
Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

Jul 26th 2024, 18:34:03

Originally posted by SuperFly:
Originally posted by Slagpit:
Originally posted by LightBringer:
So... what you're saying is if my ally gives me information it's not colluding?

If the game gives you information (the number of jets out in a PS brigade) then it is not collusion.

I was under the impression that is frowned upon that allies hit the same targets one after the other cuz that is collusion no?

For example if I am allied to KoH, Hessman, Tmac, Light Bringer we cant all gang up on the same countries to each LG them into the ground to make retaling hard right?

Now on my original question; isnt it illegal to share spy op / break info with allies? So the work around that I am learning is that I can now just see what my ally sent on his PS and save myself the effort of spying. Good trick I guess. Provided that hitting all of your allies targets is ok.

In my scenario, i idle in the primary news IRC. I can setup alerts for all of my allies country names every time that they make a PS and I can login and hit the same country within seconds of my ally and send my jets based off their PS screen without using an op.

if that is ok than I will set up my alerts and ride the coat tails of all my allies making LGs haha

If you engage in deliberately suspicious behavior to the detriment of your own country then you are likely to find trouble with the moderators.

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

Jul 26th 2024, 3:14:36

They are playing turns. They are less willing to pay high prices for tech as the round winds down because there are fewer turns to play during which the additional tech benefits them.

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

Jul 25th 2024, 14:38:20

Originally posted by LightBringer:
So... what you're saying is if my ally gives me information it's not colluding?

If the game gives you information (the number of jets out in a PS brigade) then it is not collusion.

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

Jul 24th 2024, 15:39:01

Originally posted by SuperFly:
Originally posted by Hessman123:
I’m looking for a def ally who plays with hardly any defence

One who makes great choices when selecting which targets to hit for land grabs and doesn’t over-send too much

I just miss my old def ally because I could check my relations page to see who Tmac hit and how many jets he sent and I usually had a good target that I didn’t need to spy on at all

Bro retract your statement on hitting Tmacs targets. They will flag you for collusion and retroactively delete you! For sharing target info and for hitting the same targets lol

Also with the small land grab I mean player base your ally would need to LG every basically every country in the game (1 PS) per day to compete and get 40k land no?

Thanks Vic I can login in 9 hrs and accept once I get ma bonus

I assume that you're trying to make a joke here, but using ally information to get a break is not collusion.

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

Jul 24th 2024, 1:23:15

I could have a view only available to clan admins that would have this information. Would that meet the need?

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

Jul 23rd 2024, 14:31:08

It is as Turtle Crawler said. I ran into that same issue myself. Round 2 will change the minimum time to 3 hours.

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

Jul 21st 2024, 16:17:59

I'm trying to address four problems with these changes:

1) Players did fewer landgrabs than expected. Perhaps they were intimidated by the SS loss penalty.
2) The first bushel price spike occurs too early and the price goes too high.
3) CI feels terrible to play for most of the round and has too strong of an end game.
4) Farmer is easier, more fun, and stronger to play than casher.

* A new "overheat your economy" option will be available on the cashing screen. You can think of this as super cashing. Super cashing will increase tax revenues by 50% but will destroy 1% of your country's standing military and will lower military readiness by 6%. Super cashing cannot be done if readiness is below 25%.

* Jet maintenance costs are reduced to the standard value of $0.14.

* The indy production bonus for the Communist government is reduced from 35% to 25%.

* The Communist government gets -30% bonus effectiveness.

* Food base purchasing price on PM is reduced to $100 and replenishment rate is increased to 10 per acre per turn.

* Reduce public market arrival market time from 5-6 hours to 4-5 hours.

* Reduce custom market time minimum from 24 hours to 3 hours.

* The SS attacking military loss penalty starts at 98% for 0 buildings and linearly decreases down to 8% at 300k buildings built (68% at 100k, 38% at 200k).

* Attack success/failure is now deterministic with no "10% oversend random factor".

* Change dictator bonus to always lose 50% less units for all attacks (including PS).

* Defending military losses are now fixed at 4%. This can be reduced by the defender's medical tech.

* Change bot strat percentages: 18% indy, 18% rainbow, 17% casher, 22% techer, 25% farmer.

* Bot count = 2.5 bots per alive human + 0.75 per tagged alive human.

* Bot farmers will be able to stock food and bot techers will be able to stock tech.

* Bot techer landgoal should be a bit higher and somewhat random per country.

* Adjust bot estimated land goals for non-techer to make sure they aren't overbuying tech by being too optimistic in their growth estimates.

