
mFrost Game profile


Jun 13th 2015, 16:18:13

apparently I'm too landfat this reset... I wonder if i should use the DRs and go all jetter ;p

--- hmm one more land grab and I'm out of the top 25 and i suppose i can do whatever, launch missiles, randomly Bomb Run or AB the top 25 -- so many not even in GDI :) --- gotta have some fun someway somehow ;p

perhaps its because i bought turrets instead of tanks ;P

mFrost Game profile


Jun 13th 2015, 16:12:23

lol ... omg it never dies ...

mFrost Game profile


Jun 13th 2015, 2:23:06

sweet rides KoH ;)

mFrost Game profile


Jun 11th 2015, 5:58:35

I just wanted to take a moment to say thank you to all, I have found a home with LAF.

mFrost Game profile


Jun 10th 2015, 9:29:43

Originally posted by the Temple:
Yeah, do that, the 'late set retal you trash nUB!!!' messages will be superb if there's a double multplier and you can put in a single hit for 3000+ on Saturday morning

I guess double tapping and/or triple tapping countries would carry one hell of a risk :p

mFrost Game profile


Jun 10th 2015, 9:26:26

Originally posted by the Temple:
If we're really lucky we can neuter everything so we can play the exact same set everytime.

All changing the DR rule to disregard for a hit will do is mean you get more set ruining RoRs. It won't make sense for the player to top feed multiples, he'll just pick one of you and keep hitting you. Think of the butt hurt then

see latest idea, if you were to do this then a single retal against an offending country having made 10 land grabs on an innocent country could potentially kill the aggressive country ;p

i.e. country has 10k acres or even decides to be stupid farm an innocent country for 10K acres and drop land to 2K the retal is land gained * number of hits ... change the ghost acre formula to account for and include dropped acres and voila the country you were hoping to hurt is made whole and your country is land killed.

mFrost Game profile


Jun 10th 2015, 9:18:48

another alternative to the 1:1 and single retal out of DR can be applied in a manner where the single retal would hurt more if there are multiple taps having to be accounted for. Keeping GDI rules intact i.e. a second attack breaks GDI

however if country A never attacked country B and country B is the aggressor then

A = 0 -- B = 1 then A gets 1 retal with no DR * 1 on the returns
A = 0 -- B = 2 then A gets 1 retal with not DR * 2 on the returns i.e. if the normal hit returns 1000 acres then * 2 = 2000 acres gained. -- this resets the counter for both countries to 0. (to avoid situations where an RoR would be used to force a break in GDI)
the multiplier is whatever the number of attacks made is over the top of the 0 count.

just throwing ideas out, I'm sure the admins will find best solution overall.


mFrost Game profile


Jun 10th 2015, 9:01:08

Originally posted by the Temple:
Buy more turrets and quit whining.

DR doesn't stop anyone finishing a set unless they get nerd rage.

this game is as much political as it is about war or netting... taking advantage of the wrong players, can and will get the game mechanics changed, especially when this advantage is being abused ;)

buy more turrets is not the answer, a properly run country is going to balance their def vs off strength, whereas an all-jetter at a lower net worth can easily match the balanced def in a PS.

2 mil turrets
2 mil jet
net = 2.4 mil

1.35 mil jets
net = 810,000

a country a third of its size can LG and succeed -- what do we do with countries that are @ an equality in networth? i.e 4 mil jets with the capacity to attack countries in the 7.2-10 mil net range. there are just so many turns and countries can only get 2 maybe 3 times ahead of the rest of server. If I were to replace my def with just jets I could hit any country on the server I want including T1 with impunity, that is until they decide to waste turns and kill my country.


exactly how many turrets does the top country need to buy to stay out of an all-jetters path?

mFrost Game profile


Jun 10th 2015, 8:40:36

the main reason for the above vs. just applying a single retal being dr free is an all-jetter in heavy DRs will simply adapt and triple tap their target.

the logic behind the triple tap is one at best the player will get half their land back and two a second or third retal would break gdi. So its a safe play to simply triple tap, and leave a netting country in a conundrum of destroying their own reset and going to war or not.

