
Zwelzo Game profile

New Member

Mar 21st 2012, 17:48:02

Bonus bonus bonus

Zwelzo Game profile

New Member

Mar 3rd 2012, 11:52:20

Did I get moved from a to server c because of my sarcastic post endorsing cheating? If so, much props to admin.

Zwelzo Game profile

New Member

Feb 29th 2012, 15:41:32

CLEARLY using multiple accounts is not only ok, but has been sanctioned by admin. I will no longer bother reporting cheaters in tourney or primary.

Can anyone (who isn't already cheating) tell me the cons of creating 1 country with work email/ip, 1 at home using personal email/ip, and a third on my mobile? I am speaking hypothetically, of course.

Zwelzo Game profile

New Member

Feb 23rd 2012, 11:44:07

Originally posted by crothersc:
Thats not my aim at all. Its a aim is to have fun...I tried on 2 seperate occasions to stop the fighting between us..

The fact that you declared war and immediately declared peace after you couldn't hurt me shows your incompetence. I shall keep taking your resources and hitting you everyday for the rest of the set. Cheers,

Zwelzo Game profile

New Member

Feb 22nd 2012, 15:28:51

Cory Crothers,

You should be mindful about the digital footprints you leave behind, just in general. Of course that applies for all of us. And you need to rethink alot of your strategies going forward if your aim is solely to provoke countries into war.

Ever heard the phrases that you should never poke a bear or tickle a sleeping dragon?

Zwelzo Game profile

New Member

Feb 22nd 2012, 13:42:02

1 out of every 4 isn't even half bad.

5.6 hours ago
Swamp Donkey (#56) attempted to spy on your country! You killed 7021 enemy spies.

5.6 hours ago
Swamp Donkey (#56) attempted to spy on your country! You killed 7122 enemy spies.

5.7 hours ago
Swamp Donkey (#56) attempted to bomb your structures! You killed 7225 enemy spies.

5.7 hours ago
Enemy operatives destroyed 159 buildings!

5.7 hours ago
Swamp Donkey (#56) attempted to bomb your structures! You killed 7288 enemy spies.

5.7 hours ago
Swamp Donkey (#56) attempted to bomb your structures! You killed 7395 enemy spies.

5.7 hours ago
Swamp Donkey (#56) attempted to bomb your structures! You killed 7503 enemy spies.

5.7 hours ago
Enemy operatives destroyed 161 buildings!

5.7 hours ago
Swamp Donkey (#56) attempted to bomb your structures! You killed 7572 enemy spies.

5.7 hours ago
Swamp Donkey (#56) attempted to bomb your structures! You killed 7684 enemy spies.

5.7 hours ago
Swamp Donkey (#56) attempted to bomb your structures! You killed 7799 enemy spies.

5.7 hours ago
Enemy operatives destroyed 163 buildings!

8.9 hours ago
KING KOBRA (#58) attempted to spy on your country! You killed 9254 enemy spies.

17.4 hours ago
Swamp Donkey (#56) attempted to bomb your structures! You killed 7676 enemy spies.

17.4 hours ago
Enemy operatives destroyed 168 buildings!

17.4 hours ago
Swamp Donkey (#56) attempted to bomb your structures! You killed 7684 enemy spies.

1.6 days ago
Swamp Donkey (#56) attempted to bomb your structures! You killed 7459 enemy spies.

1.6 days ago
Swamp Donkey (#56) attempted to bomb your structures! You killed 7459 enemy spies.

1.6 days ago
Swamp Donkey (#56) attempted to bomb your structures! You killed 7153 enemy

1.6 days ago
Swamp Donkey (#56) declared war on your country!

Zwelzo Game profile

New Member

Feb 21st 2012, 21:46:41


Zwelzo Game profile

New Member

Feb 21st 2012, 15:42:10

Originally posted by blid:
I can't believe he got reinstated after having an AB party with his friend on the same IP on a server where there's no allies, haha.

Zwelzo Game profile

New Member

Feb 21st 2012, 14:08:38

Originally posted by crothersc:
So......I play this game everyday from my house. Sat night I decide go to a friends house and take my laptop to do AB's together, as he is in the same game that I am. Guess what? I log in today to see that I have been deleted. All because we logged in from the same IP address and attacked someone.

ShocknAWE (#19) here. I am the player which noob and his other account, er I mean his friend on the same ip address, cough, have declared war on. I should note that his actions were as a result of 1 single land grab. I have been playing Earth for more than 10 years, pre-swirve if anyone recalls Echelon; I think it is evident how long Crothersc has been playing.

Originally posted by crothersc:
:) i just got a threatened by the top guy that he reported me. I shared his spy op with 3 people....

Multiple players have messaged me about this, and I am assuming none of these were Wes, Sean, or Steven. This is intolerable. If the admin can not police these actions then the players must! I hereby propose economic sanctions & military action against Swamp Donkey (#56) not for atrocities against my people, but for his general dumbheadedness and lack of respect for the game. I implore all players in game B to stand together in solidarity and help with this great cause.

I will not post intel reports, but I can tell you that he has no missile defense systems in place & no national air force for which to retaliate.