
amy winehouse


Jul 6th 2016, 21:51:41

amy winehouse


Jul 6th 2016, 21:45:14

this is for vic, lets be realistic

amy winehouse


Jul 6th 2016, 21:36:38

five cents for a million thrills, my dear

amy winehouse


Jul 6th 2016, 21:20:33

Step up, son. Or sit the fluff down.

amy winehouse


Jul 6th 2016, 21:17:13

amy winehouse


Jul 6th 2016, 20:08:32

Originally posted by Marshal:
i don't give a fluff if all your handles are banned or unbanned.

oh, fluff fluff fluff.. you very likely should. you very likely. should. should.

amy winehouse


Jul 6th 2016, 20:03:56

pfft, he's afraid even to attempt to win while tagged me. i win every set because they only ever happen to beat me while not playing like respectable men. sf tried but i joined him and he joined me and we technically tied one another, i guess, but i'm still far less eighties and early nineties so i win because i'm far more late nineties and early two thousands

amy winehouse


Jul 6th 2016, 19:12:01

Originally posted by Soviet:
Originally posted by Marshal:
make other handle to get weekly bonus, that's what braden did.

I've got a great pedigree going on this account, though.

so sayeth I.

amy winehouse


Jul 6th 2016, 19:11:18

Originally posted by Marshal:
make other handle to get weekly bonus, that's what braden did.

you are so god damned dumb that even now, to this day like seventeen years later, you still do not, again to this day, know my unbanned handles?

wow, i have felt sorry for you, but rarely ever do i actually feel **sorry** for somebody being so dumb.

amy winehouse


Jul 6th 2016, 19:07:29

chi town and oak town both need to get democrats into the whole idea of gun control, because the gop can't do it on it's own.

the dnc needs to understand the biggest struggle against poor black men getting shot is other poorer black men shooting them.

but i'm white, in canada, and don't own a gun, but yet i'll still be the problem, heh

amy winehouse


Jun 29th 2016, 0:20:04

also it occurs to us now, i suppose, that one was eccentric because he was slowly dying of a blow overdose, and the other is eccentric because he is slowly dying of a tumor in his brain.

amy winehouse


Jun 29th 2016, 0:15:13

maybe i should stop trying to grow up to be like him shannon hoon.

let us try this. five years later.

amy winehouse


Jun 28th 2016, 23:49:28

whether, and i'm never offensive.

identifying as a woman in todays world only doubles the washroom possibilities for me- i'd have to be a fool not to.

amy winehouse


Jun 28th 2016, 23:06:15

amy winehouse


Jun 28th 2016, 23:01:22

amy winehouse


Jun 28th 2016, 22:58:30

amy winehouse


Jun 28th 2016, 19:36:53

both to start gilmore girls from season 1 and work our way through the one fifty three to the year in a life.

i don;t have twitter, but scott will be live tweeting the first four episodes of each season.

we are trying to get heston to live tweet the live tweet from scott, but we're experiencing creative differences and heston is pro fluffsburger and scott pro fluffamagelia.. apparently padalecki is too much man for either of them.

amy winehouse


Jun 28th 2016, 19:21:42

visit for business or for pleasure, or live there not work and have some longshoreman's family pay his way while he sits on his ass and doesn't benefit the community that opened its arms and welcomed him?

oh, wait..

amy winehouse


Jun 25th 2016, 1:24:33

Is the jungle room a reference to something i should know?

amy winehouse


Jun 24th 2016, 23:19:43

amy winehouse


Jun 24th 2016, 23:18:33

amy winehouse


Jun 24th 2016, 23:16:31

Now, Muriel plays piano
Every Friday at the Hollywood
And they brought me down to see her
And they asked me if I would
Do a little number
And I sang with all my might
She said, "Tell me are you a Christian, child?"
And I said, "Ma'am, I am tonight!"

amy winehouse


Jun 24th 2016, 23:12:52

amy winehouse


Jun 20th 2016, 14:06:10

Russin left seawolf to make iron :(

amy winehouse


Jun 18th 2016, 3:40:24

Hi seminole youve been moderately missed !

amy winehouse


Jun 18th 2016, 0:19:29

The answer is of course old episodes of crossing jordan on well used dvds- say what you will, but the jawline on jill hennessy? Let alone on miguel ferrer?

amy winehouse


Jun 18th 2016, 0:15:16

I know what im looking at through the bottom of a bottle tonight, ladies.

