
TheORKINMan Game profile


Aug 5th 2010, 21:13:40

Why? I bring in the business. Virtually every thread I made gets tons and tons of views and responses ;)
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TheORKINMan Game profile


Aug 5th 2010, 21:10:10

I specifically left you out of my post for the reasons I stated Patience. But if you're going to come in here and kick up sand with me for NO reason that's fine.

You and your buddies were constantly trying to spin spin spin things. Make me out to be a rogue guy and that the THREE of you represented a majority opinion. That was never ever even close to the truth. There were a laundry list of other mods who agreed with me including one who just posted in THIS thread. Feel free to point out where I lied at any point in my post.
Smarter than your average bear.

TheORKINMan Game profile


Aug 4th 2010, 19:15:36

The word I would use is "stupid" and very reminiscent of American politics. Everyone was doing it while running around pointing fingers at others for doing it and using the excuse within their inner circle that everyone else is doing it so we have to do it to in order to compete.
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TheORKINMan Game profile


Aug 3rd 2010, 19:57:10

Yeah most places I've seen are 8 or more. Some places I've seen 5 or more though.
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TheORKINMan Game profile


Aug 3rd 2010, 19:46:29

OGT: I do not disagree with you.
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TheORKINMan Game profile


Aug 3rd 2010, 18:55:53

By AT Mod scuffle I meant the three main AT mods. There was a LOT of arguing and discussion on the mod boards away from everyone else and contrary to the popular narrative there were a good number of mods who argued in favor of what I was doing. They just weren't "AT Mods".

Assuming you are the mod formerly known as cynic good to see ya :)
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TheORKINMan Game profile


Aug 3rd 2010, 18:43:12

25 now. Started at 13.
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TheORKINMan Game profile


Aug 3rd 2010, 17:52:09

Bored at work if you can't tell :(
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TheORKINMan Game profile


Aug 3rd 2010, 17:40:04

So someone recently pointed me to the old confessional thread on the legacy jolt forums. Since I wasn't around back then I thought I'd do mine. I'm going to try to avoid writing anything about people who currently play or are still around in some capacity. Most people find this stuff entertaining so in my benevolence I'm giving you daytime gossip and hopefully bringing activity to the forums for Pang ;)

Firstly myself:

I never ever ever cheated and to this day am still the most anti-cheat player one could possibly be.

I did not abandon the OTI boards I initially got modded for. I posted there regularly. It was just an extremely slow board. Trumper and some Utopian mod who's name escapes me were the only other mods that visited. The guy who got modded and then never showed up again on the OTI boards was The Grimm Ripper. In fact he did virtually no modding at all anywhere and it was more of a status thing for him.

After the very large vocal scuffle with the AT mods over the RD bans I realized Mehul was not going to do anything about them or about me and was content to let us fight like cats and dogs forever. And I might add I was just a bit spiteful against them so a lot of the stuff I did later was specifically to skirt the edge as much as possible and irritate them for my amusement ;)

When I finally quit coming to the boards and had gotten the email a few times that my account would expire if I didn't login I sold my mod account to martian for $50 American on the condition that he just used it to read things and didn't post anything.


Back when I was active Comwood offered me money for my mod PW too and actually offered me money if I ever successfully got him modded, but I never took him up on it.

He also did talk to me about the bot that PDM had very briefly but beyond that I don't know what happened. I told him I wasn't going to have anything to do with it and left it at that.


I'm convinced Mickster was either a raging psychopath or an internet predator. At the very least he was somewhat delusional and far too "into" his "job" for someone his age. He quite frequently reffered to himself as the "King of AT" on ICQ and said he was closer to Mehul then anyone else and that I need to fall in line and do what he tells me to. It was actually somewhat nastier then that. He had a big problem with going ballistic and cussing up a storm when you triggered something with him. He also concocted a ridiculous plan with a Utopia mod called Mad Cat to try and frame me for deleting UGT by having her block herself on the mod log while she was doing it. He even wrote a really long diatribe about me on UGT saying I was doing it and he was working hard to get me demodded. Mehul actually showed up on the mod boards for that one (since it involved Utopia) and exposed Mad Cat as the culprit.


