
unpro Game profile


May 31st 2013, 23:27:23

i try to keep from hitting the much smaller guys, but apparently thats just silly.

unpro Game profile


May 31st 2013, 8:40:10

Originally posted by Drunken Dibs:

oh my. some people are madder than i am at Osama. i should start checking to see how many underpaid postal employees are dying to support failed Democrat policies. think I'll remove USPS from my acceptable job list until real leaders show up.

the usps is dying simply because its a dying communication method. you want them to thrive? start buying stamps.

unpro Game profile


May 28th 2013, 20:53:10

the US has dropped the only nuclear bombs on a foreign nation in history. i do not want that on our collective conscience ever again.

and no, im closer to a socialist libertarian than any other thing.

unpro Game profile


May 27th 2013, 17:52:15

ps, no one will remember who kill osama bin laden in 100 years because its not historically important. its not a turning point, it made no difference.

unpro Game profile


May 27th 2013, 17:51:35

huh? i dont agree with guantanamo bay, i said so earlier in this thread.

and yes, osama bin laden attacked the US. to them we have been waging a war upon them for 20 years+. we stick our fluff constantly into the middle east and then try to burn the place down when it gives us a little itch.

lets just pretend, oh say north korea has been in control of our economy and government for 30 years. lets pretend everything we do comes at the price of lives, dignity, and our country being gutted for resources. wanna run for office? better have north koreas blessings or chances are you will end up dead or in jail. anything you want to do as a citizen must be either under the radar or approved by the koreans. if its not, you are a hostile terrorist.

you cant pretend we invaded a country under that false pretense, considering it was known OBL was mainly in pakistan not afghanistan at the time anywho. he wasnt even from either of those 2 countries. not a single 9/11 suspect was from afghanistan or iraq, 90% where from our good ally and super best friend saudi arabia. we invaded iraq, a country who probably would have helped us find osama under the cover of lies. we have slaughtered the civilians in both countries in the name of fighting terrorism while committing the very terror we are supposedly fighting against. we have made more extremists since 2001 than osama could have ever dreamed of.

the "war on terror" has backfired horribly and has resulted in a world that hates us more so than ever, has eroded our civil rights, killed thousands of innocents, and turned the rest of the middle east against us.

unpro Game profile


May 26th 2013, 8:13:09

Originally posted by Twain:
I love the selective memory of Obama-haters.

Obama's weak!

1) He made the call to take a risk and send U.S. military personnel into Pakistan to take out Osama bin Laden. Someone earlier (don't care enough to look who) said "anyone would make that call" but that's simply not true. Many politicians would have tried to coordinate with Pakistan to try to avoid offending an ally by sending militants into their country.

2) He very effectively handled Libya as far as the ouster of the previous forces. There were, to my recollection, 0 American casualties, since we basically were just enforcing a no-fly-zone and helping the rebels to defeat Qaddafi.

3) He's been willing to use drones to take out people that have been considered terrorist threats, even to the point that people are criticizing him for playing judge, jury and executioner on these people (a fair criticism).

If you want to make specific claims about Obama's handling of situations, like what you've done in a few specific instances (#1 and #2 above), I find that interesting, Cerberus. I end up researching these things myself and sometimes learn things that make me think you're full of crap and sometimes learn things that show you have a valid point. But blanket statements are just ridiculous.

For instance, I think we're too passive in Syria. I think the drone attacks, randomly bombing people without any real certainty that they're an imminent threat to the U.S., is overreaching. But again, a blanket derisive statement about Pres. Obama like (paraphrasing): "He's weak! He's not a leader! He's a lying liar!" is vague and meaningless, not to mention pretty easy to show that it's a bunch of crap anyway.

1. clinton tried to kill osama years ago. didnt work. then got thrown to the back burner.

2. there was nothing to handle. they had horribly outdated equipment and soldiers ill trained or prepared to operate it, and they couldnt launch any sort of craft more than a helicopter at low altitude. btw, it wasnt even the US that provided the majority of the air power, it was europe. we provided surface ships and a few subs to launch missiles and run a blockade. people act like obama commands the military in combat and forget we have admirals, and generals that do all the real ordering.

