
ebert00 Game profile


Mar 22nd 2014, 13:30:28

You have no class. I will not tolerate ror's. You will finish like crap. PS. You cannot see the 30 spy ops I did to him LOL. Only thing that is sad to me is that I had an awesome streak of top 10 s going then two people ror me in addition to topfeeds. Tech was so good I had top 3 locked in but not anymore.

ebert00 Game profile


Mar 19th 2014, 16:30:55

cable, take it as them admiring you so much that they made a country after you. people have used my country names before and as long as they are not doing something stupid i always message them, lol!

ebert00 Game profile


Mar 17th 2014, 1:28:24

Amusing thread. I respect cable for roring an all jetter but don't need to post so often. You responding to trash makes you look trashy....let them talk their stupid smack...when you end up on top all you need to say is my country speaks for itself. I kicked your butt. It does appear as if you whine in this thread by stooping to name calling.

ebert00 Game profile


Mar 17th 2014, 0:11:58

Got 5th Congrats to the rest. Not bad considering tech tanked and my 2 mill barrels of oil I bought at 150-180 expecting to sell at 250 sold for 54 privately. Not to mention buying food at 47 to stock and selling at 42.

ebert00 Game profile


Mar 10th 2014, 17:15:14

i like the pace of express. i used to play back in 2025 days, came back to tournament got sick of that when i found express. i played with Omega, LAF, SOF back in the day. but i grew sick of all the politics in alliance. I was in management and stepped down due to all the BS, so i found my home in express where politics are pretty much non-existant.

ebert00 Game profile


Mar 10th 2014, 16:32:00

Thanks for the info I appreciate it.

ebert00 Game profile


Mar 10th 2014, 13:29:16

I unlike some admitted what happened and asked you all to judge for yourself. I don't see others accused of cheating opening up their profiles. Anyway I will be closing mine again tonight...or at least making it so you cannot see my current country.

ebert00 Game profile


Mar 10th 2014, 0:22:34

I got 3rd not too bad LOL.

ebert00 Game profile


Mar 10th 2014, 0:05:15

All opened up for those who care.

ebert00 Game profile


Mar 8th 2014, 16:52:08

Again I agree it was at least borderline activity. I still always put up so's but no friends have told me they were selling cheap stuff to me. Now I just try and intercept anyone else who might be doing that.

ebert00 Game profile


Mar 8th 2014, 16:39:42


ebert00 Game profile


Mar 8th 2014, 16:02:50

Just so you can gawk at me for my purples I will open up my profile after this round completes. I do not agree with the purples but the mods will not overturn. Right wrong or indifferent my opinion on the 21$ oil was this. A friend was running a country and said he would sell cheap goods. I said sure...I will make sure to put in standing orders. I didn't know what they would be selling or when so I put in orders for all military food and oil. Vast majority seemed to be oil or food. But it was all through the market and anyone could have an order in and get the goods so I saw nothing that violated the rules and went along for the ride. Once the forums started posting that this was shady I thought about it...then a mod ...tellarion I believe said it was wrong and he would be watching the market. At that point I asked my friend to stop as it was now against the rules...from what I can tell they stopped. Still a month or three later admins looked into it and now retroactively purples 7 of my countries including two #1 finishes. I did not agree with this as nothing in the rules was against putting in orders and a friend placing cheap goods up. Every round that I use orders I find SOME cheap stuff...this round I got 15000 oil at 14 LOL. Them purpling my old countries I equate to a policeman putting up a no parking sign after you parked your car and went into the store...then you come back to a ticket. As this is not right so I believe me having those countries purpled was not right.

I still have many many completely legit top 10's and #1 finishes. I believe my top three rounds were not related to my friend at all. I just want what happened to be known. Was it borderline shady...yes I agree... but I claim it was not against the rules at the time. Feel free to share your opinion or ask questions and I will answer. Also side note the friend was NOT Russian roulette.

ebert00 Game profile


Mar 7th 2014, 19:49:54

Cable is pro! Same idea that I do when I run CI.

ebert00 Game profile


Mar 3rd 2014, 18:17:33

It was not top 10 but no I was not purpled there either. 17th/37th or something I don't remember and am too lazy to look up now.

ebert00 Game profile


Mar 3rd 2014, 17:43:31

the last 5 rounds, i got ranked 5,2,6,1,3 respectively with 0 purples/cheating.

ebert00 Game profile


Mar 3rd 2014, 3:34:48

I did not get purpled rats. Get your facts straight.

ebert00 Game profile


Mar 3rd 2014, 1:14:33

If I had not been topfed 5 times and retalled twice lmao...but I still got 5th. Also food tanking sucked...

ebert00 Game profile


Feb 26th 2014, 21:39:01

No zarcon I would not. I would rather it come from me than some mod/admin not discuss with me first. You want to delete some prior round results please hear me out first then decide. I just saw tellarians post figured it was directed at me and didn't want last round gone as it was completely legit no friend assist etc.

ebert00 Game profile


Feb 26th 2014, 21:26:08

Since it will come out anyway. A friend of mine created a country and sold 21$ oil a few sets. This was not every set and I will clarify later reasons behind this. As soon as a big stink was made about that being cheating I asked them to stop...which they did far as I know. I still put in my standing orders for cheap stuff but it is not coming from anyone I know.

ebert00 Game profile


Feb 26th 2014, 17:00:19

and it only took cheating to do so!

ebert00 Game profile


Feb 23rd 2014, 15:29:36

I would guess a techer and that demo with 27000 land and the guy spoofing me.

ebert00 Game profile


Feb 20th 2014, 19:26:58

Convert to is not too late?

