW in alliance was when you were in Evo when tmac and I taught you the ropes.

You got a single win in Express by playing every week and finding a set where Nite and Skol weren't trying. Kudos for your tenacity.

You have a single win in Primary where you've made a slightly def-heavy casher a legitimate, smart play to stay out of wars.

Your best 3 in tourny is rank 20, putting you at the bottom of the top 10 of currently active players.

You're the one who loves the stats, and like to wield it against people on the forums that you deem beneath you, but it's a joke - like your skills at forum debates or your performance in evenly matched wars.

I’ve got 7 or 8 wins on express. No idea who’s profile you are looking at and seething and pretending it’s mine. Weird flex.

Cathankins Game profile


Nov 2nd 2024, 0:39:43

I also got bored because the winning strategies were too easy to win with and I play as a rep casher because everyone said it’s impossible to win with. I purposely handicap myself and I do that a lot just for the challenge. If I cared about the scores I obviously wouldn’t play like I do. I bring up the stats because you guys get so triggered over them and when I first came here I was taunted and told i couldn’t hit big scores or win by a lot of the guys. I obviously did just that and now I rub it in everyone’s face because it’s deserved. There’s no point in being modest to people who don’t deserve it. If you guys did then I would. You get what you give with me.

SuperFly Game profile


Nov 2nd 2024, 1:34:02

You are a stats guy Cath. Yet I am the #1 all Time ranked player on most of the metrics that are tracked across most servers.

Hell according to the all time leaders board I am the king of express despite always fighting noobs like you bro!

Leaderboard Rank Server Score
Networth #1 Express $12,362,799,909
Land #1 Express 14,909,927
Top 100 #1 Express 720
Top 10 #1 Express 306

Color me surprised pikachu face!

Edited By: SuperFly on Nov 2nd 2024, 1:37:22

Cathankins Game profile


Nov 2nd 2024, 15:38:09

That’s like the record of one of those boxers that had a thousand fights but never won or had the belt.

SuperFly Game profile


Nov 16th 2024, 3:03:29

Originally posted by Cathankins:
That’s like the record of one of those boxers that had a thousand fights but never won or had the belt.

Tyson vs Paul?

Cathankins Game profile


Nov 16th 2024, 13:27:49

Tyson wasn’t even as good as they hype him up 20 years ago he’s over hyped. Lennox Lewis exposed his lack of being able to handle a step to the left and a jab. I am not surprised that Jake did that given his fighting style of running and jabbing. That was always Tyson’s biggest issue. Lennox Lewis was a much better fighter than Tyson. Tyson fury would send Jake Paul out on a stretcher in a coma if they fought today.

Cathankins Game profile


Nov 16th 2024, 13:32:20

I will say I admire mikes growth as a person. He has become very humble in is older age and I thought if anyone around him cares for him they would have told him not to take that fight. Glad he made it safely through it and hope he spends his remaining years safe and with his family. At 57 that should not have happened. I’m shocked that but did but mike is his own man. Mike when he was young versus the person he is now is an impressive amount of spiritual and mental growth.

SuperFly Game profile


Nov 16th 2024, 13:57:59

The “fight” was a travesty. But hey at least he made $20 million+ and the other clown got $40m+.

Secure the bag I guess lol