objective being a netting country is not forced into making such a decision they have a recourse against those who would drag them into an unwanted war. of course the country can always simply break gdi get some land back and then kill the country if it truly has no def.

mFrost Game profile


Jun 10th 2015, 8:18:10

Originally posted by blid:
Why does mFrost's proposal exempt landgrab DR from being removed? That means qz could go through the work to put in new code, and someone could still run a jetter that gets landgrabbed 50 times and then go off topfeeding. So he's complicating the simple proposal (first retal is totally DR free) while actually offering a more flawed solution...

or we can just simplify the whole thing and do 1:1 retals with no DRs and without breaking GDI

so if a country B hits country A 3 times and country A has not hit country B 3 times then whatever the difference is between the countries is what is owed in retals

A = 0 -- B= 3 then A gets 3 DR free retals
A = 1 -- B = 3 Then A gets 2 DR free retals
A = 2 -- B = 3 Then A gets 1 DR free retals
A = 3 -- B = 3 Then no retals either way are owed
A = 4 -- B = 3 Then B is still owed one more DR free retal

Make it so the count is valid across the entire reset, unless someone has a good reason to limit the counts to a 24 hour period.

Downside .. this can potentially be used to trade land .. lesser of 2 evils ? The GDI break would occur for any country exceeding a 1 difference count.


A = 1 -- B = 0 Then B can double tap without breaking GDI -- however A can do the same thereafter without breaking GDI
-- if either country triple taps then GDI is broken
-- If A = 2 and B = 0 then GDI is broken

I am open to suggestions or modifications as needed...

@blid -- I had not considered a country being in heavy DRs due to landgrabs, but then again said country may be attacked or heavily farmed because they are new to the game, and eliminating their DRs may not be the best thing. I do however agree an all jetter or no def country using the LGs made against it to minimize its own land loss over time is an abuse of the mechanics. The question being how do we define such a country, and when do we consider it a true abuse of the mechanics?

75% jets vs. available defense? -- 0 def or when do we consider the def on hand is inadequate... do we create a min def vs land or min def vs networth the latter to take into account low def with high tech numbers. perhaps some hybrid formula to calc a min def needed, before high DR#s are considered abusive? --- This could come with a warning to countries running low def, and help new players understand they are a prime target. It could however penalize netters who would prefer to run with very low defense, the advantage though is this netter cannot abuse their DRs to take advantage of other players. If said netter wants to play it all-x, bot only, or retal only as needed they would be fine, attacking innocent countries would take their advantage away.

just adding some thoughts...


Edited By: mFrost on Jun 10th 2015, 8:25:21
See Original Post

mFrost Game profile


Jun 9th 2015, 2:38:53

preferably a larger clan that can teach me how to net properly.

please let me know if interested.

mFrost Game profile


Jun 9th 2015, 1:52:25

Originally posted by AzNiZe:
Originally posted by mFrost:
Originally posted by AzNiZe:
Troops $77
Jets $103
Turrets $112
Tanks $315

those look like normal TMBR prices ... so the only benefit is in how much military tech needs to be purchased and rebuild costs?

is DMBR stil @:??

troops: $88.2
jets: $117.6
turrets: $128.6
Tanks: $360.2

There is no rebuilding cost since you drop everything. Your tech will already be maxed out afterward. You just need to convert your oil and jump.

hmmm was wondering if it would make an oiler worth it...

12k acres @ 3.5 per rig for 1000 turns = 42 mil barrels

split as 8 mil barrels for troop gen and 34 mil sold @ $75 or higher
34 mil * $75 = $2,550,000,000

8mil barrels would give a PM @

Troops: 6000000 * .5 = 3,000,000 net @ a cost * 88.2 = 529,200,000
Jets: 5000000 * .6 = 3,000,000 net @ a cost * 117.6 = 588,000,000
Turrets: 5000000 * .6 = 3,000,000 net @ a cost * 128.625 = 643,125,000
Tanks: 2,000,000 * 2 = 4,000,000 net @ a cost * 360.15 = 720,300,000

totals : 13 mil net for 2,480,625,000

now if you could sell 27,000,000 barrels for an average of $150 leaving 15 mil barrels for the PM those same 1000 turns would yield about 22.5 mil net... i dunno it may just be easier to just buy the oil. but I can see the benefit of jumping this way.

