
guochel Game profile


Aug 14th 2023, 3:55:19

guys, why is there no discussion about the war that is happening, right now? let's discuss the motivations of both sides and repair all hurt feelings. make love, not war!

SuperFly Game profile


Aug 14th 2023, 4:20:16

Well I was retiring from earth and then all of a sudden coalie, getafix, weezy and the rest of the gang decided to give me the gift of war one last time so that I could be reinvigorated and so that I would be motivated to play another round.

It worked and thus I’ll be staying on.

Thanks for the warm up. I sure did miss a good battle.

Wonder if will get team GDI here next?

Lord Milk Game profile


Aug 14th 2023, 7:40:56

please no and damn you for bringing that up supe
“Light must come from inside. You cannot ask the darkness to leave; you must turn on the light.”

Graves Game profile


Aug 14th 2023, 17:30:27

I'm having fun. It's my first full set of warring on here. Let's just not let it descend into a cesspit of egos

Mrredmanbhs Game profile


Aug 14th 2023, 17:53:40

Originally posted by Graves:
I'm having fun. It's my first full set of warring on here. Let's just not let it descend into a cesspit of egos

To late... Super has already entered the room.

SuperFly Game profile


Aug 15th 2023, 0:14:42

Originally posted by Mrredmanbhs:
Originally posted by Graves:
I'm having fun. It's my first full set of warring on here. Let's just not let it descend into a cesspit of egos

To late... Super has already entered the room.

Dude I didn’t even do anything. I am a democracy wasn’t war built at all lol

Mrredmanbhs Game profile


Aug 15th 2023, 0:23:21

Originally posted by SuperFly:

Dude I didn’t even do anything. I am a democracy wasn’t war built at all lol

The 34 missiles you launched at my country have determined that is a lie.

SuperFly Game profile


Aug 15th 2023, 1:20:49

Well as a democracy you get a tech boost so I was at 5.6% warefare and if you could look at my sales news. Warefare tech was my hottest seller this set lol

Lord Milk Game profile


Aug 15th 2023, 2:25:16

supe your a funny guy and i like you but the retire unretire thing you and BH do you should be tag team champs in the WWE!
“Light must come from inside. You cannot ask the darkness to leave; you must turn on the light.”

BlackHole Game profile


Aug 15th 2023, 2:44:28

Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery. Superfly wants to be as cool as me.

SuperFly Game profile


Aug 15th 2023, 4:15:59

Originally posted by Lord Milk:
supe your a funny guy and i like you but the retire unretire thing you and BH do you should be tag team champs in the WWE!

i have only retired once and I wasn't alone. Look how many people will be missing from alliance next round compared to this round.

I personally will be playing team over alliance going forward.

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Aug 15th 2023, 21:01:52

Yeah I think at this point, team is the closest thing to the old alliance game. It's maybe been that way for a while, but now that politics got killed in 1a, it's a little more evident that team is clearly the best way to play EE on a tagged server. It's the way the game was intended. Not a defenseless bot molestation server with only one viable strat. Here every strat can win and politics matter.

People should just move their tags to team.

Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

Aug 16th 2023, 2:47:08

I don't like the attitude of "dont grab me or war." All-x is meh.
- Premium Patron Member

Cathankins Game profile


Aug 16th 2023, 23:32:24

Originally posted by Mrredmanbhs:
Originally posted by SuperFly:

Dude I didn’t even do anything. I am a democracy wasn’t war built at all lol

The 34 missiles you launched at my country have determined that is a lie.


DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Aug 17th 2023, 1:34:02

Originally posted by Requiem:
I don't like the attitude of "dont grab me or war." All-x is meh.

That's mostly a server population issue tho, not necessarily a mechanic issue. The game didn't have bots forever, and clans managed. Sure, clans like ICN were primarily all-x...but some netter tags still farmed the untagged and small tags. That's supposed to be a risk/reward situation but was taken away because LaF was farming small tags to death and killing anyone who responded, and people thought it was bad for players. It wasn't. Rage/WoG was also sitting there the whole time waiting to kill over a single spyop for years and people called it toxic. It wasn't.

The reason the bot meta was created wasn't because everyone was all-x and all-x was boring. It was because the strongest had to feast on the weak to win. And that's how the politics should work. Might still makes right, and the big dogs can still bully, but somewhere along the way the want to STOP PEOPLE KILLING NEWBS and the little guy became PROTECTING THE LARGEST CLANS from the little guy and newbs because they are all pussies too lazy to defend themselves. And that's when the purpose of the bots in the first place was forgotten. It's backwards and, for lack of a better term, fluffing stupid. It's literally the opposite of the intention of these rules.

