
TheORKINMan Game profile


Mar 18th 2011, 19:04:51

Yeah the 2nd half of the day was very disappointing as far as upsets. However it's 3PM today, there's still 12 games that havent tipped off lol
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TheORKINMan Game profile


Mar 18th 2011, 17:58:41

Considering 6 of the 8 BE teams in the tourney last year got eliminated by double digit seeds in the first two rounds, no I do not. The other two were 1 seed Syracuse who got eliminated in the Sweet 16 and West Virginia who played cupcake double digit seeds up to the Elite 8 and got curbstomped by 30 by Duke in the Final Four.
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TheORKINMan Game profile


Mar 18th 2011, 16:43:32

At least 1 more BE team is guarenteed not to make the Sweet 16 and one is guaranteed to make it since they play each other in the 2nd Round. However I don't think any BE teams make the FF and 1 max makes the Elite 8
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TheORKINMan Game profile


Mar 18th 2011, 1:46:20

haha bracket saved for now!
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TheORKINMan Game profile


Mar 17th 2011, 23:43:15

you stopped caring? UNC hasnt lost yet lol

Losing 1 FF team this year won't hurt you, most will lose more then that :P But seriously everyone and their mother predicted Belmont beating Wiscy, why would you pick them to the Final Four?
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TheORKINMan Game profile


Mar 17th 2011, 23:40:02

mrford: ND/Akron will be a close game IMO at least. When it does happen what do I win? (Besides a trip to San Antonio)
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TheORKINMan Game profile


Mar 17th 2011, 23:31:57

mrford: I have ND losing to Akron in the first round. That was my 2-15 upset. The NCAAT is matchups and I think we are a horrible horrible draw for ND if we do meet them. ND struggles vs deep teams with long arms and athleticism who hawk passing lanes and faceguard shooters. Plus historically overachieving teams do not fair well in the NCAAT, and BE teams absolutely suck in the NCAAT recently. So yeah I think there's a decent chance IF we get by A&M that we beat ND as well. Not a slam dunk or anything but not a good draw for ND at all.
Smarter than your average bear.

TheORKINMan Game profile


Mar 17th 2011, 23:11:18

BTW didn't Kansas lose in the round of 32 last year as a 1 seed? :P
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TheORKINMan Game profile


Mar 17th 2011, 23:10:45

Don't worry mrford. We will take out Kansas in the Elite 8
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TheORKINMan Game profile


Mar 17th 2011, 23:00:56

yeah SW bracket is probably going to end up busted all to hell, already lost its 4 and 5 seeds and 1/2/3/6 have not played yet
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TheORKINMan Game profile


Mar 17th 2011, 22:47:02

And 5-12 upset #1 just happened. A game many predicted would be an upset though. Richmond takes down Vanderbilt.
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TheORKINMan Game profile


Mar 17th 2011, 20:20:00

Yeah I've said for a while this is going to be the most unpredictable bracket busting tourney in a while because the top teams are not nearly as strong as they have been in years past. Even the 1-2 seeds.
Smarter than your average bear.

TheORKINMan Game profile


Mar 17th 2011, 20:13:58

Crazy ending to Temple/PSU with Temple coming out on top.
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TheORKINMan Game profile


Mar 17th 2011, 20:01:42

First 4-13 upset in the books with Morehead State beating Louisville. Another potentially happening as Princeton is only down 1 to Kentucky at halftime. And in 7-10 upsets as I type this Penn St is up on Temple by 1 with 1:32 to go.
Smarter than your average bear.

TheORKINMan Game profile


Mar 16th 2011, 16:24:11

Anyone who picked Purdue may want to rethink it. There's MAJOR drama going on there after it came to light today what caused Kelsey Barlow to be suspended indefinitely. Apparently he came to practice drunk and Ryne Smith called him out on it at which point Painter confirmed and kicked the player out of practice. Upon hearing this Barlow cracked Smith upside the head with a ball rack and now Ryne Smith has a concussion and will not play the first weekend either.
Smarter than your average bear.

TheORKINMan Game profile


Mar 15th 2011, 23:45:32

Like I said. Deerhunter is a well known dbag.
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TheORKINMan Game profile


Mar 15th 2011, 23:42:53

And Duke might repeat now. Kyrie Irving cleared to play and practiced full contact today.
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TheORKINMan Game profile


Mar 15th 2011, 23:31:49

Wow I never thought I'd actually agree with SOL on something. Deerhunter is in general a dbag
Smarter than your average bear.

