
Wolf Game profile


Sep 12th 2012, 1:51:21

Bye bye llaar

Wolf Game profile


Aug 5th 2012, 15:40:58

takes #1 again for TNW! Wooo! Grats guys.


Wolf Game profile


Jul 22nd 2012, 9:50:08

Originally posted by iAubz:
Originally posted by Xinhuan:
the game favours the FS, and the game favours the side with larger numbers.

Sounds about how a war would naturally play out.

It should be that way. This is "alliance" server. The main thing that makes this server unique is politics. Sometimes unfair, yes, but thats also like real life. Accept in real life people dont switch countries so readily or as often and easily and politics are much more widespread. Our biggest problem ithat we dont have enough alliances, or even enough large alliances. We need new members and even though to most of you the game has became simple in terms of "gameplay" for new players the game takes a bit of time to get a hang onto and an everyday dedication in a world where most are consumed with new "pop up book style" games. Chess is extremely complex yet few play it. This game is alot better than crap like warcraft at least in terms of strategy versus "time played" yet provides less proverbial colorful shiny pictures so less will play it. This is a mass multiplayer game thus needs many players.

All I can suggest is marketing and networking.

Get this game on all the flash game sites (even if it isnt a flash game) like and the such. Get an app and facebook version. What the old guys need is new players and what the new guys need is just to play because its all new to them.

Wolf Game profile


Jul 22nd 2012, 9:37:06


The Inner Circle

Wolf Game profile


Jul 22nd 2012, 9:30:38

I can see why this game has a hard time attracting new members...

Wolf Game profile


Jul 17th 2012, 6:52:37


Wolf Game profile


Jul 17th 2012, 6:48:41

plans on moving to eastern europe

Wolf Game profile


Jul 11th 2012, 6:45:00

If I knew how I would, but im not a tech major. I just figured it would help add new players to the game, which seems to be the buzz around here.

Wolf Game profile


Jul 11th 2012, 2:56:06

Why not make an app, and a facebook login.

Wolf Game profile


Jul 11th 2012, 2:54:31

ninong, request confirmed

Wolf Game profile


Jul 11th 2012, 2:53:21

I think LCN is underrated

Wolf Game profile


Jul 10th 2012, 20:07:40

tech is 2 points per technology, same equivalent as a tank minus upkeep. Tech isnt worth selling under 600

Wolf Game profile


Jul 7th 2012, 21:04:14

Who is brink

Wolf Game profile


Jul 6th 2012, 19:43:37

SPERM got owned

Wolf Game profile


Jul 6th 2012, 17:10:43

+1 Task

Wolf Game profile


Jul 6th 2012, 17:09:03

LCN has been the #1 netting alliance in both of our last netting sets and there is a very good chance we will come in first again this set as we are currently in first. We also have a ton of IXers.

Wolf Game profile


Jun 24th 2012, 20:25:16

That was me lol. Not a big deal. Simple misfire, not much lost. Just going to retailiate with three or so landgrabs.. sound fair? Just messing around on the last part. But right before you someone with a similar name landgrabbed me, THEN I got bombing runned and at first I thought it was both you. I searched the country it said LaF and I was like wtf!? So I checked again before reporting to retal forum and HFA and I was like ah okay.

Wolf Game profile


May 25th 2012, 11:00:14

Warcraft, Starcraft, now Diablo. Blizzard is amazing.

Wolf Game profile


May 19th 2012, 22:09:25

Task tells it like it is

Wolf Game profile


May 13th 2012, 8:39:54

The game is dying.

Wolf Game profile


May 10th 2012, 7:53:00

FS MD/EVO/SOL next set if they attack laf!

This way it can be a near server wide war and I will run facist oiler and reap the benefits.

Wolf Game profile


May 10th 2012, 7:51:32

welp at least anonymous has some sense.

Wolf Game profile


May 10th 2012, 7:42:31

I am a practicing christian. I have also studied many other forms of religion and theology in general. I can be the first to say A LOT of the bible is vastly misinterpreted. However in the new testament Jesus cleared it up pretty effectively.

