
jcompaan Game profile

New Member

May 30th 2016, 15:20:35


jcompaan Game profile

New Member

May 17th 2016, 4:10:54

O_o so it's weird that I'm getting 2k tpt right now? (posting on 5/17) -- only teching the rest of my turns and banking money/bushels for a final push at the end?

(or is this way off?)

jcompaan Game profile

New Member

May 17th 2016, 4:06:36

O_o this got out of control fast...

What I'm hearing is that on the tourney servers, "killing" someone is a massive investment (enough to gimp myself). So, a few huge hits to set them back is enough punishment.

(I'm currently just using the person as a land farm now in Game A) -- Three or four attacks a day with no hope for them to retaliate.

jcompaan Game profile

New Member

May 13th 2016, 15:16:42


jcompaan Game profile

New Member

May 1st 2016, 3:45:53

What's the easiest way to kill another player?

jcompaan Game profile

New Member

Apr 12th 2016, 2:45:05

What is the best opening for tech? How many acres roughly should you have before swapping heavy to tech? What do you fill those acres with?

jcompaan Game profile

New Member

Apr 5th 2016, 8:23:35

What's the current best tech gov't? And how are people spending their first 500 turns?