
Tross Game profile


Sep 26th 2011, 14:16:59

There are too many post to quote so I will address them one time.

Vilse when you assume you make ass out of you and me!

Pain Get a life...WTC had one commie to enforce retals and the rest were running netting strats. Sounds like a suicide preparation then you havnt played long enough.

Now3P seem to be thinking with that think he writes with.

This kind of thread is great for server growth! Thugs keep up the thug work pretty soon you guys can thug yourself!

Tross Game profile


Sep 9th 2011, 7:48:08


Tross Game profile


Aug 27th 2011, 20:52:48

Policy here policy there.. My policy got picked to pieces...I say retal according to the situation and fluff the deadlines!!!

Tross Game profile


Aug 22nd 2011, 7:54:07

Originally posted by toma:

Very lame!

Tross Game profile


Aug 19th 2011, 19:19:20


Tross Game profile


Aug 1st 2011, 22:57:03

Our policy has been change and updated! Please refer to the very first thread! Take your time to insure you fully understand this policy!

Tross Game profile


Jul 31st 2011, 12:08:08

Dont wish to change the subject but since this thread is visited so much would anyone like to join MKR?

Tross Game profile


Jul 27th 2011, 12:16:27


Tross Game profile


Jul 26th 2011, 21:22:19

We dont owe anyone anything! Getting rid of 2 countries that owe us retals is not helping us! Testing our policy is what is causing all the changes!

Like I said a leader is responsible for its members! When the leader doesnt take the blame for the wrong doings of his members then he is not a leader!

Tross Game profile


Jul 26th 2011, 21:04:41

I will no longer discuss this policy in the forums. If you have a problem with this policy then pm kyle or me!

Tross Game profile


Jul 26th 2011, 19:32:45

A leader is responsible for its members! This issue with be settled as stated in our retal policy!

Tross Game profile


Jul 26th 2011, 19:26:45

update 5! LOL

Tross Game profile


Jul 23rd 2011, 20:33:48

Originally posted by Tin Man:
I'm going to prove to you why youre topfeed policy is bs

I am in tag MKR this round...come top feed me...that will give me the chance to explain our L:L policy in detail!

Tross Game profile


Jul 23rd 2011, 12:10:05

update 4

Tross Game profile


Jul 21st 2011, 17:10:48

What ever!

You know this thread has been read 1000 times but still people still act as if they have never seen it.

Tross Game profile


Jul 21st 2011, 8:33:34

I need glasses too! :) I read 48h retal window?

Tross Game profile


Jul 20th 2011, 17:34:52

Does SuperFly approve of what you are doing?

Tross Game profile


Jul 20th 2011, 17:21:27


A little reminder!

Tross Game profile


Jul 19th 2011, 22:01:39

Bla Bla

Tross Game profile


Jul 10th 2011, 14:24:57


Tross Game profile


Jun 29th 2011, 19:51:55

Edited By: Tross on Jun 29th 2011, 19:58:38
See Original Post

Tross Game profile


Jun 27th 2011, 21:00:40

Messed up our retal!

Tross Game profile


Jun 24th 2011, 16:59:50

The only problem is you cant prove it! Any message can be made up! Another way to start a conflict when you are bored lol

Tross Game profile


Jun 15th 2011, 15:54:05

MKR Tags:


Tross Game profile


Jun 12th 2011, 9:44:20


Tross Game profile


Jun 1st 2011, 21:50:04


Tross Game profile


May 25th 2011, 20:05:58

Originally posted by Detmer:
Originally posted by Lord Slayer:
OHH and WTF are you complaining about a country dying when your at freaking war.

WOW, how stupid is that.

Plus why complain to WoG when Stones are the ones who killed anyways...

3 hit kill mighty impressive! People butting into other people's business kinda like FBI.