He said (not verbatum but) To love one another as you love yourself. "Treat others as you want to be treated" Concept. And to love god with your entire body, soul and mind. That LOVE was the greatist gift he gave humanity.

He also said on the sermon on the mount about taxes to give what is caesars to caesar. We have a seperation of church and state. We could do some AMAZING things with stem cell research and it lacks funding... one of sciences' greatest accomplishments... DUE TO what? Oh youre trying to play GOD.

If you are quick to take the dust out of anothers eye, first take the woodchip out of your own. -Jesus

Marriage WAS created by a mixture between some interpretation of the bible, the one man one woman union before it was time to be fruitful and multiply and have more than one woman and when it came to pass like it had been in the begginning ONE MAN ADAM ONE WOMAN EVE all over again. People however mistake ROMAN CATHOLISISM which came AFTER jesus and was adopted by a corrupt Roman Empire to worship one god instead of many, go to war and all the corruption that came with it. The inquisition. Indulgences. The coming of the pope. How they dress and act like the pharisees.

Catholisism is so effective because it isnt real christianity. People dont have to THINK. Many dont even go to church. Those that do, ONCE a week. Less than an hour. Shake a few hands, eat a piece of bread, sing the same songs over and over. And leave. BRAINLESS.

Everyone is quick to GIVE an opinion but not to formulate a valid one. Stupidity is ruining this world. People lack the ability to be objective and open minded.

Life is about giving, not getting. If we followed that, UTOPIA. Unless someone ruined it (or more) by taking advantage.

Rather than continue this rant... There is NO reason why a gay couple shouldnt be able to be married by government law purposes since marriage holds finincial and otherwise weight. Two people build a life together THATS IT. Its morally and ethically right. We have NO jurisdiction over another or ability to judge. Did jesus go around constantly telling everyone everything they did wrong? And only god can judge with perfect divinity.

This may not be the most compelling argument for ignoramous' or athiests but for practicing christians, you should get the point. The athiests ect dont have a problem with it anyway.

HOWEVER I do not like the destroying of the family unit. That passes on values that are now being substituted to the government. And do not teach my children that its NORMAL. Romeo and Julian and all this crap to teach political correctness. Being gay isnt how you are born. Its a psychological thing. Romans banged other men just for the fun of it, without even having physical attraction.

America has been around 216 years and since we have became established we have taught things "as if its always been this way" and america and its values are so vastly different (and lousy) compare to the rest of the world its insurmountable.

Wolf Game profile


May 10th 2012, 7:28:43

I personally would have either listed him as a farm or kill target and THEN if TIE had a problem with that, possibly going to war. Either way, kick some ass scode!

Wolf Game profile


May 9th 2012, 7:20:31

LaF is winning... hahaha

Wolf Game profile


May 9th 2012, 7:17:59

+1 for badfish

Wolf Game profile


May 8th 2012, 19:40:25

LaF is if im not mistaken a NETTING alliance?

Wolf Game profile


May 8th 2012, 19:37:53

Thats very interesting. Anyone who cares to elaborate further, please do.

Wolf Game profile


May 7th 2012, 4:42:44

Originally posted by Anonymous:
So is this your first time reading. Let me spell it out for you.

1) Being at the top of ones field and wishing to remain there may offer an environment where bending or breaking the rules would make sense to them. This is a possible cause as to why they would do it.

2) Cheating is a part of human nature, it has happened, it likely is happening, and it almost defiantly will happen again.

3) The game and reality share links.

4) There should be consequences but many suffering for the acts of the few is not acceptable. I also believe he is hinting that if LaF was a mediocre alliance or isolated, rather than one of if not the most dominating and polarizing alliances, the outcry and backlash would not be as great as it is.

5)Just as it is not good for LaFs side to dominate, neither would it be good for SoLs side to dominate. Rather neutrality and moral and ethically driven stance should be had. Do what is right for the game, not your political agendas.