mFrost Game profile


Jun 8th 2015, 23:02:27

Originally posted by AzNiZe:
Troops $77
Jets $103
Turrets $112
Tanks $315

those look like normal TMBR prices ... so the only benefit is in how much military tech needs to be purchased and rebuild costs?

is DMBR stil @:??

troops: $88.2
jets: $117.6
turrets: $128.6
Tanks: $360.2

mFrost Game profile


Jun 8th 2015, 22:17:54

I thought there was a base price military units on the PM would not go below?

or this because of the extremely low land @ 100% MB. if this is the case what would the lower prices look like?

mFrost Game profile


Jun 8th 2015, 21:55:23

Originally posted by Vic:
Congrats to NATA and I was late set killer lol

great reset Vic, sorry for the retal!

I saw you were hitting after taking the retal, and I do know how that momentary WTF moment feels like. I'm just happy you did not unload on me ;)


mFrost Game profile


Jun 8th 2015, 5:58:16

congrats Nataly, beautiful finish for a first time :)

mFrost Game profile


Jun 8th 2015, 3:21:28

Originally posted by BUTTMAN:
I got 7th? Wtf

lol, that was you ??? hehe you managed to stay just enough ahead of me that I did not get my retal.

now I want to know who "late set killer" was ... I think I took my retal just seconds before they jumped ;p

mFrost Game profile


Jun 8th 2015, 0:03:11

congrats all :)

mine was:
21 A Woman and Her Cow Betsy (#22) 15,635 $14,974,477 DG


@mFord, its still a really nice finish!!

mFrost Game profile


Jun 7th 2015, 23:26:21

you are doing better than I am :)

mFrost Game profile


Jun 7th 2015, 23:25:33


mFrost Game profile


Jun 7th 2015, 22:48:15

buy buy buy... y'all must buy

mFrost Game profile


Jun 7th 2015, 22:45:18

Originally posted by Shadow1986:
Lol or number 14 hits my all Explorer gets retalled, does it again, gets retalled proceeds to suicide... Gets farmed tgen waits till 3 hours for his big suicide which costs me 80k nw... Like really wth is he thinking. All his bullfluff costs me a top ten finish I think im at 15 mill but whats in it for him since when do we suicide 1:1 retals...

Sounds like they RoR'd to make you break out of GDI... I believe this is probably a fix waiting to occur. A definite gap, which makes an RoR worth the effort for a country looking to war another player and does not care where their country ends up.

the ror should probably be responded to as a kill event;

However most players just let it go. The alternatives are to put the person in heavy DRs or retal hoping the country does not go nuts. If I am right though those doing RoRs are hoping for heavy DRs so they can land grab with impunity.

mFrost Game profile


Jun 7th 2015, 0:19:59

Originally posted by Oriontakers:
Frost sorry, damn dutch auto correct.

no prob... stock market is a just another form of legalized gambling ;) -- granted there is a bit of performance information to base decisions on, yet the same can be said with sports, and horse betting :p the house will always have the advantage, just look at the buildings, facilities, and number of employees these establishments have. It is being paid for somehow :)

Of course we can get a little here and there, but someone out there has to lose, we just hope it won't be us. i.e 2007-2010


mFrost Game profile


Jun 7th 2015, 0:09:18

I was at first surprised to see #7 as dead, and then looked at the news feed and it became very obvious... lol, I suppose it was worth a try :)

@Frybert ... yep that pretty much explains it :D

mFrost Game profile


Jun 6th 2015, 5:09:44

DEF LEPPARD - "Hysteria" (Official Music Video)

