
TheORKINMan Game profile


Mar 4th 2011, 16:53:44

...victory over LaF in the 7 days AT war of 2011 with LaF's concession that they are fluffs when it comes to ingame stuff and then subsequently declares war on SOL until they are admit they are incompetent cowards.
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TheORKINMan Game profile


Mar 4th 2011, 0:58:30

Sweet, okay my beef with LaF is settled then! I declare a ceasefire.
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TheORKINMan Game profile


Mar 4th 2011, 0:28:38

Originally posted by Lord Tarnava:
and why are you reviled again ORKIN?

Because I say the truth as it is and that often flies in the face of people's carefully constructed facades. Also I'm often quite the jerk as I do it!

And H4, FINALLY. I actually can respect that! What these other LaFers are spewing is just PR BS. If that's the way that you play at least nut up and say that's how it is instead of acting like these guys and talking out of both sides of their mouth :P
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TheORKINMan Game profile


Mar 3rd 2011, 18:36:51

He probably is going to sit out ACCT just to be on the safe side. As I said his boot is off and he's walking around normally now. I'd say there's a very good chance he plays in the NCAAT. If we make it to the Sweet 16 I'd say for sure by then.

75% first weekend, 100% second weekend.
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TheORKINMan Game profile


Mar 3rd 2011, 18:10:30

Meh after sleeping on it I actually feel pretty good about last night. We still got 100% robbed. But that was the best game of basketball we have played in the past 2 years. Offensively we went blow for blow for 40 minutes with one of the best offensive teams in the NCAA and we did all of that WITHOUT Chris Singleton. IMO gives us a little fire to go on with in the ACCT/NCAAT.
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TheORKINMan Game profile


Mar 3rd 2011, 4:45:49

We're all missing the point of this thread. And that this behavior from LaF is not specific to PDM. It's the way they've operated for a while now and is why they are reviled.
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TheORKINMan Game profile


Mar 3rd 2011, 4:44:14

And Patty says *I* am the one with an axe to grind from last decade.
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TheORKINMan Game profile


Mar 3rd 2011, 2:53:08

We got absolutely robbed. Harrison Barnes never should have had that shot attempt. Kendal Marshall had a major travel that even UNC Vitale called out then lost the ball out of bounds. Then Jaime Luckie came running across the floor and said Roy called a timeout before all of that which is BS (the officials whistles are tied to the clock so if he granted it the clock would have stopped) Then on top of that Kitchen got fouled on that last three and the official that called the foul was overruled by an official saying Kitchen stepped out on the shot.

That's life in the ACC though. If you are playing Carolina and the refs have an oppurtunity to screw you they absolutely will.
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TheORKINMan Game profile


Mar 2nd 2011, 20:16:10

Am I in PDM or making any of my arguements as an advocate of PDM? I started this off saying I think PDM folds up shop. But again of course you don't think people hate you. It's part of what helps your alliance continue to be so delusional about their practices and the perception of them. Then your members come out and make posts like "I don't understand why WE are always the bad guys! :((((((((("
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TheORKINMan Game profile


Mar 2nd 2011, 20:08:32

Which is yet another arrogant modus operandi of LaF and one of the reasons you are generally reviled.
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TheORKINMan Game profile


Mar 2nd 2011, 20:06:48

The only hand you've extended is a backhand. The "hand" you speak of is we just farmed the fluff out of you now lets DNH so we don't take retals.
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TheORKINMan Game profile


Mar 2nd 2011, 19:00:48

So...? :P Not seeing the connection. SDSU is also a lock.
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TheORKINMan Game profile


Mar 2nd 2011, 18:31:25

Pffft you never minded it in m0m0 Alana!
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TheORKINMan Game profile


Mar 2nd 2011, 18:28:03

RPI in the 30s for an ACC team is a lock though. Plus they beat Texas A&M and @Va Tech who people are now saying is a lock.
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TheORKINMan Game profile


Mar 2nd 2011, 17:56:21

I approve of this thread.
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TheORKINMan Game profile