* Change buying schedules to get more early military and a little less tech.

* Farmer bots can start destocking in the final 10% of the round.

* Bots can now buy tech for $10000.

Edited By: Slagpit on Jul 21st 2024, 16:21:35

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

Jul 20th 2024, 3:19:34

I know of four countries which should easily clear 600 M, though there are probably others that I don't know about. I'm curious how well the four CIs above 200k acres will finish.

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

Jul 18th 2024, 14:55:00

There's a new earthquake related bonus that you probably want to get.

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

Jul 16th 2024, 14:44:08

What's the point in being so negative?

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

Jul 14th 2024, 15:55:46

I don't know what that means. A demo reseller could make a lot of money right now with the current market. However, as of this post, there are currently no standing orders for bus, res, agri, or indy tech. The standing order price for bushels is $36.

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

Jul 14th 2024, 4:39:51

Ok, I found a hint. You guys aren't really buying bushels using standing orders. I guess that your countries are removed from typical supply and demand forces (for whatever reason).

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

Jul 14th 2024, 4:25:29

You should see the following general market trends on a server without any big wars:

1) Tech prices will get very high quickly and will slowly fall over the round
2) Food prices start cheap, will peak in the middle, and will slowly fall for the rest of the round
3) Military prices bottom out in the middle of the round and will rise in the end of the round.

That's just based on how the game is designed. The bots have good fundamentals and follow supply and demand principles when interacting with the public market so that's what you should expect with the latest style of bots.

You guys are saying stuff like the market prices are wrong. If they are wrong then you can resell and make a profit, right? Food is expensive right now because there is high demand. If I forced the bots to sell food for $40 then the public market would be empty of food for any reasonable price. There was $7.3 B spent on troops over the last 24 hours compared to $280 B spent on food. Without any major wars, I would expect food to be very expensive and for military to be very cheap for this time of the round. I'm also told that human players don't often pick CI. Why are low military prices a problem then? I'm also told that farmer is a very common strategy for humans. Why are high food prices a problem then?

For FFA it is very easy to change the number of bots. That is a setting that is specific for each server. It is also possible to change the strategy makeup of the bots. If you guys like to farm rainbows and don't like how the bots "mess up" the market then I can add more rainbows to the server. That's no problem. But so far we aren't communicating that well and I still don't quite understand what the problem is.

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

Jul 11th 2024, 5:17:59

Here's how you can find a bunch of bot farmers: . The first 60 on the list currently have 0 DR. If you're saying that FFA players can't do that then I really don't know what to say in response. It's effectively impossible for me to make any meaningful changes for this server then.

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

Jul 11th 2024, 2:38:39

There are hundreds of bots that have been grabbed 0 times over the whole round and we're a month in. So far the actionable change that I can make is to reduce the bot count. I'm not sure what to do beyond that.

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

Jul 10th 2024, 23:55:45

Some of the market problems are caused by the bots crashing which I hope to fix over the weekend. I also think that there are still too many bots on FFA. As of right now according to eestats:

132 bots have >= 1 DR
1359 bots have 0 DR

I clicked on the bot with the most land and it hasn't been grabbed a single time:

Can you explain what "destabilize the market" means? Bots also do have the ability to store turns if food prices are too high and they have the ability to price based on market history, including average prices.

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

Jul 10th 2024, 20:23:15

Voting a single time will grant you bonus points over the next two days. The grace period is pretty long. If you login every day and vote every day then you won't miss any points.

What is the biggest obstacle? Do you need to see a timer on the main menu?

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

Jul 10th 2024, 14:09:58

Originally posted by Bug:
Im just gunna add with some others here..

These new bots are so fluff for FFA..

Also the bots are down again..

Cool, calling them "so fluff" is incredibly helpful and actionable.

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

Jul 10th 2024, 5:18:44

This isn't a bug. I recommend logging into your country more frequently if you wish to avoid losing turns.

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

Jul 10th 2024, 5:17:59

Thank you to all who have participated so far. Reminder that the deadline is coming up very soon.

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

Jul 9th 2024, 17:02:25

Right, express base PM food price is $32. A demo with high mil tech can sell bushels for $39 on the PM.

I'm saying bots can sell food on the public market or the private market when destocking, just as human players do.

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

Jul 9th 2024, 16:55:05

Players who want to get a high NW with fewer days of grabbing and a lower overall acreage can play techer. There will be countries in the top ten with less than 250000 acres. Consider having someone in your clan do a regular spy and a market spy on some of the best techers if you don't believe us.