Tross Game profile


May 25th 2011, 7:36:49

So this guy pays for her overreaction for a PS.
HokieNation (#97) (MKRWlvs)

May 24/11 3:07:10 AM SS Polgara (#17) (MKRES) Thanks For your Land (#42) (Grab) Defence Held
May 24/11 3:03:09 AM NM Polgara (#17) (MKRES) Thanks For your Land (#42) (Grab) 676 A
May 24/11 3:02:55 AM SS Polgara (#17) (MKRES) Thanks For your Land (#42) (Grab) Defence Held
May 24/11 3:02:14 AM CM Polgara (#17) (MKRES) Thanks For your Land (#42) (Grab) 12867 C/503 B
May 24/11 3:02:11 AM CM Polgara (#17) (MKRES) Thanks For your Land (#42) (Grab) 14789 C/525 B
May 24/11 2:46:58 AM PS Thanks For your Land (#42) (Grab) Polgara (#17) (MKRES) 400 A (+337 A)

Strange retal policy and awesome Fa work from WOG

Tross Game profile


May 24th 2011, 17:36:47

Originally posted by SuperFly:
Originally posted by Lord Slayer:
If You declare on FBI, why then Use me a member of WOG as a nuke dump!

Not to smart

That is an act of aggression that will not be tolerated! The only person that nuke land from LS is myself!!!!

Pretty sad that MKR decleared war on their Wrath friends :(

oh well see you all on the dance floor later I guess :)

We only hit what was posted as FBI tags this set!

Tross Game profile


May 24th 2011, 5:14:15

Have fun!

Tross Game profile


May 21st 2011, 23:22:57

yo bonus time

Tross Game profile


May 14th 2011, 21:19:15

MKR Tags:


Any additions will be added to this post!

Tross Game profile


May 7th 2011, 20:23:35[]=Soda

Actually up till now they have 1 kill more than we do lol. But considering we stopped having KR and just hit offchat targets its no wonder!

Tross Game profile


May 7th 2011, 9:01:17

No problem! It was also a learning experience to keep my nw down low enough to enable you to test your restart!

Tross Game profile


May 6th 2011, 22:22:16


Tross Game profile


Apr 30th 2011, 9:09:37

It was a pleasure to work together on this common nuisance!

Tross Game profile


Apr 25th 2011, 23:58:04

It happened to me about 2 hour ago..I turned off my computer and came back later..tried it and it worked? If I wasnt mistaken it was before 12am CET 10pm GT and it worked about 1am CET 11pm GT?
I use a wireless connection out of Germany.

Tross Game profile


Apr 25th 2011, 23:47:29

I had the same problem today..the only thing I did was turned off my computer and a hour later the problem was gone and it accepted it & I got my bonus???

Tross Game profile


Apr 21st 2011, 15:29:31

Originally posted by ZEN:
Originally posted by BigFatJerk1:
you wussies. Boo hoo. so farm us already and quit complaining ya jessies. ya litle girl blouses. Maybe you can burrow ur mum's knickers for a prance round tha room.

ha ha.....classic.

Yo Dragun, let me know if you need any policing :)

ZEN when i was in the Army Policing meant going around the barracks picking up cigarette buts and trash. After we are done the only thing that needs policing is the pieces of tag jerk that are left over after we dismember them! Why would anyone want to help a tag who starts a war with 2 different Tags?

Tross Game profile


Apr 21st 2011, 10:00:38

Originally posted by W:
is MKR still warring them?

Look at the news for #132 that says it all! Anyone hitting a warring clan should be killed anyway!

Tross Game profile


Apr 19th 2011, 15:19:25

Soda and Jerks=Kill

Edited By: Tross on Apr 19th 2011, 18:30:34
See Original Post

Tross Game profile


Apr 13th 2011, 7:57:02

Whining give me a break! I am just stating facts! Why does Empire jump into a war to help the people who caused it? Why does FBI claim to war both waring parties but only take token hits on one clan while maiming the other? Looks like MKR bashing to me! AS far as I am concerned this discussion is over, we have a new set upon us! I reckon if you need your weekly post for bonus points then we could keep it going, but I will look somewhere else!

Tross Game profile


Apr 12th 2011, 10:02:43

MKR Tags:


Any additions or changes will be posted here!

