
Lord Milk Game profile


Feb 2nd 2023, 1:28:06

Never underestimate the fight of the dog we ain't going NOWHERE!!!
“Light must come from inside. You cannot ask the darkness to leave; you must turn on the light.”

Lord Milk Game profile


Feb 2nd 2023, 1:34:53

When darkness falls the light will spread to the farthest reaches of earth empires all encompassing all warmth the cold wet era of darkness will crumbel under our numerous rays!
“Light must come from inside. You cannot ask the darkness to leave; you must turn on the light.”

Lord Milk Game profile


Feb 2nd 2023, 1:35:50

3 killed in less than a day you all aint so scary kinda seems like they are more like adorable puppies!
“Light must come from inside. You cannot ask the darkness to leave; you must turn on the light.”

SuperFly Game profile


Feb 2nd 2023, 2:47:22

Black Hole that you bro??????

We see your 3 kills and also raise you 3 of our kills.

Praise your new leader Gerdler in bringing you the wall tag and your first kills!

May he lead you to great glorious ruin!

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Feb 2nd 2023, 3:40:25

I didn't bring any people. I dont even know who are in the Walls tag! And I sure as heck didn't lead anything lol.

Black Hole really brung a lot of people. I'm just trying to answer some questions about the game and such, nothing else.

If I do something useful I will brag about it for all to hear. Trust me bro!

Edited By: Gerdler on Feb 2nd 2023, 3:44:09

SuperFly Game profile


Feb 2nd 2023, 4:01:54

Originally posted by Gerdler:
I didn't bring any people. I dont even know who are in the Walls tag! And I sure as heck didn't lead anything lol.

Black Hole really brung a lot of people. I'm just trying to answer some questions about the game and such, nothing else.

If I do something useful I will brag about it for all to hear. Trust me bro!

Brooooooo after warring you in alliance #58 screams the great Gerdler! Low land, rich, powerful and ready to wall. Everything resistance is not, but what it aspires to be lol

Coalie Game profile

EE Patron

Feb 2nd 2023, 4:03:19

The Pepto-Bismol Song is: "nausea, heartburn, indigestion, upset stomach, diarrhea"
Coalie, MBA B.Acc
Mercenaries for Hire
Deputy Commander

Lord Milk Game profile


Feb 2nd 2023, 7:48:07

“Light must come from inside. You cannot ask the darkness to leave; you must turn on the light.”

BlackHole Game profile


Feb 2nd 2023, 11:51:21

Originally posted by SuperFly:
Black Hole that you bro??????

We see your 3 kills and also raise you 3 of our kills.

Praise your new leader Gerdler in bringing you the wall tag and your first kills!

May he lead you to great glorious ruin!

Continue to doubt me. Continue to downplay our achievements.

Do you want to know why I've been able to recruit Gerdler, BigPapi, and a few more surprises I'll have for you in the coming rounds? As well as bring all these new people along?

Its simple.... Derrick had it right in that previous post. It's cause I'm a toxic, bad leader. Symba had it right. It's cause I'm terrible at this game and am a stubborn fluff. You had it right, it's cause I'm going to quit within a round, just like everyone else. All my teammates are going to quit from being killed so much.

Wait a minute... none of that makes sense does it? Oh fluff.

MAYBE - JUST MAYBE, I am actually bringing something to the table. Maybe I'm not a toxic leader. Maybe everyone is joining me because of Darkness making themselves look like fools on the forums, and making me look amazing in comparison.

Oh and just for the record, Ive led everyone of those kill runs so far, Super. And even if I hadn't...

You know what makes a good leader? Someone who can bring in people better than himself and delegate. Even if Gerd had run all the ops for me, so what? That wouldn't change a thing. Not a damn thing.

Next set is going to be an absolute bloodbath. And I can't wait to hear your excuses. Ya'll better start moving the goalposts now, cause as it stands, I'm expecting everyone on my team to have quit the game by the end of next set.

BlackHole Game profile


Feb 2nd 2023, 12:32:56

I should add one more thing, Superfly.

If you're going 3 for 3 with us, that's a HUGE disappointment. Come on bro. You're the greatest team to ever play this game. And you're playing against a bunch of noobs with a toxic leader.

How in the hell did we get three kills on you in under 24 hours? That's absolutely embarrassing. The fact that we are even able to still attack you is embarrassing, and you should be embarrassed.

