
Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

May 25th 2024, 20:06:53

It's always possible that there's a bug but you guys aren't giving me enough information to reproduce it. Can you PM me the country number that experienced this?


You only lose pop playing turns if your current population is above maximum population.

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

May 25th 2024, 20:02:17

If I'm reading the code correctly, the market goods are reduced by half and transferred over to the restart. So you keep 50% of what you had on the market.

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

May 25th 2024, 19:59:24

Blackhole, there's no need to defend me. There's no rule against players making self-aggrandizing posts on AT.

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

May 25th 2024, 19:20:58

If they landgrab you more than once then you can retaliate in any way that you want. You can do ABs, BRs, missiles, harmful spy ops, etc.

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

May 25th 2024, 19:19:54

It doesn't matter if it's your country or not. If it takes a turn to get the information then you can't post it. We can't ask the game moderators to verify that the country that you're posting belongs to you. It's also against the rules to offer free land to other players on non-clan servers.

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

May 25th 2024, 18:57:11

Back in 2010 I created a test country in response to player feedback and here's what happened:

That's why Express GDI exists in its current form. We will never get rid of Express GDI.

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

May 25th 2024, 18:56:17

You cannot post ingame information about other countries that would otherwise require a turn to get.

There are wars in express all the time.

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

May 25th 2024, 18:13:00

Anything except Alpha UI.

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

May 25th 2024, 15:08:05

You're welcome.

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

May 24th 2024, 21:44:41

If there's an issue with tech alliances then the correct fix is to simply change the code that governs that. There is no need for some bizarre workaround involving sending tech alliances to bots. For some reason I'm reminded of this comment from a few weeks ago:

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

May 24th 2024, 19:40:34

"NPC countries on the FFA server will change to the newer "Express" style and there will be about 3.5 NPC countries created per player country. This will result in fewer NPC countries than the current fixed amount of 2000. It is likely that we'll implement this change during the final few days of the current FFA round that ends on June 11, 2024."

Ask any questions here.

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

May 24th 2024, 18:48:30

Originally posted by Tertius:
Some pretty cool things in here, thanks for the continued effort. The non-penalty of bonuses for govt change will allow for a bit more creativity.

Will military expenses be fairly similar to the most recent change set at low acres?

The previous formula was =36/(24+ln(NW+100,000)). The new formula is =1. There's about a 10% change at the most common networths that players run their turns at.

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

May 24th 2024, 18:22:37

Originally posted by osloos:
Very interested in seeing the $80 analysis. Can anyone provide?

This is 13 years old at this point, but here you go (qz ended up picking x = 0.25):

Mathematical analysis:

The idea is to see how varying x affects the late set oil price floor, or alternatively when it is worth it for destockers and other countries to burn oil barrels for additional PM units.
The key thing to take away from this is that all of the formulas reduce to a proportional relationship between x and the price of oil at the break even point for buying oil.

Suppose that x is the number of PM units (a PM unit is an extra 3 troops, 2.5 jets, 2.5 turrets, and 1 tank) that a country gets for burning one barrel of oil. We'd expect x to be less than 1.0

0) TMBR reselling (sell oil to get extra reselling time)

So our TMBR has cash to spend. It can either spend pm_mod * 2025 to get 6.5 additional NW or it can buy
1/x oil barrels to get an additional PM unit.

Since it takes time to spend money on the pm, we get (1 + price_of_oil / x / (pm_mod * 2025)) units worth of reselling at a cost of price_of_oil / x

nw gained from not buying oil = (price_of_oil / x) * 6.5 / (pm_mod * 2025)

nw gained from buying oil = 6.5 * (1 + price_of_oil / (x * pm_mod * 2025)) - 0.6 * (2025 * pm_mod + price_of_oil / x) / (0.94 * public_turret_price)

If we set the above two equal and simplify we get:

6.5 * 0.94 * public_turret_price / 0.6 = price_of_oil / x + pm_mod * 2025

x = price_of_oil / (6.5 * 0.94 * public_turret_price / 0.6 - pm_mod * 2025)

From here we can vary the price of oil and easily see how it affects things. So if we wish for the equilibrium oil price to be $100:

if public_turret_price = $110, x > 15.58 for oil to be worth buying
if public_turret_price = $130, x > 0.476 for oil to be worth buying
if public_turret_price = $150, x > 0.24 for oil to be worth buying
if public_turret_price = $170, x > 0.162 for oil to be worth buying
if public_turret_price = $190, x > 0.12 for oil to be worth buying

1) TMBR destocking (extra time stocking)
2) no mb theo (extra time stocking)

We can combine the above two. Call the stocking income per acre s.