TheORKINMan Game profile


Mar 15th 2011, 20:46:20

For upsets in the first round I have:

1 2-15
2 4-13s
3 5-12s
3 6-11s
3 7-10s
1 8-9
Smarter than your average bear.

TheORKINMan Game profile


Mar 15th 2011, 17:24:24

Dont be a slacker Detmer, CBS is the official bracket anyway ;P
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TheORKINMan Game profile


Mar 15th 2011, 16:37:43

Oh right haha, password is earth2025
Smarter than your average bear.

TheORKINMan Game profile


Mar 15th 2011, 14:55:42

Join up here:

Last chance! Tourney games start TONIGHT with the First Four!
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TheORKINMan Game profile


Mar 15th 2011, 14:54:10

That's reffered to as the Monkey Bracket :P
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TheORKINMan Game profile


Mar 15th 2011, 3:26:43

That's just the 2-15 I happened to pick. It may not be that one but I think there's one this year. I do think Akron will give ND a heckuva game though
Smarter than your average bear.

TheORKINMan Game profile


Mar 14th 2011, 15:51:08

I think this is going to be the most upset filled tourney in quite some time. I have 1 2-15 upset in Akron over Notre Dame. Akron is also not very far from Chicago and speaking from personal experience when we played a home game vs them in the NIT several years ago Akron fans travel REALLY well.
Smarter than your average bear.

TheORKINMan Game profile


Mar 14th 2011, 4:55:39

Yeah that is BAFFLING. There's not even a financial reason to take Miami over Maryland as Miami has THE worst attendence of any BCS school
Smarter than your average bear.

TheORKINMan Game profile


Mar 14th 2011, 4:52:45

Sure here you go:

Password to join group is earth2025
Smarter than your average bear.

TheORKINMan Game profile


Mar 14th 2011, 3:57:07

I already posted one in the college bball thread that people have signed up for :P
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TheORKINMan Game profile


Mar 13th 2011, 23:27:46

My sour grapes taste delicious tonight.
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TheORKINMan Game profile


Mar 13th 2011, 23:09:20

Hahahahahahahaha looks like the committee saw what we saw and didn't make the ACC's game rigging pay off for Seth Cryburg
Smarter than your average bear.

TheORKINMan Game profile


Mar 13th 2011, 17:23:21

So you're saying Duke gets all the calls? :)
Smarter than your average bear.

TheORKINMan Game profile


Mar 13th 2011, 17:05:56

UNC better not start off the way they have against Miami/Clemson vs Duke. Duke plays the best slowdown game of any team in the country and is much more difficult to come back on.
Smarter than your average bear.

TheORKINMan Game profile


Mar 13th 2011, 13:37:32

mrford: Here is the exact series of events in video that ended the game.

Snaer has ball stolen, possibly a foul but I wouldn't be horribly up in arms about this as its the end of the game and he should have split the trap:

Va Tech's "Game winning" shot where it is much more conclusively proven that Malcolm Delaney stepped out of bounds not once, but TWICE:

Kitchens shot where there is allegedly conclusive evidence:

Smarter than your average bear.

TheORKINMan Game profile


Mar 13th 2011, 7:36:15

It was the most effed up series of events yet. I was sitting front row right next to replay monitors and here is what happened. Kitchen hits shot and sideline ref Eades calls it good then turns to the tunnel. Head official Brian Kersey calls him over and starts watching the monitor. He has two monitors looking at different angles. After about a minute and a half he says "it's good" and our bench again starts celebrating as the ref turns the monitors around and puts them back on the scoters table. Then for SOME reason the alternate official and the ACC Head of Officials John Clougherty who were sitting on the endzone press row come over. At that point Kersey picks up the monitor and starts watching AGAIN. Clougherty gets a police escort for the refs and after another minute of watching clips he turns and waives it off and all four refs plus Clougherty haul ass to the tunnel with four cops. Again exactly why I hate this conference.
Smarter than your average bear.

TheORKINMan Game profile


Mar 12th 2011, 7:44:34

No I was talking about FSU/Va Tech. Miami just choked there and Zeller clearly got the ball off for that final layup.

I dont even think YOU would deny that the call that the shot counted would not have been overturned if we were Duke or Carolina. That was an effed up Seth Greenburg cry job to get an extra ACC team into the NCAAT. I hope he chokes on a fluff and dies after losing to Alabama or Michigan in the First Four.
Smarter than your average bear.