Unless I have completely read too much into his post this is what I draw out of it. This post doesn't appear to condone cheating anywhere, in fact it makes statements to the contrary.
However as you can see in my outline very little of his post is directed at the act of cheating.



And in relation to my analogy of Bill Clinton/Richard Nixon AND Bill Bellichick.... They were all cheaters. They all were at the top of their games. They all got caught. They all suffered consequences. Being that they had the highest iqs of all presidents and were both well known "card sharks" it should be clear that with that level of intelligence they would think they could outsmart just about everyone and get away with everything, which is NEVER the case.

Wolf Game profile


May 6th 2012, 7:46:09

Great points Hawkeye.

If you arent cheating, you arent trying hard enough is a well known quote that I cited to make a point. Its not something I created within my own head.

Wolf Game profile


May 5th 2012, 10:00:50

Once again; I never advocated cheating. I instead indicated that it is within human nature to do whatever it takes to "win" and that although (jiman) as I also said... we are impulsive NOT instinctial, we have biological influences but we can choose TO or NOT TO give into them.

What Hanlong and TC did was WRONG, however somewhat understandable. Power comes with responsibility and humans normally give into that greed. They are and will pay for those actions. However it was THEM not the entire clan LaF. Nor Son Goku for that matter.

I completely agree with you. There is no disgression.

Wolf Game profile


May 5th 2012, 8:38:19

Son Goku better go super saiyain


Wolf Game profile


May 5th 2012, 8:32:00


Wolf Game profile


May 5th 2012, 8:25:41

-If you aren't cheating, you aren't trying hard enough.

The two presidents with the highest IQ's were Bill Clinton and Richard Nixon. Consequently they both got themselves into fluff.

Bill Bellichick is probably the best coach in the NFL and he also got caught cheating.

The list goes on but you get the point. Anyone with the competitive drive to win WILL consider bending and even breaking the rules. The most successful business' commit some of the most immense white collar crimes imaginable, that effect the entire world economy.

It is not that I condone cheating but it IS human nature. Humans are impusive not instinctual, they FEEL biological desires but can choose to take the moral highground, avoid the default setting.

In The United States we have three branches. Judicial, Executive and Legislative. The reason why we have THREE branches is because if one gains too much power, the other two will gang up on it and bring it down. (albeit them all secretly being together and shadow government similar to RD.) But this game teaches us alot that we already have observed about humanity.

People will cheat. Then we will catch them. Then there will be consequences. Nonetheless, throughout history many have sufferred for the actions of few. What we know is that Hanlong and TC cheated. They are being dealt with. Lafamilglia as a whole should NOT be condemned as any clan in their position. The main reason why they are suffering so much heat is because they are a formiddable superpower many would want to see go...

And as USA was a superpower, the european union began, a similar superpower. Similar to Laf vs SOL/MD/EVO and if you think for a second that a dramatic balance in power in SOL/MD/EVO favor wont have consequences, you are sadly mistaken. I say be neutral and take a moral, ethical stance. Stand up for the better of the game.

Wolf Game profile


May 5th 2012, 8:14:14

Ah, Politics.


Wolf Game profile


May 5th 2012, 8:06:09

A sad day in sports history.

Wolf Game profile


May 5th 2012, 8:04:39

Sounds pretty neutral and fair enough to me.

Wolf Game profile


Mar 30th 2012, 8:32:48

Join LCN... we are the best lb for lb alliance around..!

Wolf Game profile


Mar 30th 2012, 2:23:08

All is fair in love and war

Wolf Game profile


Mar 29th 2012, 16:36:30

Why would we do kill runs when we can just farm the hell out of you anyway...

Wolf Game profile


Mar 22nd 2012, 8:46:18

This is a really lousy situation for NeoFed.