This is an NFL team playing against a JV high school team. And you're bragging cause the score is 21-14.

LOL. NOT A TIME TO BRAG MAN. Ya'll gotta do a LOT better if you don't want to be laughed at.

Did you know that I didn't even know how readiness worked yesterday when we notched our third kill?!? I had no idea why tyranny countries were losing so much readiness. Dude.... how the hell do you get killed by someone who doesn't even understand the basics of the game yet?

Absolutely pathetic. I'm disappointed. I thought it wouldn't be possible to get even a single kill, much less 3 in 24 hours.

I think you guys are going to need to bring a bigger team next set.

Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

Feb 2nd 2023, 13:16:39

Originally posted by Gerdler:
If I do something useful I will brag about it for all to hear. Trust me bro!

Loooollllllll +1
- Premium Patron Member

SuperFly Game profile


Feb 2nd 2023, 13:50:57

Listen black hole. You did not recruit Gerdler he recruited you and your team.

You are now under his command and you will do as he orders. Gerdler is the leader of LaF. He turns noobs like you and your team into his army. You are no longer black holes resistance you are now Gerdlers personal foot soldiers so check yourself cuz you ain’t leading shiz anymore. You might be a recruiter but leader you are no longer my friend…..

Plus you are talking all this crap and you and resistance didn’t do crap. It was Gerdler and his wall crew that did everything. Your crappy 3rd restarts are the water boys of your new NFL team that took you in lol

Edited By: SuperFly on Feb 2nd 2023, 13:53:42

SuperFly Game profile


Feb 2nd 2023, 13:56:32

Hey btw lord milk why don’t you cry me a river in express babe?

You are all big and tough talking crap when you got big brother Gerdler behind you but you are a cry baby when it’s just you solo in express fighting me. Hell even your little friend is trying to white knight you to save your sorry ass lol

Message from Eight nine (#10) sent on Feb 02, 2:52
Report this message
#13 is my ally and you've attacked multiple times. If you continue to attack my ally, I will have no choice but to get involved.

BlackHole Game profile


Feb 2nd 2023, 13:56:35

Superfly - you sound like a whiney little kid who just got beat up on the playground and is now making excuses as to why he didn't get beat up.

I don't care who you think the leader is. The fact of the matter is The Resistance just pushed your face in. Three times. In a day.

Go cry about it.

SuperFly Game profile


Feb 2nd 2023, 14:07:00

Lol, You sound like the whiney baby that doesn’t want to admit that he ain’t the leader no more lol

I don’t discount that the new leader has and his crew have got 3 kills on us. He is an experienced leader and he is NFL category as you call it.

He will turn you water boys / bench warmers into half decent players no doubt!

Plus let us not forget that you lost #47 and #56 yesterday which were your 2 and 3 biggest guys. Leaves you only #58 the new leader with enough firepower to break our guys…

Ps he will die like he has in laf as he is not immortal. He is only half human and half IA Robit.

Edited By: SuperFly on Feb 2nd 2023, 14:10:01

SuperFly Game profile


Feb 2nd 2023, 14:15:25

Ps I haven’t been beat up or hit. Y’all are free to come and tickle my ballzzzzz though.

Plymouth Road Runner Superbird (#29)
Clan: Darkness
Rank: 7
Networth: 8,428,680
Land: 16059
Successful Attack Percentage: 97.78%
Successful Defense Percentage: 25%
Kills: 1

Oh wait you can’t even touch cuz you too small. Maybe 58 and 88 can break me down for you???

Gerdler Game profile

Forum Moderator

Feb 2nd 2023, 14:48:39

You could have been a great leader SuperFly if you didnt foil your plan by buying out the troop market and attacking me, err I mean #58, a bunch of times.

You could have legitimatly called yourself the leader of this kill run on yourself if you let them do just that and succeed. You could have claimed moral victory and never restarted. But now you are just going to kill this poor innocent #58, who just wanted to thrive in the light.

Requiem Game profile

EE Patron

Feb 2nd 2023, 14:53:36

I need a copy of your schedule Gerd so we can plan a proper time to keel.
- Premium Patron Member

SuperFly Game profile


Feb 2nd 2023, 14:55:10

Originally posted by Gerdler:
You could have been a great leader SuperFly if you didnt foil your plan by buying out the troop market and attacking me, err I mean #58, a bunch of times.

