
WH Game profile


Jan 16th 2011, 8:49:49

specifically express but across the board would also be helpful and appreciated. i could use some help with this in the future.

i had 1.7bil cash on hand running a republic casher. would of cashed up to somewhere around 3.5 billion dollars total. i don't know whether it would of been better to buy military as i went over 2 billion because it seems corruption ate me alive in previous sets. or would it be better to buy bushels and pay the market tax? seems like i would lose money paying the 6% market commission. on a 40$ bushel increased the price to 42$ then assuming i would have to sell the bushels on the private market at 32$ a bushel it seams im losing 25% on the dollar. i don't know how much corruption cost per turn but i would of ran ~250 more turns after it began to take effect. also whether or not not corruption increases as the cash on hand accumulates is a variable i wasn't able to comprehend.

if you have a guide or can just point me in the right direction i would be most appreciative. i've just recently come in contact with the resell calc on eestats but don't fully grasp the concept in all honesty.

afaik Game profile


Jan 16th 2011, 18:37:59

Corruption is the same as food decay (x 0.001) but only on amounts over $2bn (so on $2.1bn only the 100m over the $2bn suffers corruption)

A few hundred million $ is no problem... $1.5bn (if you had a total of $3.5bn cash) would have significant corruption loss ($1.5m per turn)

However food conversion as you rightly point out is also significant ($1.5bn @ $40 food purchase, as a rep and using your given destock price of $32 = I think $1.13bn after stocking and reconverting... which is the 25% cost you mention)

Should be straightforward to calculate from this depening on how many turns you spend with the cash on hand.

Don't forget the additional risk of carrying $3.5bn cash if you get grabbed ;)

dantzig Game profile


Jan 16th 2011, 18:43:16

As afaik recommends, calculate the loss due to corruption and then compare that to the upkeep you would pay if you bought military. See this thread:



Jan 19th 2011, 4:34:18

there is almost always a D buying bushels on the set-end public market at $38 on express, so consider that in your calculations

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

Jan 22nd 2011, 6:27:07

Let's suppose you start cashing and with 100 turns to go you reach $2B. Any additional income will be subject to corruption, which means that 0.1% of it decays per turn. If you cash your final 100 turns:

Your income for the first turn is subject to corruption 100 times. Thus, you keep 0.999^100 of it.

Your income for the second turn is subject to corruption 99 times. Thus, you keep 0.999^99 of it.

Your income for the third turn is subject to corruption 98 times. Thus, you keep 0.999^98 of it.

Buying bushels can be better than paying corruption costs. It depends on the price of your bushels and whether or not you are going to switch governments. By the way, military tech raises your private market bushel sell price. So if you were selling bushels on the private market as a republic, you would certainly be getting more than $32 per bushel.