Apparently RaVeS is actually a moderately successful individual and upstanding citizen these days. However the reason I could never ever take him seriously back in ancient history is because at the same time he was lecturing me about how I should be a responsible mod he was begging Anthony Ciolli to help him out with school because he was on academic probation and about to flunk out of college. Apparently like many frat boys he partied a little too hard :P

Lemon Chiffon:

This dude was the weirdest guy I ever spoke to on ICQ. Apparently the fact that he didn't have a method by which to retaliate against me was abhorrent to him. He would offer me a spot in RD one second and then immediately say he was going to bot TIE (who I hadn't played in in years) the next and then smoothly transition into talking about his medical woes for sympathy or to just ramble I guess. I never understood why he bothered to talk to me all of the time. Teal/Ronnie and the other socially normal RDers never did.

El Kronos:

El Kronos was the second weirdest person I've ever spoken to. I dunno what Patty would have to say since shes the only other oldschool mod around that I know about but he was like a mod celebrity stalker. I had to tell him to F off because he was obsessed with getting my AIM/ICQ etc... and constantly responded wherever a mod posted for quite a while. I know a few other mods he behaved this way towards too personally.


martian is and always has been totally awesome.


Croaker declared war on RD and lost and the non-English speakers of TIE at the time basically forced him out at that point. Part of the condition of their surrender was that RD got access to the TIE website to oversee their operations. When they discovered me and AnthonyCiolli were playing in TIE under aliases RD told them to boot us or they'd hit TIE. Of course we were booted and killed. HolyMan had some ridiculous excuse but we had a mirrorbot in the TIE leadership IRC channel where this was discussed with RD. Confronted with the logs HolyMan privately admitted that's what happened but likely to this day anyone around back then will deny it up and down.

Smarter than your average bear.

TheORKINMan Game profile


Aug 3rd 2010, 16:51:23

Is it just me or does this topic start even more arguements and louder arguements then even abortion?

I'm of the opinion that tipping is mandatory at least in the US. I dont say you have to tip much for bad service etc... but the cost of someone bringing you your food and drinks is not included in the cost of the food. IMO anytime a waiter serves you you should leave them SOMETHING.
Smarter than your average bear.

TheORKINMan Game profile


Aug 2nd 2010, 16:37:39

You're not allowed to take a vacation Detmer
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TheORKINMan Game profile


Aug 1st 2010, 19:51:56

He had a major disconnect with the human species hundreds of thousands of years ago if you catch my drift.
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TheORKINMan Game profile


Aug 1st 2010, 19:30:23

I'm never bored. I create my own entertainment.
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TheORKINMan Game profile


Aug 1st 2010, 19:17:19

If you would like to avoid having your alliance defeated by a single country please contact me to setup NAPs!
Smarter than your average bear.

TheORKINMan Game profile


Aug 1st 2010, 16:51:21

Which RDJr were you again btw Nuk?
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TheORKINMan Game profile


Aug 1st 2010, 16:49:15

NukEvil: I did not lose my modship over that. In fact I was a mod for quite a long time after that. The only reason I lost it was I quit coming to the forums and my account expired.
Smarter than your average bear.

TheORKINMan Game profile


Jul 30th 2010, 3:44:36

if anyone wants to add me :)
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TheORKINMan Game profile


Jul 28th 2010, 21:31:43

Clans also known as alliances are huddled masses of players who are too weak and stupid to survive without the charismatic leadership of a select few egomaniacs who pass the torch of "President" back and forth between a select few of their clique for decades at a time.

Smarter than your average bear.

TheORKINMan Game profile


Jul 28th 2010, 20:52:56

Haha Ant I am playing under the OMEGA tag, but am not an OMEGA member I was just helping kill SOL. Likely won't be in OMEGA in the future unless they war SOL again.
Smarter than your average bear.

TheORKINMan Game profile


Jul 27th 2010, 18:41:33

Uhhh Patty...
Smarter than your average bear.

TheORKINMan Game profile


Jul 27th 2010, 16:57:17

Yay LCN, Boo TIE!
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TheORKINMan Game profile


Jul 27th 2010, 16:56:33

There was a clearly a loser, and it was SOL
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TheORKINMan Game profile


Jul 24th 2010, 20:26:00

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TheORKINMan Game profile


Jul 24th 2010, 4:05:58

They'll have to figure out what to do with their kids just like parents who dont make 1000 a week in the first place do. Seriously the whininess of people is getting to a ridiculous level. People have been taking care of their kids while working for thousands of years, you'll figure it out.
Smarter than your average bear.

TheORKINMan Game profile


Jul 23rd 2010, 21:23:23

I'm all for putting them to work cleaing up trash off of the highway or city owned parks etc... to earn their unemployment check. At least make them do that four hours a day and they can be excused if they actually have a job interview.
Smarter than your average bear.