TheORKINMan Game profile


Mar 12th 2011, 7:10:33

You have no idea how much I want OUT of the ACC. The call on the court was that shot was good. The monitor showed the ball on the tip of his fingers as time hit 0.00 but the light on the backboard had NOT gone off yet and the horn had not sounded. The frame where the light goes off the ball is free from his hands but they had the gumption to wipe off that shot and reverse the call on the floor based on that horribly inconclusive video evidence. If our team was wearing a shade of blue that shot would have counted.
Smarter than your average bear.

TheORKINMan Game profile


Mar 11th 2011, 21:59:38

Im in Greensboro now. Was at the UM/UNC game. That last second lucky good fortune HAS to run out at some point for UNC. It's just too statistically improbable for me to believe they end up on a 10-0 ACC win streak with at least 4 buzzer beater wins involved going into the NCAAT. That's the only reason I dont think they win the ACCT.
Smarter than your average bear.

TheORKINMan Game profile


Mar 10th 2011, 2:11:18

trumper: THis is why you cant just look at box scores. We were up by 20 for a vast majority of the game vs Miami. In the final 3 minutes Malcolm Grant hit 4 3s and got fouled on a 3. Exactly why Miami was horrible all season and then nearly went to the ACCT Final last year.

If you need empirical evidence since Singleton got hurt our offensive efficiency has gone up 60 slots and our defense has stayed steady as top 5 in Ken Pomeroy's rankings.
Smarter than your average bear.

TheORKINMan Game profile


Mar 9th 2011, 23:10:57

trumper: If you havent been paying attention we've been just as good without Singleton. 4-2 without him and should have been 5-1 if not for Harrison Barnes miracle 3.
Smarter than your average bear.

TheORKINMan Game profile


Mar 9th 2011, 22:46:15

Latest CBS projection has FSU/Nova in 8/9 game. I'd take that and take our chances vs the 1 seed after :P
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TheORKINMan Game profile


Mar 9th 2011, 20:50:34

Pfft I thought this was some horrible mutilating accident that would leave her looking like a zombie if she survived. I retract my good wishes!
Smarter than your average bear.

TheORKINMan Game profile


Mar 9th 2011, 17:36:55

As her arch nemesis I'd just like to say I do hope she gets well soon.
Smarter than your average bear.

TheORKINMan Game profile


Mar 8th 2011, 18:56:50

BTW Here is a link to the Earth Empires bracket group I made for us:

Password to join group is earth2025
Smarter than your average bear.

TheORKINMan Game profile


Mar 8th 2011, 16:13:38

Andy Glockner and Pat Forde can piss off. Neither of them have FSU as a lock now. ZERO chance FSU gets left out. In the worst case scenario where FSU loses to GT in the first round of the ACCT we'd still get in at least to the play in game and probably would still be a 10-11 seed.
Smarter than your average bear.

TheORKINMan Game profile


Mar 7th 2011, 21:30:40

ACCT will be interesting. It looks like Friday will be UNC/Miami Clemson/BC Duke/Maryland and FSU/Va Tech. There is a lot of potential for upsets there. I'd say all 4 top 4 seeds would need to be very wary. I don't see a Duke/UNC ACCT final there. One will lose before that and I think there's a decentchance both do.
Smarter than your average bear.

TheORKINMan Game profile


Mar 6th 2011, 3:31:35

BTW FSU now telling our local beat writers Singleton will miss NC State game tomorrow but IS expected to play in the ACCT Friday.
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TheORKINMan Game profile


Mar 5th 2011, 16:11:15

Fine fine, if you want to be hyper technical mrford. The 6 16 seeds have no chance. But even 15 seeds have managed to beat 2 seeds very rarely. So everyone else except the 16 seeds.
Smarter than your average bear.

TheORKINMan Game profile


Mar 5th 2011, 16:04:31

You should know that ANYONE can make the second weekend raves. It's matchups. If that crappy George Mason team can make the Final Four anyone can with the right breaks.
Smarter than your average bear.

TheORKINMan Game profile


Mar 4th 2011, 23:03:03

The players get paid. It's just up front during the recruiting process to go to Kentucky/UNC/Tennessee etc....
Smarter than your average bear.

TheORKINMan Game profile


Mar 4th 2011, 17:04:48

Originally posted by Murf:
i wouldnt be suprised if your where the one with cletus in the name, since your on par with cletus when it comes to being retarded

I hope this makes other people laugh as much as me. AT Murf, not WITH of course.
Smarter than your average bear.