amy winehouse


Jun 17th 2016, 19:53:09

ah, water? never touch the stuff. fish fluff in it.
- reggie thistleton

amy winehouse


Jun 17th 2016, 17:28:38

Jesus loves you, archaic.

amy winehouse


Jun 11th 2016, 16:09:22

(so many toronto people, dying for a ticket to a game, will happily make that drive)

amy winehouse


Jun 11th 2016, 16:08:10


amy winehouse


Jun 11th 2016, 16:04:46

Originally posted by Scott:
Originally posted by Aphrodite:
Originally posted by Scott:
Originally posted by Aphrodite:
Just for that i think i WILL join SoF. Just to piss Scott off. 😂😂😂💀💀💀
i won't think twice of ABing you all set, even if we are both in SOF.

Sweetheart you and i both know i'm better at netting and warring than you are.

Says the person who got run off the server...

says the man that hates jews.

(see? its not nice. apologize.)

amy winehouse


Jun 11th 2016, 16:02:10

i miss you, my heart shaped from granite. i miss zorp too, and slaats, but i'm pretty sure you were all the same person :(

amy winehouse


Jun 11th 2016, 15:43:42

i understand how we have a show without matt dillon. his name is jason patric. fluffing awesome. i think somebody has a man crush.

amy winehouse


Jun 11th 2016, 13:56:17

now it seems to be brown shirted nazi fascists in the gem state.

i think jason patric said it best, twice.
what i refuse to believe is every morning i wake up in a dictatorship, and how does an underage cretin get to run it?

and the single best is,
fine, you think i can not do your job, but we both know that you can not do mine.

i still don't understand, though, how he doesn't just let people die. i'll save them, fine, but in exchange you hand me over the day to day running of this batfluff crazy town. this is america, i don't believe the whole end of the world bullfluff- this is america. pick up a phone and ninety thousand doctors will answer.. oh i'm the only one, as you say? then they die, or they live and i run this fluffhole town and you, you seventeen year old nazi prick, has zero responsibility and zero fluffing power and even less fluffing say..

i don't understand how people can just wake up one day and accept their inalienable rights are just, what, not here? this is idaho, for fluffs sake, not fluffing russia. when do we run elections-- don't even get me started on the no newspaper.. walk into any bum fluff egypt town in america and news'll happen and be written about.

i'm your only doctor, fine, people get healed when i have my god damned fluffing constitutionally guaranteed rights as a human being. oh, there is no constitution, i suppose then there is also no longer a hippocratic oath thingy.. ya'll can die, if this is 4032 then i'm well dead already, myself, the fluff do i care? you know what i do care about, not living in a nazi fluffhole run by a seventeen year old mentally retarded..
thats another thing.. if he runs the medicine, the hospital, why doesn't he put his hand up and say, um, medically, mentally you are unsound and for your own medical care, mr seventeen year old fascist, we need to barb coma ya, son, sorry, its for your own good..

and then when the town says what now? as a doctor, you say, umm.. elections? um.. freedoms.. um.. the truth?

(but then also let us consider that i get this angry over fiction.. just imagine if i needed to wrap my head around it in real life ;p)

amy winehouse


Jun 11th 2016, 3:42:16

people should be outright banned and never welcomed backed once they show a hatred for the survival of life.

amy winehouse


Jun 11th 2016, 3:17:26

yes, the ignorant and lacking ability archaic is, some how, with zero skill, ability or understanding, somehow is the one crashing the market..

you are, what, as dumb a rock or smrt bt hppn:( to hit your head and are left dumb as a fluffing stone?

really, you need to ask the questions that immediately stunt your ability to think freely? you can't even measure up to a jason patric?

pathetic. i'm canadian. they even let me in. what does that say for you, you pathetic coward?

amy winehouse


Jun 11th 2016, 3:11:06

not english should get every single country within a tag deleted and banned. eight posts? delete and ban every single one, they are of zero value.

amy winehouse


Jun 11th 2016, 3:03:30

ford is a coward. he;s afraid that his child or wife will agree with me, so he ye;;ls amd screams aout my deserving a ban.

but we all laugh at him becuae he's a coward too afraid or unable to defend his piece of fluff family.

ooooooh tooooowooooo saaaaaaaaaddddeaaadeeeade.