To get an additional turn of destocking time, we need (1 + s / (pm_mod * 2025)) turns worth of pm,
so we need s = (1 / x) * (1 + s / (pm_mod * 2025)) * price_of_oil for it to be worth it.

x = price_of_oil * (1 / s + 1 / (pm_mod * 2025))

For a rep casher going TMBR or a farmer going no mb theo, x is around 0.25 if price_of_oil = $100

3) demo public destocking


money - cost_of_oil / (private_dpnw) = cash / public_dpnw

if public dpnw is better than turrets and worse than jets:

x = price_of_oil / (-1225 * 245 / public_dpnw + 1225)

if price_of_oil = $100:

if public dpnw = $265, x > 1.08
if public dpnw = $280, x > 0.65

if public dpnw is worse than turrets:

x = price_of_oil / (-420116 / public_dpnw + 1654)

if price_of_oil = $100:

if public dpnw = $290, x > 0.48
if public dpnw = $300, x > 0.39
if public dpnw = $325, x > 0.276
if public dpnw = $350, x > 0.22
if public dpnw = $500, x > 0.12

4) Extra PM space during war

Not related to destocking or balancing, but included for completeness.

extra cost to buy q troops = price_of_oil * q / (3 * x)

for $100 oil:

if x = 0.1, extra cost = $333m
if x = 0.25, extra cost = $137m
if x = 0.5, extra cost = $66.6m
if x = 0.75, extra cost = $44.4m
if x = 1.0, extra cost = $33m

5) Max price selling at the end of the set

Let c measure market commission (0.94, 0.9, or 1.0)

One pm unit would be sold at the end of the set for pm_mod * 2025 * 3 * c assuming the market empties

So for buying oil to be worth it, we need pm_mod * 2025 * 3 * c - price_of_oil / x = pm_mod * 2025

x = price_of_oil / (pm_mod * 2025 * (3 * c - 1))

For $100 oil:

CI, x > 0.034 for oil to be worth buying
TMBR, x > 0.05 for oil to be worth buying
no mb theo, x > 0.037 for oil to be worth buying
demo, x > 0.033 for oil to be worth buying

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

May 24th 2024, 17:43:36

Originally posted by table4two:
Cyref or myself might've been the last people to win 1a with a casher. 2019 seems about right as its been a looong time since a casher has last felt competitive.

Its a weird one- You'd think I would be a proponent of the recent change set, as yes it gets stale seeing the one strat dominate. But even more that, the traditional oil destock was such a quality of life addition, I find myself still preferring to have kept this element even if it means the status quo doesn't change.

All that is to say I don't think the benefit of removing the traditional oil destock out weighs the quality of life addition it provided to the wider meta of the game.

Also, it is a shame to see the 'best 3' metric rendered obsolete now. It was the best metric to compare the best netters in the game.

I wonder if there are more surgical ways to rebalance some of the strategies? For example, reducing the food/oil production of the Fascist or increasing the PCI of a Republic?

In any case, it has been fun to see how people are playing this set and seeing how the market plays out. Change is inevitable and you can't make everyone happy. I applaud you Slagpit for trying to shake things up in the first place.

Thank you for the thoughtful comment.

As I understand it, players on the alliance server are able to send research pacts to bots and get free tech all set. This strikes me as a completely ridiculous mechanic that should be removed. If it is removed then final NWs will drop somewhat which could impact leaderboards. Should it not be removed then?

