Thanks for the contact. :) Response sent. Let's see how he handles that proposal before we start executing players around here, folks. We need all the players we can get, we just gotta help them out in the games social mechanics.
I don't need anger management, people need to stop pissing me off!
btw... we did a few demos to break him.... just a heads-up that since he double tapped us and y'all are defensively allied to him I decided it was called for.
maybe y'all should drop those def alliances if you are serious about not defending his actions?
Well he is breaking Bad with no jets lol
I imagine more people will start hitting him for land. He seems like a noob from his strat.
Maybe he just don't know any better.
Not sure what you are talking about. #67 has been topfeeding everyone and I atleast got 70% of my land back. I was just pointing out publicly that he is a total suicider. Tons of tanks and missiles = someone up to no good.
the server as a whole could just buy out all oil and eventually the guy will run out of steam he can't produce enough tanks and oil at that size to do any real damage.