Mellow 1
Deep Breathe

Mellow 1
Mellow 2
Deep Breathe

Mellow 1
Mellow 2
Mellow 3
Deep Breathe

Mellow 1
Mellow 2
Mellow 3
Mellow 4
Deep Breathe

Mellow 1
Mellow 2
Mellow 3
Mellow 4
Mellow 5
Deep Breathe

Mellow 1
Mellow 2
Mellow 3
Mellow 4
Mellow 5
Mellow 6
Deep Breathe

Mellow 1
Mellow 2
Mellow 3
Mellow 4
Mellow 5
Mellow 6
Mellow 7
Deep Breathe

Mellow 1
Mellow 2
Mellow 3
Mellow 4
Mellow 5
Mellow 6
Mellow 7
Mellow 8
Deep Breathe

Mellow 1
Mellow 2
Mellow 3
Mellow 4
Mellow 5
Mellow 6
Mellow 7
Mellow 8
Mellow 9
Deep Breathe

Mellow 1
Mellow 2
Mellow 3
Mellow 4
Mellow 5
Mellow 6
Mellow 7
Mellow 8
Mellow 9
Mellow 10
Deep Breathe


better ... now what were we talking about ?

mFrost Game profile


Jun 6th 2015, 1:32:45

Originally posted by Celphi:
That's PHP 5 mFrost, as I just said.

Version 4.3.7
03 Jun 2004
Fixed handling of return values from stored procedures in mssql_execute() with multiple result sets returned. (Frank)

well according to the above PHP has been handling Stored Procedures just fine since at least Version 4.3.7 or jun 2004, and probably much sooner...

google is your friend

the following goes way back to 2000 ... however the following shows it is actually possible to connect PHP 4.3 to a SQL Server and run an SP ;)

mramirez at star-dev dot com
01-Mar-2005 01:23

Hi, I was trying to execute an stored procedure with
PHP 4.3.10 and MS SQL Server 6.5 using PHP function
"odbc_exec" and ODBC.

The problem was that it returned an ouput parameter
and didn't know the right PHP functions and SQL
syntax to call it.

Finally after looking elsewhere, it worked this way:




$server = 'myservername';
$database = 'mydatabasename';
$username = 'myusername';
$password = 'mypassword';

$connection_string =
'DRIVER={SQL SERVER};SERVER=' . $server . ';DATABASE=' . $database;

$connection = odbc_connect($connection_string, $username, $password);

$sql = "BEGIN ";
$sql .= " declare @MyOutputValue int ";
$sql .= " execute MyStoredProc @MyOutputValue output select @MyOutputValue ";
$sql .= "END ";

echo '<form>' . chr(13);
echo '<table border="1">' . chr(13) . chr(13);
echo '<tr>';
echo '<td><b>Valor</b></td>';
echo '</tr>';

$query = odbc_exec($connection, $sql);

echo '<tr>' . chr(13);

// "odbc_result" = "FieldByNumber(Index)",
// "Index" starts with 1 not 0 !!! :
$returnvalue = odbc_result($query, 1);

echo '<td>' . $returnvalue . '</td>';
echo '</tr>' . chr(13);
echo chr(13);

echo '</table>' . chr(13);
echo '</form>' . chr(13);






Good Luck.

mFrost Game profile


Jun 6th 2015, 1:11:26

Originally posted by Celphi:
If you're referring to a DR change- then you completely omitted earf's post about it. There's no reason to use brain cells on a subject which already has a solution. The solution just hasn't been programmed in yet. If you're looking for a two year delayed project to suddenly occur, then I would suggest posting code which is in PHP.

I have no interest in changing it, so I'm not going to post a code to fix it. To me, the top 10 players bottom-feed the weaker players 5x per 2hrs with nothing to lose. I like that they have a terrorizing jetter rampaging their lands. If you don't want to be a target- then don't get land fat.

As I've said on a different thread- I don't believe Qzjul has switched to PHP 5 yet, so he wouldn't be able to use MS SQL. In all likiness, he uses MYSQL.

That is the beauty of a stored procedure it does not matter what language you use for your front end it can be, PHP, ASP Classic, ASP.Net, Cold Fusion, Java, Python, Ruby, the list is endless. As long as the language can connect to the db and call an SP you have one place to change your transactional logic vs. 20, if kept to something that is language specific. SQL also allows for very large projects to exist and remain maintainable over long periods of time.

