
h2orich Game profile


Dec 22nd 2014, 4:51:28

We dont exactly know the word technical here, this is a text-based game, what we see are just text and numbers shown on our computer screens. So from a normal player point of view, I lost nw.

h2orich Game profile


Dec 22nd 2014, 4:30:23

Originally posted by Slagpit:
If you add up everything in your country's final status you'll find that the total NW matches the expected value, so you weren't cheated out of NW or anything like that.

I cant really check that since I do not have all the formulas and a spreedsheet to plug in all the values.

h2orich Game profile


Dec 22nd 2014, 4:28:35

Thats not the issue Slagpit. Just wondering what could be the reason behind this case.

FYI, this screenshot was taken at the next turn when I purchased the same amount of units.

h2orich Game profile


Dec 22nd 2014, 4:18:22

this whole bot thing is stupid, right now its just a farming session with them with no fear of retals.

h2orich Game profile


Dec 22nd 2014, 4:14:56

Originally posted by bstrong86:
Also, i just checked to see if i could look up previous country info, i cant/dont, if i can.

h2orich Game profile


Dec 22nd 2014, 4:13:43

Originally posted by bstrong86:
No problem, he hasnt responded yet..

You sure no ops were done?

Also, maybe if something sold, it didnt catch up at that exact moment with the cash.?

Yes, definately no ops.
Like what I said, if something sold in between the moments where I did my purchase, the money will not be tally

For eg. If I had 10m cash on hand, and I bought something for 4m while 3m worth of goods sold, I would have 9m(10-4+3) in my final cash amount, but in my case, the money was exactly what it should be.

h2orich Game profile


Dec 22nd 2014, 3:59:17

I always thought switching governments was never worth it in express because of the 1800 turn count, 1900 now actually.

So I dont play tyranny unless I just want to be land whore. Go either theo or demo as techer.

I got to 18,000 land at about turn 980. I started stocking but I got GSed 50 times. Took me almost 150 turns to get back to my full production, slowed there quite abit. I forgot to join GDI, which made me having to tech about 250k SDI just for 50% missiles protection. I sold my stock at 36,37,39 50m because I had no patience and didnt want to risk myself selling to private for $26 later on. I live in the AZN timezone so set ends at 8am, I need my sleep so I cant be monitoring the market the entire night. The recent bad food prices are partly to be blamed by the bots. I noticed the bots put up in batches of 3-10m of food ranging from $34-$43. The massive tech crashed on sunday was also quite bad, there were too much supply of tech, I saw batches of like 200k tech in each cat. lol

h2orich Game profile


Dec 22nd 2014, 3:45:42

thanks bstrong86.

the amount bought on my private market tallies with the money deducted shown, so there cant be any sales from tech.

h2orich Game profile


Dec 22nd 2014, 3:07:15

How did I lose networth from purchasing units?
I had no ops or any attacks done on me.

h2orich Game profile


Dec 22nd 2014, 2:34:18

silentwolf. the 'new' building changes is only more expensive up to about 4.5k acres. any buildings after that is cheaper.. that's why you see its more worth it to get land up to 26-28k acres rather than just end with 22-23k

h2orich Game profile


Dec 21st 2014, 23:21:26

at what turn did u managed to get to 14k acres?

h2orich Game profile


Dec 21st 2014, 23:12:31

I had 150m bushels stocked. with 900m cash on hand and about 750k tech left. Too bad food suc ked. I sold 50m at 36, 50m at 37 and 50m at 39 and Im not gonna win.

h2orich Game profile


Dec 21st 2014, 6:09:08

quite sure it's the bots doing for these kind of food prices

h2orich Game profile


Dec 20th 2014, 10:27:08

how many countries play tmbr now? the cost of converting and the low turn count on express server.. anyone sane will never play tmbr.

h2orich Game profile


Dec 20th 2014, 7:22:58

Originally posted by Celphi:
Spend 40 oil generate 30 troops, 25 turrets, 25 jets and 10 tanks to be available

1000000 oil / 40 = X = 25000

30(x) 25(x) 10(x)

750000 troops - 625000 turrets - 625000 jets - 250000 tanks

(750000*30) = 22.5 mil
(625000*20) = 12.5
(625000*20) = 12.5
(250000*150) = 37.5 mil

37.5 mil + 22.5 + 12.5 + 12.5 = 85 mil

So, if you can sell
Troops @ $30 > PM
Jets @ $20 > PM
Turrets @ $20 > PM
Tanks @ $150 > PM

Then you make ~$85 mil off 1 mil oil. I'm sure you probably could do better than that on market as theo.

Assuming you get these values, $85m for 1m oil, each barrel must be less than $85 to actually profit from all these, which is seldom the case.

h2orich Game profile


Dec 20th 2014, 4:39:58

how is this change suitable?
express units are sold average at $270-280/nw.. each oil barrel produces 1 turn worth of units. Assuming theo techer with $225/nw in your private market you only save about $50/nw l. Am I safe to say that unless you get oil at $50 or less / barrel then it is worth to use this function?

h2orich Game profile


Dec 19th 2014, 15:13:15

why drop land? let me have them.

h2orich Game profile


Dec 19th 2014, 9:13:59

Go to Tools -> Options -> Under IRC tab (Messages) Tick Timestamp box and Key in [HH:nn:ss] into the box beside it.

h2orich Game profile


Dec 17th 2014, 18:17:26

the answer is no and yes. military on/on the way to the market doesn't consume food.. but your expenses still remain the same. So Marshall is wrong.

h2orich Game profile


Dec 17th 2014, 17:46:51

if you guys were paying 35% tax, would you be happy?