At this point, if you aren't playing team, you're playing a bastardized version of the game with one viable strat. When team becomes more enjoyable than 1a to a casual like myself, which it now officially has, I think you must realize that all the changes that have set 1a on the direction it is now, were bad. And Team is the last server aside from Primary with the spirit of the old game, and strategical parity.

I really think people forget bots were created to protect new players and small tags from big tags. Imo, large tags should be embarrassed that they're now seeing them as protection and a creation to let them be lazy. It's an embarrassing joke they're all complicit in admitting they are pussies. It's highly embarrassing, and while I was ok with some bots TO PROTECT SMALL TAGS AND NEW PLAYERS, I flipped completely to seeing them as a primary reason for the game's decline. The subsequent changes to protect crybabies and pussies have overrun their efficacy in protecting newbs, and I see them only as creating a years in the making meta that will destroy the player base, as we're seeing now.

Once the intention of creating the bots was lost, reality set in for me that there is no saving this game, and 2025 won't be as fun as we hoped. It'll be a lackluster, going thru the motions, bullfluff era where people come for 1 reunion set and are very glad they don't play this game of lazily farming bots and destocking with oil via FFO.

Edited By: DerrickICN on Aug 17th 2023, 2:12:16
See Original Post

Graves Game profile


Aug 17th 2023, 9:46:31

I got beat up pretty bad in both teams and 1a this time round but I'm having fun in teams. That being said, there will be sets where life gets in the way, or I do want to have a play around with netting so I can understand why the constant risk of war or the cycle of being killed can put people off because warring does take a lot of time and energy. How to fix this in a way that keeps everyone happy? Who knows. Try lots of different things. ClanGDI probably isn't the endpoint in 1a but at least it's an attempt to move the game forward (even if you don't see it as successful!)

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Aug 17th 2023, 17:46:20

Idk. Can you think of any other game that rewards laziness? If you don't have enough time to deal with the politics that are essential to the game, maybe you shouldn't win?

I was watching my roommate play civilizations last night and at no point did I think, "boy wouldn't it be nice if everyone stopped trying hard and you could just grow your land area with free bot land." Like no. The biggest try hard with the best politics wins. That's how competition is created, and the game would literally be stupid if they inserted a bunch of free land and told players not to fight each other. It defeats the whole idea of world domination which is the point of the game.

Edited By: DerrickICN on Aug 17th 2023, 17:48:40
See Original Post


Aug 17th 2023, 18:11:25

Originally posted by DerrickICN:
Originally posted by Requiem:
I don't like the attitude of "dont grab me or war." All-x is meh.

That's mostly a server population issue tho, not necessarily a mechanic issue. The game didn't have bots forever, and clans managed. Sure, clans like ICN were primarily all-x...but some netter tags still farmed the untagged and small tags. That's supposed to be a risk/reward situation but was taken away because LaF was farming small tags to death and killing anyone who responded, and people thought it was bad for players. It wasn't. Rage/WoG was also sitting there the whole time waiting to kill over a single spyop for years and people called it toxic. It wasn't.

The reason the bot meta was created wasn't because everyone was all-x and all-x was boring. It was because the strongest had to feast on the weak to win. And that's how the politics should work. Might still makes right, and the big dogs can still bully, but somewhere along the way the want to STOP PEOPLE KILLING NEWBS and the little guy became PROTECTING THE LARGEST CLANS from the little guy and newbs because they are all pussies too lazy to defend themselves. And that's when the purpose of the bots in the first place was forgotten. It's backwards and, for lack of a better term, fluffing stupid. It's literally the opposite of the intention of these rules.

At this point, if you aren't playing team, you're playing a bastardized version of the game with one viable strat. When team becomes more enjoyable than 1a to a casual like myself, which it now officially has, I think you must realize that all the changes that have set 1a on the direction it is now, were bad. And Team is the last server aside from Primary with the spirit of the old game, and strategical parity.

I really think people forget bots were created to protect new players and small tags from big tags. Imo, large tags should be embarrassed that they're now seeing them as protection and a creation to let them be lazy. It's an embarrassing joke they're all complicit in admitting they are pussies. It's highly embarrassing, and while I was ok with some bots TO PROTECT SMALL TAGS AND NEW PLAYERS, I flipped completely to seeing them as a primary reason for the game's decline. The subsequent changes to protect crybabies and pussies have overrun their efficacy in protecting newbs, and I see them only as creating a years in the making meta that will destroy the player base, as we're seeing now.