I was taught, mixing SQL code with the web code was a big taboo, especially in n-Tier applications.
We could layer it out further and create a data object to call the SP and then pass the output to transactional function object to do the comparison functionality, then the SP is purely select and output. The front end would not care it just displays results.

to actually program it I would need to understand how the current code works, including input and output parameters.

btw there is nothing in the fix that would stop an All-Jetter from hitting the Top 10 at will, what you want is for this same all jetter to be in heavy DRs so those being attacked have no recourse, other than to kill said country. What you want is countries that can attack with impunity and laugh at those they are attacking ... avoiding the responsibility for actions taken. I have a lot more respect for someone who bottom feeds me and stays out of my reach or accepts my retal for whatever it is than someone who basically stands there taunting, you will never get your land back ...

as for waiting it out, there is no guarantee the player will ever come out of DRs, due to the method they are playing the country. Also losing 1000+ acres and having to wait 360-720 turns before getting it back is like telling someone on another server they need to wait a week or 2 weeks before retaling their hit. the 720 turns occurs if the player is on full turns and the attack happened a few minutes ago. so they play their turns and then have to wait a whole other day before retalling.

mFrost Game profile


Jun 6th 2015, 0:30:56

lol, I'm pretty sure MYSQL has SP support as does PHP

mFrost Game profile


Jun 6th 2015, 0:10:19

lol, I just programmed an SP without ever having seen the EE db... with a proper data dictionary the scripts can be written and applied thru an SDLC without giving access to the DB.

would you give access to all your source code to a programmer so they can program a few functions. Perhaps we can also give them access to the production web server and app server?

In the large environment I worked in the programmers had a development environment and when their code was complete it was deployed to a QA environment, followed up by a Staging /UAT environment for user acceptance testing. Only after the endusers/stakeholders signed off did the code ever get deployed to production servers. Those deploying the code were admins and config administrators, they rarely care or even understand what the code does.

Have you ever followed the IBM RUP or perhaps an Agile process.. ??


mFrost Game profile


Jun 5th 2015, 23:59:06

Originally posted by xXxWaNgErxXx:
Should be interesting. I am not sure if the next couple months are a time to pick any stocks though.

stocks have been doing remarkably well compared to the rest of the economy, you may be right and a correction is made in the next couple months :)

mFrost Game profile


Jun 5th 2015, 23:55:27

Originally posted by mrford:
Is this your high school business project?

why yes how did you know??? Its a tough class 25% my grade is dependent more than 50% of my countries finishing above the server average. Another 50% of the grade is the average stock price needs to have been correctly predicted as up or down at the end of reset. At least half the stocks need to have been predicted correctly. The last 25% will be determine with a best out of 5 coin flip or rock, paper, scissors tournament.


mFrost Game profile


Jun 5th 2015, 23:48:11

Originally posted by SwedishViper:
The stocks will probably do better than the countries ;)

lol you are probably right :p

@oriontakers -- here are the prices I got so it can be compared in about 60 days or so:

Swi -- $48.13
Hwsy -- $0.0012
Acom -- ¥431 - $2.32??
Bwld -- $153.38
Irbt -- $32.38
Ipgp -- $98.55
Opnt -- Private
Bjri -- $47.09
Tisi -- $40.54
Dgit -- $13.33
Ebs -- $32.16
Hwkn -- $40.28
Exls -- $35.03
Hstm -- $30.11

mFrost Game profile


Jun 5th 2015, 23:06:30

Originally posted by Celphi:
I've always viewed mixing DBA and programming into one as taboo. In any event, Qzjul uses almost exclusively PHP.

/me thinks Celphi is just afraid of such a change actually occurring :p

mFrost Game profile


Jun 5th 2015, 23:02:15

Besides the stored procedure above would have just one output -- the DR #, which could be plugged into the existing front end variable without any modification other than the call to the SP passing in two country numbers as input.

of course the country table would probably need one new column to keep a record of the current land grab DR and a function to maintain this field.

why the heck are you so afraid of this simple change in the game mechanics ???