Tross Game profile


Apr 11th 2011, 22:39:51

Ha Ha nobody is perfect..clearly it is easy to miss those token hits compared to this

2011-04-08 16:40:20 EM Death In Result of SNUSNU (#129) CIA Arctic Kammer (#3) MKR DH
2011-04-08 16:40:16 CM Death In Result of SNUSNU (#129) CIA Arctic Kammer (#3) MKR DH
2011-04-08 16:40:14 CM Death In Result of SNUSNU (#129) CIA Arctic Kammer (#3) MKR DH
2011-04-08 16:40:13 CM Death In Result of SNUSNU (#129) CIA Arctic Kammer (#3) MKR 580B 24665 C
2011-04-08 16:36:48 NM Death by SnuSnu (#61) FBI Arctic Kammer (#3) MKR DH
2011-04-08 16:36:25 NM Death by SnuSnu (#61) FBI Arctic Kammer (#3) MKR DH
2011-04-08 16:36:24 NM Death by SnuSnu (#61) FBI Arctic Kammer (#3) MKR DH
2011-04-08 16:36:04 NM Death by SnuSnu (#61) FBI Arctic Kammer (#3) MKR DH
2011-04-08 16:36:02 NM Death by SnuSnu (#61) FBI Arctic Kammer (#3) MKR DH

2011-04-10 22:26:49 EM DeathBySNUSNU (#64) FBI Land of Fire (#11) MKR DH
2011-04-10 19:48:36 EM DeathBySNUSNU (#64) FBI Land of Fire (#11) MKR 172453MU
2011-04-10 19:46:52 CM DeathBySNUSNU (#64) FBI Land of Fire (#11) MKR 403B 17234 C
2011-04-10 19:44:37 CM DeathBySNUSNU (#64) FBI Land of Fire (#11) MKR DH
2011-04-10 04:34:54 NM DeathBySNUSNU (#64) FBI Land of Fire (#11) MKR DH
2011-04-10 04:34:42 AB DeathBySNUSNU (#64) FBI Land of Fire (#11) MKR DH
2011-04-10 04:34:31 AB DeathBySNUSNU (#64) FBI Land of Fire (#11) MKR DH
2011-04-10 04:34:29 AB DeathBySNUSNU (#64) FBI Land of Fire (#11) MKR DH
2011-04-10 04:34:27 AB DeathBySNUSNU (#64) FBI Land of Fire (#11) MKR DH
2011-04-10 04:34:26 AB DeathBySNUSNU (#64) FBI Land of Fire (#11) MKR DH
2011-04-10 04:34:24 AB DeathBySNUSNU (#64) FBI Land of Fire (#11) MKR DH
2011-04-10 04:34:21 AB DeathBySNUSNU (#64) FBI Land of Fire (#11) MKR DH
2011-04-10 04:34:17 AB DeathBySNUSNU (#64) FBI Land of Fire (#11) MKR DH
2011-04-10 04:31:53 NM DeathBySNUSNU (#64) FBI Land of Fire (#11) MKR DH
2011-04-10 04:31:10 EM DeathBySNUSNU (#64) FBI Land of Fire (#11) MKR DH
2011-04-10 04:31:09 EM DeathBySNUSNU (#64) FBI Land of Fire (#11) MKR DH
2011-04-10 04:31:07 EM DeathBySNUSNU (#64) FBI Land of Fire (#11) MKR DH
2011-04-10 04:31:06 EM DeathBySNUSNU (#64) FBI Land of Fire (#11) MKR DH
