

New Member

May 8th 2012, 10:13:21

The count is at 6, likely looking to hit 10 by the end of the set.

How is this benefiting the game as a whole?

dagga will be here to tell you that LaF are all cheaters, but If we were to believe that, are the Admins that incompetent to remove, and scrutinize this group of players which just had two members banned for cheating?


New Member

May 4th 2012, 3:22:13

If HLW did:

- view other alliances site's posts on BOXCAR
- view other alliances site's posts on EVOHOSTING
- view other allainces site's posts on whatever they are on

Then I really can't see how it's different than what has been going on this game since organized groups began. Hacking, spies, steal logins, pretending to be another person, those are exterior gameplay that doesn't involve the game itself. Alliances can decide to take IN GAME ACTIONS against HLW for that, and may put the blame on LaF as well.

But that is just fine and dandy IMO.

If HLW gained access through a password given by TC, to Admin Forums and Private Message.

Then that is an Admin management issue, of not closing an access after a person has left the team. Sure, you can say HLW shouldn't have, but it's not much more different that the usual espionge that happens between alliances. (Previous cases of private messages being read on alliance hosting sites by spies who have moved up the chain into leadership, even PRESIDENT, has occured)

I'm not defending HLW here, just saying, these accusations, should be separated from the accusations of game manipulation, and viewing other countries spyops with out using a turn.


TC giving Admin access to HLW to BOXCAR is just a meh, unethical to other alliances, but in no way 'cheated' in the game. You can hate and flame the guy all you want, and never trust him again, but he didn't 'cheat' by sharing Admin access to BOXCAR.

TC giving Admin access to HLW to EE is dead wrong, unethical to the game.


Again, the country viewing / editing is the only thing that I think the Admins should focus on, and bringing the other things along seems part of a smear campaign against LaF.


New Member

May 4th 2012, 3:00:50

Props to iMag for a proper response by a reasonable alliance that doesn't have an agenda.


New Member

May 3rd 2012, 8:21:02

If you guys are going to keep breaking uNAPs left and right.

Then it's probably for the best if you guys just use the old term NAP.

Because, let's face it, no matter what the circumstances is, the term is UNBREAKABLE Non Aggression Pact.

I don't care that your alliance thinks that this was some crazy event, and should be special. But this isn't anything more routine than a few players getting caught 'cheating'.

If you guys just wanted an excuse to break the pact, then just say so.

It's like the Unstoppable Force vs Immovable Object.

You just can't have it both ways.

I'm not defending LaF, I just hate it when people go back on their words, like leaving the groom at the altar.


New Member

May 3rd 2012, 7:51:17



New Member

Apr 5th 2012, 16:46:32

Originally posted by anoniem:

Example of Prizes:
A DVD/Blu-ray/book/small amazon voucher/video game

P.S. If qzjul ever goes on holiday (to your country) and you buy him dinner then he will probably send you all the in-game FA you want (even if it's against everyone else's wishes :P).
I hear he also gives pretty good blow jobs :)

Anyway, good luck to all alliance's this reset.

Slandering an Admin of providing sexual favors for joining his alliance.

Wow, and you still don't get banned.


New Member

Apr 5th 2012, 16:44:32

Offering real life money for playing in your alliance?
Isn't that the same as RD offering money for alliance logins back in the day?

Oh wait, RD didn't have their members jump tags and suicide on RD on their restarts.


New Member

Mar 14th 2012, 7:06:39

Originally posted by Pride:
Watcher=LAF= ANNOYING !!

You are right that LaF = ANNOYING.

but you are wrong, I am not in LaF.


New Member

Mar 14th 2012, 1:52:37


He's actively exploring while other EVO members farm him.

Seems like every reset, EVO has a few members doing land creation for them, whether it's tech allied untags that only retal other alliances, or an EVO member running all explore countries.