You could have legitimatly called yourself the leader of this kill run on yourself if you let them do just that and succeed. You could have claimed moral victory and never restarted. But now you are just going to kill this poor innocent #58, who just wanted to thrive in the light.

The NEW and UNDISPUTED Leader of Resistance is here to claim his perfect wall!

With some hard work Gerdler and some training I am sure that you will turn this group of water boys into real fighters! Push them hard and yell at them lots to get them in line! Also have a chat with B Hole and confirm that you are new leader as you do not take orders from toxic, bad leaders and whatever other words he uses to describe his leadership skillz :P

ps please also remind them that they cant be coordinating or sending threats in express. Teach the fellas what solo server means please cuz I dont want to keep seeing them turn purple every round.
I do want to continue fighting the boys 1vs1 there until they all tuck tail and change their countries names to hide. That will be my moral victory lol

Edited By: SuperFly on Feb 2nd 2023, 15:03:54

Tertius Game profile

EE Patron

Feb 2nd 2023, 15:14:04

Oh snap, plot twist!

BlackHole Game profile


Feb 2nd 2023, 16:07:47

When the King of England fond a war general, was he no longer the king?

The problem here, Superfly, is you aren't a leader. So you don't recognize what leadership looks like.

That's ok. You're going to learn. Watch a real leader in action. I think you see what's coming. You're already admitting that you're going to have a harder time with The Resistance.

SuperFly Game profile


Feb 2nd 2023, 16:15:37

You are wrong though. Gerdler is the king not you.

Gerdler is no one’s soldier and he does not take orders from peasant folk like you and I. So he will be by shortly to correct you and tell you that he does not take orders or suggestions but rather he shall give them to you or he will bust out his whip and fuzzy hand cuffs on you.

Also you are right. I am not a leader. I am a berserker I come in no lube to smash things up!

Edited By: SuperFly on Feb 2nd 2023, 16:24:33

SuperFly Game profile


Feb 2nd 2023, 16:43:34

Also Black Hole swore that he would never post again and here he is posting to defend his position as king

I haz attached personal eye witness evidence from discord of how the fight for the resistance throne is going behind close doors

#propaganda #IdoLoveU4Realz #Trump2024 #MakeEarthEmpireGreatAgain #Darkness #MilkCarton #TacoBoobs #GalleriQueenMod

galleri Game profile

Game Moderator
Primary, Express, Tourney, & FFA

Feb 2nd 2023, 17:47:58

Idk if I am on the same year or game.....
But all of you are drunk. Half of you do not even sound like yourselves and 1 of you I am sure is banned from this game. I will deal with this in a bit.

<cloud-rasp> It’s real bad
<cloud-rasp> DDOSing my DESTOCK

Kahuna: Ya you just wrote the fkn equation, not helping me at all. Lol n I hated algebra.

BlackHole Game profile


Feb 2nd 2023, 17:55:40

Originally posted by SuperFly:
Also Black Hole swore that he would never post again and here he is posting to defend his position as king

I haz attached personal eye witness evidence from discord of how the fight for the resistance throne is going behind close doors

#propaganda #IdoLoveU4Realz #Trump2024 #MakeEarthEmpireGreatAgain #Darkness #MilkCarton #TacoBoobs #GalleriQueenMod

And you believed me? Of course I was going to post again. I've said from day 1 this board is my propaganda outlet. You guys are playing checkers, while I'm out here playing chess.

I've used you all like pawns. How do you think I recruited Gerd? Two months ago we were 3 noobs that just got our faces stomped by the 15 Darkness players.

And that's when the propaganda begin.

Now look at where we are. That wasn't by accident. This wasn't just fate. This was due to my carefully crafted plans. And you've all played right into them every step of the way. Every response you give me. Every chat you send me. Every attack you make. All of it. According to plan.

And you can keep telling yourself you're all doing awesome, and we are garbage. But everyone knows what's happening, and has probably known since about a week after my arrival.

This time it's different. You've had the pleasure of being exposed to a once in a generation type of person. You can see that it's different this time. You feel it in your bones. But you don't know how to process it. You don't know how to fight it, cause you've never had to before. So you flail around, moving goalposts, making excuses, flinging insults.

And the only result it has is that we continue to gain strength.