Edited By: mFrost on Jun 5th 2015, 23:04:31
See Original Post

mFrost Game profile


Jun 5th 2015, 22:56:46

Originally posted by Celphi:
EE is programmed in PHP.

If I'm correct PHP can call stored procedures, according to what I'm aware of this is not some limitation in PHP. As a matter of fact I think it is actually encouraged for security reasons. At the very least the transaction code is processed on the server side where the data resides.

mFrost Game profile


Jun 5th 2015, 22:51:59

Originally posted by Vic:
Originally posted by Celphi:
Originally posted by the Temple:
Buy more turrets



I can see this logic coming from commies :p --- hell as a techer I would say buy more weapons tech, and use it as a bonus in both attacking and defending :D

sigh... perhaps next time i just BR or GS the country into a state of Detah myself

mFrost Game profile


Jun 5th 2015, 20:52:33

I am replicating this here for sake of visibility:

Declare @offCountryID as INT
Declare @defCountryID as INT
Declare @warHit as INT
Declare @lgDR as INT
Declare @fullDR as INT
Declare @drCalc as INT
Declare @defLandGrabCount as INT
Declare @offLandGrabCount as INT

/** check for war hits made by offense **/


Select @fullDR = fullDR, @lgDR = lgDR from countries where offCountryID=@offCountryID

if exist(Select ah.defCountryID, ah.attackType
from attackHistory ah inner join countries c on countryID=@defCountryID
where ah.offCountryID=@offCountryID and ah.attackType in ('GS','BR','AB','NM','CM','EM'))

SET @warHit=1 -- is true
SET @drCalc = @fullDR

if not exist(Select ah.defCountryID, ah.attackType
from attackHistory ah inner join countries c on countryID=@defCountryID
where ah.offCountryID=@offCountryID and ah.attackType in ('GS','BR','AB','NM','CM','EM'))

SET @warHit = 0 -- is false



count of LGs between offense and defense country
if the two counts are equal then offending country landgrab is considered a new landgrab
if defending country made more LGs against offense country then LGs until equality is reached are considered retal
@defLandGrabCount = 4 -- these are landgrabs against offense country
@offLandGrabCount = 4 -- these are landgrabs against defending country
@defLandGrabCount - @offLandGrabCount = 0 -- current land grab is consider new

@defLandGrabCount = 4 -- these are landgrabs against offense country
@offLandGrabCount = 3 -- these are landgrabs against defending country
@defLandGrabCount - @offLandGrabCount = 1 -- current land grab is consider retal


If @warHit = 0 -- the following does not apply to countries a player is at war with!!

-- (count of LGs made by defending country against offense country)

select @defLandGrabCount = count(attackHistoryID)
from attackHistory ah inner join countries c on countryID=@offCountryID
where ah.defCountryID=@defCountryID and ah.attackType in ('SS','PS'))

-- (count of LGs made by offense country against defending country)

select @offLandGrabCount = count(attackHistoryID)
from attackHistory ah inner join countries c on countryID=@defCountryID
where ah.offCountryID=@offCountryID and ah.attackType in ('SS','PS'))

/** (count of warhits made by defending country against offense country this is to close the loophole of countries using warhits instead of LGs, and possibly thinking these cannot be retaled. A player can technically turn this country into a personal landfarm as long as they do not war hit them back until equality is reached. NOTE: this is inside the @warHit=0 for the offense country meaning the offense country has not attacked defending country with warhits. This advantage disappears as soon as @warHit = 1 or true) **/

select @defWarHitCount = count(attackHistoryID)
from attackHistory ah inner join countries c on countryID=@offCountryID
where ah.defCountryID=@defCountryID and ah.attackType in ('GS','BR','AB','NM','CM','EM'))

-- if less than or equal to zero then it is considered a new landgrab defending country does not have outstanding retals owed

if (@defLandGrabCount+@defWarHitCount) - @offLandGrabCount <=0
SET @drCalc = @warDR

