

New Member

Aug 17th 2010, 1:07:28

Originally posted by Marshal:
if you are orig, bishopx then few interesting posts about you and from you at at-archive.

Speaking of which, we should have our post counts modified to match at-archive! I have 18,242 posts over there (plus whatever I had pre-archive), shame to let them go to waste.

On the other hand, maybe I don't want people knowing how much time I used to spend posting on AT, afterall.


New Member

Aug 16th 2010, 23:34:15

Not much, just decided to check on earth to find it was gone. Then found some jolt forum thingy, then found my way here.

And, I was not surprised at all to find a 0.999... = 1 topic. It's like I never left.


New Member

Aug 16th 2010, 9:01:32

As long as we're reminiscing...

My how things have changed... and shockingly, I see some things haven't. :P

I just found out that earth was shut down, and that some people moved here, and I guess everyone loved the look of the old earth forums so much that they decided to recreated it here!