And gain strength we have. It is an absolute fact. Indisputable. We went from 3 members who never even got an attack off. To 3 members who harassed you. To about 7 members who made some stupid mistakes OOP and didn't do much beyond that. To about 10 people who managed to kill one of you. To how many now? See, you don't even actually know. You have no idea whose with us. You have no idea our size, or our strength. All you know is we've achieved 5 kills this set now. Three in the last 24 hours. And it's unnerving to you. You see the change. You feel the wind switching directions. The chill in the air. But like people in the 1500's facing down a hurricane, they don't understand it. They see it. But they don't know why. They don't know how. They don't know what to expect next. And so they do the only thing they can do. They run their mouths and wait for the eye to pass over them.

Sure, it doesn't pass over them instantly. It takes time to arrive. But it does arrive, nonetheless. And no amount of screaming and yelling at that storm will change the inevitable. You cannot stop the hurricane, and you will not stop us.

But please, bring the noise. Bring the funk. I like to dance, and I like the audience. I feel like this game is a spectators sport. The more you fight, the more you struggle, the more you claim 'THEY CAN'T BE, IT'S IMPOSSIBLE', the more I thrive.

I absolutely cannot wait until next week when I get to hear a new round of excuses. When I get to hear new reasons as to why I'm not a real leader, and why are successes shouldn't be considered.

Just know this. People are laughing at you. This is absolutely pathetic. You should not be having these sorts of troubles with The Resistance.

SuperFly Game profile


Feb 2nd 2023, 18:14:26

Are you sure that Gerdler is your pawn? I am 100% willing to bet that he is your king and you are his pawn.

You just haven’t realized it yet cuz he pulls on your warrior braids oh soooo good daddy!

But Gerdler is no ones pawn and I only say this cuz I have been battling against him for years.….. he is your warrior king and you are just his dispensable foot soldier. While you die 2 or 3 times next set he will be sitting pretty looking down on you from his original country.
He just gave you all a lesson today with his country as to why he is the king and you are his servants.

Gerd to me is like my Ronaldo to my Messi. Rivals on the field and friendly off the turf.

Go King Gerdler!

Edited By: SuperFly on Feb 2nd 2023, 18:17:44

Coalie Game profile

EE Patron

Feb 2nd 2023, 18:16:34

So I’m just browsing along, and I see this comment, right? I think, oh, cool, let me read this right quick and maybe it will be good for a laugh, yeah? So as soon as I finish reading this amazing collection of words compiled into linguistic genius, of course I start laughing. It’s a chuckle at first, but oh man it grows. Heartier. Heavier. I feel it bubbling up from way down in my gut. It’s like a spring of pure wonder and glee is flowing up out of my throat, and cascading out my mouth. I am seriously tickled.

The laughter just keeps growing! The more I think about it the funnier it gets! Deep, bellowing guffaws are pouring from my throat, and tears are streaming down my face. Each laugh begets only more laughter. I’m hunched over, can’t see for the tears, as my chest heaves up and down with each wave of rapturous enjoyment. To be frank I’m having trouble catching my breath. My chest is starting to hurt. Still, this is the most amazing thing I’ve ever read in my life. It’s incredible!
Coalie, MBA B.Acc
Mercenaries for Hire
Deputy Commander

BlackHole Game profile


Feb 2nd 2023, 18:19:39

Coalie, get off reddit and bring your own content.

KoHeartsGPA Game profile

EE Patron

Feb 2nd 2023, 18:35:17

This is fantastic, finally a decent fight, kudos to BlackHole for not quitting and taking the bull by the horn!

/me makes popcorn

The trash talking is good too, glad Gerd was woken up by the 1a war and now has life!

/me eats popcorn
Mess with me you better kill me, or I'll just take your pride & joy and jack it up


S.F. Giants 2010, 2012, 2014 World Series Champions, fluff YEAH!

Coalie Game profile

EE Patron

Feb 2nd 2023, 19:55:09

Originally posted by BlackHole:
Coalie, get off reddit and bring your own content.
Coalie, MBA B.Acc
Mercenaries for Hire
Deputy Commander

HEMPMAN1 Game profile


Feb 2nd 2023, 20:24:22


Symbolic Game profile


Feb 2nd 2023, 20:54:39

One for all
All for one
We are strong
We are one
One for all
All for one
We are one, Nemeses

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Feb 2nd 2023, 21:42:24

Rofl Coalie.

Just wanted to clarify:

Originally posted by DerrickICN:
...OOP wars generally being thought of as toxic to the point that it makes people quit the game on both sides out of boredom is a very tough sell. Toxic behavior can result in achievement, but it's going to be thought the same way until you adjust your strategy to allow your counterparts to enjoy it. Like boxing, the best wars in this game are a dance. Leaders can hate each other, but the best wars have great dance partners...