TheORKINMan Game profile


Jul 23rd 2010, 21:19:14

The only reason OMEGA and LCN agreed to a ceasefire is because they couldn't hit SOL due to humanitarians anyway
Smarter than your average bear.

TheORKINMan Game profile


Jul 22nd 2010, 6:04:10

"I can understand the arguement that a woman has the right to choose until the birth of the child. I can also understand the arguement that from the moment of conception, this is a human life and ought to be treated as such."

We draw arbitrary lines based on our understanding ALL of the time. In our personal lives, in our government, everywhere. I make the arguement that at six weeks when the fetus has a functional brain which is what makes all of us "us" that it has become a person. Prior to that is is just a glob of cells. Using the science of baby development to make an arbitrary line based on our understanding is a GOOD thing, not a bad thing. Holding to the lines based on NOTHING which are conception and actual birth are the ones I don't understand because again, they are based on semantics and primitive understanding and not science/rational arguement.

"I believe that abortion is wrong. But I will not tell someone that they need to make the sacrifices inherent in having a child in order to satisfy my morality"

And this is why you are not intellectually consistant and are quite frankly very hypocritical. We make these requests of people ALL THE TIME in many facets of legislation and government. No one's rights are absolute, every single one of YOUR rights is weighed against the rights of other people and your rights are curtailed where other people's rights outweigh your own. Do you also believe it was unconstitutional to draft America's young men to go to their deaths and fight in World War II under penalty of death for desertion if they did not? Why is it fair for a government to be able to ask something like that of men but not fair for them to ask women to carry a baby to term if they choose not to use early termination methods which would 100% prevent the unwanted pregnancy in the first place? Rereading it I know I am now sounding cynical but I find the hyperventilation over forcing a woman to carry a baby to term vs her right to kill a an unborn child as some sort of unassailable right on her part when there is another human life involved besides her own to be ridiculous.

"Yea, but a cat is more intelligent than a child before birth, yet we allow them to be put down in circumstances when they are not wanted; why should we distinguish based on species?"

And why don't we all get in a ditch shove berries up our noses and throw poo at each other? Because we live in a human civilization where human life is valued at a premium. If you think cats and dogs should have equal rights to humans that's your perogative I guess.

Again fooglmog, you can feel sorry for the woman till the cows come home. But HER life is not the one hanging in the balance. We cannot make life equitable for every single person. Some are going to draw bad lots and the woman you described in your story certainly drew a fluffty one. But again we are weighing the mother having a difficult life vs the baby having no life at all. I'm sure these mothers now facing this difficult choice would not want to have been aborted themselves just because their life is now hard.
Smarter than your average bear.

TheORKINMan Game profile


Jul 22nd 2010, 5:31:54

Wow for the sake of our truce I am just going to walk out of this thread. :)
Smarter than your average bear.

TheORKINMan Game profile


Jul 22nd 2010, 5:30:57

"What if they only discover they're pregnant like 1.5 months in? it happens.... sometimes it happens even later than that"

If you have sex that you believe had the possibility of making you pregnant you take the DAY AFTER pill. Then there is no risk of finding out you are pregnant 1.5 months later....
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TheORKINMan Game profile


Jul 22nd 2010, 3:55:41

Moreover, technology has moved this debate past the point of late decisions. You can take a morning after pill which you can get for FREE from Planned Parenthood and other organizations anonymously and never have to worry about an unwanted pregnancy. As I stated there simply is not an excuse to have a baby you don't want at 6 weeks. You can stop it from ever becoming more then a few disorganized cells anonymously and for free. Many pro-choice advocates act like we are still in the era of girls with coathangers in back alleyways.
Smarter than your average bear.

TheORKINMan Game profile


Jul 22nd 2010, 3:52:27

Fooglmog: I know what you're talking about. Churches are often comprised of very intolerant unforgiving people. I grew up in a hardcore church that even those people couldnt handle :P

All of your reasoning sounds great. But ultimately we are talking about life and death for the child. Not convenience vs inconvenience. For the mother it's a choice between what is harder/more stressful. For the baby it is a choice between a hard life vs NO life. I feel for the mother and hate those that would judge and persecute her like that especially at a church, however I also feel for the life of the child and do not know a single person who would choose non existance over a hard life.
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TheORKINMan Game profile


Jul 22nd 2010, 2:44:26

Using that to help differentiate candidates is fine Dragonlance. Although it probably shouldn't be a driving force.

