
slobgob Game profile

New Member

May 16th 2017, 6:09:05

SuperFly controls superflex? :)

slobgob Game profile

New Member

May 15th 2017, 3:55:27


That's what I do. But I just started.

slobgob Game profile

New Member

May 13th 2017, 3:50:30

Thanks Paradox.

Yes, i finally noticed the Market History (helps when not using Alliance database tools) and just placed my first market orders for tech and bushels. Not sure if it saved me money, but it sure was convenient.

Logged out 2nd. Really wish I wasn't an Indy. Oh well... always next set.

slobgob Game profile

New Member

May 10th 2017, 20:44:02

Originally posted by DancingBear:
welcome back slobjob ... there is a hotel california aspect to this game ... i came back a few years ago after missing 10+ years ... there are many differences from its glory days, but it delivers the same game experience that we were missing . cheers and good luck!

Is that true? Seems pretty much the same. Think i played last just after they created oil. Trying to remember the differences.
1) Max explore was 40A instead of 45A? Super not sure about that.
2) What's with the mandatory GDI thing? Guess it stops bottom feeding for land, and random hits of top guys.
3) Don't remember the market being so cheap. Maybe I should have went Casher afterall, but I wanted a super safe Indy to play first since I remember landgrabbing being fast and furious.
4) What the hell. Why does no one attack? =)

But overall, it feels very very familiar.

slobgob Game profile

New Member

May 10th 2017, 3:41:32

I'm in Game C also after a... oh... 15 year retirement.

Currently newbing it up and just logged out 10th... but i keep running out of money before i can finish my turns. What's with the market prices yo? Can't no body make a living with that. =)

slobgob Game profile

New Member

May 8th 2017, 1:17:20

Originally posted by lueticia:


slobgob Game profile

New Member

May 3rd 2017, 19:13:40

Maybe post it here? :)