That's the only time I've used the word toxic here. I never called you a toxic leader or a bad leader. You call you a toxic leader and a bad leader. I said OOP wars are considered toxic because they're generally bad for the player base whereas a good dance between two war clans that doesn't collaterally damage netting tags can be a better scenario for everyone. Context is important, and what I said is true. Similarly to when I attempted (apparently poorly since you still didn't understand it until yesterday) to explain readiness to you around a month ago on the Questions and Answers forum, and as many players in this community including demon, Gerdler and others, I was simply attempting to provide insight into the game and the community to make your gaming experience better for you as new players, your allies, and the community at large, as is often the case with my posts as a non-player. I don't really care much for the politicking anymore. I'm just here to offer insight and help as well as conversation to people on forums that often get neglected such as the Questions and Answers threads, and of course, team talk. If you'd like to completely take that out of context, and make up lies about me as some type of propaganda, I'll have you also know that it doesn't benefit you. There are people on both sides of your conflict who know me contrary to your lies and respect me, and I will not stop attempting to answer questions asked by the community, which is often what you were doing in your straw man arguments. For now, I'd advise you pick someone else to spread bullfluff about. That's my advice for today ;). If you have any more questions, feel free to ask and I'll be happy to answer.

Have a swirvey day!

Edited By: DerrickICN on Feb 2nd 2023, 22:43:13
See Original Post

SuperFly Game profile


Feb 2nd 2023, 22:09:16

Shizzzz the great King and leader of resistance has fallen I mean Black holes pawn / foot soldier Gerdler has fallen.

Without his giant manhood leading the charge how will resistance penetrate the remaining weak and defenseless darkness countries?

HEMPMAN1 Game profile


Feb 2nd 2023, 22:43:47

Yawn... We nee the BOMB to come back and start posting videos again.. :)

DerrickICN Game profile

EE Patron

Feb 2nd 2023, 22:46:13

Originally posted by HEMPMAN1:
Yawn... We nee the BOMB to come back and start posting videos again.. :)

Is that a hint? Galleri has me curious who the banned player that showed up is haha.

Gerdler shouldn't mind the fact that he's playing with a cheater. After all, he plays in LaF. ;)
(JK brother <3)

BlackHole Game profile


Feb 2nd 2023, 23:12:44

Originally posted by SuperFly:
Shizzzz the great King and leader of resistance has fallen I mean Black holes pawn / foot soldier Gerdler has fallen.

Without his giant manhood leading the charge how will resistance penetrate the remaining weak and defenseless darkness countries?

You just killed a distraction. You wasted nearly 800 turns and a good 700k troops doing it, from the looks of it.

I was able to successfully recruit a bullseye that you just wasted a ton of turns on. Turns you couldn't use on the rest of us. Playing into my trap again. Nicely done.

SuperFly Game profile


Feb 2nd 2023, 23:41:58

Originally posted by BlackHole:
Originally posted by SuperFly:
Shizzzz the great King and leader of resistance has fallen I mean Black holes pawn / foot soldier Gerdler has fallen.

Without his giant manhood leading the charge how will resistance penetrate the remaining weak and defenseless darkness countries?

You just killed a distraction. You wasted nearly 800 turns and a good 700k troops doing it, from the looks of it.

I was able to successfully recruit a bullseye that you just wasted a ton of turns on. Turns you couldn't use on the rest of us. Playing into my trap again. Nicely done.

Yes, you’re recruited “puppet” as he is to you; Gerdler. absorbed 1,400 turns. Something that you can only dream of.

If I was in your shoes I’d show this pawn recruit a little more respect cuz this guy is the only thing keeping you relevant lol.

May I remind you that almost none of us can attack your little countries. It was either burn turns on your pawn or hit the explore button so why not kill the nooblet recruit as he is referenced.

Btw Gerdler if you ever do get tired of being under appreciated and respected you are welcome to join darkness. Here you will not treated like a recruited pawn. Will treat you like the big hung NFL quarterback that you are.

BlackHole Game profile


Feb 3rd 2023, 1:10:46

Guys - I'm so sorry.

This thread has some misinformation in it.

It's actually 4 kills on Darkness in 24 hours, not three. We just added another to the list.

It took us 4 minutes.