"That's probably the one issue where I most have trouble standing up for either side, as I find the correct moral choice in special cases even to be a really gray area--for instance, if you have a case of rape or incest, and a girl becomes pregnant, which is more morally problematic--forcing this girl to carry a child for 9 months and go through the trauma of delivery, something that should be a joyous occasion, when it's really just a constant reminder of the terrible crime that was perpetrated upon her? Or is it better to kill this innocent life (if you're of the belief that life begins at conception)?

It seems like Evil Choice A vs. Evil Choice B."

The problem I have with calling it evil choice A vs evil choice B is there is good choice A before either of those choices would have to be made. Girls have access to free/cheap anonymous birth control these days. They do not need to inform their parents to get the day after pill etc... If this girl allows this baby to have a functioning brain aka aproximately six weeks then IMO that's just too bad for the girl. She has zero excuse regardless of what happened to her for her to allow it to develop that far if she dosn't want it.
Smarter than your average bear.

TheORKINMan Game profile


Jul 21st 2010, 21:05:33

One more thing, for the record I support catastrophic health care coverage for all. You get sick from a pandemic or develop cancer or AIDS or something like that I have no problem with my tax dollars footing the bill. However you need to pay for your own routine checkups, dental work etc....
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TheORKINMan Game profile


Jul 21st 2010, 21:04:14

qzjul: A system where the government simply pays for everyone's healthcare out of it's budget from income tax would not be unconstitutional IMO. I simply believe the current system of you buy insurance or pay an extra tax because you exist is.
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TheORKINMan Game profile


Jul 21st 2010, 21:02:21

I wasn't arguing what is or isnt currently legal. Just what my opinion on the subject is. IMO in this day and age once it reaches the stage at which is has brain waves at 6 weeks then it should be too bad so sad for the mother. There is ZERO reason an unwanted pregnancy should go beyond that marker when you can pretty much get free day after pills in the case of a mistake/rape etc...

After it becomes a fetus an abortion should only be allowed when the mother faces an impossible choice of her life vs the fetus's.
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TheORKINMan Game profile


Jul 21st 2010, 20:35:11

It is not part of her own body. If it was part of her body it would have her DNA and it does not. The whole arguement of a birth certificate is just as ridiculous as those who say life begins at conception. Both are retarded markers for the point at which life begins.
Smarter than your average bear.

TheORKINMan Game profile


Jul 21st 2010, 20:12:35

"Pro-life is a bad term in my opinion. I wouldn't consider myself anti-life (life is pretty good you know), therefore i must be pro-life; but i would consider myself pro-abortion. The fact that an issue of religious morality even comes into politics is absurd imho; and it shouldn't be labelled as conservative or liberal, though it has because most of the religious fundamentalists have aligned themselves with the conservative elements."

Not to turn this into an abortion debate but I am pro-life for strictly non-religious reasons. The idea that a woman's right to control her body outweighs the right to LIFE of another human being is extremely ludicrous.
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TheORKINMan Game profile


Jul 21st 2010, 20:04:33

Yes I understand Teddy Roosevelt is not a Tea Party Liberatarian conservative. I am very pro-environment/anti pollution in my opinions. I also am pro-regulation as far as monitoring what the financial sector is doing. I am also very hawkish when it comes to the military and defense. So I knew what I was saying when I said my views closely resemble Teddy Roosevelt.

The reason I think the healtch care bill is unconstitutional is because the government is forcing you to make a purchase (or levying a tax depending on how the administration feels like arguing it any given day) simply for existing. All other licensure and taxation is predicated upon a choice. We require auto insurance, but you don't have to pay auto insurance if you choose not to drive. We have an income tax but you don't have to pay that if you decide not to work. THIS particular bill forces every man, child and woman into a system simply because they have been born and they exist. I think this violates the principle of undue burden and thus the mandatory component of the health care bill = unconstitutional. There has never ever been an existance tax in the history of the United States up until this point.
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TheORKINMan Game profile


Jul 21st 2010, 4:18:40

I'd say what is and is not "Republican" is up for debate. I consider myself conservative. I believe in original intent interperetations of the Constitution, I'm pro-life, pro defense spending but believe the government should spend a lot less. I'm anti-"bring home the bacon" and think the fat needs to be trimmed out of a lot of this BS. However I am NOT one of these "tax cuts are the answer for every solution ever and government intervention is the devil!" people. I lean towards being in favor of states rights on many issues. I HATE HATE HATE HATE HATE the Keith Olbermann/Ed Shultz type liberals. I think the Obama health care bill is unconstitutional. As far as conservative Presidents my views likely most closely resemble Teddy Roosevelt.