-- if greater than zero then it is considered a retal defending country has outstanding retals owed

if (@defLandGrabCount+@defWarHitCount) - @offLandGrabCount > 0
SET @drCalc = @lgDR

Print 'drCalc = ' + @drCalc


just a quick rough draft at a SQL Stored Procedure to calculate the DRs -- would need to be tested/debugged and realigned to actual tables and fields. -- but it provides the basic psuedo code to make it a reality.


mFrost Game profile


Jun 5th 2015, 20:33:54

Declare @offCountryID as INT
Declare @defCountryID as INT
Declare @warHit as INT
Declare @lgDR as INT
Declare @fullDR as INT
Declare @drCalc as INT
Declare @defLandGrabCount as INT
Declare @offLandGrabCount as INT

/** check for war hits made by offense **/


Select @fullDR = fullDR, @lgDR = lgDR from countries where offCountryID=@offCountryID

if exist(Select ah.defCountryID, ah.attackType
from attackHistory ah inner join countries c on countryID=@defCountryID
where ah.offCountryID=@offCountryID and ah.attackType in ('GS','BR','AB','NM','CM','EM'))

SET @warHit=1 -- is true
SET @drCalc = @fullDR

if not exist(Select ah.defCountryID, ah.attackType
from attackHistory ah inner join countries c on countryID=@defCountryID
where ah.offCountryID=@offCountryID and ah.attackType in ('GS','BR','AB','NM','CM','EM'))

SET @warHit = 0 -- is false



count of LGs between offense and defense country
if the two counts are equal then offending country landgrab is considered a new landgrab
if defending country made more LGs against offense country then LGs until equality is reached are considered retal
@defLandGrabCount = 4 -- these are landgrabs against offense country
@offLandGrabCount = 4 -- these are landgrabs against defending country
@defLandGrabCount - @offLandGrabCount = 0 -- current land grab is consider new

@defLandGrabCount = 4 -- these are landgrabs against offense country
@offLandGrabCount = 3 -- these are landgrabs against defending country
@defLandGrabCount - @offLandGrabCount = 1 -- current land grab is consider retal


If @warHit = 0 -- the following does not apply to countries a player is at war with!!

-- (count of LGs made by defending country against offense country)

select @defLandGrabCount = count(attackHistoryID)
from attackHistory ah inner join countries c on countryID=@offCountryID
where ah.defCountryID=@defCountryID and ah.attackType in ('SS','PS'))

-- (count of LGs made by offense country against defending country)

select @offLandGrabCount = count(attackHistoryID)
from attackHistory ah inner join countries c on countryID=@defCountryID
where ah.offCountryID=@offCountryID and ah.attackType in ('SS','PS'))

/** (count of warhits made by defending country against offense country this is to close the loophole of countries using warhits instead of LGs, and possibly thinking these cannot be retaled. A player can technically turn this country into a personal landfarm as long as they do not war hit them back until equality is reached. NOTE: this is inside the @warHit=0 for the offense country meaning the offense country has not attacked defending country with warhits. This advantage disappears as soon as @warHit = 1 or true) **/

select @defWarHitCount = count(attackHistoryID)
from attackHistory ah inner join countries c on countryID=@offCountryID
where ah.defCountryID=@defCountryID and ah.attackType in ('GS','BR','AB','NM','CM','EM'))

-- if less than or equal to zero then it is considered a new landgrab defending country does not have outstanding retals owed

if (@defLandGrabCount+@defWarHitCount) - @offLandGrabCount <=0
SET @drCalc = @warDR

-- if greater than zero then it is considered a retal defending country has outstanding retals owed

if (@defLandGrabCount+@defWarHitCount) - @offLandGrabCount > 0
SET @drCalc = @lgDR

Print 'drCalc = ' + @drCalc


just a quick rough draft at a SQL Stored Procedure to calculate the DRs -- would need to be tested/debugged and realigned to actual tables and fields. -- but it provides the basic psuedo code to make it a reality.