Edited By: Slagpit on Jul 9th 2024, 17:05:56
See Original Post

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

Jul 9th 2024, 5:01:42

Can you be more specific about the problem that you're looking to address? In what way does the server lack "proper competition"?

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

Jul 8th 2024, 14:28:22

That's not how it works. Here's an example for a theo techer from the last round of express:

[2024-07-07 07:48:33] Doing destocking actions
[2024-07-07 07:48:34] Market history for food: {"low_price":"37","high_price":"39","total_units_sold":"52806127","total_sales":"2049619529","avg_price":38.81,"no_results":false}
[2024-07-07 07:48:34] Estimated public bushel sell price is 38
[2024-07-07 07:48:34] Country has expensive bushels on market
[2024-07-07 07:48:34] Country plans to recall bushels because the sell price is too high
[2024-07-07 07:48:34] Market history for t_mil: {"low_price":"1454","high_price":"1454","total_units_sold":"14722","total_sales":"21405788","avg_price":1454,"no_results":false}
[2024-07-07 07:48:35] Attempting to dump bushel stock...
[2024-07-07 07:48:35] Turns of bushels to keep is: 242
[2024-07-07 07:48:35] Current private market food price is 29
[2024-07-07 07:48:35] Selling bushels on public is expected to be better than private
[2024-07-07 07:48:36] Update Advisor for market recall of goods or tech
[2024-07-07 07:48:36] 7 Turns - Recalled goods $2B ($+781k) 34.2M Bu0 API: 3
[2024-07-07 07:48:36] --- SELL Public: 33.8M food @ $38
[2024-07-07 07:48:36] 6 Turns - Put goods on Public Market $2B ($+260k) 458k Bu0 API: 2
[2024-07-07 07:48:36] Done dumping bushel stock

Demo techer example:

[2024-07-07 06:44:05] Doing destocking actions
[2024-07-07 06:44:06] Market history for food: {"low_price":"40","high_price":"42","total_units_sold":"29012359","total_sales":"1198104822","avg_price":41.3,"no_results":false}
[2024-07-07 06:44:06] Estimated public bushel sell price is 39
[2024-07-07 06:44:06] Country has expensive bushels on market
[2024-07-07 06:44:06] Country plans to recall bushels because the sell price is too high
[2024-07-07 06:44:08] Attempting to dump bushel stock...
[2024-07-07 06:44:08] Turns of bushels to keep is: 258
[2024-07-07 06:44:08] Current private market food price is 39
[2024-07-07 06:44:08] Not selling bushels on public for reason: public price too low (must be $1 better than private)
[2024-07-07 06:44:08] Update Advisor for market recall of goods or tech
[2024-07-07 06:44:08] 7 Turns - Recalled goods $2.1B ($+753k) 38.3M Bu0 API: 3
[2024-07-07 06:44:08] --- SELL Private Market: 37.8M food $3.5B ($+1.5B)
[2024-07-07 06:44:08] Done dumping bushel stock
[2024-07-07 06:44:08] Decision on attempting public market bushel reselling: yes
[2024-07-07 06:44:08] Current public market food price is 37
[2024-07-07 06:44:08] --- BUY Public: 3.9M food @ $37 $3.4B ($-144M)
[2024-07-07 06:44:08] --- SELL Private Market: 3.9M food $3.6B ($+152M)
[2024-07-07 06:44:08] Tried: m_bu95946065@37, ; Money: 3550004418 Cost: 3550004405
[2024-07-07 06:44:09] Done with bushel reselling

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

Jul 7th 2024, 18:45:38

Bots can destock off the public market.

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

Jul 5th 2024, 17:02:47

Yes, what bug said is correct. I would expect the food supply to go slightly up because the farmer bots play with better fundamentals but food demand to go up due to bot techers stocking.

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

Jul 4th 2024, 17:44:14

Is it different? My understanding is that the old bot code had 20% farmers just like the current code.

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

Jul 4th 2024, 3:42:01

Bots don't interact with the oil market.

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

Jul 3rd 2024, 14:06:28

It's a nerf. Military expenses per unit used to drop slightly as networth increased.

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

Jul 2nd 2024, 17:07:50

Half the grabbers are dictators as well.

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

Jul 2nd 2024, 16:34:35

No, we just have one demo. Not doing SS is a choice that of course players are free to make. However, I disagree that the game's mechanics or current market conditions somehow prevent them from grabbing. As Rasp pointed out, sometimes bushels sell for more than a jet.