Generally speaking we're going to prioritize other factors above leaderboard parity. It's really difficult to have meaningful leaderboards over a 15 year period in the first place and any change isn't fair to a certain degree. For example, suppose the same player managed to win the first ten rounds of alliance. He would have a Best 3 of around 300 M. In the current era a player could play a single country to 901 M NW and not even finish in the top ten. He would then have a higher best 3 than the other player. That's hardly fair, right? At some point I plan to offer a seasonal view of the leaderboards that would be retroactively applied. We'd have metrics that would apply on a yearly basis to Alliance in addition to the overall metrics.

We want players to have multiple feasible options for destocking. That's always been a core design principle. Having a single destocking method be dominant as well as risk-free is the exact opposite of that. Can you explain what the missing quality of life feature here is? You can still do private destocks and you can still burn oil for units. It's just less efficient than before.

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

May 24th 2024, 15:45:43

Originally posted by Turtle Crawler:
I'm not aware that there was any change to Farmer dominance this set. It had all the top countries. Patch just made things dumb without really balance anything. Slag it's like you are listening to people who don't and can't net. Please listen to only netters when making netting changes. You are making the game unplayable.

I am very eager to hear feedback from top players but it's only helpful when they give me accurate information. It seems that En4cer is saying that CI is dominant but you are saying that farmer is still dominant. Both of you can't be right. Who is correct?

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

May 24th 2024, 12:57:19

I see two commies and ten non-commies with over 100k land. Do you have any constructive suggestions? Or is any change that lowers final NW a bad one? It looks like a casher last won in 2019 on this server. Did a farmer win every other round since then? It's hard to tell at a glance due to the land dropping.

Edited By: Slagpit on May 24th 2024, 13:04:53
See Original Post

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

May 23rd 2024, 23:39:16

Change set #25 primarily makes quality of life improvements. These changes will be released on the standard roll out schedule. Change set #24 was deliberately skipped.

New Advanced Ingame Search:
* 28 different search parameters
* Pulls in data from saved spy ops
* Saves the parameters from the last search and uses those values as the defaults for the next search
* Displays up to 100 results in the specified sort order
* Players can click on a country name in the search results to easily attack it
* Players can click on the defense total in the search results to view the saved spy op

Bonus Systems:
* A country will be awarded 7 turns, 20 acres, and bonus points the first time a player logs into it per day. This replaces the 12 hour bonus, 18 hour bonus, and other similar systems.
* The switching government penalty will not be applied to previous bonus points purchases.
* A new bonus option to reduce earthquake damage will be available. This is a single purchase similar to free GDI.

Spy Operations:
* The regular spy operation will show the target's information in the two-column new advisor format. This means that tech percentages will be available in the op.
* A calculated value for the target's standard strike defense will be included in the spy op in the "Calc SS Def In Turrets" field. This will not include defensive allies but will include all other elements for defensive power. It does not factor in offensive modifiers for the country that is viewing the spy op.
* Saved spy ops should now perfectly match the information seen in the original op.
* Players will be able to see all spy ops done by their clan members, but ops are associated with clans now. That means that saved spy ops will be lost upon changing clans.
* Players cannot manually save spy ops but they are no longer automatically deleted after 72 hours.

Miscellaneous Balance Changes:
* The maximum standard benefit of medical tech is 50% instead of 66.6%.
* Military expenses per unit no longer change based on networth.
* The "restart bonus" is no longer available on non-clan servers.
* Earthquakes destroy fewer research labs than other non-cs buildings.
* On clan servers, countries with significantly fewer labs than their research allies will only receive 40% of the maximum ally benefit.
* NPC countries on the FFA server will change to the newer "Express" style and there will be about 3.5 NPC countries created per player country. This will result in fewer NPC countries than the current fixed amount of 2000. It is likely that we'll implement this change during the final few days of the current FFA round that ends on June 11, 2024.

New Standing Order Algorithm:
Standing orders are split between buyers to try to distribute goods evenly instead of prioritizing whoever submitted the order first. One example scenario:

Country 1 is a democracy with $20 M cash and a standing order for 1 million oil up a price of $103.
Country 2 has $1 B cash and 3 standing orders for 1 million oil up a price of $102.
1 million oil arrives on the market with a price of $100.

Behavior prior to change set 25: Oil is allocated based on timing of the creation of the standing orders. It is possible that country 2 would buy all of the oil and country 1 would get none of it.