amy winehouse


Jun 11th 2016, 2:58:06

so is benjamin burke dead?? we ""saw"" him get ""eaten""..
ethan and ben we both saw die.. how does teresa fit into it?

kate slit her fluffing throat over a fluff fluffing guidance councillor? between ethan blowing up the fluffing elevator (again how do we have a fluffing show without matt dillon'???????), ben getting eaten in a corn field, and now jason patric, like when i was twelve, is my only hope for sanity?

what happens when, oooooh, too late, benjamin plays he role of a phoenix brother..

the fluffing jaw line.. give me marble and a chissel and i'll give you our head of medicine, surgeory, .. a bottle of rye.. just wake up one day and i'm here, hi fella, waves, but yall want medical? this is me? do you have a headache? let me drain your blood, the loss of oxygen will serve you rightlyy well, heh..

amy winehouse


Jun 11th 2016, 2:45:22

not only are you a rapist, but you actively suggest i myself should be a rapist, if i can find people to let me rape them?

you have children??????? people whom you love???????
Originally posted by mrford:
Nobody loves you if you don't love yourself, drunk.

Stop licking my fluff. I already found someone for that. You should too. If you can.

sure, give me your wife to lick my fluff, fluff. where is she, she's not a finger up my ass and my testicles in her mouth.. where is this piece of meat, the one you call a wife or mother to your children, why am i not sticking my fluff in her ass?

amy winehouse


Jun 11th 2016, 2:40:32

i'm a drunk, but i never force anybody to put my fluff down their throat.

truly, who do we think wins?

amy winehouse


Jun 11th 2016, 2:38:36

youre a rapist.

amy winehouse


Jun 11th 2016, 2:37:44

Originally posted by mrford:
Nobody loves you if you don't love yourself, drunk.

Stop licking my fluff. I already found someone for that. You should too. If you can.

go explain to the mother of your childrem how her licking your fluff is a matter of pride for you against me. she's a whore, or.. sorry, what, a sexual slave? you demand sexual favours, in north america we call it rape, but you sexually assault the mother of your children and try to pass this off as something to be proud of?

amy winehouse


Jun 11th 2016, 2:27:11

some of us never had friends, racist.

amy winehouse


Jun 11th 2016, 2:23:48

i live and die off of local bookstores, at the very least when socialist canadians refuse to stock conservative literature i still order it from coles or chapters or indigo (all three the same cooperation, yes?) and demand they ship it to my store, not my house. they don;t tell me where they live, why am i going to tell them where i live?
i don't want them to know the literature i read.. fascism says if i want to read, i buy from fascists.. they don't wear brown shirts. yet...

also, i demanded to know how [a more handsome than ever jason patric] doesn't throw a god damned fit..

so, you ***think*** i can not do your job, heh, .. but we both [fluffing] know that you can not do mine.

ben is dead?????????? the fluffing fluff is happening? spoilers.. farmer if we want to bring this to a private conversation i would LOVE to have you explain what i'm missing. i mean, like, the fluff is god damned happening? ethan burke died, i see this.. the idea of time delayed explosives we loose, sure fine.. but now ben is eaten????? neither burke saves humanity, spoilers sure, but does s more handsome than ever jason patric save us all????
he asked a wonderful question: where the fluff am i, and how the fluff does an underaged cretin get to run this fluff? i wake up, confused, you toss me a load of fluff that i barely accept.., fine maybe what you tell me is true.. maybe..

patric is soooooo much of a badass.. i thought ben like played god damned fluffing hero from the border, but episode two he apologizes to his father, before he gets eaten???????????????

he was supposed to be our saviour.

best line yet, i refuse to wake up every morning into a dictatorship. you think i can not do your job, yet we both [god damned fluffing know] you can not do mine. jason drops the mic, and walks the fluff off sceen.

a more handsome than ever jason patric. ya'll too young, ya'll aint fluffing know.

amy winehouse


Jun 11th 2016, 1:44:33

who lives within driving distance of toronto, and who wants to venture hurr and teach'n me how to dance?
who wants to make me their jennifer grey, pre nose job?

oh come on, guys..

amy winehouse


Jun 11th 2016, 1:40:33
small town? ban it. ban it all.

amy winehouse


Jun 11th 2016, 1:38:06

somebody made Ren sad.. fluff that, somebody made lori singer sad..

amy winehouse


Jun 11th 2016, 1:33:51