Mar 2nd 2011, 17:41:49

enshula: Why do you need PDM's agreement to do that? You should have just come out and stated that's what you were doing. Instead you guys seem all too eager to take advantage of the situation until PDM comes groveling to you for mercy.
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TheORKINMan Game profile


Mar 2nd 2011, 17:36:56

BC is a lock at 9-7 if they beat WF IMO. They'll get a very low seed but their RPI currently is 37.
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TheORKINMan Game profile


Mar 2nd 2011, 17:32:10

Just to expound, even when you admit you are wrong you still manage to be colossal fags. Your own head of FA admits you effed up and retalled on the wrong country. A normal human being taking this into account and seeing RD hit a maimed PDM would say hey, it's partially our bad. We'll cut you a little slack and just let you fight RD without continuing this further on our end. What do we get? This PoS making posts like this:

Lord Tarnava
Posts: 315 Mar 1st 2011, 3:38:31
We did not call in RD to hit PDM, we were fine continuing to farm them. In fact they still owe us retals which we will continue to take.

Lord Tarnava
LaF war head type guy
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TheORKINMan Game profile


Mar 2nd 2011, 17:26:30

Yes. Clearly LaF is the abused one in this situation. Poor LaF. You guys wonder why everyone hates you? It's because you act like arrogant fluffs without an ounce of humility or decency and then try and excuse it away as you just doing what everyone else does. Which is not the case.
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TheORKINMan Game profile


Mar 2nd 2011, 16:57:29

I would not count MD out of the ACCT. Gary Williams has won two of those I believe. Including once as the 6 seed defeating 3, 2, and 1 in that order.
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TheORKINMan Game profile


Mar 2nd 2011, 16:40:29

yes *I* am the one ruining the game Patty with all of my game ruining AT posts no one has to read or respond to. Makes perfect sense.
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TheORKINMan Game profile


Mar 2nd 2011, 16:32:45

no H4, actually Pang just said in chat hanlong was quitting for RL reasons. That's what I was basing it on. If that is incorrect then I revert back to my he did it for LaFs ANW/he is a bad FA incapable of dealing with things in a competent fashion.
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TheORKINMan Game profile


Mar 2nd 2011, 16:15:44

No you're just stupid and don't see plainly obvious things. Moreover I don't care if hanlong WAS "driven" away from the game. Here's a shock? The only thing that hasn't changed is you're here acting like a passive aggressive fluff.
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TheORKINMan Game profile


Mar 2nd 2011, 16:09:24

No one chased anyone from the game Patience. hanlong quit because of RL issues. This is just another farce on LaF's part.
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TheORKINMan Game profile


Mar 2nd 2011, 15:22:03

Shinigami: If VT loses @Clemson and first round ACCT game they wont make it. Thatd give them an RPI in the 70s
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TheORKINMan Game profile


Mar 2nd 2011, 14:48:56

Originally posted by H4xOr WaNgEr:
PS: I have asked anyone that ever came around babbling about an RD-LaF connection to provide proof, any tangable proof at all. I am yet to see any (because it doesn't exist perhaps?)

Laf was no more connected to RD than any other long standing alliance

And here is where LaF comes in with the seemingly reasonable posts that in reality fly in the face of the facts of the matter. YOU sir yourself some years back when you WERE the LaF shotcaller had an extensive ICQ conversation with me over the special relationship between RD and LaF in regards to RD having a soft spot for LaF and most major Don's at least getting an invite to join etc... Don't try and pull this BS with me now.

As for hanlong suiciding, I'm sure that should elicit oh so much sympathy considering he's playing a restart and suicded to raise LaF's ANW. fluff move after fluff move with you guys.
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TheORKINMan Game profile


Mar 2nd 2011, 5:20:58

braden: All *I* wanted to see from LaF was them saying hey RD hitting PDM while we have an active disagreement isn't right. So we've suspended any further retals while they deal with that situation. That would have been enough for me to believe LaF had developed a moral center. Regardless of who you think is right in the retal issue an already maimed alliance taking a full FS from a bunch of jackwagons isn't right. That's the thing that makes this look like such a fluff move IMO.
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TheORKINMan Game profile


Mar 2nd 2011, 5:00:37

I wonder why RD has a problem with PDM's retal policy and is FSing them anyway? Considering LaF and RD have exchanged members and leadership incestually for over a decade it's not much of a stretch.
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TheORKINMan Game profile


Mar 2nd 2011, 4:54:40

Forgotten: hanlong is a grown ass man. Nobody forced him to do anything. He was a horrible FA if 30 minutes of TheORKINMan posting on AT made him have a nervous breakdown and quit.