Edited By: mFrost on Jun 5th 2015, 20:45:41. Reason: remove duplicate code
See Original Post

mFrost Game profile


Jun 5th 2015, 18:16:47

it's pretty simple in my mind

1. if a person owning Country B is retaling a LG made against them by Country A, and they never attacked Country A then the only applicable DRs are LG DRs. (this handle a country at war taking advantage of their own DRs against countries having nothing to do with their war.)

2. if a person owning Country B is LGing country A in heavy DRs and said country A never attacked Country B then all DRs apply. (this handles LGing or taking advantage of a country at war, or other players taking advantage of a player who may have been suicided on.)

3. if country A uses GS/BR/AB against country B then any subsequent LG made by Country A against country B is calculated at full DR. (this handles countries that would suicide on another country over a LG, expecting full land after making multiple war hits... they could still do their LGs first to get land, and then the war run.)


mFrost Game profile


Jun 5th 2015, 10:17:32

definitely, a case for separating out the retal/LG type DRs from the war type DRs...

Maybe the programmers can add in a drType and separate them in the code...

mFrost Game profile


Jun 5th 2015, 9:56:06

So I decided to pick 16 companies... let's see how they do by the end of the next reset :)

As of close today: 6/4/2015:

LVMH (#418) LVMH -$161.30
BBVA (#419) BBVA -$010.07
HSBC (#420) HSBC -$047.46
ICBC (#421) ICBC -$005.33

VALE (#423) VALE -$006.48
BASF (#424) BASFY-$092.89

KONE (#427) KNEBV-€037.33
EXOR (#428) EXO - $043.79
OLIN (#429) OLN - $029.06

TYCO (#430) TYC - $040.12
LEAR (#431) LEA - $115.40
ICIC (#432) IBN - $009.62
ITAU (#433) ITUB- $010.65


mFrost Game profile


Jun 5th 2015, 1:17:13

Another example :)

Military Strategy - $1998 - 973 973
Military Strategy - $2529 - 29 29
Military Strategy - $2598 - 9772 9772

for 1000 points of tech or a 1mil sacrifice a $600 difference in true sell price that would have been a $6-12 mil loss in revenue.

mFrost Game profile


Jun 5th 2015, 1:06:41

do not be lazy and sell for current price or a few dollars less...

take a look at the market ... if you see a unit similar to what you are about to sell with just a few units available clear the market first. It may be 4-5 price points deep for 100-1000 units each, but when done you will have the true market price , and can probably get 20-40 extra on military and as much as $1000 more per point of tech.

For example

Weapons - $2608 - 57 57
Weapons - $2800 - 9950 9950

a 200 dollar price drop hidden by 57 points of tech, seeking lazy players who would price cut the 2600 and put 10-20k points of tech up for $2500 per unit and losing about $300 per point or $3-6 million in the sell. All that for a $150k sacrifice on a few points of tech not bad ... This is how the market gets crashed... play smart and have fun :)


mFrost Game profile


Jun 3rd 2015, 3:18:58

Originally posted by elvesrus:
wazmo's stuff was great.

The best part about ghq's is pulling info directly from ops. I've even spied my allies just to be even lazier with it :)

that would be nice, I can see where something like that is useful. I do know the clan hosting sites or specific clan sites have their own war rooms, but not all clans do or even on solo servers not all players would have access to these tools.

so more of a public facing site... which may make uploading spy ops a little problematic, or players maybe a little gun shy to do so.


mFrost Game profile


Jun 3rd 2015, 3:10:39

Originally posted by Marshal:
this is what i use:

wazmo's was nice since could just paste htmls into there.

that is actually pretty nice... the one I was showing was more of a back end lookup matrix. The front end input and output can be very simple. Many years ago I used to use Reptiles' break calc for what if scenarios and then comwood's/silent sentinels break calc. Which is where the matrix idea above was born out of. but ultimately the output would be based on known parameters so no need for all the additional data on the front end.

spyop uploads has some drawbacks unless its a clan server, for a solo server they would need to be destroyed after the session or country info erased to keep things anonymous.


beyond just a grab calculator what type of features would be needed, is really what I'm after.