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

Jul 2nd 2024, 16:25:04

For reference, land gained by SKA countries from SS over the past 72 hours by government type:

C 38772
D 15291
H 7100
I 53669
R 7054

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

Jul 2nd 2024, 16:05:26

That along with not allowing ingame pacts to a different tag. For example, if a techer players in a solo tag it's impossible for him to get tech allies.

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

Jul 2nd 2024, 15:36:31

Time to market will likely be 4-5 hours next round which will help CIs a bit.

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

Jul 2nd 2024, 15:34:23

Here's my best understanding of why the tech market looks the way it did for round 1:

1) Tech supply was restricted because bot techers cannot get tech allies (I forgot to account for this) and human techers have limited options for tech allies as well as an increased penalty to leeching.
2) Bot countries estimated high land goals due to the increased number of turns in the round and the limited number of grabs done against them. This made them more willing to buy tech.
3) Tech is 4 NW but this only means that bots are willing to pay a $650 premium when buying tech. It certainly matters right now (some farmers are stocking military after buying tech. If tech was 2 NW instead of 4 NW then they would have started stocking military faster). Personally I think that this is the least important factor when looking at the overall round.

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

Jul 2nd 2024, 15:26:02

Originally posted by VicRattlehead:
Let the round play out before making judgements on what does and doesn't work.

Now is a good time to talk about it from my point of view, and it's not like there's anything else to talk about anyway.

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

Jun 30th 2024, 15:23:54

It's to make silly situations like 100000 spies on 1 acre less effective from an offensive point of view.

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

Jun 30th 2024, 15:23:12

It wasn't down again

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

Jun 30th 2024, 2:36:13

That can happen if your land is significantly lower than the target's land.

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

Jun 29th 2024, 20:06:23

Good enough, thanks. If no one else posts then PDM will be the undisputed greatest alliance of all time.

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

Jun 29th 2024, 20:02:40

Originally posted by Detmer:
88: PDM
87: Paradigm
86: PDM
85: PDM
84: PDM2025
73-83: PDM
72: Paradigm
71: Paradigm
66-70: LaF
59-65: Paradigm
57-58: PDM
55-56: Paradigm
54: PDM
49-53: Paradigm
48: PDM
30-47: Paradigm
29: PDM
13-28: Paradigm
12: ParaBOO
5-11: Paradigm
4: PDM
3: PDM50
2: xPDMx
1: ParadigM

Is this line a mistake/joke? 66-70: LaF

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

Jun 29th 2024, 16:21:34

Should be running now.

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

Jun 28th 2024, 16:23:12

Good ideas. For 2 I'd probably have checkboxes for "include normal attacks" and "include special attacks" and would get rid of the attack type selector. Filtering the news to just EMs for example is silly.

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

Jun 27th 2024, 22:39:35

Crippler: are all of those tags for ICD?

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

Jun 27th 2024, 22:33:29

If clan leaders would like for statistics/leaderboards/rankings to be calculated for their clan's previous sets then they need to tell me which tags they have owned in the past. Some clans change their tags from round to round after all.

Here's an example from FFA:

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

Jun 27th 2024, 14:52:04

We will have oil on the PM next round.

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

Jun 26th 2024, 15:31:59

We plan to add clan statistics to the game that represent a clan's achievements over all rounds of the game instead of just the current round. Ideally we would calculate statistics for previous rounds but we need to the community's help to associate past tags to the owning tag. Clan leaders for CURRENTLY ACTIVE clans may choose to participate in this thread by providing a list of tags that their clan owns. The list does not need to be comprehensive but please do not include any tags where ownership is in dispute. The data is due by July 11th and must be provided in the following format:

Round number-tag name
Round number-tag name
Round number-tag name

For example, if Evo (Alliance server example) wanted to participate they would make a post like the following in this thread:


Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

Jun 26th 2024, 15:31:36

We plan to add clan statistics to the game that represent a clan's achievements over all rounds of the game instead of just the current round. Ideally we would calculate statistics for previous rounds but we need to the community's help to associate past tags to the owning tag. Clan leaders for CURRENTLY ACTIVE clans may choose to participate in this thread by providing a list of tags that their clan owns. The list does not need to be comprehensive but please do not include any tags where ownership is in dispute. The data is due by July 11th and must be provided in the following format:

Round number-tag name
Round number-tag name
Round number-tag name

For example, if Evo wanted to participate they would make a post like the following in this thread:
