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what is it with you Mooselandians and your usage of 'totes' ???
i don't know, i thought it was what the kids say..? i figure if they type faster with two thumbs than i do with home row.. i might as well be typ-e-writing and smoking in doors to relieve stress and ultimately lower blood pressure, as per my white male doctors orders as relayed through his black caddey from the fourteenth fairway of the club. women and coloureds not allowed, of course.
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Adverbs are an atrocity to the written word.
i disagree. i consider myself a student of the language, and i believe adverbs are one of gods gifts to the greatest language he allowed us to create (hi, trife! ;p), and a narrative is incredibly boring without the use of any -ly suffix.. it is a writing exercise.. try it.. it is both very difficult and results in an incredib[ly] boring read :(