
h2orich Game profile


Aug 1st 2012, 7:25:20

Military bases do not produce anything, however they greatly reduce per-turn military expenditures and private market purchase prices. Private market sale prices are also lowered as well. Military costs may be lowered further by acquiring military technology.

How do they actually work?
Does anyone have the exact figures/values?


EE Patron

Aug 1st 2012, 12:19:00

The wiki took out like all the information it used to have in it, so you have to go look at the wiki history to get the facts.

Finally dug this up:
Price * (1-0.25*Bases/Land)
Meaning I guess if your land is 100% military base, you get 25% off?
Originally posted by Mr. Titanium:
Watch your mouth boy, I have never been accused of cheating on any server nor deleted before you just did right there.

h2orich Game profile


Aug 1st 2012, 16:33:28

Thanks for the info blid. ")

What about the -expenditures?
Military bases do not produce anything, however they greatly reduce per-turn military expenditures

and what about TPT?

Edited By: h2orich on Aug 1st 2012, 16:53:26
See Original Post

Xinhuan Game profile


Aug 1st 2012, 17:51:35

The formulas are on the wiki h2orich...


EE Patron

Aug 1st 2012, 19:18:50

This is a good page:

Constant = If MilBases/Land < .295 Constant = 1 - 1. 3 *(MilBases/Land) Else (that is, if the number of MilBases built is more than 29.5% of your land) Constant = 0.61

Tech Per Turn TechPerTurn=Round(0.17*Labs*(1+Labs/Land)+3,0)
Originally posted by Mr. Titanium:
Watch your mouth boy, I have never been accused of cheating on any server nor deleted before you just did right there.

Leto Game profile

EE Patron

Aug 6th 2012, 17:33:46

Usually you will either have a Theo or Demo or Commy having a large amount of Military bases.
M4D Founder

Rockman Game profile


Aug 6th 2012, 18:05:16

Originally posted by Leto:
Usually you will either have a Theo or Demo or Commy having a large amount of Military bases.

Never a commie.

br3nt00 Game profile


Aug 7th 2012, 2:07:35

the 10% market fee is killer right? aren't military bases usually built for a reseller so the ideal govt is demo? and isnt it something usually switched to near end of set? like dozing all ur labs or something, putting all ur stuff on the market at high price, then switching to demo MBR?

Xinhuan Game profile


Aug 7th 2012, 15:48:49

Yep. Theo MBR is typically better than Demo MBR (but not always), because Theo has a -25% additional government bonus for PM prices, so jumping as a TMBR from private is usually a higher jump and a higher resell margin of profit.

It takes shorter to jump the same amount of stockpile as a Demo (because military ~22% is cheaper in PM for a Theo, so it takes ~22% longer to jump), hence DMBR _can_ be better since a shorter jump means you can stock an extra day or two to compensate for it, particularly if you take full advantage of Demo's reselling capabilities while jumping from PM (still with a big pile of cash on hand).

Edited By: Xinhuan on Aug 9th 2012, 15:15:02
See Original Post