h2orich Game profile


Dec 17th 2014, 2:01:40

of course the number of players of each strat will determine the market price of the goods but this is just temporary (for the next few hours) even if tech is at 2500 and you put an SO for 2499, and if there isn't anyone buy the tech, it doesn't help of course, people will eventually recall and put at a lower SO

h2orich Game profile


Dec 16th 2014, 17:41:08

that's not a Secret. common sense.

h2orich Game profile


Dec 15th 2014, 7:28:21

why do people play all explore in a war game?

h2orich Game profile


Dec 15th 2014, 7:27:25

thats how people maintain prices for certain goods

For example, I am selling $2,500 per point for tech, I would set a $2,499 standing order for that particular tech, so techers would see "hey there's someone asking for $2,499 , maybe if i sell higher it would still be bought, or worse if i need money urgently, I can sell it at $2,499.

h2orich Game profile


Dec 15th 2014, 7:24:10

I played tech for 3000. Initially wanted to play techer, anyway tech was 3000 for most of the time of the set. lol

If werent for the money stolen from various people, the 1.9k acres topfeed by a dr abuser and those missiles(could have grown out of range), I calculated a 43m finish, 44.5m with an $210-$220 jets/turrets EOS sale. but well, my fault for not keeping enough defence to prevent the top feed and blame myself for multi tapping someone who send missles.

h2orich Game profile


Dec 15th 2014, 2:40:07

so the bots have new names now? still easy to spot though

h2orich Game profile


Dec 14th 2014, 3:20:14

41 is a good number

h2orich Game profile


Dec 14th 2014, 2:34:05

Well 0-30 means the number of turns left in the set

so for example, with 10 turns left in express, the humanitarian range between you and your target must be 2.24. Meaning if you are 5m nw, ur opponent has to be in the range of 11.2m or 2.2m nw in order for you to hit him back.

So for your example,
with 500 turns left in a set, nothing is gonna change. Note that , "turns left in a set" not "turns yet to spend in a set"

Basically, this does not affect express much, since 30 turns left in express is only 1.5 hours.

h2orich Game profile


Dec 14th 2014, 2:14:49

humanitarian range for express/team/Alliance is 12x
8 for tourney
4 for primary

not sure why it's 2 for the last column

h2orich Game profile


Dec 14th 2014, 2:12:12

explore till the last 10 percent of the turns remaining for non express servers and 15 percent for express

h2orich Game profile


Dec 13th 2014, 14:46:23

well it's the same. production from those extra explored land versus cost of building up those land + tech needed for the extra land.

h2orich Game profile


Dec 13th 2014, 11:00:26

Stop grabbing when the production from the new acres is less than what you lose in the attack.

A = production from the new acres
B = cost of oil, jets, building cost, tech needed to maintain the new acres

if (turns left in the set) * A < B.. it's time to start stocking.

Rule of thumb for me to stop grabbing at about turn 1250-1350.

h2orich Game profile


Dec 13th 2014, 7:14:52

anyone notice the small amount of tech on the market? like few 100 pts at one go.. due to the bots?

h2orich Game profile


Dec 12th 2014, 13:56:43

I don't see how these bots are gonna retal with 100 troops

h2orich Game profile


Dec 11th 2014, 10:33:23

anyway, are these bots clever enough to retal with missiles and special attacks?

and at least give them a different name, i dont know who have i hit yet. ><

h2orich Game profile


Dec 11th 2014, 6:55:21

what's 15 buildings? I rather get all my negatives in my first 500 turns than the last 500.

h2orich Game profile


Dec 11th 2014, 6:53:54

it's weird actually. I got EM by someone who has a lot of military and myself more military than him. but he only destroy 0 units. why?

h2orich Game profile


Dec 11th 2014, 4:59:53

Personally, I dont like an idea of playing with an AI.

The fun about this game is the interaction among players and making new friends over the net. And of course, its hilarious to get response from ragers. But creating AIs just destroyed this process.

Isnt there other way to market this game out?

h2orich Game profile


Dec 11th 2014, 3:36:23

I dont read announcements. lol

h2orich Game profile


Dec 11th 2014, 3:19:37

ok my bad, its was due to build cost.

h2orich Game profile


Dec 11th 2014, 3:01:15

I dont know what you did qzjul, but you just screwed up the formula for food production and so have you screwed up my start.

h2orich Game profile


Dec 11th 2014, 2:54:34

Get your local industry to generate more private market units by giving them oil.
Spend 40 oil generate 30 troops, 25 turrets, 25 jets and 10 tanks to be available for purchase on the Private Market.

so you're encouraging speculation of oil now?

h2orich Game profile


Dec 10th 2014, 12:36:08

what? you're adding bots so there's more player base? wtf.

h2orich Game profile


Dec 9th 2014, 10:22:45

Celphi I dumped 25m food at 39 and 80m food at 36.

h2orich Game profile


Dec 8th 2014, 6:12:30

Haha 12m jets sent for that retal. hugeeeeeeee

I once had viva breaking me with 40m turrets.

h2orich Game profile


Dec 8th 2014, 6:11:05

Originally posted by Hammer:
Hey there, h2o! Hope all is well for you.

Hi hammer, yes all is good. except getting too drunk on weekends lately.

h2orich Game profile


Dec 8th 2014, 4:38:52

I bought like 10m bushels at $60. 40m bushels at $48, and 50m bushels at $45, hoping to get better returns but in the end I sold all of them for $36.

Plus, I got nuclear missiled from 16k acres to 4k. LOL.

h2orich Game profile


Dec 6th 2014, 11:53:51

you need a confirmation code for?

h2orich Game profile


Dec 6th 2014, 6:38:00

Originally posted by LATC:
Hope they need lots of oil

thats because I'm not a casher this set.

h2orich Game profile


Dec 6th 2014, 4:02:37

100 jets for 200 acres if you have spare bridages its fine.