3. hes using drones to kill US citizens without trial. he has completely ignored the laws of this country to execute citizens of this country. whatever the reason given, this should give everyone a reason to worry.

theres a reason we dont get to involved in syria, and its directly related to egypt and how fluffed up that situation has become since the power vacuum let extremists into power. actions in syria would tend to use israeli bases for sorties and supplies. thats a bad thing right now. we still have a cluster fluff in iraq, 2 potential civil wars reigniting in libya and egypt, turkey not wanting us anywhere near them, and saudi arabia telling us no.

unpro Game profile


May 23rd 2013, 19:36:08

Originally posted by Cerberus:
When Hillary traveled to the middle east, the U.S. positioned a carrier strike force just offshore. Just in case she needed rescuing.

there is a carrier task force in the persian gulf at all times or close to it at all times. they run missions for afghanistan, iraq, pakistan, and provide a first strike/deterrent to iran and any other hostile force in the area. the fact that you think they moved to the gulf just for clinton is hilarious considering they have been there since 2001 and havent moved.

unpro Game profile


May 20th 2013, 20:59:35

the "stimulus" package hadnt even released money before it was claimed effective. the funds claimed effective for the stimulus package where from TARP, something bush signed not obama.

we still have troops in iraq, and the reason "combat" troops are out of iraq is because we refused to hold US soldiers accountable for war crimes in iraq.

any president would have taken the chance to get osama. i dont give that credit to anyone.

we still torture, we still treat inmates at guantanamo as sub human. most have proven they where never involved in anything and are still being held. they have not seen a trial, nor have they seen family in 6+ years.

"25. Protected Two Liberal Seats on the U.S. Supreme Court." - how the fluff is this relevant.

eliminating the f22 was good, keeping the f35 completely negates getting rid of the f22. its a fluff plane that doesnt do its job better than current jets, and its more expensive.

part of this list is feel good bullfluff and stuff most presidents would have passed regardless. congress would have passed a number of things even through a veto.

the removal of mubarak is probably the greatest mistake we have made in the middle east since we invaded iraq. egypt has become more hostile to religious minorities, america, and israel. while israel is a whole nother issue, having those 2 fight it out is a bad fluffing idea and the people that seem to be leading egypt right now act like they want that to happen.

i disliked bush, i dislike obama. i dislike both presidents for different things. i will admit however both presidents have done good. Tarp was good, the health care reform was good. the credit card reform was an attempt at good, but badly designed and has shown its flaws. now we need real student loan/cost of education reform.

ps: of course the shuttle was unsafe. it launched people into space of a fluffing rocket. what did people expect, never to have a boom?

unpro Game profile


May 20th 2013, 20:42:56

american lived in STL. if you dont drink bud in st louis, you need to get the fluff out of the city.

unpro Game profile


May 14th 2013, 20:47:29

Rolling rock
Sierra Nevada Pale Ale
Red Stripe

those are what I tend to buy. otherwise its tequila and jager.

unpro Game profile


Apr 19th 2013, 14:39:16

those guys where secret service agents, in that backpack they carry enough fluff to fluff up a lot of bad guys.

if you listen to the audio from the responders, they mention they have a vip secure, so someone was watching that was important.

unpro Game profile


Apr 11th 2013, 1:33:54

well when you take a book that was written in the 1600s from translated documents they then translated again into a more suitable book according to the kings and church of the time while disregarding the rest of the gospels as to far fetched, and then consider that a guide to life....

you're gonna have a bad time.

unpro Game profile


Apr 4th 2013, 15:44:05;utm_source=twitterfeed

also a hilarious read that has little to do with the current subject.

unpro Game profile


Apr 4th 2013, 15:25:45

you guys know that unless we have a candidate that plans to revert all the TSA/homeland security/patriot act/killing US citizens without trial bullfluff, the only thing thats gonna change is the rhetoric? the only difference between obama and bush are slight tax increases on the wealthiest americans, and an attempt to fix our horribly broken and inefficient medical system. obama is actually worse for human rights than bush was, how fluffed up is that?

ps, i have a feeling most of us here dont make over 250k a year so the proposed tax increases really dont affect you.

pps, the purchasing power of the us in the lower end of the wage spectrum has plummeted since the 1970s while the top earners have seen unnatural gains. the growing disparity is what is driving the protests and the democrats to office, it wont change that trend until the republicans start helping the lower classes. trickle down economics is a hilarious joke though.

unpro Game profile


Apr 4th 2013, 15:07:11

havent had cable for 11 years or so. not an issue to me :D

unpro Game profile


Apr 4th 2013, 7:29:18

fox gets more fluff because they are more obvious about it, they also tend to blatantly lie and then claim "communication errors".... constantly. you would think they dont have access to phones, emails, or other news outlets showing the exact same story but truthfully.

what i mean by my communism statment is simple. the idea is fine, and humans are capable of amazing ideas. this does not mean we are capable of implementing those ideas correctly sometimes. think of it like the airplane. it was thought of thousands of years ago in different forms, but it wasnt until recent time that it was capable of being done.

the idea of communism is like the plane in the sense that we can come up with the idea, we can imagine how amazing and world altering the philosophy could be. we just cant possibly implement it in our current society with our morals and standards. same as the plane couldnt be built with the technology or knowledge of the time.

or the theory that planets revolve around the sun. it was in the 1700s the writings on the theory became unbanned. it wasnt until recently that the vatican apologized. admitting mistakes for the treatment of scientists including copernicus and galileo. even now in the US we have a massive push to undermine hundreds of years of scientific advancement in the name of religion because of dogma and ignorance. this kind of thought process and behaviour is part of the reason we dont get to enjoy the potential of communism. not researching the subjects, not having open debate, and using any excuse to deem the idea bad without a logical reason behind it.

unpro Game profile


Apr 3rd 2013, 1:19:12

the problem with communism is not the system, its the people. as long as we live in a society that covets material things and regards status symbols as important, we can never have a system of government like that. the idea itself is perfectly sound, its the implementation that has no hope in hell.

also, i dont consider any news source unbiased. some are just so beyond help that hoping to see quality world/national news is just a dream.

i read news from the BBC, Al Jazeera(its really good for middle eastern news), NBC, CBS, rueters, and i get a lot of weird stuff from a site which has a definate liberal bias in what they talk about but do tend to post factual reporting.

unpro Game profile


Apr 2nd 2013, 16:32:18

Originally posted by Dibs Ludicrous:
the more educated you are then the more liberal you can afford to be. the question would be who paid for the education because it's not free. hmm, unpro is another academia nutt. hope you don't have any children old enough to shoot those guns.

not at all, the more education you receive the more liberal you start to lean. its not like phd candidates are all born communists who will never accept any other potential viewpoint.

unpro Game profile


Apr 2nd 2013, 7:02:12

and i want to reiterate some of my viewpoints so you dont think im some tree hugging hippy.

i have 3 shotguns, 3 aks, 1 30'06, 1 sks, 2 mosin nagants, and a spring xd.

i tend to lean towards the austrian side of economics.

i think you should be required(if mentally and physically capable) to work for the city or state in some capacity to receive welfare, be it cleaning the roads, painting graffiti, or maybe even helping at a subsidised day care center. doesnt have to be much, 10 hours a week is all i would want.

i think weed should be legal, and all other drugs decriminalized and handled with care and medical help for the heavier users. help them get methadone free, they wont rob you. it costs roughly 15-20k a year to keep an addict in methadone, it costs over 40k a year to keep them in prison. either way they dont commit crimes, and one is 20k cheaper. simple fluff.

i think we need to be more proactive in reusable and renewable resources. we spend a fraction of what we should be spending on solar and wind power. we could be powering the US by 2020 purely with solar but no one wants to spend the money. FREE fluffING POWER FOR THE ENTIRE POPULATION FOR LIFE, but its to expensive? lolwut.

I believe that for the most part cops are unneeded and harmful to society.

just some of my beliefs so you know im not berkley klingon insane.

unpro Game profile


Apr 2nd 2013, 6:51:46

Originally posted by Dibs Ludicrous:
why do you mention more educated people as being liberal and state that education system is broken on the same post? are they liberal because the education system isn't about teaching people how to use their brains? hmm, the education system is probably more geared to creating gladiators to compete in sports so that the populace has something to keep them distracted. 12 years of school and it only qualifies most people for minimum wage jobs? think it's there just to train people what to think, not how to think.

because the more educated you are, the more liberal you tend to be. the statistics go hand in hand. the higher poverty rates, drug rates, violent crime rates, teen pregnancy rates, and STD rates all belong to the lower income less educated section of society. its not because they are liberal they dont work, its because the system has failed them they are more liberal. its obvious from your posts you have never researched or lived in modern poverty and have never had to deal with these issues. research the fluffing subjects before you talk out your ass.

and yes, k-12 is a joke. its not because its government money, its because its controlled by people who arent educators. the school boards in TX tend to have the largest impact on the nation when it comes to testing and curriculum. issue is, most of the board has never been a teacher, and has no degree that suits them to that job. they are not qualified to hold that position in pretty much every possible way. this idea that we dont need to pay our teachers a decent wage is hilarious. when you pay 30k a year, you get the lower end of the graduating class. when you pay 80-100k a year and support them, you get the teachers who actually know the subject, care, and will work hard. not to say we dont have exceptions, its just the vast majority of our teachers should not be teaching. the reason we are falling behind is complicated, but the easiest solution and its pretty universal - raise the standard of education drastically. higher education rates have proven correlation with lower violent crime, drug use, pregnancy, STD spread and poverty. basically everything a society wants to succeed.

also standardized testing is a massive failure and needs to be rejected by all levels of society.

ps: the differences between a BS and a PhD are fluffing massive. if you cant comprehend that, dont involve yourself in a conversation regarding intelligence.