Once the intention of creating the bots was lost, reality set in for me that there is no saving this game, and 2025 won't be as fun as we hoped. It'll be a lackluster, going thru the motions, bullfluff era where people come for 1 reunion set and are very glad they don't play this game of lazily farming bots and destocking with oil via FFO.

Me agreeing with your statement means Hell must have frozen over.

Graves Game profile


Aug 17th 2023, 19:51:45

Originally posted by DerrickICN:
Idk. Can you think of any other game that rewards laziness? If you don't have enough time to deal with the politics that are essential to the game, maybe you shouldn't win?

I was watching my roommate play civilizations last night and at no point did I think, "boy wouldn't it be nice if everyone stopped trying hard and you could just grow your land area with free bot land." Like no. The biggest try hard with the best politics wins. That's how competition is created, and the game would literally be stupid if they inserted a bunch of free land and told players not to fight each other. It defeats the whole idea of world domination which is the point of the game.

Oh yeah, I don't mean people who don't put the time in should be able to win. I just mean that people shouldn't be allowed to be abysmally beat into the ground. If you're a new player, you screw up on something, and a big clan rip you a new one, you're probably going and never coming back. And yes, I get politics is a big part of the game but I think too often 'politics' is used as a way of saying "my friends deserve to win" because a lot of people have played this game for years and you all know each other and know who you like and who you don't. How does a new clan get started? Is it a level playing field if they haven't known you for 10 years? How does the game stop that from discouraging and intimidating new people. And if your answer is just "well that's the way it is" then yes, the game will die

Primeval Game profile

Game Moderator
Mod Boss

Aug 17th 2023, 20:18:43

Originally posted by smiley:

Me agreeing with your statement means Hell must have frozen over.

It's obviously not really Derrick posting. Plus, look how comparatively short that one post was.

Whomever you are, please return Derrick's cellphone/laptop. It's also super weird you'd be using his game account to post for him. But you've accidentally made far too much sense so the jig is up.

Originally posted by DerrickICN:
Idk. Can you think of any other game that rewards laziness? If you don't have enough time to deal with the politics that are essential to the game, maybe you shouldn't win?

I was watching my roommate play civilizations last night and at no point did I think, "boy wouldn't it be nice if everyone stopped trying hard and you could just grow your land area with free bot land." Like no. The biggest try hard with the best politics wins. That's how competition is created, and the game would literally be stupid if they inserted a bunch of free land and told players not to fight each other. It defeats the whole idea of world domination which is the point of the game.

braden Game profile


Aug 17th 2023, 21:30:29

Not sure if it rewards laziness per se, but solitaire is pretty chill.

KSFRekuyukai Game profile


Aug 17th 2023, 21:51:31

That war was a fun one i look forward to another one sorry to 17 who got hit in the crossfire of a blind old man trying to hit 14. But overall very fun war around good job.

Shweezy Game profile

EE Patron

Aug 17th 2023, 22:13:16

Originally posted by KSFRekuyukai:
That war was a fun one i look forward to another one sorry to 17 who got hit in the crossfire of a blind old man trying to hit 14. But overall very fun war around good job.

I expect reps, old man!
Catch me on ir c

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Aug 18th 2023, 6:05:38

Rofl Prime and Happy.

First off, don't act like we haven't done this before. I think I won this server once with Happy and have been in many PRIMETIME chats, ok? This used to be normal lol. We just differed on opinions for a while, and I tend to be a cantankerous drunk. It's not great for our kinship haha.

But also, I can admit when I am wrong. Prime might be the most familiar person in the world with that lol. And in a lot of cases regarding development, I was. Y'all win.

My point wasn't tho, to grovel about the changes to Steak Sauce Server on Team Talk tho, and I realize I come off that way. My point was to say Team is the last true outpost of the 2025 game. And while tag limits exist, I now think of Steak Sauce as "Bastardized FFO bot molestation earth" and Team as "Earth 2025." THIS RIGHT HERE, is the game I have loved for 25+ years. Not that. And I hope people can appreciate the retro version here over quitting because of the new meta there. That's all.

KSFRekuyukai Game profile


Aug 18th 2023, 9:27:08

Dont worry Schweezy i got you.