Wolf Game profile


Mar 21st 2012, 9:24:25

Good. I am glad this "fluff" is cleared up and we both now understand that there was no intentional bad blood on either side (except for maybe ruthies country :p). Great war. Was tons of fun. Best of luck next set SOL (;

Wolf Game profile


Mar 20th 2012, 11:09:20

Originally posted by Alin:
Congrats everybody for this war!

Altought there was some "Ab love" ( last 2 days ) that did not had it`s place in this prearranged war, overall it was good dispute and i know both sides had lot of fun. I know i did after 5 years of retierment.

Congrat LCN, congrat Imag - and Moral Victory for us!!!

Especially from your side in my direction in a completely unwarranted manner.

Wolf Game profile


Mar 20th 2012, 11:06:06

Retal? Clean breakers? Alin... We were not notified that there would even be an early end to the war until March 19th. I made those artillery barrage hits on March 18th. As a matter of strategy, a few members decided to artillery barrage a few techers with decent stock to hurt them in the war especially considering they were fairly tank light. This would have possibly aided in a better mid-game and chance of winning a war that if the CURRENT tactics kept being used would have been a major uphill battle. Nothing done by my country was by any means necessary worth being dubbed unclean. It had a very clear purpose. However you and another member who spent eighty solid turns MANY, MANY hours after the announced ending of the war... THAT was unclean. There was ZERO purpose in hitting my country other than to be a blatant asshat. You waited until the last day when I no longer was ready to wall with hours left to the war before the now officially announced ceasefire... and you took advantage of it in a freindly arranged war. Yet you sit here and dare to call out LCN members on bad blood. It would be nice if you got your facts straight before you started throwing around foolish accussations. In future encounters however I will be certain to have noted what had taken place the last few hours as this "freindly" war came to a close and who orchestrated it.

Wolf Game profile


Mar 20th 2012, 6:50:59

I artillery barraged SOLS main breaker country SHORTLY before the ceasefire was announced... I on the other hand was artillery barraged FAR after I made these posts to argue on how things went during the war...! Therefore I see parts of this argument as invalid.

Wolf Game profile


Mar 19th 2012, 11:02:07

I had one country.
-Wolf (#519)

Who were you? I am curious to hear some of the SOL tags and place credit to how they played.

Wolf Game profile


Mar 19th 2012, 7:21:51

Twelve kills in our first strike... fine. But then after the numbers were evened AFTER the first strike, your counter strike made them uneven again. Missles were fairly uneffective in this war (compare to their potential) as we had time to prepare and get tons of SDI. When you DID restart on your kills, the numbers were yet again there and ready to be used against us. I dont see how two alliances would have a better core of breakers other than a simple theory. Especially in sols 75th set armed ready and more motivated than ever. Nonetheless, great points. I am by no means advocating that SOL didnt do well. I am instead advocating that LCN did do a great job circumstances considered or not. You have the "moral victory" and literal advantage as this war comes to a close.

Maybe you will have the benefit of killing me before the day/night is over as one of the few original countries left (;


Wolf Game profile


Mar 19th 2012, 6:07:33

It was a VERY close war. We were outnumbered by over twelve members and a solid amounts of avaliable hits per day provided by that number member difference. The first strike WAS NOT a normal one where the other side didnt have time to prepare.

LCN averaged: 275 hits per member
SOL averaged: 264 hits per member
Imagnum averaged: 227 hits per member

networth drop was relatively close. we also spent a solid amount of turns on defusing missles in the break.

SOL still had some amazing wallers. They did great. But if the numbers were evened....

Wolf Game profile


Mar 19th 2012, 5:58:27

I bet they work great. I also bet it is all natural and easily obtainable so the FDA and Big Pharma cant put a decent price tag on them. They probably also make other anti-biotics obsolete. Definitely worth researching. Keep up the informative posts. I wouldnt reccommend NOT going to the doctor with a serious infection but its totally worth inquiring about.

Wolf Game profile


Mar 15th 2012, 23:43:02

Nightwolf was killed... Only one Wolf can survive! LCN!