Forgotten: As I said, there is the possibility LaF simply new RD would be hitting soon and took advantage of the situation to fatten up on countries that would soon be unable to reciprocate any sort of damage whatsoever. Nobody said RD is a string marionette of LaF, just that there was collusion and foreknowledge during these series of events and that magically RD does something to directly benefit LaF yet again.
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TheORKINMan Game profile


Mar 2nd 2011, 4:49:52

Of course I'm right. Today's leadership = no balls. Which is exactly why hanlong quit and went home crying after someone called him out on his RD BS.
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TheORKINMan Game profile


Mar 2nd 2011, 4:47:55

That dosn't change the fact that I'm right Lord Tarnava. The whole situation is VERY fishy especially considering that LaF and RD's histories have intertwined so frequently.
Smarter than your average bear.

TheORKINMan Game profile


Mar 2nd 2011, 4:40:33

You forgot to change your sig.
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TheORKINMan Game profile


Mar 2nd 2011, 4:37:23

Originally posted by locket:
Orkin, I dont know all the info but I do know that RD planned to war all set. And if they have been pacted to everyone else then it was obviously their intent. I only knew this by looking at their countries but that did make it obvious enough. I thought they might hit PDM. There werent many choices

That means under the most innocuous scenario LaF is taking advantage of a situation to fatten up on an alliance they KNEW would soon be decimated.
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TheORKINMan Game profile


Mar 2nd 2011, 4:35:18

Maybe Ronnie and PapaSmurf will come be leaders in LaF again. At least we wouldn't have to put up with the facade.
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TheORKINMan Game profile


Mar 2nd 2011, 4:21:08

It's MY damn thread and I'll pollute it if I want to. You forgot the part where you or someone else asked RD to come deal with this situation so you guys can move on to do whatever. Funny how you stopped right before RD hitting PDM in your timeline. I am NOT reffering at all to who was right/wrong in your landwar skirmish with PDM. Who was right/wrong there is completely irrelevent to the point of the thread.

Like I said. Publicly condemn RD hitting a maimed alliance in the middle of a current conflict or claim credit for asking them to do so.
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TheORKINMan Game profile


Mar 2nd 2011, 4:18:04

You are just arguing semantics at this point. RD came to make it so you could gain land without dealing with the spyops/missiles/ABs and anything else PDM might do. Whether you want to call it a mess or whatever is irrelevent to me.
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TheORKINMan Game profile


Mar 2nd 2011, 4:14:20

No it's not. You're just being purposefully obtuse, which LaF has made an art form over the years, or have reading comprehension problems.
Smarter than your average bear.

TheORKINMan Game profile


Mar 2nd 2011, 4:11:33

Originally posted by hanlong:

Exactly :)
Smarter than your average bear.

TheORKINMan Game profile


Mar 2nd 2011, 4:11:18

Originally posted by Lord Tarnava:
orkin you are not responding to the fact that we KNEW PDM was without any organization or leadership. Detmer was in charge.

There was no war to be had between LAF and PDM

LaF could farm PDM for days, PDM would AB retal, missile retal, harmful op etc

We didn't need RD to be involved, they had their own issues with PDM which I am not angry about, just stops our fun prematurely.