2011-04-10 04:31:04 EM DeathBySNUSNU (#64) FBI Land of Fire (#11) MKR DH
2011-04-10 04:30:55 CM DeathBySNUSNU (#64) FBI Land of Fire (#11) MKR DH
2011-04-10 04:30:50 CM DeathBySNUSNU (#64) FBI Land of Fire (#11) MKR DH
2011-04-10 04:30:48 CM DeathBySNUSNU (#64) FBI Land of Fire (#11) MKR 420B 19430 C
2011-04-10 04:30:47 CM DeathBySNUSNU (#64) FBI Land of Fire (#11) MKR DH
2011-04-10 04:30:45 CM DeathBySNUSNU (#64) FBI Land of Fire (#11) MKR DH
2011-04-10 04:30:42 CM DeathBySNUSNU (#64) FBI Land of Fire (#11) MKR 437B 22334 C
2011-04-10 04:30:20 CM DeathBySNUSNU (#64) FBI Land of Fire (#11) MKR DH
2011-04-10 04:30:19 CM DeathBySNUSNU (#64) FBI Land of Fire (#11) MKR DH
2011-04-10 04:30:18 CM DeathBySNUSNU (#64) FBI Land of Fire (#11) MKR DH
2011-04-10 04:30:16 CM DeathBySNUSNU (#64) FBI Land of Fire (#11) MKR DH
2011-04-10 04:30:08 NM DeathBySNUSNU (#64) FBI Land of Fire (#11) MKR DH
2011-04-10 04:30:07 NM DeathBySNUSNU (#64) FBI Land of Fire (#11) MKR 584A
2011-04-10 04:30:04 NM DeathBySNUSNU (#64) FBI Land of Fire (#11) MKR 615A
2011-04-10 04:30:01 NM DeathBySNUSNU (#64) FBI Land of Fire (#11) MKR DH
2011-04-10 04:29:59 NM DeathBySNUSNU (#64) FBI Land of Fire (#11) MKR 647A
2011-04-08 16:42:19 EM Death by SnuSnu (#61) FBI Land of Fire (#11) MKR 96156MU
2011-04-08 16:42:14 NM Death by SnuSnu (#61) FBI Land of Fire (#11) MKR DH
2011-04-08 16:38:02 NM Death by SnuSnu (#61) FBI Land of Fire (#11) MKR DH
2011-04-08 16:38:00 NM Death by SnuSnu (#61) FBI Land of Fire (#11) MKR DH
2011-04-08 16:37:59 NM Death by SnuSnu (#61) FBI Land of Fire (#11) MKR DH
2011-04-08 16:37:42 NM Death by SnuSnu (#61) FBI Land of Fire (#11) MKR DH
2011-04-08 16:37:40 NM Death by SnuSnu (#61) FBI Land of Fire (#11) MKR DH
2011-04-08 16:37:38 NM Death by SnuSnu (#61) FBI Land of Fire (#11) MKR 679A
2011-04-08 16:37:26 NM Death by SnuSnu (#61) FBI Land of Fire (#11) MKR DH
2011-04-08 16:37:25 NM Death by SnuSnu (#61) FBI Land of Fire (#11) MKR DH
2011-04-08 16:37:19 NM Death by SnuSnu (#61) FBI Land of Fire (#11) MKR DH
2011-04-08 16:37:08 NM Death by SnuSnu (#61) FBI Land of Fire (#11) MKR 715A
2011-04-08 16:37:06 NM Death by SnuSnu (#61) FBI Land of Fire (#11) MKR DH