Have fun walling with that speed, Darkness. Hope we don't catch you while you're taking a fluff. You won't even have a chance to wash your hands.

Lord Milk Game profile


Feb 3rd 2023, 1:16:45

“Light must come from inside. You cannot ask the darkness to leave; you must turn on the light.”

Symbolic Game profile


Feb 3rd 2023, 1:24:57

Congrats :D you got the same one again!

BlackHole Game profile


Feb 3rd 2023, 1:29:24

Coalie - This is for you sweetheart.

BlackHole Game profile


Feb 3rd 2023, 1:30:56

Originally posted by Symbolic:
Congrats :D you got the same one again!

Maybe you should cut the dead weight you're carrying around then, Symba.

SuperFly Game profile


Feb 3rd 2023, 1:37:02

You killed a restart again!!!

You now have 4 kills against darkness!
You have been killed 4 times this round by darkness!
Finally you have been deleted 3 times in the last 3 weeks for cheating!

Happy days!

Jaguar S type (#86)
Clan: Darkness
Rank: 43
Networth: 1,268,821
Land: 3652
Kills: 1
Restarted From
Jaguar E Type (#28) [Darkness]

Edited By: SuperFly on Feb 3rd 2023, 1:39:47

BlackHole Game profile


Feb 3rd 2023, 1:39:15

[quote poster=SuperFly; 51581; 1005573]You killed a restart! Happy days! You have kills 4 kills on darkness and you have died 4 times this round and been deleted 3 times in the last 3 weeks.

Happy days!

Jaguar S type (#86)
Clan: Darkness
Rank: 43
Networth: 1,268,821
Land: 3652
Kills: 1
Restarted From
Jaguar E Type (#28) [Darkness]

Super - are those goalposts you keep moving heavy?

We killed a restart. That we killed the first time.

So we've killed him twice. Tell him to stop sucking, he just died to a bunch of noobs, AGAIN. Pathetic.

You need to cut the dead weight from your team. They are making you look bad.

SuperFly Game profile


Feb 3rd 2023, 1:41:37

Wait so if the guy that died twice sucks. How much do you suck being that you have died 4 times and been deleted 3 times?

Asking for a friend of course :)

BlackHole Game profile


Feb 3rd 2023, 1:43:54

I suck a LOT!!!

Superfly, try to keep up man. I've been saying that all along. That's why what is happening to Darkness is so embarrassing. How do you guys keep dying to us? It's really concerning. I think you guys might not be the Gods you've been made out to be.

SuperFly Game profile


Feb 3rd 2023, 1:49:23

You technically keep killing the same guy over and over again. Clearly this guy is busy either making lots of money at his job, plowing his girl with his big hammer, walking his dog or driving his sports car.

He might not have as much free time to kill like your puppet pawn recruit Gerdler who gave us the masterclass of walling 800 attacks lol

Btw i honestly have one beef with you right now.

You have seriously not given Gerdler any recognition or praise on these boards for carrying your entire dead weight team on his back. You guys better be rubbing him off behind close doors cuz here in public you are really treating him like a puppet pawn noob as you have alluded….

BlackHole Game profile


Feb 3rd 2023, 1:52:01

Originally posted by SuperFly:
You technically keep killing the same guy over and over again. Clearly this guy is busy either making lots of money at his job, plowing his girl with his big hammer, walking his dog or driving his sports car.

He might not have as much free time to kill like your puppet pawn recruit Gerdler who gave us the masterclass of walling 800 attacks lol

Btw i honestly have one beef with you right now.

You have seriously not given Gerdler any recognition or praise on these boards for carrying your entire dead weight team on his back. You guys better be rubbing him off behind close doors cuz here in public you are really treating him like a puppet pawn noob as you have alluded….

I'd give praise to Gerdler if he were leading the attacks. He has not. You don't have to believe me, but ask him. I'll give him credit as being the main breaker on one of the 4 kills. The other three he barely participated in.

So what credit do you think I need to give him? You do realize we killed one of you and taker before Gerd ever even arrived on team, right?

Our upswing hasn't happened overnight. It seems you're starting to take notice though.

Symbolic Game profile


Feb 3rd 2023, 1:54:23

Originally posted by BlackHole:
Originally posted by Symbolic:
Congrats :D you got the same one again!

Maybe you should cut the dead weight you're carrying around then, Symba.

If you wanna go by those standards you all should have self deleted a long time ago to save the time of us crushing your country's.