However I'm not a psychotic idiot like the Libertarians and Confederates that make up the Tea Party are and disassociate myself from them whenever I get the chance. In high school I considered myself pretty far to the right, however my opinions haven't changed and most would now consider me a moderate.
Smarter than your average bear.

TheORKINMan Game profile


Jul 20th 2010, 12:58:48

He won with Milwaukee before he left, then won with the Lakers too, so your comparison is not analogous.
Smarter than your average bear.

TheORKINMan Game profile


Jul 15th 2010, 0:16:15

"yet the let me do it for free simply because i paid up my gold membership for this year."

If you don't understand the absurdity of the statement you are a lost cause. I mean the 360 nickels and dimes you because you have to pay extra for things that come with the other consoles free, aka online play, wireless adapters, motion control(in the case of the wii), hell just use your 360 for 3-4 years and with the extra costs of an XBox Live sub(which is the most ridiculous scam ever concocted) the cost of your 360 already exceeds the PS3 and WAY exceeds the Wii.
Smarter than your average bear.

TheORKINMan Game profile


Jul 14th 2010, 21:50:21

a.) Both the Wii and PS3 have better back catalogues to download classic games from.

b.) Netflix does stream movies and whatnot on both the PS3 and the Wii AND you don't have to pay for adapters and $50 a year for NO reason just to use your own internet service that you already pay for.

c.) You almost always end up spending more on your 360 then a PS3. The 360 just gets you on the back end by nickel and diming you for every little thing.

d.) I have nothing but utter contempt for your assertion that the 360 RPGs are better. Infinite Undiscovery, Lost Odyssey and Fable are all CRAP RPGs. The good RPGs on the 360 generally have better updated versions on the PS3 because MS paid out money to have them released on their console first and the developers then decided to give a bunch of extra content on the PS3 releases later. Folklore and Valkyria Chronicles are both exclusive Wii RPGs that are better then any 360 exclusive RPG.
Smarter than your average bear.

TheORKINMan Game profile


Jul 14th 2010, 14:24:08

I may be self absorbed but I'm also 100% correct when it comes to Soviet
Smarter than your average bear.

TheORKINMan Game profile


Jul 14th 2010, 13:36:27

"It has also been shown that XBOX even with weaker hardware is more efficient and has better graphical performance than the Playstation."

Ever seen multiplat game side by side? Whatever you mean by graphical performance the PS3 version almost always has an edge.

I also disagree vehemently with your analysis of the Wii. It's #1 because it's the best overall system. That's why Sony and MS dedicated their E3 press conferences this year to stuff Nintendo came out with 5 years ago.
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TheORKINMan Game profile


Jul 14th 2010, 13:29:51

oh yeah Chicago was a REAL powerhouse before Jordan got there. Tons of history and championship.

Celtics hadnt won since 76 before Bird got there. Lakers hadn't won since 72.

THe crazy thing about all of these is he and his supporters keep whining about how he had no help. YOU WERE THE #1 SEED TWO YEARS RUNNING!
Smarter than your average bear.

TheORKINMan Game profile


Jul 13th 2010, 19:32:37

No, they also didn't call themselves King Bird or have hour long TV specials about where they were signing. They also didn't leave their respective teams chasing after a championship. THey brought championships TO their teams.

This is partly why Paul Pierce will be a more legendary player then Allen or Garnett.
Smarter than your average bear.

TheORKINMan Game profile


Jul 13th 2010, 4:21:29

haha considering you just collectively got your noses wiped in your own poo I dont think you should be calling yourself better than anyone
Smarter than your average bear.

TheORKINMan Game profile


Jul 12th 2010, 18:00:28

Pang we need bonuses according to what real life country you play in, Russians would get extra nukes, Japanese players would get bonus tech etc... :P
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TheORKINMan Game profile


Jul 12th 2010, 17:44:37

Again Pang I don't blame LaF. I understand where they are coming from wanting to protect their own members. I personally feel the most recent retal policy change along with the inablity to drop land was a bigger FU to new players and small alliances then land:land.

All of that is moot. I don't view LaF as a bad guy, what I'm describing is merely a common perception IMO.
Smarter than your average bear.

TheORKINMan Game profile


Jul 12th 2010, 17:38:15

I'm NEVER Wrong NukEvil
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