Edited By: unpro on Apr 2nd 2013, 6:53:46
See Original Post

unpro Game profile


Apr 1st 2013, 8:10:32

Originally posted by Dibs Ludicrous:
I'm just looking for justice. the rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. don't think mine are protected anymore in the US. what's to argue about? I'd already be gone if i could afford it.

oh, like canada? a social democracy with universal health care and lax marijuana laws looking to legalize?

perhaps england, with a virtual lock on gun ownership universal health care and a serious issue with tea.

maybe mexico? oh wait, you cant immigrate to mexico and become a citizen without having a degree in a field they want speak fluent spanish, and risk being killed or robbed by some cartel member who decides you die today.

wait wait, i got it. portugal. a country that virtually decriminalized all drugs and has a higher alcoholism rate than all the irish in boston.

move to another country, its not that expensive honestly. however, if you want the standard of living you are used too and the quality of life you expect in the US... prepare to not have any guns, pay 30-50% or more of your income in taxes, and live in what you probably think is a communist country.

btw, the more educated people about politics, global events, science, technology and religious impact tend to be more liberal. the ones that know the most about religion tend to be atheists on top of that.

we are truly behind as a country, and its not because of people wanting welfare, its because of the economic impact on the lower class basically strangling them to the point where its slavery, and they have no hope of ever getting out. its because we have gradually killed our educational system with systematic cuts in funds, support, and quality of educators. we used to be the innovators, now we are playing catch up. its because people like you, vote in politicians who let the wages stagnate while the interest rate and cost of living skyrockets. the people making minimum wage now, have less income than they did in 1970. by far. they have lost the ability to afford nice schools, day care, medical care, and the hope of sending a child to college without crushing loans, the hope of a scholarship, or grants.

dibs - "I'd like to avoid being required to shoot Democrats for being Enemies Of The State. do y'all have a plan tbat doesn't require me to shoot one or two of y'all?"


unpro Game profile


Mar 23rd 2013, 15:59:48

yea, you cant be voting based on your religion.

also cant be voting if your only news source is Fox.

solved 99% of the problem.

not to say the left doesnt have its mass idiots. i consider myself a social libertarian so meh.

unpro Game profile


Mar 20th 2013, 17:59:21

he left himself wide open the other day when he hit me i just didnt have anything to retal it with :p

unpro Game profile


Mar 14th 2013, 4:50:51

still have a defense and intel open.

unpro Game profile


Mar 12th 2013, 6:09:33

i hit over 1mil spies last round and had over 5mil turrets. pretty much my 3rd or 4th time playing earth empires/2025 so im looking and expecting to do better this round.

unpro Game profile


Mar 4th 2013, 3:31:27

do we need to re safelist every round? i was on the list last round, and i assume it transfers every round, but i wanna be safe.

unpro Game profile


Feb 22nd 2013, 5:00:24

personally i would rather be leaving this worthless thing. can get attacked and cant do anything in return, best.

unpro Game profile


Jan 16th 2013, 20:22:05

most likely not since its still not 100% known which gene it is, nor would it be acceptable grounds for termination by any medical professional. its not a mental illness. its not a disease. its not detrimental to the intelligence, development, or life of a human. it just means one likes penis more than vagina.

its not like having a kid thats gay means hes born without skin.

unpro Game profile


Jan 13th 2013, 22:04:48

its a recessive gene, it goes generations without ever showing, you probably carry the gene as well.

unpro Game profile


Jan 13th 2013, 22:03:28


im trying to wrap my head around your logic, but i cant seem to huff enough glue to get me to that level.

unpro Game profile


Jan 13th 2013, 21:42:18

its a predisposition that is in our DNA passed on through generations. if it wasnt, it wouldnt exist. that was not a reference to homosexuality but the attraction to prepubescent children. im pretty sure i worded that clearly enough.

in that regard though - yes, homosexuality has been proven to be genetically passed. has been observed in many species outside of humans, and has evidence of its existence for pretty much the entirety of documented human history.

unpro Game profile


Jan 13th 2013, 5:58:42

there is no evidence showing an increase in pedophilia based on homosexuality. pedophilia isnt considered homosexual behavior by anyone in the legit medical field because its dealing with prepubescent humans. its a mental imbalance that is inherent in our DNA. evidence of the behavior being acceptable is shown throughout human history. its only in recent history has it become an issue in our society. i dont condone the behavior, but to label an entire group of people as a thing they are not is ignorant and just pushes the stereotypes that the homosexual part of our society has been trying to get rid of that are not based in fact.

kinda like saying black people are inferior because of the shape of there heads. obviously they cant be smart and successful without the white mans assistance.

ps: gay men in jail have a really bad time.

edit: wow this thread is old :o