
wsly Game profile

New Member

Apr 17th 2011, 20:51:54

It is really cool when there is a negative number... time travelling \o/
seen that a lot on boxcar
Dutch idiot of LCN

wsly Game profile

New Member

Apr 11th 2011, 15:16:22

I am a Pacifist (is that right) i don't want war, let's make peace. let's have peace for the next 10 sets :)
Dutch idiot of LCN

wsly Game profile

New Member

Apr 7th 2011, 18:10:26

Same issue here, have had it multiple times over the last couple of weeks.
Dutch idiot of LCN

wsly Game profile

New Member

Mar 13th 2011, 12:30:42

Why do some americans say 'finally pay back for Pearl Harbor'
Seriously... WHY?

Here is the screenshot
Dutch idiot of LCN

wsly Game profile

New Member

Mar 5th 2011, 15:59:54

Dutch idiot of LCN

wsly Game profile

New Member

Dec 31st 2010, 16:31:15

I deliver beer, booze and things like coca cola to pubs, restaurants, hotels, parties etc.

I also drink it.
Dutch idiot of LCN

wsly Game profile

New Member

Dec 5th 2010, 21:07:50

It was not fun :( It's never fun when you need to login at 3:20am in the morning because some bloody americans decide to attack you.

You did it in Iraq, you did it in Afghanistan (was a night attack, am i correct?), you did it on the 6th of june 1944 also a night attack with paratroopers.

I think i gonna build fluffty wall to protect me. Stop destroying my fluffty wall
Dutch idiot of LCN

wsly Game profile

New Member

Dec 5th 2010, 10:00:48

I had a few hundred thousand spies. But was forced to sell them after the attacks because my income dropped and had nothing else to sell haha.
Dutch idiot of LCN

wsly Game profile

New Member

Dec 4th 2010, 18:05:10

lol this war... i managed to rebuild a bit of my country but still got killed a few hours later because of missile attacks.

It was 3:20 am in the morning when I got a phone call from America (i live in the netherlands) and the guy said my country was under attack. I was drunk like hell, just got back from a night boozing with some friends. Managed to log in via my HTC legend and started selling and rebuilding. 300m bushels were released from the market and got destroyed <--- that sucked hell, only had 90m left to buy stuff with.... blew everything on troops and turrets but didn't think of SDI. Well i was drunk wtf do you expect me to do hahaha.

PS. stop attacking me when it is in the middle of the night here in the netherlands for crying out loud you bloody americans.
Dutch idiot of LCN