ebert00 Game profile


Feb 13th 2014, 0:28:54

And I had a dream that there were no flufftards selling 1900 $ tech just out of protection 24 hours into the round...then I woke up.

ebert00 Game profile


Feb 12th 2014, 17:10:44

good luck winning that argument Cable. People tried calling coordination when my ally would land grab people who went all jets to retal me. I personally found it kinda funny, if you are dumb enough to go virtually all jets to "retal" or grab someone, you deserve to be farmed, but that is another topic. As far as your situation, it can easily be viewed as coordination. you are "protecting" the people in your "team" for all practical purposes by making this statement. just my opinion, and personally, i dont much care if you do what you claim as it would never hurt me personally.

ebert00 Game profile


Feb 10th 2014, 0:11:08

Not bad...first round with no allies and I got first. I surely didn't expect that. Congrats to the rest of you.

ebert00 Game profile


Feb 7th 2014, 0:42:56

Fyi..if you do a big grab as a techer and do not build first you are a noob. After building there is no way your production would be effected. Only times I noticed production losses during normal game play is during startup and when buying like 75000 residential on last day as a commie.

ebert00 Game profile


Feb 3rd 2014, 1:37:39

Stupid Croatia went all jets to Retal me. I had 30 mill + easy till the moron did that. 21000 land full Indy tech by turn 1100. Oh well 3rd isn't too bad.

ebert00 Game profile


Jan 29th 2014, 2:11:54

Leeching has not ruined this server...coordination and cheaters and topfeeders ruined the server. IMO topfeeding will be 10x as bad...

ebert00 Game profile


Jan 28th 2014, 23:34:35

I dislike this in general. We all lose ingamre interaction.

ebert00 Game profile


Jan 27th 2014, 1:13:59

It was me and Russian roulette. How else could I have finished so well?

ebert00 Game profile


Jan 26th 2014, 19:24:18

People like this should be group killed.

ebert00 Game profile


Jan 23rd 2014, 2:54:46

Cable, you are wrong.

ebert00 Game profile


Jan 23rd 2014, 2:34:37

yeah, i have this same issue.

ebert00 Game profile


Jan 23rd 2014, 0:59:36

yeah, tried from my phone, from my computer, tried a different browser, and the new browser will not even let me play my account as i had never used it before. i am guessing some sort of DNS issue in the North East usa.

ebert00 Game profile


Jan 23rd 2014, 0:47:46

strange, no words appear for me to enter into the re-captcha

ebert00 Game profile


Jan 23rd 2014, 0:06:29

anyone else not seeing the verification codes needed to collect the bonuses?

ebert00 Game profile


Jan 20th 2014, 22:19:25

Looks like someone has too much time on their hands. I am a legit player and do not cheat. Any mod admin can check that. I do not need to defend myself or my allies in an online game. If you see me get purpled then you can whine...but that will never happen.

ebert00 Game profile


Jan 20th 2014, 1:59:41

Got 5th. Not bad considering I got topfed I could not Retal as they got missiles and lost more than half their land. Congrats FDA and for a farmer finally winning a round.

ebert00 Game profile


Jan 6th 2014, 0:03:50

Not bad Congrats to 55 saw that coming all set long...

ebert00 Game profile


Jan 1st 2014, 20:07:22

I know I have said stupid things I regret saying...lets just try to not do this often.

ebert00 Game profile


Dec 30th 2013, 23:39:22

Lmao...and Vic says I have too much time on my hands...yet he follows my every move like a puppy. Anyway. Everyone can feel free to spy on my allies and check every reset. I wont be allied to a techer for tech unless teching and I never have off allies...even if they bring it back. I have never seen Vic win and I have never intentionally cheated. Please stop accusing me of cheating when the only time I "cheated" wad when I did a joint kill run...not knowing it was against server rules.

ebert00 Game profile


Dec 30th 2013, 0:39:28

Fyi...the only reason I used that name was so non-morons would be able to figure out my name and not grab me but still keep the idiots who were screwing with me. I won as a techer multiple times without off allies.

ebert00 Game profile


Dec 30th 2013, 0:33:53

Vic you are a fluff. I never ever had offense allies. I leached 2 of which I warred. You are a moron I do not cheat. I wad purples one reset for a joint kill run before I knew that was against the rules.

ebert00 Game profile


Dec 29th 2013, 1:56:16

I agree I didn't fare so well Retal some lose some. Always next round.

ebert00 Game profile


Dec 27th 2013, 17:01:29

given how i typically finish(if i do not war) i see nothing bad about my strategy. i consistantly top 10 when i dont have multiple morons topfeeding, or RORing me. unless you can show me a better way to acquire land and NW, i will stick with the plan that seems to work. i remember when i used to do just 1 PS every two hours on a mid-large sized target. obviously i have changed from that, but this seems to be working now.

ebert00 Game profile


Dec 24th 2013, 15:10:36

I warred last set h20. Some nubbie decided to try and farm me...then someone rored me. So I warred both.

ebert00 Game profile


Dec 24th 2013, 15:09:00

Merry Christmas to all.

ebert00 Game profile


Dec 23rd 2013, 2:36:17

Congrats to the top 10.

ebert00 Game profile


Dec 21st 2013, 22:10:39

I don't care if people AB me if I double tap them...I generally try to avoid that. This round I picked a fight so "mine" could use his stored turns and missile me LOL. I am talking about 13 saying he will hunt me down every reset because I suicided after he rored me. People like that are clowns. If I double tap I know I run the risk of being suicides on...I don't whine when it happens nor do I threaten to hunt you down till you quit LOL.

ebert00 Game profile


Dec 21st 2013, 18:54:22

So I seem to have d-bags following me around in earth. 58...13...people who think roring is OK and that I wont AB them back. Do you all think I am wrong with my actions?