WTF are you talking about? How am I not taking it into accout? It is the CRUX of my arguement. LaF sees their skirmish with PDM as a waste of time and resources and a detriment to netting due to spyops/ABs etc... so RD cleans up for them while they farm. That's what I've been saying the whole time...
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TheORKINMan Game profile


Mar 2nd 2011, 4:08:59

Va Tech just lost by 15 to BC @Va Tech. Now IMO Va Tech will have to win @Clemson or do ACCT damage to get in.
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TheORKINMan Game profile


Mar 2nd 2011, 4:07:24

and btw hanlong YOU can set this straight right now. You WON'T but you can. By making a public statement that LaF disapproves of RD's actions and will place PDM on temporary uNAP while RD is warring them.
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TheORKINMan Game profile


Mar 2nd 2011, 4:05:28

hanlong: I've been in leadership roles in this game before too. Not exactly my first rodeo. I abso-god-damn-lutely believe this situation was fully anticipated by those in LaF once they saw PDM's retal policy which I'm sure LaF does not approve of at all (and neither does RD). This scenario could be setup over ICQ between a LaF and RD head in about 5 minutes. It's not a grand conspiracy. It's two fluffheads acting like it.
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TheORKINMan Game profile


Mar 2nd 2011, 4:03:05

And here's a shock. The LaF person who is reaping the benefits of RD's actions and denying they had any involvement with RD, is now defending RD! *shock*

If LaF had any sort of moral fiber they'd stop taking retals on PDM. I guarentee that hasn't happened without even looking at the news. They are all about getting all of their land back and then some while RD hits away and they have no fear of retribution from PDM.
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TheORKINMan Game profile


Mar 2nd 2011, 3:59:07

I'm not anti-LaF at all. I could not care less about LaF's landwar with PDM. If I did I'd actually bother to play in PDM again.

RD is definitely coming to your aid Lord Tarnava. That's exactly the kind of completely disingenuous denial I'm talking about. Oh noes you wont get your land you will easily make up elsewhere. The more important thing is you won't be pestered by PDM for the rest of the reset. Kinda funny how it just worked out that way. You're catching flak because you're denying the OBVIOUS.
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TheORKINMan Game profile


Mar 2nd 2011, 3:55:56

Because this is supposed to be a new game free of the old RD BS that drove so many players away from the game and yet that SAME behavior is now showing up again?
Smarter than your average bear.

TheORKINMan Game profile


Mar 2nd 2011, 3:55:08

ZDH: Not how I operate. And I get through life just fine. Usually I go out of my way to undercut and screw over people who act like fluffs.
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TheORKINMan Game profile


Mar 2nd 2011, 3:54:01

ZDH: I'm not reffering to the landwar. I'm reffering to the obvious fact that RD is doing LaF's bidding and hitting PDM so that LaF can net in peace.
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TheORKINMan Game profile


Mar 2nd 2011, 3:46:19

LaF/PDM situation just highlights part of the problem with Earth IMO.

Stop me if you've heard this before? RD does something that either directly or indirectly benefits some alliance, oftentimes LaF. LaF either dosn't address it or denies it outright and makes no further statements. The situation is nearly universally viewed as messed up and wrong and anyone with any lick of common sense realizes there was collusion between the two entities on some level.

PDM gets wrecked. JMHO but there's a decent chance this is the beginning of PDM folding from the game or at least going away for a while. Other major alliances generally view the situation as effed up and wrong but do nothing because they don't view it as any of their business. As long as it isn't THEM they won't make any waves over it or even call them out on it because they don't want it to be them next.

That in a nutshell is what is wrong with Earth. A severe lack of balls by anyone with an ability to be a game changer. Could be way off but just the way I see it reading over the other 90 threads on this subject.
Smarter than your average bear.

TheORKINMan Game profile


Mar 1st 2011, 23:07:59

I have no idea who the leader of LaF is right now. Having been leader of a large group of players on several online games though I can tell you one of the following scenarios is the case:

a.) The leader of LaF is the one who is the orchestrator.


b.) The leader of LaF is a very weak one.

I know I would be ripping someone a new asshole if they went behind my back and did something like this. (Anyone who's played TLK with me can verify this :P) Or else I'd be ripping EVERYONE a new asshole until someone fessed up as the nature of the situation is painfully obvious to even the most casual observer.
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TheORKINMan Game profile


Mar 1st 2011, 19:26:08

At the risk of going Dr. Phil the best indicator of future behavior is past behavior. There have been a LOT of links between LaF and the old RD on the old Earth servers. You can claim "It's a new game" all you want but common sense dictates there was collusion on some level here. Even if it's just two higher ups (one from each side).
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