2011-04-10 14:25:03 BR Death by SnuSnu (#61) FBI Polgara (#55) MKR 45B 33 C
2011-04-10 14:25:02 BR Death by SnuSnu (#61) FBI Polgara (#55) MKR 46B 34 C
2011-04-10 14:25:02 BR Death by SnuSnu (#61) FBI Polgara (#55) MKR 46B 35 C
2011-04-10 14:25:00 BR Death by SnuSnu (#61) FBI Polgara (#55) MKR 48B 36 C
2011-04-10 14:24:59 BR Death by SnuSnu (#61) FBI Polgara (#55) MKR 49B 37 C
2011-04-10 14:24:59 BR Death by SnuSnu (#61) FBI Polgara (#55) MKR 50B 38 C
2011-04-10 14:24:58 BR Death by SnuSnu (#61) FBI Polgara (#55) MKR 51B 39 C
2011-04-10 14:24:58 BR Death by SnuSnu (#61) FBI Polgara (#55) MKR 53B 41 C
2011-04-10 14:24:58 BR Death by SnuSnu (#61) FBI Polgara (#55) MKR 53B 42 C
2011-04-10 14:24:56 BR Death by SnuSnu (#61) FBI Polgara (#55) MKR 54B 43 C
2011-04-10 14:24:55 BR Death by SnuSnu (#61) FBI Polgara (#55) MKR 55B 44 C
2011-04-10 14:24:47 EM Death by SnuSnu (#61) FBI Polgara (#55) MKR DH
2011-04-10 14:24:38 BR Death by SnuSnu (#61) FBI Polgara (#55) MKR DH
2011-04-10 14:24:02 BR Death by SnuSnu (#61) FBI Polgara (#55) MKR 56B 45 C
2011-04-10 14:24:01 BR Death by SnuSnu (#61) FBI Polgara (#55) MKR 58B 47 C
2011-04-10 14:24:00 BR Death by SnuSnu (#61) FBI Polgara (#55) MKR 59B 48 C
2011-04-10 14:23:46 BR Death by SnuSnu (#61) FBI Polgara (#55) MKR 60B 49 C
2011-04-10 14:23:45 BR Death by SnuSnu (#61) FBI Polgara (#55) MKR 62B 51 C
2011-04-10 14:23:43 BR Death by SnuSnu (#61) FBI Polgara (#55) MKR 63B 52 C
2011-04-10 14:23:26 BR Death by SnuSnu (#61) FBI Polgara (#55) MKR 65B 54 C
2011-04-10 14:23:25 BR Death by SnuSnu (#61) FBI Polgara (#55) MKR 67B 55 C
2011-04-10 14:23:24 BR Death by SnuSnu (#61) FBI Polgara (#55) MKR 68B 57 C
2011-04-10 14:23:03 BR Death by SnuSnu (#61) FBI Polgara (#55) MKR 69B 59 C
2011-04-10 14:23:02 BR Death by SnuSnu (#61) FBI Polgara (#55) MKR 70B 60 C
2011-04-10 14:23:00 BR Death by SnuSnu (#61) FBI Polgara (#55) MKR 71B 62 C
2011-04-10 14:22:29 BR Death by SnuSnu (#61) FBI Polgara (#55) MKR 73B 66 C
2011-04-10 14:22:29 BR Death by SnuSnu (#61) FBI Polgara (#55) MKR 75B 68 C
2011-04-10 14:22:27 BR Death by SnuSnu (#61) FBI Polgara (#55) MKR 76B 70 C
2011-04-10 14:21:34 EM Death by SnuSnu (#61) FBI Polgara (#55) MKR 52667MU
2011-04-10 14:21:25 BR Death by SnuSnu (#61) FBI Polgara (#55) MKR 77B 72 C
2011-04-10 14:21:24 BR Death by SnuSnu (#61) FBI Polgara (#55) MKR 80B 74 C
2011-04-10 14:21:19 BR Death by SnuSnu (#61) FBI Polgara (#55) MKR 81B 76 C
2011-04-10 14:21:08 BR Death by SnuSnu (#61) FBI Polgara (#55) MKR 83B 79 C
2011-04-10 14:21:07 BR Death by SnuSnu (#61) FBI Polgara (#55) MKR 84B 81 C
2011-04-10 14:21:06 BR Death by SnuSnu (#61) FBI Polgara (#55) MKR 86B 83 C
2011-04-10 14:20:27 BR Death by SnuSnu (#61) FBI Polgara (#55) MKR 89B 86 C
2011-04-10 14:20:26 BR Death by SnuSnu (#61) FBI Polgara (#55) MKR 90B 88 C
2011-04-10 14:20:23 BR Death by SnuSnu (#61) FBI Polgara (#55) MKR 92B 91 C
2011-04-10 14:20:12 CM Death by SnuSnu (#61) FBI Polgara (#55) MKR DH
2011-04-10 14:20:06 BR Death by SnuSnu (#61) FBI Polgara (#55) MKR 94B 93 C
