

New Member

Jul 30th 2012, 16:08:57

Originally posted by Pride:
The way you put that Palemen one would think you lost? Imag will be hitting you soon so I'd think you either lost, or are about to lose. "It doesn't matter how you lost, you lost"?

Maybe I read that wrong.

In the end I think you guys need to just let it go. Rival vs TIE was the best war this set. All of the warmongers in this game are jealous ;) Good job to TIE and Rival.

(PS you are NOT forgiven RD :P)

In some aspects I think we lost, they tagkilled us first (or as true as a tagkill can get with the restartrules) and they have more kills for now. In some other aspects I think we won, like ave nw.

I dont mind losing, but I do mind people satig we play dirty because we try to win by what means we can find. Recruiting just happened to work this time and we got a lot of vets to help out and some new players aswell. What we sure didnt do was cheat in any way and we fought by the book but still TIE kept their stand, if we had got the reinforcemets just a tad earlier before you killed our last breaker and started to outgrow us we would had crushed you, now its all about resilience :D


New Member

Aug 6th 2011, 12:57:59