Behavior after change set 25: Oil is evenly divided among orders when possible. Round 1 of buying:

Country 1 order 1 can buy up to 250k oil. It buys 200k oil and runs out of money.
Country 2 order 1 can buy up to 250k oil. It buys 250k oil.
Country 2 order 2 can buy up to 250k oil. It buys 250k oil.
Country 2 order 3 can buy up to 250k oil. It buys 250k oil.

Round 2 of buying:

Country 2 order 1 can buy up to 16667 oil. It buys 16667 oil.
Country 2 order 2 can buy up to 16667 oil. It buys 16667 oil.
Country 2 order 3 can buy up to 16666 oil. It buys 16666 oil.

"Standard roll out schedule" means that changes will be applied to servers as they reset. For this change set, the changes will first go live on the next round of each server that begins on or after June 1, 2024.

Thank you for playing Earth Empires. Questions, constructive criticism, and feedback made in good faith are welcome.

Edited By: Slagpit on May 27th 2024, 4:13:18
See Original Post

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

May 22nd 2024, 15:34:01

Can anyone give me a screenshot of what the attack page looks like on mobile along with their setting for "Select Attack Style" in We have a special attack page coded for speed but maybe it's not working for mobile users for some reason.

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

May 21st 2024, 21:53:22

It would be helpful to get a list of complaints from our mobile users (I'm not one of them).

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

May 21st 2024, 15:51:30

Are you seeing something like this?

This should be fixed now. Can you confirm that the problem is resolved?

Edited By: Slagpit on May 21st 2024, 16:24:16
See Original Post

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

May 21st 2024, 14:40:59

For which country are you experiencing this? We didn't change any code overnight so the problem is likely the specific message's content.

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

May 21st 2024, 2:00:20

They can do that today by spending multiple turns selling goods at different prices. Sometimes I do that in my own countries. A UI to try to condense that into one turn would be too awkward I think.

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

May 19th 2024, 14:30:30

Originally posted by LightBringer:
Originally posted by Slagpit:
On primary? Saved spy ops won't delete after 72 hours starting with the next round.

Wait, so we don't have to click to save them anymore? That would be a godsend!

Yes, that's correct.

Players with premium access can try out the new search here:

Everything should be working except for the defense calculation from saved spy ops.

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

May 19th 2024, 1:45:55

On primary? Saved spy ops won't delete after 72 hours starting with the next round.

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

May 19th 2024, 1:43:01

That's only populated for countries for which you have saved spy ops.

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

May 18th 2024, 16:24:04

Are you in GDI?

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

May 18th 2024, 16:22:35

Attack and spy DR do not "unwind" as the target country plays turns. Both decay based on time passing. I'll let others answer the other questions.

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

May 16th 2024, 5:42:09

Your population may decrease if you lose land, destroy residences, lose residential tech, or raise your tax rate.

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

May 15th 2024, 18:27:07

Moved to Bugs and Suggestions

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

May 15th 2024, 2:00:18

Where's Iron Mike? Did he already go back into retirement?

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

May 15th 2024, 1:33:49

Up to 100 results will be shown. Results will always exclude ingame allies, countries in protection, countries in vacation, dead countries, and countries out of range. Sort options are land, networth, DR, NW/acre, defense in turrets, and country number. The game will default the search parameters to the last search that was run.

Any feedback?

Edited By: Slagpit on May 15th 2024, 2:04:02

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

May 14th 2024, 21:58:46

First you complain that it's missing then you demand that it not always be 0! You people are so demanding.

Should be fixed now?

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

May 14th 2024, 20:52:56

What is the country number for which you are seeing this?

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

May 14th 2024, 15:10:00

"Ingame Advisor Style" at the very bottom.

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

May 14th 2024, 2:38:39

This should be addressed. You got lucky!

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

May 13th 2024, 21:59:45

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

May 13th 2024, 18:03:50

In that case, wouldn't it be better to have a way to automatically allocate bonus points to a category as they come in? Countries would benefit from reducing their building costs as quickly as possible.

Slagpit Game profile

Game Development

May 13th 2024, 17:10:45

What's the use case? You want to lower building costs as much as possible but you forget to spend your points and get turns instead?