2011-04-10 14:20:05 BR Death by SnuSnu (#61) FBI Polgara (#55) MKR 96B 96 C
2011-04-10 14:20:03 BR Death by SnuSnu (#61) FBI Polgara (#55) MKR 98B 99 C
2011-04-10 14:19:52 BR Death by SnuSnu (#61) FBI Polgara (#55) MKR 99B 102 C
2011-04-10 14:19:51 BR Death by SnuSnu (#61) FBI Polgara (#55) MKR 102B 104 C
2011-04-10 14:19:50 BR Death by SnuSnu (#61) FBI Polgara (#55) MKR 104B 107 C
2011-04-10 14:19:39 BR Death by SnuSnu (#61) FBI Polgara (#55) MKR 106B 111 C
2011-04-10 14:19:38 BR Death by SnuSnu (#61) FBI Polgara (#55) MKR 108B 114 C
2011-04-10 14:19:36 BR Death by SnuSnu (#61) FBI Polgara (#55) MKR 111B 117 C
2011-04-10 14:19:24 BR Death by SnuSnu (#61) FBI Polgara (#55) MKR 113B 120 C
2011-04-10 14:19:23 BR Death by SnuSnu (#61) FBI Polgara (#55) MKR 116B 124 C
2011-04-10 14:19:22 BR Death by SnuSnu (#61) FBI Polgara (#55) MKR 119B 127 C
2011-04-10 14:19:11 BR Death by SnuSnu (#61) FBI Polgara (#55) MKR 121B 131 C
2011-04-10 14:19:10 BR Death by SnuSnu (#61) FBI Polgara (#55) MKR 124B 135 C
2011-04-10 14:19:09 BR Death by SnuSnu (#61) FBI Polgara (#55) MKR 126B 139 C
2011-04-10 14:18:58 BR Death by SnuSnu (#61) FBI Polgara (#55) MKR 127B 143 C
2011-04-10 14:18:57 BR Death by SnuSnu (#61) FBI Polgara (#55) MKR 130B 147 C
2011-04-10 14:18:56 BR Death by SnuSnu (#61) FBI Polgara (#55) MKR 132B 151 C
2011-04-10 14:18:46 BR Death by SnuSnu (#61) FBI Polgara (#55) MKR 128B 155 C
2011-04-10 14:18:45 BR Death by SnuSnu (#61) FBI Polgara (#55) MKR 130B 160 C
2011-04-10 14:18:43 BR Death by SnuSnu (#61) FBI Polgara (#55) MKR 128B 164 C
2011-04-10 14:18:21 BR Death by SnuSnu (#61) FBI Polgara (#55) MKR 131B 169 C
2011-04-10 14:18:20 BR Death by SnuSnu (#61) FBI Polgara (#55) MKR 124B 174 C
2011-04-10 14:18:18 BR Death by SnuSnu (#61) FBI Polgara (#55) MKR 127B 179 C
2011-04-10 14:17:55 CM Death by SnuSnu (#61) FBI Polgara (#55) MKR 290B 958 C
2011-04-10 14:17:53 CM Death by SnuSnu (#61) FBI Polgara (#55) MKR 302B 1101 C
2011-04-10 14:17:51 CM Death by SnuSnu (#61) FBI Polgara (#55) MKR 314B 1265 C
2011-04-10 14:17:40 BR Death by SnuSnu (#61) FBI Polgara (#55) MKR 140B 279 C
2011-04-10 14:17:38 BR Death by SnuSnu (#61) FBI Polgara (#55) MKR 142B 287 C
2011-04-10 14:16:50 CM Death by SnuSnu (#61) FBI Polgara (#55) MKR DH
2011-04-10 14:16:49 CM Death by SnuSnu (#61) FBI Polgara (#55) MKR DH
2011-04-10 14:16:47 CM Death by SnuSnu (#61) FBI Polgara (#55) MKR DH
2011-04-10 14:16:46 CM Death by SnuSnu (#61) FBI Polgara (#55) MKR 338B 1539 C
2011-04-10 14:16:44 CM Death by SnuSnu (#61) FBI Po

Edited By: Tross on Apr 11th 2011, 22:42:02
See Original Post

Tross Game profile


Apr 11th 2011, 21:31:35

FBI lied! After reviewing eestats there was not one hit on clan lord! It took Empire, FBI and lords to take MKR down! Hats off to the MKR guys and gals!!

Tross Game profile


Apr 10th 2011, 22:05:09

I have heard some retarded comments in my life but this is insane K4F. You imply when empire entered the war that it balance out the playing field 17 vs 17... If you would of added 2 restarts then this would be correct.

Face it Lords lost! Kill4fluff!